YUI().use('editor', function(Y) {
var logFn = function(str) {
Y.one('#out').set('innerHTML', str);
//Create the Base Editor
var editor = new Y.EditorBase({
content: '<p><b>This is <i class="foo">a test</i></b></p><p><b style="color: red; font-family: Comic Sans MS">This is <span class="foo">a test</span></b></p>',
extracss: '.foo { font-weight: normal; color: black; background-color: yellow; }'
//Mixin the new commands
Y.mix(Y.Plugin.ExecCommand.COMMANDS, {
foo: function(cmd, val) {
logFn('You clicked on Foo');
var inst = this.getInstance();
inst.one('body').setStyle('backgroundColor', 'yellow');
bar: function(cmd, val) {
logFn('You clicked on Bar');
var inst = this.getInstance();
inst.one('body').setStyle('backgroundColor', 'green');
baz: function(cmd, val) {
logFn('You clicked on Baz');
var inst = this.getInstance();
inst.one('body').setStyle('backgroundColor', 'blue');
//Rendering the Editor.
Y.delegate('click', function(e) {
}, '#buttons', 'button');