lists.js revision e57824e27f47a76dae7b14c6ff1c7ed1186d16c1
* Handles list manipulation inside the Editor. Adds keyboard manipulation and execCommand support. Adds overrides for the <a href="Plugin.ExecCommand.html#method_COMMANDS.insertorderedlist">insertorderedlist</a> and <a href="Plugin.ExecCommand.html#method_COMMANDS.insertunorderedlist">insertunorderedlist</a> execCommands.
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-lists
* Handles list manipulation inside the Editor. Adds keyboard manipulation and execCommand support. Adds overrides for the <a href="Plugin.ExecCommand.html#method_COMMANDS.insertorderedlist">insertorderedlist</a> and <a href="Plugin.ExecCommand.html#method_COMMANDS.insertunorderedlist">insertunorderedlist</a> execCommands.
* @class Plugin.EditorLists
* @constructor
* @extends Base
var EditorLists = function() {
EditorLists.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, LI = 'li', OL = 'ol', UL = 'ul', HOST = 'host';
Y.extend(EditorLists, Y.Base, {
* Listener for host's nodeChange event and captures the tabkey interaction only when inside a list node.
* @private
* @method _onNodeChange
* @param {Event} e The Event facade passed from the host.
_onNodeChange: function(e) {
var inst = this.get(HOST).getInstance(), sel, li,
newLi, newList, sTab, par, moved = false, tag, focusEnd = false;
if ( && e.changedType === 'enter') {
if (e.changedNode.test(LI + ', ' + LI + ' *')) {
Y.log('Overriding the Enter Key', 'info', 'editorLists');
li = e.changedNode;
newLi = inst.Node.create('<' + LI + '>' + EditorLists.NON + '</' + LI + '>');
if (!li.test(LI)) {
li = li.ancestor(LI);
li.insert(newLi, 'after');
sel = new inst.Selection();
sel.selectNode(newLi.get('firstChild'), true, false);
if (e.changedType === 'tab') {
if (e.changedNode.test(LI + ', ' + LI + ' *')) {
Y.log('Overriding TAB to move lists around', 'info', 'editorLists');
li = e.changedNode;
sTab = e.changedEvent.shiftKey;
par = li.ancestor(OL + ',' + UL);
tag = UL;
if (par.get('tagName').toLowerCase() === OL) {
tag = OL;
Y.log('ShiftKey: ' + sTab, 'info', 'editorLists');
if (!li.test(LI)) {
li = li.ancestor(LI);
if (sTab) {
if (li.ancestor(LI)) {
Y.log('Shifting list up one level', 'info', 'editorLists');
li.ancestor(LI).insert(li, 'after');
moved = true;
focusEnd = true;
} else {
//li.setStyle('border', '1px solid red');
if (li.previous(LI)) {
Y.log('Shifting list down one level', 'info', 'editorLists');
newList = inst.Node.create('<' + tag + '></' + tag + '>');
moved = true;
if (moved) {
if (!li.test(LI)) {
li = li.ancestor(LI);
if ( {
li = li.append(EditorLists.NON).one(EditorLists.NON_SEL);
//Selection here..
Y.log('Selecting the new node', 'info', 'editorLists');
(new inst.Selection()).selectNode(li, true, focusEnd);
initializer: function() {
this.get(HOST).on('nodeChange', Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this));
}, {
* The non element placeholder, used for positioning the cursor and filling empty items
* @property REMOVE
* @static
NON: '<span class="yui-non">&nbsp;</span>',
* The selector query to get all non elements
* @property NONSEL
* @static
NON_SEL: 'span.yui-non',
* The items to removed from a list when a list item is moved, currently removes BR nodes
* @property REMOVE
* @static
REMOVE: 'br',
* editorLists
* @property NAME
* @static
NAME: 'editorLists',
* lists
* @property NS
* @static
NS: 'lists',
host: {
value: false
Y.Plugin.EditorLists = EditorLists;