README revision 88f849e5723c03ee1476b48a345c791034ab5681
YUI Event Utility
DOM event utilities
- DOM event, custom event, and simulate event moved to separate modules.
- Event.attach returns a single handle if the result from collection processing is a single item.
- Fixed unsubscribeAll return value.
- Fixed IE notification error when no arguments are supplied.
- Added event-simulate.
- getListeners works when the element has no listeners defined.
- Event.addListener removed. Exists only in compat layer.
- addListerer triggers 2.x event behavior.
- Removed extra undefined parameter passed to DOM event listeners.
- Compat layer contains Event.on.
- Event adapter support added to Y.on
- Added Y.on('focus', 'blur' event adaptors (support for propagation
of these events.)
- publish and subscribe support an object for the type, allowing for multiple
- subscriber failures throw an error by default rather than log.
- subscriber failures are not routed through in order to
improve the debug experience.
- New facades created every fire()
- before method re-added to Event.Target, which delegates to Do.before or
- Event.Target.after will delegate to Do.after if type is a function
- Added keylistener: Y.on('key', fn, element, 'down:13,65+ctrl+shift')
- event:ready event deprecated in favor of domready.
- Initial Release