frame.js revision fe442de8408a276919d26a1110e8121844b1ba11
* Creates a wrapper around an iframe. It loads the content either from a local
* file or from script and creates a local YUI instance bound to that new window and document.
* @module editor
* @submodule frame
* Creates a wrapper around an iframe. It loads the content either from a local
* file or from script and creates a local YUI instance bound to that new window and document.
* @class Frame
* @for Frame
* @extends Base
* @constructor
var Frame = function() {
Frame.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(Frame, Y.Base, {
* @private
* @property _ready
* @description Internal reference set when the content is ready.
* @type Boolean
_ready: null,
* @private
* @property _rendered
* @description Internal reference set when render is called.
* @type Boolean
_rendered: null,
* @private
* @property _iframe
* @description Internal Node reference to the iFrame or the window
* @type Node
_iframe: null,
* @private
* @property _instance
* @description Internal reference to the YUI instance bound to the iFrame or window
* @type YUI
_instance: null,
* @private
* @method _create
* @description Create the iframe or Window and get references to the Document & Window
* @return {Object} Hash table containing references to the new Document & Window
_create: function(cb) {
var win, doc, res, node;
this._iframe = Y.Node.create(Frame.HTML);
this._iframe.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');
this._iframe.set('src', this.get('src'));
var html = '',
extra_css = ((this.get('extracss')) ? '<style id="extra_css">' + this.get('extracss') + '</style>' : '');
Y.log('Creating the document from javascript', 'info', 'frame');
html = Y.substitute(Frame.PAGE_HTML, {
DIR: this.get('dir'),
LANG: this.get('lang'),
TITLE: this.get('title'),
CONTENT: this.get('content'),
BASE_HREF: this.get('basehref'),
EXTRA_CSS: extra_css
if (Y.config.doc.compatMode != 'BackCompat') {
Y.log('Adding Doctype to frame', 'info', 'frame');
html = Frame.DOC_TYPE + "\n" + html;
} else {
Y.log('DocType skipped because we are in BackCompat Mode.', 'warn', 'frame');
Y.log('Injecting content into iframe', 'info', 'frame');
res = this._resolveWinDoc();;
if (this.get('designMode')) {
res.doc.designMode = 'on';
if (!res.doc.documentElement) {
Y.log('document.documentElement was not found, running timer', 'warn', 'frame');
var timer = Y.later(1, this, function() {
if (res.doc && res.doc.documentElement) {
Y.log('document.documentElement found inside timer', 'info', 'frame');
}, null, true);
} else {
Y.log('document.documentElement found', 'info', 'frame');
* @private
* @method _resolveWinDoc
* @description Resolves the document and window from an iframe or window instance
* @param {Object} c The YUI Config to add the window and document to
* @return {Object} Object hash of window and document references, if a YUI config was passed, it is returned.
_resolveWinDoc: function(c) {
var config = (c) ? c : {}; = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this._iframe.get('contentWindow'));
config.doc = Y.Node.getDOMNode(this._iframe.get('contentWindow.document'));
if (!config.doc) {
config.doc = Y.config.doc;
if (! { =;
return config;
* @private
* @method _onDomEvent
* @description Generic handler for all DOM events fired by the iframe or window. This handler
* takes the current EventFacade and augments it to fire on the Frame host. It adds two new properties
* to the EventFacade called frameX and frameY which adds the scroll and xy position of the iframe
* to the original pageX and pageY of the event so external nodes can be positioned over the frame.
* @param {Event.Facade} e
_onDomEvent: function(e) {
var xy, node;
//Y.log('onDOMEvent: ' + e.type, 'info', 'frame');
e.frameX = e.frameY = 0;
if (e.pageX > 0 || e.pageY > 0) {
if (e.type.substring(0, 3) !== 'key') {
node ='win');
xy = this._iframe.getXY()
e.frameX = xy[0] + e.pageX - node.get('scrollLeft');
e.frameY = xy[1] + e.pageY - node.get('scrollTop');
e.frameTarget =;
e.frameCurrentTarget = e.currentTarget;
e.frameEvent = e;'dom:' + e.type, e);
initializer: function() {
this.publish('ready', {
emitFacade: true,
defaultFn: this._defReadyFn
destructor: function() {
var inst = this.getInstance();'doc').detachAll();
inst = null;
* @private
* @method _DOMPaste
* @description Simple pass thru handler for the paste event so we can do content cleanup
* @param {Event.Facade} e
_DOMPaste: function(e) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
data = '', win =;
if (e._event.originalTarget) {
data = e._event.originalTarget;
if (e._event.clipboardData) {
data = e._event.clipboardData.getData('Text');
if (win.clipboardData) {
data = win.clipboardData.getData('Text');
if (data == '') { // Could be empty, or failed
// Verify failure
if (!win.clipboardData.setData('Text', data)) {
data = null;
e.frameTarget =;
e.frameCurrentTarget = e.currentTarget;
e.frameEvent = e;
if (data) {
e.clipboardData = {
data: data,
getData: function() {
return data;
} else {
Y.log('Failed to collect clipboard data', 'warn', 'frame');
e.clipboardData = null;
}'dom:paste', e);
* @private
* @method _defReadyFn
* @description Binds DOM events, sets the iframe to visible and fires the ready event
_defReadyFn: function() {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
fn = Y.bind(this._onDomEvent, this);
inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.activate = 1;
inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.focusin = 1;
inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.deactivate = 1;
inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.focusout = 1;
//Y.each(inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS, function(v, k) {
Y.each(Frame.DOM_EVENTS, function(v, k) {
if (v === 1) {
if (k !== 'focus' && k !== 'blur' && k !== 'paste') {
//Y.log('Adding DOM event to frame: ' + k, 'info', 'frame');
if (k.substring(0, 3) === 'key') {
inst.on(k, Y.throttle(fn, 200), inst.config.doc);
} else {
inst.on(k, fn, inst.config.doc);
}, this);
inst.Node.DOM_EVENTS.paste = 1;
inst.on('paste', Y.bind(this._DOMPaste, this),'body'));
//Adding focus/blur to the window object
inst.on('focus', fn,;
inst.on('blur', fn,;
inst._use = inst.use;
inst.use = Y.bind(this.use, this);
visibility: 'inherit'
});'body').setStyle('display', 'block');
* @private
* @method _onContentReady
* @description Called once the content is available in the frame/window and calls the final use call
* on the internal instance so that the modules are loaded properly.
_onContentReady: function(e) {
if (!this._ready) {
this._ready = true;
var inst = this.getInstance(),
args = Y.clone(this.get('use'));'contentready');
Y.log('On available for body of iframe', 'info', 'frame');
if (e) {
inst.config.doc = Y.Node.getDOMNode(;
//TODO Circle around and deal with CSS loading...
args.push(Y.bind(function() {
Y.log('Callback from final internal use call', 'info', 'frame');'ready');
}, this));
Y.log('Calling use on internal instance: ' + args, 'info', 'frame');
inst.use.apply(inst, args);'doc').get('documentElement').addClass('yui-js-enabled');
* @private
* @method _resolveBaseHref
* @description Resolves the basehref of the page the frame is created on. Only applies to dynamic content.
* @param {String} href The new value to use, if empty it will be resolved from the current url.
* @return {String}
_resolveBaseHref: function(href) {
if (!href || href === '') {
href = Y.config.doc.location.href;
if (href.indexOf('?') !== -1) { //Remove the query string
href = href.substring(0, href.indexOf('?'));
href = href.substring(0, href.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/';
return href;
* @private
* @method _getHTML
* @description Get the content from the iframe
* @param {String} html The raw HTML from the body of the iframe.
* @return {String}
_getHTML: function(html) {
if (this._ready) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
html ='body').get('innerHTML');
return html;
* @private
* @method _setHTML
* @description Set the content of the iframe
* @param {String} html The raw HTML to set the body of the iframe to.
* @return {String}
_setHTML: function(html) {
if (this._ready) {
var inst = this.getInstance();'body').set('innerHTML', html);
} else {
//This needs to be wrapped in a contentready callback for the !_ready state
this.on('contentready', Y.bind(function(html, e) {
var inst = this.getInstance();'body').set('innerHTML', html);
}, this, html));
return html;
* @private
* @method _setExtraCSS
* @description Set's the extra CSS on the instance..
_setExtraCSS: function(css) {
if (this._ready) {
var inst = this.getInstance(),
node = inst.get('#extra_css');
node.remove();'head').append('<style id="extra_css">' + css + '</style>');
return css;
* @private
* @method _instanceLoaded
* @description Called from the first YUI instance that sets up the internal instance.
* This loads the content into the window/frame and attaches the contentready event.
* @param {YUI} inst The internal YUI instance bound to the frame/window
_instanceLoaded: function(inst) {
this._instance = inst;
var doc = this._instance.config.doc;
if (this.get('designMode')) {
if (! {
this._instance.on('domready', function(e) {
try {
//Force other browsers into non CSS styling
doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false);
doc.execCommand('insertbronreturn', false, false);
} catch (err) {}
* @method use
* @description This is a scoped version of the normal YUI.use method & is bound to this frame/window.
* At setup, the inst.use method is mapped to this method.
use: function() {
Y.log('Calling augmented use after ready', 'info', 'frame');
var inst = this.getInstance(),
args = Y.Array(arguments),
cb = false;
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(args[args.length - 1])) {
cb = args.pop();
if (cb) {
args.push(function() {
Y.log('Internal callback from augmented use', 'info', 'frame');
cb.apply(inst, arguments);
inst._use.apply(inst, args);
* @method delegate
* @description A delegate method passed to the instance's delegate method
* @param {String} type The type of event to listen for
* @param {Function} fn The method to attach
* @param {String} cont The container to act as a delegate, if no "sel" passed, the body is assumed as the container.
* @param {String} sel The selector to match in the event (optional)
* @return {EventHandle} The Event handle returned from Y.delegate
delegate: function(type, fn, cont, sel) {
var inst = this.getInstance();
if (!inst) {
Y.log('Delegate events can not be attached until after the ready event has fired.', 'error', 'iframe');
return false;
if (!sel) {
sel = cont;
cont = 'body';
return inst.delegate(type, fn, cont, sel);
* @method getInstance
* @description Get a reference to the internal YUI instance.
* @return {YUI} The internal YUI instance
getInstance: function() {
return this._instance;
* @method render
* @description Render the iframe into the container config option or open the window.
* @param {String/HTMLElement/Node} node The node to render to
* @return {Y.Frame}
* @chainable
render: function(node) {
if (this._rendered) {
Y.log('Frame already rendered.', 'warn', 'frame');
return this;
this._rendered = true;
if (node) {
this.set('container', node);
this._create(Y.bind(function(res) {
var inst, timer,
cb = Y.bind(function(i) {
Y.log('Internal instance loaded with node-base', 'info', 'frame');
}, this),
args = Y.clone(this.get('use')),
config = {
debug: false,
doc: res.doc
fn = Y.bind(function() {
Y.log('New Modules Loaded into main instance', 'info', 'frame');
config = this._resolveWinDoc(config);
inst = YUI(config);
inst.log = Y.log; //Dump the instance logs to the parent instance.
Y.log('Creating new internal instance with node-base only', 'info', 'frame');
try {
inst.use('node-base', cb);
if (timer) {
} catch (e) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
Y.log('[TIMER] Internal use call failed, retrying', 'info', 'frame');
}, 350);
Y.log('Internal use call failed, retrying', 'info', 'frame');
}, this);
Y.log('Adding new modules to main instance: ' + args, 'info', 'frame');
Y.use.apply(Y, args);
}, this));
return this;
* @method focus
* @description Set the focus to the iframe
* @param {Function} fn Callback function to execute after focus happens
* @return {Frame}
* @chainable
focus: function(fn) {
if ( {'win').focus();
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(fn)) {
} else {
try {'win').focus();
Y.later(100, this, function() {
if (Y.Lang.isFunction(fn)) {
} catch (ferr) {
Y.log('Frame focus failed', 'warn', 'frame');
return this;
* @method show
* @description Show the iframe instance
* @return {Frame}
* @chainable
show: function() {
position: 'static',
left: ''
if (Y.UA.gecko) {
try {
this._instance.config.doc.designMode = 'on';
} catch (e) { }
return this;
* @method hide
* @description Hide the iframe instance
* @return {Frame}
* @chainable
hide: function() {
position: 'absolute',
left: '-999999px'
return this;
}, {
* @static
* @property DOM_EVENTS
* @description The DomEvents that the frame automatically attaches and bubbles
* @type Object
paste: 1,
mouseup: 1,
mousedown: 1,
keyup: 1,
keydown: 1,
keypress: 1,
activate: 1,
deactivate: 1,
focusin: 1,
focusout: 1
* @static
* @property DEFAULT_CSS
* @description The default css used when creating the document.
* @type String
DEFAULT_CSS: 'html { height: 95%; } body { padding: 7px; background-color: #fff; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: blue !important; text-decoration: underline !important; cursor: text !important; } img { cursor: pointer !important; border: none; }',
//DEFAULT_CSS: 'html { } body { margin: -15px 0 0 -15px; padding: 7px 0 0 15px; display: block; background-color: #fff; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; }',
//DEFAULT_CSS: 'html { height: 95%; } body { height: 100%; padding: 7px; margin: 0 0 0 -7px; postion: relative; background-color: #fff; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: blue !important; text-decoration: underline !important; cursor: text !important; } img { cursor: pointer !important; border: none; }',
//DEFAULT_CSS: 'html { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; border-size: 0; } body { height: 97%; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: block; background-color: gray; font: 13px/1.22 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;*font-size:small;*font:x-small; }',
* @static
* @property HTML
* @description The template string used to create the iframe
* @type String
HTML: '<iframe border="0" frameBorder="0" marginWidth="0" marginHeight="0" leftMargin="0" topMargin="0" allowTransparency="true" width="100%" height="99%"></iframe>',
//HTML: '<iframe border="0" frameBorder="0" width="100%" height="99%"></iframe>',
* @static
* @property PAGE_HTML
* @description The template used to create the page when created dynamically.
* @type String
PAGE_HTML: '<html dir="{DIR}" lang="{LANG}"><head><title>{TITLE}</title>{META}<base href="{BASE_HREF}"/><style id="editor_css">{DEFAULT_CSS}</style>{EXTRA_CSS}</head><body>{CONTENT}</body></html>',
* @static
* @property DOC_TYPE
* @description The DOCTYPE to prepend to the new document when created. Should match the one on the page being served.
* @type String
DOC_TYPE: '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/'+'/W3C/'+'/DTD HTML 4.01/'+'/EN" "http:/'+'/">',
* @static
* @property META
* @description The meta-tag for Content-Type to add to the dynamic document
* @type String
META: '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">',
//META: '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>',
* @static
* @property NAME
* @description The name of the class (frame)
* @type String
NAME: 'frame',
* @attribute title
* @description The title to give the blank page.
* @type String
title: {
value: 'Blank Page'
* @attribute dir
* @description The default text direction for this new frame. Default: ltr
* @type String
dir: {
value: 'ltr'
* @attribute lang
* @description The default language. Default: en-US
* @type String
lang: {
value: 'en-US'
* @attribute src
* @description The src of the iframe/window. Defaults to javascript:;
* @type String
src: {
//Hackish, IE needs the false in the Javascript URL
value: 'javascript' + (( ? ':false' : ':') + ';'
* @attribute designMode
* @description Should designMode be turned on after creation.
* @writeonce
* @type Boolean
designMode: {
writeOnce: true,
value: false
* @attribute content
* @description The string to inject into the body of the new frame/window.
* @type String
content: {
value: '<br>',
setter: '_setHTML',
getter: '_getHTML'
* @attribute basehref
* @description The base href to use in the iframe.
* @type String
basehref: {
value: false,
getter: '_resolveBaseHref'
* @attribute use
* @description Array of modules to include in the scoped YUI instance at render time. Default: ['none', 'selector-css2']
* @writeonce
* @type Array
use: {
writeOnce: true,
value: ['substitute', 'node', 'node-style', 'selector-css3']
* @attribute container
* @description The container to append the iFrame to on render.
* @type String/HTMLElement/Node
container: {
value: 'body',
setter: function(n) {
* @attribute id
* @description Set the id of the new Node. (optional)
* @type String
* @writeonce
id: {
writeOnce: true,
getter: function(id) {
if (!id) {
id = 'iframe-' + Y.guid();
return id;
* @attribute extracss
* @description A string of CSS to add to the Head of the Editor
* @type String
extracss: {
value: '',
setter: '_setExtraCSS'
* @attribute host
* @description A reference to the Editor instance
* @type Object
host: {
value: false
Y.Frame = Frame;