graphics-tests.js revision e7f83e93bb5c263f4c00b4a9438330da561df764
YUI.add('graphics-tests', function(Y) {
var suite = new Y.Test.Suite("Y.Graphic"),
ENGINE = "vml",
DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
canvas = DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.createElement("canvas"),
if(DOCUMENT && DOCUMENT.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"))
ENGINE = "svg";
else if(canvas && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d"))
ENGINE = "canvas";
//suite of svg specific tests
svgTests = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "SVGGraphicsTests",
graphic: null,
mycircle: null,
myrect: null,
myellipse: null,
mypath: null,
initialFillColor: "#f00",
initialStrokeColor: "#00f",
updatedFillColor: "#9aa",
updatedStrokeColor: "#99a",
setUp: function () {"body").append('<div id="testbed"></div>');
tearDown: function () {"#testbed").remove(true);
"testSVGGraphic()" : function()
{"#testbed").setContent('<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:500px;height:400px" id="graphiccontainer"></div>');
var graphic = new Y.Graphic({render: "#graphiccontainer"});
graphic.on("init", function(e) {
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(SVGElement, graphic._contentNode);
this.graphic = graphic;
"testSVGRectNode()" : function()
var myrect = this.graphic.addShape({
type: "rect",
width: 300,
height: 200,
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor
stroke: {
color: this.initialStrokeColor
this.myrect = myrect;
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(SVGRectElement, myrect.get("node"));
"testSVGRectNodeDimensions()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("width") == "300");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("height") == "200");
"testSVGRectNodeFillColor()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("fill") == this.initialFillColor);
"testSVGRectNodeFillOpacity()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("fill-opacity") == "1");
"testSVGRectNodeStrokeColor" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("stroke") == this.initialStrokeColor);
"testSVGRectNodeStrokeWidth" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("stroke-width") == "1");
"testSVGRectNodeStroke" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("stroke-opacity") == "1");
"testSVGRectNodeStrokeDashArray" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray") == "none");
"testSVGRectNodeStrokeLineCap" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("stroke-linecap") == "butt");
"testSVGRectNodeStrokeLineJoin" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin") == "round");
"testSVGRectNodeWidthAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("width") == this.myrect.get("width"));
"testSVGRectNodeHeightAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("height") == this.myrect.get("height"));
"testSVGRectNodeFillAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
fill = this.myrect.get("fill"),
opacity = parseFloat(fill.opacity);
opacity = isNaN(opacity) ? 1 : opacity;
Y.assert(fill.color == node.getAttribute("fill"));
Y.assert(opacity == node.getAttribute("fill-opacity"));
"testSVGRectNodeStrokeAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
stroke = this.myrect.get("stroke"),
opacity = stroke.opacity,
linejoin = stroke.linejoin == undefined ? "round" : stroke.linejoin;
opacity = isNaN(opacity) ? 1 : opacity;
Y.assert(stroke.color == node.getAttribute("stroke"));
Y.assert(linejoin == node.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin"));
Y.assert(opacity == node.getAttribute("stroke-opacity"));
Y.assert(stroke.linecap == node.getAttribute("stroke-linecap"));
Y.assert(stroke.dashstyle == node.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray"));
//suite of vml specific tests
vmlTests = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "VMLGraphicsTests",
graphic: null,
mycircle: null,
myrect: null,
myellipse: null,
mypath: null,
initialFillColor: "#f00",
initialStrokeColor: "#00f",
updatedFillColor: "#9aa",
updatedStrokeColor: "#99a",
dashstyle: "4 2",
linejoin: "round",
linecap: "butt",
setUp: function () {"body").append('<div id="testbed"></div>');
tearDown: function () {"#testbed").remove(true);
"testVMLGraphic()" : function()
{"#testbed").setContent('<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:500px;height:400px" id="graphiccontainer"></div>');
var graphic = new Y.Graphic({render: "#graphiccontainer"});
graphic.on("init", function(e) {
Y.assert(graphic.get("node").nodeName == "group");
this.graphic = graphic;
"testVMLRectNode()" : function()
var myrect = this.graphic.addShape({
type: "rect",
width: 300,
height: 200,
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor
stroke: {
color: this.initialStrokeColor,
opacity: 1,
dashstyle: this.dashstyle.split(' '),
linejoin: this.linejoin,
linecap: this.linecap
this.myrect = myrect;
Y.assert(myrect.get("node").nodeName == "rect");
"testVMLRectNodeDimensions()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert("width") == "300px");
Y.assert("height") == "200px");
"testVMLRectNodeFillColor()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
toHex = Y.Color.toHex,
fillMatches = false,
childNodes = node.childNodes,
i = 0,
len = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(childNodes[i] && childNodes[i].nodeName == "fill" && childNodes[i].color == this.initialFillColor)
fillMatches = true;
fillMatches = toHex(node.fillcolor) == toHex(this.initialFillColor) || toHex(node.fillcolor.value) == toHex(this.initialFillColor);
"testVMLRectNodeStrokeColor" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
toHex = Y.Color.toHex,
strokeMatches = false,
childNodes = node.childNodes,
i = 0,
len = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(childNodes[i] && childNodes[i].nodeName == "stroke" && ( toHex(childNodes[i].color) == toHex(this.initialStrokeColor) || toHex(childNodes[i].color.value) == toHex(this.initialStrokeColor)))
strokeMatches = true;
strokeMatches = toHex(node.strokecolor) == toHex(this.initialStrokeColor) || toHex(node.strokecolor.value) == toHex(this.initialStrokeColor);
"testVMLRectNodeStrokeWidth" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
toHex = Y.Color.toHex,
strokeMatches = false,
childNodes = node.childNodes,
i = 0,
len = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(childNodes[i] && childNodes[i].nodeName == "stroke" && childNodes[i].weight == "1")
strokeMatches = true;
strokeMatches = node.strokeWeight;
"testVMLRectNodeStrokeOpacity" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
strokeMatches = false,
childNodes = node.childNodes,
i = 0,
len = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(childNodes[i] && childNodes[i].nodeName == "stroke" && childNodes[i].opacity == "1")
strokeMatches = true;
strokeMatches = node.strokeOpacity;
"testVMLRectNodeStrokeDashArray" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
strokeMatches = false,
childNodes = node.childNodes,
i = 0,
len = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(childNodes[i] && childNodes[i].nodeName == "stroke" && childNodes[i].dashstyle && childNodes[i].dashstyle == this.dashstyle)
strokeMatches = true;
"testVMLRectNodeStrokeLineCap" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
strokeMatches = false,
childNodes = node.childNodes,
i = 0,
len = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(childNodes[i] && childNodes[i].nodeName == "stroke" && childNodes[i].endcap && childNodes[i].endcap == "flat")
strokeMatches = true;
"testVMLRectNodeStrokeLineJoin" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
strokeMatches = false,
childNodes = node.childNodes,
i = 0,
len = childNodes ? childNodes.length : 0;
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(childNodes[i] && childNodes[i].nodeName == "stroke" && childNodes[i].joinstyle && childNodes[i].joinstyle == this.linejoin)
strokeMatches = true;
"testVMLRectNodeWidthAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert("width") == this.myrect.get("width") + "px");
"testVMLRectNodeHeightAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node");
Y.assert("height") == this.myrect.get("height") + "px");
"testVMLRectNodeFillAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
fill = this.myrect.get("fill"),
toHex = Y.Color.toHex;
Y.assert(toHex(fill.color) == toHex(node.fillcolor));
//suite of canvas specific tests
canvasTests = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "CanvasGraphicsTests",
graphic: null,
mycircle: null,
myrect: null,
myellipse: null,
mypath: null,
initialFillColor: "#f00",
initialFillOpacity: 0.5,
initialStrokeColor: "#00f",
initialStrokeWeight: 2,
updatedFillColor: "#9aa",
updatedStrokeColor: "#99a",
width: 300,
height: 200,
context: null,
linecap: "butt",
TORGB: Y.Color.toRGB,
TOHEX: Y.Color.toHex,
toRGBA: function(val, alpha) {
alpha = (alpha !== undefined) ? alpha : 1;
if (!Y.Color.re_RGB.test(val)) {
val = this.TOHEX(val);
if(Y.Color.re_hex.exec(val)) {
val = 'rgba(' + [
parseInt(RegExp.$1, 16),
parseInt(RegExp.$2, 16),
parseInt(RegExp.$3, 16)
].join(',') + ',' + alpha + ')';
return val;
setUp: function () {"body").append('<div id="testbed"></div>');
tearDown: function () {"#testbed").remove(true);
"testCanvasGraphic()" : function()
{"#testbed").setContent('<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:500px;height:400px" id="graphiccontainer"></div>');
var graphic = new Y.Graphic({render: "#graphiccontainer"});
graphic.on("init", function(e) {
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(HTMLElement, graphic.get("node"));
this.graphic = graphic;
"testCanvasRectNode()" : function()
var node,
myrect = this.graphic.addShape({
type: "rect",
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor,
opacity: this.initialFillOpacity
stroke: {
color: this.initialStrokeColor,
weight: this.initialStrokeWeight
node = myrect.get("node");
this.myrect = myrect;
this.context = node.getContext("2d");
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(HTMLCanvasElement, node);
"testCanvasRectNodeDimensions()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
stroke = this.myrect.get("stroke"),
weight = stroke.weight;
weight *= 2;
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("width") == this.width + weight);
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("height") == this.height + weight);
"testCanvasRectNodeFillColor()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
opacity = parseFloat(this.initialFillOpacity),
fillColor = this.initialFillColor,
shapeFillColor = this.context.fillStyle;
opacity = Y.Lang.isNumber(opacity) && opacity < 1 ? opacity : 1;
if(shapeFillColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || shapeFillColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
shapeFillColor = shapeFillColor.toLowerCase();
shapeFillColor = shapeFillColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
fillColor = this.toRGBA(this.TOHEX(fillColor), opacity)
shapeFillColor = this.TOHEX(shapeFillColor);
fillColor = this.TOHEX(fillColor);
Y.assert(shapeFillColor == fillColor);
"testCanvasRectNodeFillColorAgainstAttr()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
fill = this.myrect.get("fill"),
opacity = parseFloat(fill.opacity),
fillColor = fill.color,
shapeFillColor = this.context.fillStyle;
opacity = Y.Lang.isNumber(opacity) && opacity < 1 ? opacity : 1;
if(shapeFillColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || shapeFillColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
shapeFillColor = shapeFillColor.toLowerCase();
shapeFillColor = shapeFillColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
fillColor = this.toRGBA(this.TOHEX(fillColor), opacity)
shapeFillColor = this.TOHEX(shapeFillColor);
fillColor = this.TOHEX(fillColor);
Y.assert(shapeFillColor == fillColor);
"testCanvasRectNodeStrokeColor" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
opacity = parseFloat(this.initialStrokeOpacity),
strokeColor = this.TOHEX(this.initialStrokeColor),
shapeStrokeColor = this.context.strokeStyle;
opacity = Y.Lang.isNumber(opacity) && opacity < 1 ? opacity : 1
if(shapeStrokeColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || shapeStrokeColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
shapeStrokeColor = shapeStrokeColor.toLowerCase();
shapeStrokeColor = shapeStrokeColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
strokeColor = this.toRGBA(this.TOHEX(strokeColor), opacity)
shapeStrokeColor = this.TOHEX(shapeStrokeColor);
strokeColor = this.TOHEX(strokeColor);
Y.assert(shapeStrokeColor == strokeColor);
"testCanvasRectNodeStrokeColorAgainstAttr()" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
stroke = this.myrect.get("stroke"),
opacity = parseFloat(stroke.opacity),
strokeColor = this.TOHEX(stroke.color),
shapeStrokeColor = this.context.strokeStyle;
opacity = Y.Lang.isNumber(opacity) && opacity < 1 ? opacity : 1;
if(shapeStrokeColor.indexOf("RGBA") > -1 || shapeStrokeColor.indexOf("rgba") > -1)
shapeStrokeColor = shapeStrokeColor.toLowerCase();
shapeStrokeColor = shapeStrokeColor.replace(/, /g, ",");
strokeColor = this.toRGBA(this.TOHEX(strokeColor), opacity)
shapeStrokeColor = this.TOHEX(shapeStrokeColor);
strokeColor = this.TOHEX(strokeColor);
Y.assert(shapeStrokeColor == strokeColor);
"testCanvasRectNodeStrokeWidth" : function()
var weight = this.initialStrokeWeight,
shapeWeight = this.context.lineWidth;
Y.assert(weight == shapeWeight);
"testCanvasRectNodeStrokeWidthAgainstAttr()" : function()
var stroke = this.myrect.get("stroke"),
weight = stroke.weight;
Y.assert(weight == this.context.lineWidth);
"testCanvasRectNodeStrokeLineCap" : function()
Y.assert(this.context.lineCap == this.linecap);
"testCanvasRectNodeStrokeLineJoin" : function()
Y.assert(this.context.lineJoin == "round");
"testCanvasRectNodeWidthAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
stroke = this.myrect.get("stroke"),
weight = stroke.weight || 0,
width = this.myrect.get("width");
width += weight * 2;
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("width") == width);
"testCanvasRectNodeHeightAgainstShapeAttr" : function()
var node = this.myrect.get("node"),
stroke = this.myrect.get("stroke"),
weight = stroke.weight || 0,
height = this.myrect.get("height");
height += weight * 2;
Y.assert(node.getAttribute("height") == height);
if(ENGINE == "svg")
if(ENGINE == "vml")
if(ENGINE == "canvas")
suite.add( new Y.Test.Case({
name: "GraphicsTests",
graphic: null,
mycircle: null,
myrect: null,
myellipse: null,
mypath: null,
initialFillColor: "#f00",
initialStrokeColor: "#00f",
updatedFillColor: "#9aa",
updatedStrokeColor: "#99a",
setUp: function () {"body").append('<div id="testbed"></div>');
tearDown: function () {"#testbed").remove(true);
"test default construction": function () {
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf( Y.Graphic, new Y.Graphic() );
"test render()": function () {"#testbed").setContent('<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:500px;height:400px" id="graphiccontainer"></div>');
var div ="#graphiccontainer"),
graphic = new Y.Graphic({render: "#graphiccontainer"});
graphic.on("init", function(e) {
Y.Assert.isInstanceOf(Y.Graphic, graphic);
"test addShape(circle)": function()
var mycircle = graphic.addShape({
type: "circle",
stroke: {
color: this.initialStrokeColor,
weight: 1
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor
radius: 12,
x: -5,
y: -5
Y.assert(mycircle instanceof Y.Circle);
this.mycircle = mycircle;
"test mycircle.get(radius)": function()
Y.assert(this.mycircle.get("radius") === 12);
"test mycircle.get(width)": function()
Y.assert(this.mycircle.get("width") === 24);
"test mycircle.get(height)" : function()
Y.assert(this.mycircle.get("height") === 24);
"test mycircle.get(stroke)" : function()
var stroke = this.mycircle.get("stroke");
Y.assert(stroke.color === this.initialStrokeColor);
"test mycircle.get(fill)" : function()
var fill = this.mycircle.get("fill");
Y.assert(fill.color === this.initialFillColor);
"test mycircle.get(x)" : function()
Y.assert(this.mycircle.get("x") === -5);
"test mycircle.get(y)" : function()
Y.assert(this.mycircle.get("y") === -5);
"test mycircle.set(stroke)" : function()
var mycircle = this.mycircle;
mycircle.set("stroke", {
color: this.updatedStrokeColor
Y.assert(this.updatedStrokeColor === mycircle.get("stroke").color);
"test mycircle.set(fill)" : function()
var mycircle = this.mycircle;
mycircle.set("fill", {
color: this.updatedFillColor
Y.assert(this.updatedFillColor === mycircle.get("fill").color);
"testRemoveShape(circle)": function()
var id,
shapes = graphic.get("shapes"),
hasShape = (shapes.hasOwnProperty(id) && shapes[id] instanceof Y.Circle);
"test addShape(rect)": function()
var myrect = graphic.addShape({
type: "rect",
stroke: {
weight: 2,
color: this.initialStrokeColor
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor
x: 5,
y: 5,
height: 200
Y.assert(myrect instanceof Y.Rect);
this.myrect = myrect;
"test myrect.get(width)": function()
Y.assert(this.myrect.get("width") === 300);
"test myrect.get(height)" : function()
Y.assert(this.myrect.get("height") === 200);
"test myrect.get(stroke)" : function()
var stroke = this.myrect.get("stroke");
Y.assert(stroke.color === this.initialStrokeColor);
"test myrect.get(fill)" : function()
var fill = this.myrect.get("fill");
Y.assert(fill.color === this.initialFillColor);
"test myrect.get(x)" : function()
Y.assert(this.myrect.get("x") === 5);
"test myrect.get(y)" : function()
Y.assert(this.myrect.get("y") === 5);
"test myrect.set(stroke)" : function()
var myrect = this.myrect;
myrect.set("stroke", {
color: this.updatedStrokeColor
Y.assert(this.updatedStrokeColor === myrect.get("stroke").color);
"test myrect.set(fill)" : function()
var myrect = this.myrect;
myrect.set("fill", {
color: this.updatedFillColor
Y.assert(this.updatedFillColor === myrect.get("fill").color);
"test removeShape(rect)" : function()
var id,
shapes = graphic.get("shapes"),
hasShape = (shapes.hasOwnProperty(id) && shapes[id] instanceof Y.Rect);
"test addShape(ellipse)": function()
var myellipse = graphic.addShape({
type: "ellipse",
stroke: {
color: this.initialStrokeColor,
weight: 2
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor
width: 100,
height: 30,
Y.assert(myellipse instanceof Y.Ellipse);
this.myellipse = myellipse;
"test myellipse.get(width)": function()
Y.assert(this.myellipse.get("width") === 100);
"test myellipse.get(height)" : function()
Y.assert(this.myellipse.get("height") === 30);
"test myellipse.get(stroke)" : function()
var stroke = this.myellipse.get("stroke");
Y.assert(stroke.color === this.initialStrokeColor);
"test myellipse.get(fill)" : function()
var fill = this.myellipse.get("fill");
Y.assert(fill.color === this.initialFillColor);
"test myellipse.get(x)" : function()
Y.assert(this.myellipse.get("x") === 100);
"test myellipse.get(y)" : function()
Y.assert(this.myellipse.get("y") === 50);
"test myellipse.set(stroke)" : function()
var myellipse = this.myellipse;
myellipse.set("stroke", {
color: this.updatedStrokeColor
Y.assert(this.updatedStrokeColor === myellipse.get("stroke").color);
"test myellipse.set(fill)" : function()
var myellipse = this.myellipse;
myellipse.set("fill", {
color: this.updatedFillColor
Y.assert(this.updatedFillColor === myellipse.get("fill").color);
"test removeShape(ellipse)" : function()
var id,
shapes = graphic.get("shapes"),
hasShape = (shapes.hasOwnProperty(id) && shapes[id] instanceof Y.Ellipse);
"test addShape(path)": function()
var mypath = graphic.addShape({
type: "path",
stroke: {
color: this.initialStrokeColor
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor
mypath.moveTo(-20, -20);
mypath.lineTo(80, 120);
mypath.lineTo(100, 80);
mypath.lineTo(-20, -20);
Y.assert(mypath instanceof Y.Path);
this.mypath = mypath;
"test mypath.get(width)": function()
Y.assert(this.mypath.get("width") === 120);
"test mypath.get(height)" : function()
Y.assert(this.mypath.get("height") === 140);
"test mypath.get(stroke)" : function()
var stroke = this.mypath.get("stroke");
Y.assert(stroke.color === this.initialStrokeColor);
"test mypath.get(fill)" : function()
var fill = this.mypath.get("fill");
Y.assert(fill.color === this.initialFillColor);
"test mypath.get(x)" : function()
Y.assert(this.mypath.get("x") === 0);
"test mypath.get(y)" : function()
Y.assert(this.mypath.get("y") === 0);
"test mypath.set(stroke)" : function()
var mypath = this.mypath;
mypath.set("stroke", {
color: this.updatedStrokeColor
Y.assert(this.updatedStrokeColor === mypath.get("stroke").color);
"test mypath.set(fill)" : function()
var mypath = this.mypath;
mypath.set("fill", {
color: this.updatedFillColor
Y.assert(this.updatedFillColor === mypath.get("fill").color);
"test removeShape(path)" : function()
var id,
shapes = graphic.get("shapes"),
hasShape = (shapes.hasOwnProperty(id) && shapes[id] instanceof Y.Path);
"test passRotation(rect)" : function()
var myrect = graphic.addShape({
type: "rect",
stroke: {
weight: 2,
color: this.initialStrokeColor
fill: {
color: this.initialFillColor
x: 5,
y: 5,
height: 200,
rotation: 45
Y.assert(myrect instanceof Y.Rect);
Y.Test.Runner.add( suite );
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['graphics', 'test']});