flick-tests.js revision f73e114472cbbf13620d87d85c9bf053ed8973a8
YUI.add('flick-tests', function(Y) {
var eventData = {
flick: Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS.flick.eventDef,
Assert = Y.Assert,
noop = function() { },
CE = {
fire: noop
node = Y.one('#tester'),
event = {
target: node,
currentTarget: node,
touches: [
pageX: 100,
pageY: 100,
clientX: 100,
clientY: 100,
screenX: 100,
screenY: 100
suite = new Y.Test.Suite('Flick Event Suite');
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'flick',
setUp: function() {
this.handles = [];
this.handles.push(node.on('flick', noop));
this.handles.push(node.delegate('flick', noop));
tearDown: function() {
Y.Array.each(this.handles, function(h) {
'test: _onStart()': function() {
eventData.flick._onStart(event,node, {
_extra: {
minTime: 5,
minDistance: 5
}, {
fire: function(e) {
Assert.areSame(event.target, e.target, 'Target not set properly');
Assert.areSame('flick', e.type, 'Event type is wrong');
Assert.areEqual(1, e.button, 'e.button is not set');
'test: _onMove()': function() {
var sub = { '_fs': { flick: { } } };
eventData.flick._onMove(event,node, sub);
Assert.isTrue((sub['_fs'].flick.time > 0), 'Flick time was not set on move');
'test: _onEnd()': function() {
var en = event;
en.changedTouches = en.touches;
en.touches = [];
eventData.flick._onEnd(en,node, {
_fs: {
flick: {
time: ((new Date().getTime()) - 3000)
pageX: 5,
pageY: 5,
detach: noop
_fmh: {
detach: noop
_extra: {
axis: 'x',
minTime: 1,
minDistance: 0,
minVelocity: 0,
preventDefault: noop
}, {
fire: function(e) {
Assert.areSame('flick', e.type, 'Event type is incorrect');
Assert.isObject(e.flick, 'e.click is not an Object');
Assert.areSame('x', e.flick.axis, 'flick axis is not X');
Assert.areSame(95, e.flick.distance, 'Did not flick the proper distance');
Assert.isTrue((e.flick.time >- 3000), 'flick time is not set properly');
Assert.isTrue((e.flick.velocity >= 0.020), 'Failed to move in the proper velocity');
Assert.areSame(0, e.touches.length, 'e.touches.length should be 0');
Assert.areSame(1, e.changedTouches.length), 'e.changedTouches.length should be 1';
Assert.areSame(node, e.target, 'Event target is not set properly');
Assert.areSame(node, e.currentTarget, 'Event currentTarget is not set properly');