<div class="intro">
<p>The `event-touch` module extends the <a
href="index.html#appendixA">whitelist of DOM events</a> to include the
native touch and gesture events and adds relevant information to event
<p>The `event-move` module adds a set of abstract events that adapt to
the client environment to handle either touch or mouse input.</p>
<p>The `event-flick` module adds a "flick" event on top of the gesture
abstraction layer to capture a user flicking an element with mouse or
<p>The `event-gestures` module is a rollup of these three, but will
potentially roll in more gesture based events in the future.</p>
<h2>Using Touch Events</h2>
<p>YUI DOM event support also extends to touch events. To use touch events in your application, you will need to include the <code>event-touch</code> module in your use statement.</p>
<p>The set of common low-level touch events, which exist on most touch-enabled OSes are supported:</p>
<p>Additionally, the iOS specific touch events, <code>gesturestart</code>,
<code>gesturechange</code> and <code>gestureend</code>, are also supported.
YUI doesn't replicate support for these events on other touch OSes currently,
due to their lack of DOM level multi-touch support. At the point at which they
do expose multi-touch information in the lower level touch events, we can build
in cross-platform support for multi-touch gestures.</p>
node.on('touchstart`, function () {
<h4>The Touch Event Facade</h4>
<p>The event facade passed to touch events has the common set of touch specific
array properties available:</p>
<p>These event objects in these arrays are also normalized, just the same as
the event object pass to any other DOM listener.</p>
<p>The event object for the iOS gesture events have <code>scale</code> and
<code>rotation</code> properties, the same as the native event object.</p>
<h2 id="move">Cross-Device Gesture Support</h2>
<p>The <code>event-move</code> module provides the following events that
<em>roughly</em> relate to the associated touch or mouse event, depending on the client
<th>Abstract event</th>
<th>Mouse event</th>
<th>Touch event</th>
<p>I say "roughly" because the gesture events aim to encapsulate common
interactions rather than just serving as a relay to other events. Where this
comes out is in the additional configuration that can be included in the
subscription as a third argument.</p>
// Notify me when the user puts a finger down, or mouses down on
// the car node
car.on("gesturemovestart", alignForMove, {
// fire the event only after 300ms of continuous contact...
minTime: 300,
// ...or if the finger/mouse moves more than 3px
minDistance: 3
// Move the car node when the user moves the finger or mouse.
// Note the `this` override parameter is shifted to account for
// the configuration param
car.on("gesturemove", car.move, null, car);
// Notify me when the user lifts their finger, or lets go of
// the mouse button (only if a gesturemovestart was received
// on the node).
car.on("gesturemoveend", screechingHalt);
<p>The complete set of configuration parameters for the gesture events is <a href="{{apiDocs}}/module_event-move.html#event_gesturemove">in the API docs</a>.</p>
<h4>Related Events</h4>
<p>The three gesture events are related to each other. They are notifications
for the start, progress, and end of the same gesture. `gesturemove` and
`gesturemoveend` subscriptions won't execute unless a `gesturemovestart`
<p>If you need them to fire separately, such as when attaching and detaching
subscribers dynamically, the `gesturemove` and `gesturemoveend` events can be
subscribed to individually by configuring `standAlone: true`</p>
// Doesn't require an associated `gesturemovestart` subscription
Y.one("doc").on("gesturemove", function(e) {...}, {
<p>Under the hood, the DOM listeners which monitor mousemove/touchmove and
mouseup/touchend are bound to the `document` by default. The node only provides
the shared context to relate the three events.</p>
<h2 id="flick">Flick Gesture Event</h2>
<p>The flick gesture event is fired whenever the user initiates a flick gesture (with a finger or the mouse) on the node where the listener is attached.</p>
myNode.on("flick", function(e) {
// Some of the flick specific data on the event facade
var flick = e.flick,
velocity = flick.velocity,
distance = flick.distance,
axis = flick.axis,
startX = flick.start.pageX,
startY = flick.start.pageY,
// The event object itself is the event object for
// the event which concludes the flick (the mouseup or touchend)
endX = e.pageX,
endY = e.pageY,
endTarget = e.target;
<p>Like with the supporting gesture events, when subscribing to
<code>flick</code>, you can also pass additional configuration to control
when and how the flick subscriber is notified.</p>
// Custom config, with no context or extra args
myNode.on("flick", flickHandler, {
// only notify me if the flick covered
// more than 20px and was faster than 0.8 px/ms
minDistance: 20,
minVelocity: 0.8,
// prevent the default behavior for the
// underlying mouse/touch events
preventDefault: true
// Another option to avoid confusion when specifying the `this`
// override or bound arguments for events with custom signatures
// is to use Y.bind
myNode.on("flick", Y.bind(o.flickHandler, o, arg1), {
minDistance: 20,
minVelocity: 0.8,
preventDefault: true
// Alternately, make sure to account for the additional subscription
// parameter by passing null if there is no configuration.
myNode.on("flick", o.flickHandler, null, o, arg1);
<p>The complete set of configuration parameters for the `flick` event is <a href="{{apiDocs}}/module_event-flick.html#event_flick">in the API docs</a>.</p>
<li>The `flick` event doesn't (yet) support delegation.</li>
The `delegate()` signature for the gesture events is
<code>node.delegate('gesturemove', callback, <em>filter</em>,
<em>gestureConfig</em>)</code>, reversing the order of the delegation
filter and extra params from the <a href="hover.html">`hover`</a> and
<a href="key.html">`key`</a> events. This may be changed in a future