scroll.js revision 2fc36119bc0bdb70a4dabc6e0365bb1fdfe9f56c
* Base scroller class used to create the Plugin.DDNodeScroll and Plugin.DDWinScroll.
* This class should not be called on it's own, it's designed to be a plugin.
* @module dd
* @submodule dd-scroll
* Base scroller class used to create the Plugin.DDNodeScroll and Plugin.DDWinScroll.
* This class should not be called on it's own, it's designed to be a plugin.
* @class Scroll
* @extends Base
* @namespace DD
* @constructor
var S = function() {
S.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
HOST = 'host',
BUFFER = 'buffer',
PARENT_SCROLL = 'parentScroll',
WINDOW_SCROLL = 'windowScroll',
SCROLL_TOP = 'scrollTop',
SCROLL_LEFT = 'scrollLeft',
OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',
OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight';
* @attribute parentScroll
* @description Internal config option to hold the node that we are scrolling. Should not be set by the developer.
* @type Node
parentScroll: {
value: false,
setter: function(node) {
if (node) {
return node;
return false;
* @attribute buffer
* @description The number of pixels from the edge of the screen to turn on scrolling. Default: 30
* @type Number
buffer: {
value: 30,
validator: Y.Lang.isNumber
* @attribute scrollDelay
* @description The number of milliseconds delay to pass to the auto scroller. Default: 235
* @type Number
scrollDelay: {
value: 235,
validator: Y.Lang.isNumber
* @attribute host
* @description The host we are plugged into.
* @type Object
host: {
value: null
* @attribute windowScroll
* @description Turn on window scroll support, default: false
* @type Boolean
windowScroll: {
value: false,
validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean
* @attribute vertical
* @description Allow vertical scrolling, default: true.
* @type Boolean
vertical: {
value: true,
validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean
* @attribute horizontal
* @description Allow horizontal scrolling, default: true.
* @type Boolean
horizontal: {
value: true,
validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean
Y.extend(S, Y.Base, {
* @private
* @property _scrolling
* @description Tells if we are actively scrolling or not.
* @type Boolean
_scrolling: null,
* @private
* @property _vpRegionCache
* @description Cache of the Viewport dims.
* @type Object
_vpRegionCache: null,
* @private
* @property _dimCache
* @description Cache of the dragNode dims.
* @type Object
_dimCache: null,
* @private
* @property _scrollTimer
* @description Holder for the Timer object returned from Y.later.
* @type {Y.later}
_scrollTimer: null,
* @private
* @method _getVPRegion
* @description Sets the _vpRegionCache property with an Object containing the dims from the viewport.
_getVPRegion: function() {
var r = {},
n = this.get(PARENT_SCROLL),
b = this.get(BUFFER),
ws = this.get(WINDOW_SCROLL),
xy = ((ws) ? [] : n.getXY()),
w = ((ws) ? 'winWidth' : OFFSET_WIDTH),
h = ((ws) ? 'winHeight' : OFFSET_HEIGHT),
t = ((ws) ? n.get(SCROLL_TOP) : xy[1]),
l = ((ws) ? n.get(SCROLL_LEFT) : xy[0]);
r = {
top: t + b,
right: (n.get(w) + l) - b,
bottom: (n.get(h) + t) - b,
left: l + b
this._vpRegionCache = r;
return r;
initializer: function() {
var h = this.get(HOST);
h.after('drag:start', Y.bind(this.start, this));
h.after('drag:end', Y.bind(this.end, this));
h.on('drag:align', Y.bind(this.align, this));
//TODO - This doesn't work yet??'win').on('scroll', Y.bind(function() {
this._vpRegionCache = null;
}, this));
* @private
* @method _checkWinScroll
* @description Check to see if we need to fire the scroll timer. If scroll timer is running this will scroll the window.
* @param {Boolean} move Should we move the window. From Y.later
_checkWinScroll: function(move) {
var r = this._getVPRegion(),
ho = this.get(HOST),
ws = this.get(WINDOW_SCROLL),
xy = ho.lastXY,
scroll = false,
b = this.get(BUFFER),
win = this.get(PARENT_SCROLL),
sTop = win.get(SCROLL_TOP),
sLeft = win.get(SCROLL_LEFT),
w = this._dimCache.w,
h = this._dimCache.h,
bottom = xy[1] + h,
top = xy[1],
right = xy[0] + w,
left = xy[0],
nt = top,
nl = left,
st = sTop,
sl = sLeft;
if (this.get('horizontal')) {
if (left <= r.left) {
scroll = true;
nl = xy[0] - ((ws) ? b : 0);
sl = sLeft - b;
if (right >= r.right) {
scroll = true;
nl = xy[0] + ((ws) ? b : 0);
sl = sLeft + b;
if (this.get('vertical')) {
if (bottom >= r.bottom) {
scroll = true;
nt = xy[1] + ((ws) ? b : 0);
st = sTop + b;
if (top <= {
scroll = true;
nt = xy[1] - ((ws) ? b : 0);
st = sTop - b;
if (st < 0) {
st = 0;
nt = xy[1];
if (sl < 0) {
sl = 0;
nl = xy[0];
if (nt < 0) {
nt = xy[1];
if (nl < 0) {
nl = xy[0];
if (move) {
ho.actXY = [nl, nt];
ho._moveNode({ node: win, top: st, left: sl});
if (!st && !sl) {
} else {
if (scroll) {
} else {
* @private
* @method _initScroll
* @description Cancel a previous scroll timer and init a new one.
_initScroll: function() {
this._scrollTimer = Y.Lang.later(this.get('scrollDelay'), this, this._checkWinScroll, [true], true);
* @private
* @method _cancelScroll
* @description Cancel a currently running scroll timer.
_cancelScroll: function() {
this._scrolling = false;
if (this._scrollTimer) {
delete this._scrollTimer;
* @method align
* @description Called from the drag:align event to determine if we need to scroll.
align: function(e) {
if (this._scrolling) {
if (!this._scrolling) {
* @private
* @method _setDimCache
* @description Set the cache of the dragNode dims.
_setDimCache: function() {
var node = this.get(HOST).get('dragNode');
this._dimCache = {
h: node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT),
w: node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH)
* @method start
* @description Called from the drag:start event
start: function() {
* @method end
* @description Called from the drag:end event
end: function(xy) {
this._dimCache = null;
* @method toString
* @description General toString method for logging
* @return String name for the object
toString: function() {
return S.NAME + ' #' + this.get('node').get('id');
* Extends the Scroll class to make the window scroll while dragging.
* @class DDWindowScroll
* @extends Scroll
* @namespace Plugin
* @constructor
WS = function() {
WS.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
WS.ATTRS = Y.merge(S.ATTRS, {
* @attribute windowScroll
* @description Turn on window scroll support, default: true
* @type Boolean
windowScroll: {
value: true,
setter: function(scroll) {
if (scroll) {
return scroll;
Y.extend(WS, S, {
//Shouldn't have to do this..
initializer: function() {
this.set('windowScroll', this.get('windowScroll'));
* @property NS
* @default winscroll
* @readonly
* @protected
* @static
* @description The Scroll instance will be placed on the Drag instance under the winscroll namespace.
* @type {String}
WS.NAME = WS.NS = 'winscroll';
Y.Plugin.DDWinScroll = WS;
* Extends the Scroll class to make a parent node scroll while dragging.
* @class DDNodeScroll
* @extends Scroll
* @namespace Plugin
* @constructor
NS = function() {
NS.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
NS.ATTRS = Y.merge(S.ATTRS, {
* @attribute node
* @description The node we want to scroll. Used to set the internal parentScroll attribute.
* @type Node
node: {
value: false,
setter: function(node) {
var n =;
if (!n) {
if (node !== false) {
Y.error('DDNodeScroll: Invalid Node Given: ' + node);
} else {
this.set(PARENT_SCROLL, n);
return n;
Y.extend(NS, S, {
//Shouldn't have to do this..
initializer: function() {
this.set('node', this.get('node'));
* @property NS
* @default nodescroll
* @readonly
* @protected
* @static
* @description The NodeScroll instance will be placed on the Drag instance under the nodescroll namespace.
* @type {String}
NS.NAME = NS.NS = 'nodescroll';
Y.Plugin.DDNodeScroll = NS;
Y.DD.Scroll = S;