HISTORY.md revision a9b25b4bbae1bfad7016ef2b28cb69f0025037b2
Drag and Drop
### 3.3.0
* #2529382 DD Delegate breaks when a draggable is nested and uses a handle
* #2529407 Add tickAlignX and tickAlignY events to Y.Plugin.DDConstrained
* #2529409 [Pull Request] - #2529407 Add tickAlignX and tickAlignY events to Y.Plugin.DDConstrained
* #2529463 Screen goes red in some YUI 3 D&D examples in IE=8 doc mode
* #2529469 Reset _lastTickYFired/_lastTickXFired on drag end
* #2529470 [Pull Request] - #2529469 Reset _lastTickYFired/_lastTickXFired on drag end
* #2529484 DD example not working when run from local directory or hosted on YUIbuild
* #2529577 Slider thumb frozen on mousedown+mousemove in IE9
### 3.2.0
**IMPORTANT** dd-plugin and dd-plugin-drop are no longer bundled with the dd module. They are
now official plugins and need to be "used" on their own.
Moved to new Gesture support. DD now works off both mouse events and touch events natively with
the "drag-gestures" plugin that is conditionally loaded when touch events are found on the page.
* #2528693 3.1.0PR1 DD Examples fail in Opera 10.5
* #2528765 DD uses window references
* #2528797 Drag and drop breaks input text select()
* #2528959 Mouseenter event bubbles up when using both modules dd-plugin and dd-constrain
* #2529070 Drop destroy is throwing errors when the node is removed with .remove(true) using dd delegate
* #2529094 DD hard codes CSS prefix
### 3.1.0
* #2527964 DD constrain2node cached position causes misalignment when that node is moved
* #2528229 Configuration to override region caching in Constrain plugin
* #2528395 Add a DD.Drag delegate class
* #2528457 Add invalid selector check to Delegate
* #2528488 Delegate errors without Drop plugin
* #2528509 Drag and drop slow on linux ff3.5.6
* #2528539 drag:start should fire before drag:enter
* #2528540 DDConstrained using cacheRegion set to false throws js errors when drag starts
* #2528560 drag:over event is not firing when useShim is false
* #2528578 DDConstrained has no default constraining config
* #2528585 drag:dropmiss being fired on simple click
* #2528592 Add throttle support to DD mousemove
* #2528596 Support Node instances as handles in Drag
* #2528607 Drop events not firing when attached to a Drag target
* #2528608 Default Drag throttleTime should be -1
* #2528613 dragNode XY not sync with the mouse if it has its dimensions changed on drag:start
### 3.0.0
* #2528096 Updated initialization routine so plugins load before DD attachs to the node.
* #2528119 Added SELECT selector to invalidHandles.
* #2528124 Fixed issue with creating more than one DD instance on a node.
* #2528149 Fixed _noShim use case
### 3.0.0 Beta1
Added a plugin to support Window and Node based scrolling
var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({
node: '#drag'
var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({
node: '#drag'
}).plug(Y.plugin.DDNodeScroll, {
node: '#some-parent-with-scroll'
Proxy and Constrained were moved to the plugin modal, there are some syntax changes:
PR2 - Proxy:
var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({
node: '#drag',
proxy: true,
moveOnEnd: false
Current - Proxy:
var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({
node: '#drag'
}).plug(Y.plugin.DDProxy, {
moveOnEnd: false
PR2 - Constrained:
var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({
node: '#drag',
constrain2node: '#wrap'
Current - Constrained:
var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({
node: '#drag'
}).plug(Y.plugin.DDConstrained, {
constrain2node: '#wrap'
Converted Everything to use setXY now that FF2 is not supported.
Performance tweaks to dragging over a target.
### 3.0.0 PR2
Added bubbles config option to help with extending later.
Updated _checkRegion to perform Bottom, Top, Left, Right validation instead of Top, Bottom, Left, Right
### 3.0.0 PR1
Known Issues:
* Firefox 2.x:
Proxy Drags with handles inside an element with overflow: hidden will not target properly.
* All:
Scrolling Module not available as of this release.