intl-basic.mustache revision e808b8824ca1091c8efb5669db9129e68e5e1c14
<style scoped>
#out .word {
margin:0.3em 0.3em 0.3em 1em;
#out .speaking {
<div class="intro">
<p>This example shows how you can define language resource bundles for your custom module implementations; it also illustrates how YUI Loader can load the correct bundle based on the language you've chosen for your YUI instance.</p>
<div class="example">
<h3>Defining your Custom Module</h3>
<p>We use Loader's groups support to add a custom module called "translator" under the group "myapp". We set this configuration using YUI_config, so it's applied to all our YUI instances. The "lang" property in the module's metadata specifies
which set of languages it supports.</p>
YUI_config = {
groups: {
myapp: {
base: '{{componentAssets}}',
modules : {
"translator" : {
lang: ["en", "fr", "es"]
<h3>What Language Resource Bundles Look Like</h3>
<p>The language resource bundles for any module follows the pattern below:</p>
YUI.add("lang/translator_fr", function(Y) {
"translator", // Associated Module
"fr", // BCP 47 Language Tag
{ // Translated String Key/Value Pairs
goodbye: "Au revoir"
}, "3.1.0");
<p>The `"lang/[for-module]_[lang]"` passed to `YUI.add` is the default module name used for language resource bundles, and the `Y.Intl.add` method is used to register the string name/value pair hash for a given module and language combination.
<h3>Generating Language Resource Bundles</h3>
<p>YUI Builder will handle the creation of the boiler plate code shown above, from the raw language files found in the module's `src/[module]/lang` subdirectory. The raw files under the `lang` directory contain just the string name/value pairs for each language.</p>
<p>As the component developer, the only thing you need to do is specify the `component.lang` property in the build properties file:</p>
# In your component's build properties file (src/[module]/ for example):
<p>Provide the raw string name/value pairs in the `src/[component]/lang` subdirectory in your component's source area:</p>
// Contents of the raw src/[component]/lang/[component]_fr.js file
goodbye: "Au revoir"
<p>And whenever you build your component code, the language resource bundles will be built and deployed too.</p>
<p>You can checkout the <a href=""></a>YUI 3 Source Code</code> and see the source code and build configuration files for the "console" and "datatype-date-format" modules to see a concrete example of this.</p>
<h3>Accessing Localized Resources In Your Class</h3>
<p>The Translator class implementation gets access to the localized strings by using `Y.Intl.get`, passing in the module name whose strings we need access to:</p>
function Translator() {
// Get localized strings in the current language
this._strs = Y.Intl.get("translator");
hi : function() {
return this._strs.hello;
bye : function() {
return this._strs.goodbye;
<h3>Specifying the Language for an Instance</h3>
<p>We specify the language to use for each instance, using the "lang" configuration property for the instance.</p>
<h4> An English instance</h4>
}).use("node-base", "translator", function(Y) {
var translator = new Y.Translator(),
out ="#out");
say("Speaking in: " + Y.Intl.getLang("translator"), out);
say(translator.hi(), out);
say(translator.bye(), out);
<h4>A French YUI Instance</h4>
}).use("node-base", "translator", function(Y) {
<h4>A Spanish YUI Instance</h4>
}).use("node-base", "translator", function(Y) {
<h3>Modules Shipping With Language Resource Bundles</h3>
<p>As mentioned above, the `datatype` module (specifically the `datatype-date-format` module) and `console` are shipped with language resource bundles. Datatype ships with over 50 different languages supported, and Console ships with en and es language resource bundles, mainly as a demonstration of how language resource bundles are defined and used for Widget development.</p>
<h2>Complete Example Source</h2>