VMLEllipse.js revision 09688ec5ffb8b9cf9883a770e2f9ebd60b28888d
* Draws an ellipse
var VMLEllipse = function()
VMLEllipse.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
VMLEllipse.NAME = "vmlEllipse";
Y.extend(VMLEllipse, Y.VMLShape, {
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @readOnly
* @type String
_type: "oval"
VMLEllipse.ATTRS = Y.merge(Y.VMLShape.ATTRS, {
* Horizontal radius for the ellipse.
* @attribute xRadius
* @type Number
xRadius: {
lazyAdd: false,
getter: function()
var val = this.get("width");
val = Math.round((val/2) * 100)/100;
return val;
setter: function(val)
var w = val * 2;
this.set("width", w);
return val;
* Vertical radius for the ellipse.
* @attribute yRadius
* @type Number
yRadius: {
lazyAdd: false,
getter: function()
var val = this.get("height");
val = Math.round((val/2) * 100)/100;
return val;
setter: function(val)
var h = val * 2;
this.set("height", h);
return val;
Y.VMLEllipse = VMLEllipse;