VMLGraphic.js revision 9eaaa502227248d304ac9170902697d02158c1d9
* VMLGraphic is a simple drawing api that allows for basic drawing operations.
* @class VMLGraphic
* @constructor
VMLGraphic = function(config) {
this.initializer.apply(this, arguments);
VMLGraphic.prototype = {
getXY: function()
var node = Y.one(this.parentNode),
xy = node.getXY();
return xy;
* Initializes the class.
* @method initializer
* @private
initializer: function(config) {
config = config || {};
var w = config.width || 0,
h = config.height || 0;
this.id = Y.guid();
this.node = this._createGraphic();
this.node.setAttribute("id", this.id);
this.setSize(w, h);
* Indicates whether or not the instance will automatically redraw after a change is made to a shape.
* This property will get set to false when batching operations.
* @property autoDraw
* @type Boolean
* @default true
autoDraw: true,
* Clears the graphics object.
* @method clear
clear: function() {
this._path = '';
* Removes all nodes.
* @method destroy
destroy: function()
* Removes all child nodes.
* @method _removeChildren
* @param node
* @private
_removeChildren: function(node)
var child;
child = node.firstChild;
* Shows and and hides a the graphic instance.
* @method toggleVisible
* @param val {Boolean} indicates whether the instance should be visible.
toggleVisible: function(val)
this._toggleVisible(this.node, val);
* Toggles visibility
* @method _toggleVisible
* @param {HTMLElement} node element to toggle
* @param {Boolean} val indicates visibilitye
* @private
_toggleVisible: function(node, val)
var children = Y.one(node).get("children"),
visibility = val ? "visible" : "hidden",
i = 0,
len = children.length;
for(; i < len; ++i)
this._toggleVisible(children[i], val);
node.style.visibility = visibility;
* Sets the size of the graphics object.
* @method setSize
* @param w {Number} width to set for the instance.
* @param h {Number} height to set for the instance.
setSize: function(w, h) {
w = Math.round(w);
h = Math.round(h);
this.node.style.width = w + 'px';
this.node.style.height = h + 'px';
this.node.coordSize = w + ' ' + h;
this._canvasWidth = w;
this._canvasHeight = h;
* Sets the positon of the graphics object.
* @method setPosition
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate for the object.
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate for the object.
setPosition: function(x, y)
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
this.node.style.left = x + "px";
this.node.style.top = y + "px";
* Adds the graphics node to the dom.
* @method render
* @param {HTMLElement} parentNode node in which to render the graphics node into.
render: function(parentNode, addToDom) {
var w,
parentNode = Y.one(parentNode);
w = parseInt(parentNode.getComputedStyle("width"), 10);
h = parseInt(parentNode.getComputedStyle("height"), 10);
parentNode = parentNode || Y.config.doc.body;
this.setSize(w, h);
this.parentNode = parentNode._node;
return this;
* Updates the size of the graphics object
* @method _trackSize
* @param {Number} w width
* @param {Number} h height
* @private
_trackSize: function(w, h) {
if (w > this._width) {
this._width = w;
if (h > this._height) {
this._height = h;
* Clears the properties
* @method _initProps
* @private
_initProps: function() {
this._fillColor = null;
this._strokeColor = null;
this._strokeOpacity = null;
this._strokeWeight = 0;
this._fillProps = null;
this._path = '';
this._width = 0;
this._height = 0;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this._fill = null;
this._stroke = 0;
this._stroked = false;
this._dashstyle = null;
* Creates a group element
* @method _createGraphic
* @private
_createGraphic: function() {
var group = document.createElement('<group xmlns="urn:schemas-microsft.com:vml" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:block;zoom:1;" />');
group.style.display = "block";
group.style.position = 'absolute';
return group;
* Creates a graphic node
* @method _createGraphicNode
* @param {String} type node type to create
* @param {String} pe specified pointer-events value
* @return HTMLElement
* @private
_createGraphicNode: function(type)
return document.createElement('<' + type + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsft.com:vml" style="behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;zoom:1;" />');
* Adds a shape instance to the graphic instance.
* @method addShape
* @param {Shape} shape The shape instance to be added to the graphic.
addShape: function(shape)
var node = shape.node,
parentNode = this._frag || this.node;
this._graphicsList = [];
this._shapes = {};
this._shapes[shape.get("id")] = shape;
* Returns a shape based on the id of its dom node.
* @method getShapeById
* @param {String} id Dom id of the shape's node attribute.
* @return Shape
getShapeById: function(id)
return this._shapes[id];
* Generates a shape instance by type.
* @method getShape
* @param {String} type type of shape to generate.
* @param {Object} cfg attributes for the shape
* @return Shape
getShape: function(cfg)
cfg.graphic = this;
var shape = new this._shapeClass[cfg.type](cfg);
return shape;
* @private
_shapeClass: {
circle: Y.VMLCircle,
rect: Y.VMLRect,
path: Y.VMLPath,
ellipse: Y.VMLEllipse
* Adds a child to the <code>node</code>.
* @method addChild
* @param {HTMLElement} element to add
* @private
addChild: function(child)
* Allows for creating multiple shapes in order to batch appending and redraw operations.
* @method batch
* @param {Function} method Method to execute.
batch: function(method)
var node = this.node,
frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
this._frag = frag;
this.autoDraw = false;
this._frag = null;
this.autoDraw = true;
* Updates the size of the graphics container and.
* @method updateSize
updateSize: function(e)
var bounds,
i,// = 0,
shapes = this._shapes,//this._graphicsList,
//len = shapes.length,
this._left = 0;
this._right = 0;
this._top = 0;
this._bottom = 0;
for(i in shapes)
//for(; i < len; ++i)
//shape = this.getShapeById(shapes[i].getAttribute("id"));
shape = this._shapes[i];
bounds = shape.getBounds();
this._left = Math.min(this._left, bounds.left);
this._top = Math.min(this._top, bounds.top);
this._right = Math.max(this._right, bounds.right);
this._bottom = Math.max(this._bottom, bounds.bottom);
w = this._width = this._right - this._left;
h = this._height = this._bottom - this._top;
this.setSize(this._width, this._height);
* @private
_left: 0,
* @private
_right: 0,
* @private
_top: 0,
* @private
_bottom: 0
Y.VMLGraphic = VMLGraphic;