sort.js revision 32624ce45f113c04dfa5469b3cc77df42c4c46f4
Adds support for column sort.
@module datatable-sort
var YLang = Y.Lang,
isBoolean = YLang.isBoolean,
isString = YLang.isString,
isArray = YLang.isArray,
isObject = YLang.isObject,
toArray = Y.Array,
dirMap = {
asc : 1,
desc: -1,
"1" : 1,
"-1": -1
function Sortable() {}
Sortable.ATTRS = {
// Which columns in the UI should suggest and respond to sorting interaction
// pass an empty array if no UI columns should show sortable, but you want the
// table.sort(...) API
sortable: {
value: 'auto',
validator: '_validateSortable'
// Last sort params
sortBy: {
validator: '_validateSortBy',
getter: '_getSortBy'
strings: {
valueFn: function () {
return Y.Intl.get('datatable-sort');
Y.mix(Sortable.prototype, {
sort: function (fields, payload) {'sort', Y.merge((payload || {}), {
sortBy: fields || this.get('sortBy')
toggleSort: function (columns, payload) {
var current = this._sortBy,
sortBy = [],
i, len, j, col, index;
// To avoid updating column configs or sortBy directly
for (i = 0, len = current.length; i < len; ++i) {
col = {};
col[current[i]._id] = current[i].sortDir;
if (columns) {
columns = toArray(columns);
for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
col = columns[i];
index = -1;
for (j = sortBy.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (sortBy[j][col]) {
sortBy[j][col] *= -1;
} else {
for (i = 0, len = sortBy.length; i < len; ++i) {
for (col in sortBy[i]) {
if (sortBy[i].hasOwnProperty(col)) {
sortBy[i][col] *= -1;
}'sort', Y.merge((payload || {}), {
sortBy: sortBy
// Protected properties and methods
_afterDataChange: function (e) {
// object values always trigger a change event, but we only want to
// call _initSortFn if the value passed to the `data` attribute was a
// new ModelList, not a set of new data as an array, or even the same
// ModelList.
if (e.prevVal !== e.newVal || e.newVal.hasOwnProperty('_compare')) {
_afterSortByChange: function (e) {
// Can't use a setter because it's a chicken and egg problem. The columns
// need to be set up to translate, but columns are initialized from
// Core's initializer. So construction-time assignment would fail.
// Don't sort unless sortBy has been set
if (this._sortBy.length) {
if (! { = this._sortComparator;
_bindSortUI: function () {
this.after(['sortableChange', 'sortByChange', 'columnsChange'],
if (this._theadNode) {
this._sortHandle = this._theadNode.delegate('click',
Y.rbind('_onUITriggerSort', this),
'.' + this.getClassName('sortable', 'column'));
_defSortFn: function (e) {
this.set.apply(this, ['sortBy', e.sortBy].concat(e.details));
destructor: function () {
if (this._sortHandle) {
_getSortBy: function (val, detail) {
var state, i, len, col;
// "sortBy." is 7 characters. Used to catch
detail = detail.slice(7);
// TODO: table.get('sortBy.asObject')? table.get('sortBy.json')?
if (detail === 'state') {
state = [];
for (i = 0, len = this._sortBy.length; i < len; ++i) {
col = this._sortBy[i];
column: col._id,
dir: col.sortDir
// TODO: Always return an array?
return { state: (state.length === 1) ? state[0] : state };
} else {
return val;
initializer: function () {
var boundParseSortable = Y.bind('_parseSortable', this);
renderHeader : Y.bind('_renderSortable', this),
dataChange : Y.bind('_afterDataChange', this),
sortByChange : Y.bind('_afterSortByChange', this),
sortableChange: boundParseSortable,
columnsChange : boundParseSortable
this.publish('sort', {
defaultFn: Y.bind('_defSortFn', this)
_initSortFn: function () {
var self = this;
// TODO: This should be a ModelList extension.
// FIXME: Modifying a component of the host seems a little smelly
// FIXME: Declaring inline override to leverage closure vs
// compiling a new function for each column/sortable change or
// binding the _compare implementation to this, resulting in an
// extra function hop during sorting. Lesser of three evils? = function (a, b) {
var cmp = 0,
i, len, col, dir, aa, bb;
for (i = 0, len = self._sortBy.length; !cmp && i < len; ++i) {
col = self._sortBy[i];
dir = col.sortDir;
if (col.sortFn) {
cmp = col.sortFn(a, b) * dir;
} else {
// FIXME? Requires columns without sortFns to have key
aa = a.get(col.key);
bb = b.get(col.key);
cmp = (aa > bb) ? dir : ((aa < bb) ? -dir : 0);
return cmp;
if (this.get('sortable') && this._sortBy.length) { = this._sortComparator;
// TODO: is this necessary? Should it be elsewhere?;
} else {
// Leave the _compare method in place to avoid having to set it
// up again. Mistake?
_onUITriggerSort: function (e) {
var id = e.currentTarget.get('id'),
config = {},
dir = 1,
// TODO: if (e.ctrlKey) { /* subsort */ }
if (id) {
Y.Array.each(this._displayColumns, function (col) {
if (id === col._yuid) {
column = col._id;
// Flip current sortDir or default to 1 (asc)
dir = -(col.sortDir|0) || 1;
if (column) {
config[column] = dir;'sort', {
originEvent: e,
sortBy: [config]
_parseSortable: function () {
var sortable = this.get('sortable'),
columns = [],
i, len, col;
if (isArray(sortable)) {
for (i = 0, len = sortable.length; i < len; ++i) {
col = sortable[i];
// isArray is called because arrays are objects, but will rely
// on getColumn to nullify them for the subsequent if (col)
if (!isObject(col, true) || isArray(col)) {
col = this.getColumn(col);
if (col) {
} else if (sortable) {
columns = this._displayColumns.slice();
if (sortable === 'auto') {
for (i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!columns[i].sortable) {
columns.splice(i, 1);
this._sortable = columns;
_renderSortable: function () {
_setSortBy: function () {
var columns = this._displayColumns,
sortBy = this.get('sortBy') || [],
sortedClass = ' ' + this.getClassName('sorted'),
i, len, name, dir, field, column;
this._sortBy = [];
// Purge current sort state from column configs
for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
column = columns[i];
delete column.sortDir;
if (column.className) {
// TODO: be more thorough
column.className = column.className.replace(sortedClass, '');
sortBy = toArray(sortBy);
for (i = 0, len = sortBy.length; i < len; ++i) {
name = sortBy[i];
dir = 1;
if (isObject(name)) {
field = name;
// Have to use a for-in loop to process sort({ foo: -1 })
for (name in field) {
if (field.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
dir = dirMap[field[name]];
if (name) {
// Allow sorting of any model field and any column
// FIXME: this isn't limited to model attributes, but there's no
// convenient way to get a list of the attributes for a Model
// subclass *including* the attributes of its superclasses.
column = this.getColumn(name) || { _id: name, key: name };
if (column) {
column.sortDir = dir;
if (!column.className) {
column.className = '';
column.className += sortedClass;
_sortComparator: function (item) {
// Defer sorting to ModelList's _compare
return item;
_validateSortable: function (val) {
return val === 'auto' || isBoolean(val) || isArray(val);
_uiSetSortable: function () {
var columns = this._sortable || [],
sortableClass = this.getClassName('sortable', 'column'),
ascClass = this.getClassName('sorted'),
descClass = this.getClassName('sorted', 'desc'),
i, len, col, node;
// TODO: this.head.render() + decorate cells?
this._theadNode.all('.' + sortableClass)
for (i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; ++i) {
col = columns[i];
node ='#' + col._yuid);
if (node) {
if (col.sortDir) {
if (col.sortDir === -1) {
_validateSortBy: function (val) {
return val === null ||
isString(val) ||
isObject(val, true) ||
(isArray(val) && (isString(val[0]) || isObject(val, true)));
}, true);
Y.DataTable.Sortable = Sortable;
Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Sortable]);