YUI Loader
Processes dependencies and dynamically loads script and css for YUI and external modules.
The Loader build provides a Makefile for easy building. The Makefile contains the following targets:
* `all` - Runs `build` then `test` (the default)
* `build` - A passthrough to `ant all` (requires nodejs and python)
* `meta` - Runs the `scripts/meta_join.py` to build the meta data (requires python)
* `check` - Runs the `scripts/meta_check.js` to check meta-data for inconsistencies (requires nodejs)
* `test` - Runs a series of NodeJS based CLI tests (requires nodejs with yuitest installed)
* `gallery` - Fetches and updates the meta-data with the latest gallery build (requires nodejs)
npm -g i yuitest
There is one set of automated CLI tests that can be run with `make test`. This will do a simple
`Loader` call for a module and then check the Loader's `sorted` array for that module. A very simple
smoke test to determine if Loader is functioning properly.
There is an advanced test under `tests/server`. This test will attempt to load every yui3 module
from one of these places:
* `STATIC` local static files
* `COMBO` local combo handler
* `LOADER` local combo handle after fetching loader
* `STAR` use star `YUI().use('*')` with a dynamic script generated on the server
* `RLS` A local RLS server (not supported until YLS is released)
To run these tests, `cd tests/server`
npm -g i yui3 express combohandler
export STAR=1; ./server.js
export LOCAL=1; export STAR=1; ./server.js
export LOCAL=1; export STAR=1; export COMBO=1; ./server.js
export LOCAL=1; export STAR=1; export COMBO=1; export LOADER=1; ./server.js #The normal test to run
export LOCAL=1; export STAR=1; export COMBO=1; export RLS=1; ./server.js
export LOCAL=1; export STAR=1; export COMBO=1; export LOADER=1; export RLS=1; ./server.js