SVGPath.js revision 66ca16dd76367c074fe4df1dcf7b555489a9bf85
* The SVGPath class creates a shape through the use of drawing methods.
* @module graphics
* @class SVGPath
* @extends SVGShape
* @constructor
SVGPath = function(cfg)
SVGPath.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
SVGPath.NAME = "svgPath";
Y.extend(SVGPath, Y.SVGShape, {
* Left edge of the path
* @property _left
* @type Number
* @private
_left: 0,
* Right edge of the path
* @property _right
* @type Number
* @private
_right: 0,
* Top edge of the path
* @property _top
* @type Number
* @private
_top: 0,
* Bottom edge of the path
* @property _bottom
* @type Number
* @private
_bottom: 0,
* Indicates the type of shape
* @property _type
* @readOnly
* @type String
* @private
_type: "path",
* Applies translate transformation.
* @method translate
* @param {Number} x The x-coordinate
* @param {Number} y The y-coordinate
translate: function(x, y)
x = parseInt(x, 10);
y = parseInt(y, 10);
this._translateX = x;
this._translateY = y;
this._translate(this._left + x, this._top + y);
* Draws the shape.
* @method _draw
* @private
_draw: function()
* Returns the bounds for a shape.
* @method getBounds
* @return Object
getBounds: function()
var wt = 0,
bounds = {},
stroke = this.get("stroke"),
tx = this.get("translateX"),
ty = this.get("translateY");
if(stroke && stroke.weight)
wt = stroke.weight;
bounds.left = this._left - wt + tx; = this._top - wt + ty;
bounds.right = (this._right - this._left) + wt + tx;
bounds.bottom = (this._bottom - this._top) + wt + ty;
return bounds;
* @private
_path: ""
SVGPath.ATTRS = Y.merge(Y.SVGShape.ATTRS, {
* Path string of the shape
* @attribute path
* @type String
path: {
readOnly: true,
getter: function()
return this._path;
* Indicates the height of the shape
* @attribute height
* @type Number
width: {
getter: function()
var val = Math.max(this._right - this._left, 0);
return val;
* Indicates the height of the shape
* @attribute height
* @type Number
height: {
getter: function()
return Math.max(this._bottom - this._top, 0);
Y.SVGPath = SVGPath;