YUI.add('get-test', function (Y) {
Y.GetTests = new Y.Test.Suite("Y.Get");
Y.GetTests.TEST_FILES_BASE = "getfiles/";
var ArrayAssert = Y.ArrayAssert,
Assert = Y.Assert,
ObjectAssert = Y.ObjectAssert,
FILENAME = /[abc]\.js/,
ua = Y.UA,
supports = {
// True if this browser should call an onFailure callback on a link
// that 404s. Currently only Firefox 9+ and WebKit 535.24+ (Chrome
// 19) support this.
cssFailure: ua.gecko >= 9 || (ua.webkit >= 535.24 && !(ua.chrome && ua.chrome <=18)),
// True if this browser should call an onFailure callback on a
// script that 404s.
jsFailure: !((ua.ie && ua.ie < 9) || (ua.opera && ua.opera < 11.6) || (ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 530.17))
function areObjectsReallyEqual(o1, o2, msg) {
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual(o1, o2, msg);
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual(o2, o1, msg);
function randUrl(url) {
return url + ((url.indexOf("?") !== -1) ? "&" : "?") + "dt=" + new Date().getTime();
function path(urls, guid) {
var base = Y.GetTests.TEST_FILES_BASE;
if (typeof urls === "string") {
urls = base + randUrl(urls);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
urls[i] = base + randUrl(urls[i]);
return urls;
// -- Basic JS loading -----------------------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.BasicJS = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Basic JS loading",
setUp: function() {
tearDown: function() {
if (this.o) {
createInsertBeforeNode: function() {
this.ib = Y.Node.create('<div id="insertBeforeMe"></div>');
removeInsertBeforeNode: function() {
if (this.ib) {
_should: {
ignore: {
'test: single script, failure': !supports.jsFailure,
'test: single script failure, end': !supports.jsFailure,
'test: multiple scripts, one failure': !supports.jsFailure,
'test: multiple scripts, failure, end': !supports.jsFailure,
'test: async multiple script, failure': !supports.jsFailure,
'test: async multiple script, failure, end': !supports.jsFailure
'test: single script, success': function() {
var test = this;
var progress = [];
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("a.js"), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onProgress: function(o) {
var file = o.url.match(FILENAME);
onSuccess: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual("a.js", G_SCRIPTS[0], "a.js does not seem to be loaded");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(G_SCRIPTS, progress, "Progress does not match G_SCRIPTS");
Assert.areEqual(1, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/Less than 1 script was loaded");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onSuccess called more than once");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(1, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: single script, failure': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("bogus.js"), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
counts.failure += 1;
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onFailure called more than once");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(1, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: single script timeout callback': function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("bogus.js"), {
timeout: 1,
onTimeout: function(e) {
Assert.areSame('Timeout', e.errors[0].error, 'Failure message is not a timeout message');
onFailure: function(e) {
Assert.areSame('Timeout', e.errors[0].error, 'Failure message is not a timeout message');
onSuccess: function() {
Assert.fail('onSuccess should not be called');
'test: single script success, end': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("a.js"), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function() {
Assert.areEqual("a.js", G_SCRIPTS[0], "a.js does not seem to be loaded");
Assert.areEqual(1, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/Less than 1 script was loaded");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onSuccess called more than once");
onFailure: function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
onEnd: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.end,"onEnd called more than once");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onEnd called before onSuccess");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(1, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: single script failure, end': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("bogus.js"), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onFailure: function() {
Assert.isTrue(counts.failure === 1, "onFailure called more than once");
onSuccess: function() {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
onEnd : function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.end,"onEnd called more than once");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onEnd called before onFailure");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(1, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: multiple scripts, success': function() {
var test = this;
var progress = [];
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["b.js", "a.js", "c.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
onProgress: function(o) {
var file = o.url.match(/[abc]\.js/);
onSuccess: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/Less than 3 scripts loaded");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(["b.js", "a.js", "c.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script order");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(G_SCRIPTS, progress, "Progress does not match G_SCRIPTS");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onSuccess called more than once");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: multiple scripts, one failure': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "bogus.js", "c.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(2, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/fewer than 2 scripts loaded");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onFailure called more than once");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(["a.js", "c.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script order");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: multiple scripts, success, end': function() {
var test = this;
var progress = [];
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["c.js", "b.js", "a.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/Less than 3 scripts loaded");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(["c.js", "b.js", "a.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script order");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(G_SCRIPTS, progress, "Progress does not match G_SCRIPTS");
Assert.isTrue(counts.success === 1, "onSuccess called more than once");
onProgress: function(o) {
var file = o.url.match(/[abc]\.js/);
onFailure: function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
onEnd: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.end,"onEnd called more than once");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onEnd called before onSuccess");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: multiple scripts, failure, end': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "bogus.js", "c.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function() {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
onFailure: function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onFailure called more than once");
onEnd: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.end,"onEnd called more than once");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onEnd called before onFailure");
Assert.areEqual(2, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/fewer than 2 scripts loaded");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(["a.js", "c.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script order");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: async multiple scripts, success': function() {
var test = this;
var progress = [];
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "b.js", "c.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
onProgress: function(o) {
var file = o.url.match(/[abc]\.js/);
onSuccess: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/Less than 3 scripts loaded");
ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual(G_SCRIPTS, progress, "Progress does not match G_SCRIPTS");
ArrayAssert.containsItems( ["c.js", "a.js", "b.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script contents");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onSuccess called more than once");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: async multiple scripts, success, end': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["c.js", "a.js", "b.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/Less than 3 scripts loaded");
ArrayAssert.containsItems(["a.js", "b.js", "c.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script contents");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onSuccess called more than once");
onFailure: function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
onEnd: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.end,"onEnd called more than once");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onEnd called before onSuccess");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
// FROM DOWNLOADING (at least currently) AND SINCE WE USE
// TODO: Maybe we can explore the idea of moving from global to something instance based?
'test: async multiple script, failure': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "bogus.js", "c.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onFailure called more than once");
Assert.areEqual(2, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/fewer than 2 scripts loaded");
ArrayAssert.containsItems(["a.js", "c.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script contents");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: async multiple script, failure, end': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "bogus.js", "c.js"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function() {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
onFailure: function() {
Assert.isTrue(counts.failure === 1, "onFailure called more than once");
onEnd: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.end,"onEnd called more than once");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onEnd called before onFailure");
Assert.areEqual(2, G_SCRIPTS.length, "More/fewer than 2 scripts loaded");
ArrayAssert.containsItems(["a.js", "c.js"], G_SCRIPTS, "Unexpected script contents");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: insertBefore, single' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("a.js"), {
insertBefore: "insertBeforeMe",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var n = Y.Node.one(o.nodes[0]);
var insertBefore = Y.Node.one("#insertBeforeMe");
Assert.isTrue(n.compareTo(insertBefore.previous()), "Not inserted before insertBeforeMe");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: insertBefore, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "b.js"]), {
insertBefore: "insertBeforeMe",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var insertBefore = Y.Node.one("#insertBeforeMe");
for (var i = o.nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var n = Y.Node.one(o.nodes[i]);
Assert.isTrue(n.compareTo(insertBefore.previous()), "Not inserted before insertBeforeMe");
insertBefore = n;
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: async, insertBefore, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "b.js"]), {
insertBefore: "insertBeforeMe",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var insertBefore = Y.Node.one("#insertBeforeMe");
for (var i = o.nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var n = Y.Node.one(o.nodes[i]);
Assert.isTrue(n.compareTo(insertBefore.previous()), "Not inserted before insertBeforeMe");
insertBefore = n;
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: charset, single' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("a.js"), {
charset: "ISO-8859-1",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[0].id);
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.charset, "charset property not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: charset, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "b.js", "c.js"]), {
charset: "ISO-8859-1",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Unexpected node count");
for (var i = 0; i < o.nodes.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[i].id);
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.charset, "charset property not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: async, charset, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "b.js", "c.js"]), {
charset: "ISO-8859-1",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Unexpected node count");
for (var i = 0; i < o.nodes.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[i].id);
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.charset, "charset property not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
async :true
'test: attributes, single' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path("a.js"), {
attributes: {
"charset": "ISO-8859-1",
"title" : "myscripts",
"id" : "my-awesome-script"
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[0].id);
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.title, "title property not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.charset, "charset property not set");
Assert.areEqual("my-awesome-script", node.id, "id attribute not set");
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.getAttribute("title"), "title attribute not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
Assert.areEqual("my-awesome-script", node.getAttribute("id"), "id attribute not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: attributes, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "b.js", "c.js"]), {
attributes: {
"charset": "ISO-8859-1",
"title" : "myscripts"
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Unexpected node count");
for (var i = 0; i < o.nodes.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[i].id);
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.title, "title property not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.charset, "charset property not set");
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.getAttribute("title"), "title attribute not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
'test: async, attributes, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.script(path(["a.js", "b.js", "c.js"]), {
attributes: {
"charset": "ISO-8859-1",
"title" : "myscripts"
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Unexpected node count");
for (var i = 0; i < o.nodes.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[i].id);
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.title, "title property not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.charset, "charset property not set");
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.getAttribute("title"), "title attribute not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
test.o = o;
async :true
'ignore: abort' : function() {
// Covered above, but worth testing payload also
'ignore: timeout' : function() {
// Need delay.js always available to test this reliably. Leaving out for now
'scripts should be automatically purged after 20 nodes by default': function () {
var test = this,
urls = [],
for (i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
Y.Get.script(urls, {attributes: {'class': 'purge-test'}}, function (err, tx) {
test.resume(function () {
var count = Y.all('script.purge-test').size();
Y.assert(count > 0 && count < 20, 'there should be fewer than 20 scripts on the page (actual: ' + count + ')');
'test: purgethreshold' : function() {
var test = this;
var nodes = [];
var nodeIds = [];
// Purge only happens at the start of a queue call.
Y.Get.script(path("a.js"), {
purgethreshold: 1000, // Just to make sure we're not purged as part of the default 20 script purge.
onSuccess: function(o) {
nodes = nodes.concat(o.nodes);
Y.Get.script(path("b.js"), {
purgethreshold: 1000, // Just to make sure we're not purged as part of the default 20 script purge.
onSuccess: function(o) {
nodes = nodes.concat(o.nodes);
Assert.areEqual(2, nodes.length, "2 nodes should have been added");
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = Y.Node.one(nodes[i]);
Assert.isTrue(node.inDoc(), "Scripts should still be in the document");
// Convert to id, for final doc check, because purge destroys parentNode
nodeIds[i] = node.get("id");
Y.Get.script(path("c.js"), {
purgethreshold: 1,
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < nodeIds.length; i++) {
Assert.isNull(document.getElementById(nodeIds[i]), "Script from previous transaction was not purged");
test.o = o;
// -- Basic CSS loading ----------------------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.BasicCSS = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Basic CSS loading",
setUp: function() {
this.na = Y.Node.create('<div class="get_test_a">get_test_a</div>');
this.nb = Y.Node.create('<div class="get_test_b">get_test_b</div>');
this.nc = Y.Node.create('<div class="get_test_c">get_test_c</div>');
var naa = this.na;
var b = Y.Node.one("body");
tearDown: function() {
this.o && this.o.purge();
createInsertBeforeNode: function() {
this.ib = Y.Node.create('<link id="insertBeforeMe" href="' + path("ib.css?delay=0") + '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" charset="utf-8">');
removeInsertBeforeNode: function() {
if (this.ib) {
'test: single css, success': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.css(path("a.css?delay=50"), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual("1111", this.na.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "a.css does not seem to be loaded");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onSuccess called more than once");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(1, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
'test: multiple css, success': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
var trans = Y.Get.css(path(["a.css?delay=50", "b.css?delay=100", "c.css?delay=75"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail("onFailure shouldn't have been called");
onSuccess: function(o) {
var context = this;
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual("1111", this.na.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "a.css does not seem to be loaded");
Assert.areEqual("1234", this.nb.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "b.css does not seem to be loaded");
Assert.areEqual("4321", this.nc.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "c.css does not seem to be loaded");
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.success, "onSuccess called more than once");
areObjectsReallyEqual({a:1, b:2, c:3}, o.data, "Payload has unexpected data value");
Assert.areEqual(trans.id, o.id, "Payload has unexpected id");
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Payload nodes property has unexpected length");
Assert.areEqual("foo", context.bar, "Callback context not set");
test.o = o;
'test: insertBefore, single' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.css(path("a.css?delay=30"), {
insertBefore: "insertBeforeMe",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var n = Y.Node.one(o.nodes[0]);
var insertBefore = Y.Node.one("#insertBeforeMe");
Assert.isTrue(n.compareTo(insertBefore.previous()), "Not inserted before insertBeforeMe");
// TODO: These don't work as expected on IE (even though insertBefore worked). Better cross-browser assertion?
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
Assert.areEqual("9991", this.na.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "a.css does not seem to be inserted before ib.css");
test.o = o;
'test: insertBefore, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.css(path(["a.css?delay=20", "b.css?delay=75", "c.css?delay=10"]), {
insertBefore: "insertBeforeMe",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var insertBefore = Y.Node.one("#insertBeforeMe");
for (var i = o.nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var n = Y.Node.one(o.nodes[i]);
Assert.isTrue(n.compareTo(insertBefore.previous()), "Not inserted before insertBeforeMe");
insertBefore = n;
// TODO: These don't work as expected on IE (even though insertBefore worked). Better cross-browser assertion?
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
Assert.areEqual("9991", this.na.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "a.css does not seem to be inserted before ib.css");
Assert.areEqual("9992", this.nb.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "b.css does not seem to be inserted before ib.css");
Assert.areEqual("9993", this.nc.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "c.css does not seem to be inserted before ib.css");
test.o = o;
'test: charset, single' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.css(path("a.css?delay=20"), {
charset: "ISO-8859-1",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[0].id);
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
'test: charset, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.css(path(["a.css?delay=10", "b.css?delay=50", "c.css?delay=20"]), {
charset: "ISO-8859-1",
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Unexpected node count");
for (var i = 0; i < o.nodes.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[i].id);
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
'test: attributes, single' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.css(path("a.css?delay=10"), {
attributes: {
"charset": "ISO-8859-1",
"title": "myscripts"
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[0].id);
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.title, "title property not set");
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.getAttribute("title"), "title attribute not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
'test: attributes, multiple' : function() {
var test = this;
var trans = Y.Get.css(path(["a.css?delay=10", "b.css?delay=50", "c.css?delay=20"]), {
attributes: {
"charset": "ISO-8859-1",
"title": "myscripts"
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(3, o.nodes.length, "Unexpected node count");
for (var i = 0; i < o.nodes.length; i++) {
var node = document.getElementById(o.nodes[i].id);
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.title, "title property not set");
Assert.areEqual("myscripts", node.getAttribute("title"), "title attribute not set");
Assert.areEqual("ISO-8859-1", node.getAttribute("charset"), "charset attribute not set");
test.o = o;
'test: single css, failure': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
Y.Get.css(path("bogus.css"), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function () {
if (supports.cssFailure) {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onFailure called more than once");
onEnd: function(o) {
test.o = o;
'test: multiple css, failure': function() {
var test = this;
var counts = {
Y.Get.css(path(["a.css", "bogus.css", "c.css"]), {
data: {a:1, b:2, c:3},
context: {bar:"foo"},
onSuccess: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
if (supports.cssFailure) {
Assert.fail("onSuccess shouldn't have been called");
onFailure: function(o) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.areEqual(1, counts.failure, "onFailure called more than once");
if (!Y.UA.ie) {
Assert.areEqual("1111", this.na.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "a.css does not seem to be loaded");
Assert.areNotEqual("1234", this.nb.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "b.css was loaded when it shouldn't have been");
Assert.areEqual("4321", this.nc.getComputedStyle("zIndex"), "c.css does not seem to be loaded");
test.o = o;
onEnd: function(o) {
test.o = o;
'CSS nodes should be inserted in order': function () {
var test = this;
test.o = Y.Get.css([
{url: path('a.css'), attributes: {id: 'a'}},
{url: path('b.css'), attributes: {id: 'b'}},
{url: path('c.css'), attributes: {id: 'c'}}
], function (err, transaction) {
test.resume(function () {
var nodes = transaction.nodes;
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areEqual('b', Y.one(nodes[0]).next('link,style').get('id'), 'b.css should have been inserted after a.css');
Assert.areEqual('c', Y.one(nodes[1]).next('link,style').get('id'), 'b.css should have been inserted after a.css');
// -- Y.Get Methods --------------------------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.GetMethods = new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Y.Get methods',
tearDown: function () {
this.t && this.t.purge();
this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval);
'abort() should abort a transaction when given a transaction object': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([path('a.js'), path('b.js'), path('c.js')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
ArrayAssert.containsMatch(function (item) {
return item.error === 'Aborted'
}, test.t.errors, "Transaction failed, but wasn't aborted.");
onProgress: function () {
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onSuccess should not be called');
'abort() should abort a transaction when given a transaction id': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([path('a.js'), path('b.js'), path('c.js')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
ArrayAssert.containsMatch(function (item) {
return item.error === 'Aborted'
}, test.t.errors, "Transaction failed, but wasn't aborted.");
onProgress: function () {
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onSuccess should not be called');
// -- css() ------------------------------------------------------------
'css() should accept a URL': function () {
var test = this,
url = path('a.css');
setTimeout(function () {
test.t = Y.Get.css(url);
}, 1);
// Silly hack so we can verify that the CSS request finished without
// having to pass a callback to Y.Get.css().
test.interval = setInterval(function () {
var t = test.t;
if (!t.requests.length) {
if (t.requests[0].finished) {
}, 20);
'css() should accept a URL, options object, and callback function': function () {
var test = this,
test.t = Y.Get.css(path('a.css'), {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isTrue(callbackCalled, 'inline callback should be called before onSuccess');
}, function (err, transaction) {
var self = this;
callbackCalled = true;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(test.t, self, '`this` object should be the transaction');
'css() should allow the callback function as the second parameter': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.css(path('a.css'), function (err, transaction) {
var self = this;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(test.t, self, '`this` object should be the transaction');
'css() should accept an array of URLs': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.css([path('a.css'), path('b.css'), path('c.css')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
'css() should accept a request object': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.css({url: path('a.css')}, {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(1, test.t.requests.length, '1 request should have been made');
Assert.areSame(1, test.t.nodes.length, '1 node should have been inserted');
'css() should accept an array of request objects': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.css([{url: path('a.css')}, {url: path('b.css')}, {url: path('c.css')}], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
'css() should accept a mixed array of URLs and request objects': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.css([path('a.css'), {url: path('b.css')}, path('c.css')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
// -- js() -------------------------------------------------------------
'js() should accept a URL': function () {
var test = this,
url = path('a.js');
setTimeout(function () {
test.t = Y.Get.js(url);
}, 1);
// Silly hack so we can verify that the request finished without
// having to pass a callback to Y.Get.js().
test.interval = setInterval(function () {
var t = test.t;
if (!t.requests.length) {
if (t.requests[0].finished) {
}, 20);
'js() should accept a URL, options object, and callback function': function () {
var test = this,
test.t = Y.Get.js(path('a.js'), {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isTrue(callbackCalled, 'inline callback should be called before onSuccess');
}, function (err, transaction) {
var self = this;
callbackCalled = true;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(test.t, self, '`this` object should be the transaction');
'js() should allow the callback function as the second parameter': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js(path('a.js'), function (err, transaction) {
var self = this;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(test.t, self, '`this` object should be the transaction');
'js() should accept an array of URLs': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([path('a.js'), path('b.js'), path('c.js')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
'js() should accept a request object': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js({url: path('a.js')}, {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(1, test.t.requests.length, '1 request should have been made');
Assert.areSame(1, test.t.nodes.length, '1 node should have been inserted');
'js() should accept an array of request objects': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([{url: path('a.js')}, {url: path('b.js')}, {url: path('c.js')}], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
'js() should accept a mixed array of URLs and request objects': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([path('a.js'), {url: path('b.js')}, path('c.js')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
// -- load() -----------------------------------------------------------
'load() should accept a URL': function () {
var test = this,
url = path('a.js');
setTimeout(function () {
test.t = Y.Get.load(url);
}, 1);
// Silly hack so we can verify that the request finished without
// having to pass a callback to Y.Get.load().
test.interval = setInterval(function () {
var t = test.t;
if (!t.requests.length) {
if (t.requests[0].finished) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame('js', t.requests[0].type, 'request type should be "js"');
}, 20);
'load() should accept a URL, options object, and callback function': function () {
var test = this,
test.t = Y.Get.load(path('a.css'), {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isTrue(callbackCalled, 'inline callback should be called before onSuccess');
Assert.areSame('css', test.t.requests[0].type, 'request type should be "css"');
}, function (err, transaction) {
var self = this;
callbackCalled = true;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(test.t, self, '`this` object should be the transaction');
'load() should allow the callback function as the second parameter': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.load(path('a.js'), function (err, transaction) {
var self = this;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
Assert.areSame(test.t, self, '`this` object should be the transaction');
'load() should accept an array of URLs': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.load([path('a.js'), path('b.css'), path('c.js')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
Assert.areSame('js', test.t.requests[0].type, 'first request type should be "js"');
Assert.areSame('css', test.t.requests[1].type, 'second request type should be "css"');
Assert.areSame('js', test.t.requests[2].type, 'third request type should be "js"');
'load() should accept a request object': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.load({url: path('a.js')}, {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(1, test.t.requests.length, '1 request should have been made');
Assert.areSame(1, test.t.nodes.length, '1 node should have been inserted');
Assert.areSame('js', test.t.requests[0].type, 'request type should be "js"');
'load() should accept an array of request objects': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.load([{url: path('a.css')}, {url: path('b.js')}, {url: path('c.css')}], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
Assert.areSame('css', test.t.requests[0].type, 'first request type should be "css"');
Assert.areSame('js', test.t.requests[1].type, 'second request type should be "js"');
Assert.areSame('css', test.t.requests[2].type, 'third request type should be "css"');
'load() should accept a mixed array of URLs and request objects': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.load([path('a.js'), {url: path('b.js')}, path('c.css')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onFailure should not be called');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.requests.length, '3 requests should have been made');
Assert.areSame(3, test.t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
Assert.areSame('js', test.t.requests[0].type, 'first request type should be "js"');
Assert.areSame('js', test.t.requests[1].type, 'second request type should be "js"');
Assert.areSame('css', test.t.requests[2].type, 'third request type should be "css"');
// -- script() ---------------------------------------------------------
'script() should be an alias for js()': function () {
Assert.areSame(Y.Get.js, Y.Get.script);
// -- Y.Get.Transaction behavior -------------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.TransactionBehavior = new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Transaction behavior',
'transactions should always execute one at a time by default': function () {
var test = this,
t1 = Y.Get.js(path(['a.js', 'b.js']), finish),
t2 = Y.Get.css(path('a.css'), finish),
t3 = Y.Get.load(path('c.js'), function (err, t) {
finish(err, t);
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame('done', t1._state, 'transaction 1 should be finished');
Assert.areSame('done', t2._state, 'transaction 2 should be finished');
Assert.areSame('done', t3._state, 'transaction 3 should be finished');
// This has to be a >= comparison or it'll fail on Windows due to IE's
// low-res timer.
Assert.isTrue(t2.finish >= t1.finish, "transaction 2 shouldn't start before transaction 1 finishes");
Assert.isTrue(t3.finish >= t2.finish, "transaction 3 shouldn't start before transaction 2 finishes");
function finish(err, t) {
t.finish = Y.Lang.now();
// -- Y.Get.Transaction methods --------------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.TransactionMethods = new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Transaction methods',
tearDown: function () {
this.t && this.t.purge();
'abort() should abort the transaction': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([path('a.js'), path('b.js'), path('c.js')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
ArrayAssert.containsMatch(function (item) {
return item.error === 'Aborted'
}, test.t.errors, "Transaction failed, but wasn't aborted.");
onProgress: function () {
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onSuccess should not be called');
'abort() should accept a custom error message': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([path('a.js'), path('b.js'), path('c.js')], {
onFailure: function () {
test.resume(function () {
ArrayAssert.containsMatch(function (item) {
return item.error === 'monkey britches!'
}, test.t.errors, "Transaction failed, but wasn't aborted (or was aborted with the wrong error message).");
onProgress: function () {
test.t.abort('monkey britches!');
onSuccess: function () {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.fail('onSuccess should not be called');
'execute() should queue callbacks': function () {
var test = this,
callbackOne, callbackTwo;
test.t = Y.Get.js(path('a.js'));
test.t.execute(function (err, transaction) {
callbackOne = true;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isUndefined(callbackTwo, 'callback two should not have been called before callback one');
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
test.t.execute(function (err, transaction) {
callbackTwo = true;
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isTrue(callbackOne, 'callback one should have been called first');
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
'execute() should call the callback immediately if the transaction has already finished': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js(path('a.js'), function (err, transaction) {
test.resume(function () {
var callbackOne, callbackTwo;
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
test.t.execute(function (err, transaction) {
callbackOne = true;
Assert.isUndefined(callbackTwo, 'callback two should not have been called before callback one');
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
test.t.execute(function (err, transaction) {
callbackTwo = true;
Assert.isTrue(callbackOne, 'callback one should have been called first');
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(test.t, transaction, 'transaction should be passed to the callback');
Assert.isTrue(callbackOne, 'callback one should have been called synchronously');
Assert.isTrue(callbackTwo, 'callback two should have been called synchronously');
'purge() should purge any nodes inserted by the transaction': function () {
var test = this;
test.t = Y.Get.js([path('a.js'), path('b.js'), path('c.js')], function (err, t) {
test.resume(function () {
var ids = [];
Assert.isNull(err, '`err` should be null');
Assert.areSame(3, t.nodes.length, '3 nodes should have been inserted');
Y.Array.each(t.nodes, function (node) {
Assert.areSame(0, t.nodes.length, 'the `nodes` array should now be empty');
Y.Array.each(ids, function (id) {
var node = Y.config.doc.getElementById(id);
Assert.isNull(node, 'node should not exist in the document anymore');
// -- TODO: Y.Get.Transaction properties -----------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.TransactionProperties = new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Transaction properties',
tearDown: function () {
this.t && this.t.purge();
'transactions should have a unique `id` property': function () {
var t1 = Y.Get.js('getfiles/a.js'),
t2 = Y.Get.js('getfiles/b.js');
Assert.isNotUndefined(t1.id, 'id property should not be undefined');
Assert.isNotUndefined(t2.id, 'id property should not be undefined');
Assert.areNotSame(t1.id, t2.id);
'transactions should have a `data` property when a data object is provided': function () {
var data = {};
this.t = Y.Get.js('getfiles/a.js', {data: data});
Assert.areSame(data, this.t.data);
'`errors` property should contain an array of error objects': function () {
var test = this;
this.t = Y.Get.js(['bogus.js', 'bogus.js'], function (err, t) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isArray(t.errors, '`errors` should be an array');
if (supports.jsFailure) {
Assert.areSame(2, t.errors.length, '`errors` array should have two items');
ObjectAssert.ownsKeys(['error', 'request'], t.errors[0]);
ObjectAssert.ownsKeys(['error', 'request'], t.errors[1]);
'`nodes` property should contain an array of injected nodes': function () {
var test = this;
this.t = Y.Get.js(['getfiles/a.js', 'getfiles/b.js'], function (err, t) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isArray(t.nodes, '`nodes` should be an array');
Assert.areSame(2, t.nodes.length, '`nodes` array should contain two items');
Assert.areSame('script', t.nodes[0].nodeName.toLowerCase());
Assert.areSame('script', t.nodes[1].nodeName.toLowerCase());
'`options` property should contain transaction options': function () {
this.t = Y.Get.js('getfiles/a.js', {
attributes: {'class': 'testing'},
data: 'foo',
bar: 'baz'
Assert.isObject(this.t.options, '`options` should be an object');
ObjectAssert.ownsKeys(['attributes', 'data', 'bar'], this.t.options);
'`requests` property should contain an array of request objects': function () {
var test = this;
this.t = Y.Get.js(['getfiles/a.js', 'getfiles/b.js'], function (err, t) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.isArray(t.requests, '`requests` should be an array');
Assert.areSame(2, t.requests.length, '`requests` array should contain two items');
Assert.areSame('getfiles/a.js', t.requests[0].url);
Assert.areSame('getfiles/b.js', t.requests[1].url);
// -- Options --------------------------------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.Options = new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Options',
'`class` attribute should be set correctly in all browsers': function () {
var test = this;
this.t = Y.Get.js('getfiles/a.js', {
attributes: {'class': 'get-class-test'}
}, function (err, t) {
test.resume(function () {
Assert.areSame('get-class-test', t.nodes[0].className, 'className should be set');
Assert.areSame(1, Y.all('.get-class-test').size(), 'selector should return one node');
// -- Functional tests -----------------------------------------------------
Y.GetTests.Functional = new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Functional tests",
'test: Loader, ScrollView' : function() {
var test = this;
YUI().use("scrollview", function(Y2) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.isFunction(Y2.ScrollView, "ScrollView not loaded");
'test: Loader, Autocomplete' : function() {
var test = this;
YUI().use("autocomplete-list", function(Y2) {
test.resume(function() {
Assert.isFunction(Y2.AutoCompleteList, "Autocomplete not loaded");
}, '3.5.0', {
requires: ['get', 'test']