editor-para.js revision d0bccce76452becc96b65acaaa684aa6fabaf386
* Plugin for Editor to paragraph auto wrapping and correction.
* @module editor
* @submodule editor-para
* Plugin for Editor to paragraph auto wrapping and correction.
* @class Plugin.EditorPara
* @extends Base
* @constructor
var EditorPara = function() {
EditorPara.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
}, HOST = 'host', BODY = 'body', NODE_CHANGE = 'nodeChange',
FIRST_P = BODY + ' > p';
Y.extend(EditorPara, Y.Base, {
* Utility method to create an empty paragraph when the document is empty.
* @private
* @method _fixFirstPara
_fixFirstPara: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(), sel;
inst.one('body').setContent('<p>' + inst.Selection.CURSOR + '</p>');
sel = new inst.Selection();
sel.focusCursor(true, false);
* nodeChange handler to handle fixing an empty document.
* @private
* @method _onNodeChange
_onNodeChange: function(e) {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance();
switch (e.changedType) {
case 'keydown':
if (inst.config.doc.childNodes.length < 2) {
var cont = inst.config.doc.body.innerHTML;
if (cont && cont.length < 5 && cont.toLowerCase() == '<br>') {
case 'backspace-up':
case 'delete-up':
var ps = inst.all(FIRST_P), br, item;
if (ps.size() < 2) {
item = inst.one(BODY);
if (ps.item(0)) {
item = ps.item(0);
if (inst.Selection.getText(item) === '' && !item.test('p')) {
} else if (item.test('p') && item.get('innerHTML').length === 0) {
* Performs a block element filter when the Editor is first ready
* @private
* @method _afterEditorReady
_afterEditorReady: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance();
if (inst) {
* Performs a block element filter when the Editor after an content change
* @private
* @method _afterContentChange
_afterContentChange: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance();
if (inst && inst.Selection) {
* Performs block/paste filtering after paste.
* @private
* @method _afterPaste
_afterPaste: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST), inst = host.getInstance(),
sel = new inst.Selection();
Y.later(50, host, function() {
initializer: function() {
var host = this.get(HOST);
host.on(NODE_CHANGE, Y.bind(this._onNodeChange, this));
host.after('ready', Y.bind(this._afterEditorReady, this));
host.after('contentChange', Y.bind(this._afterContentChange, this));
if (Y.Env.webkit) {
host.after('dom:paste', Y.bind(this._afterPaste, this));
}, {
* editorPara
* @static
* @property NAME
NAME: 'editorPara',
* editorPara
* @static
* @property NS
NS: 'editorPara',
host: {
value: false
Y.Plugin.EditorPara = EditorPara;