scroll.js revision 2c1aecfb4cdd2e568233ee3d9f51592d7f9b501c
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrews// TODO: split this into a plugin and a class extension to add the ATTRS (ala
a7038d1a0513c8e804937ebc95fc9cb3a46c04f5Mark Andrews// Plugin.addHostAttr()
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson/**
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas GustafssonAdds the ability to make the table rows scrollable while preserving the header
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafssonplacement.
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark AndrewsThere are two types of scrolling, horizontal (x) and vertical (y). Horizontal
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrewsscrolling is achieved by wrapping the entire table in a scrollable container.
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark AndrewsVertical scrolling is achieved by splitting the table headers and data into two
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrewsseparate tables, the latter of which is wrapped in a vertically scrolling
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrewscontainer. In this case, column widths of header cells and data cells are kept
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrewsin sync programmatically.
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrews
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas GustafssonSince the split table synchronization can be costly at runtime, the split is only done if the data in the table stretches beyond the configured `height` value.
dafcb997e390efa4423883dafd100c975c4095d6Mark Andrews
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas GustafssonTo activate or deactivate scrolling, set the `scrollable` attribute to one of
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafssonthe following values:
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson * `false` - (default) Scrolling is disabled.
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson * `true` or 'xy' - If `height` is set, vertical scrolling will be activated, if
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson `width` is set, horizontal scrolling will be activated.
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson * 'x' - Activate horizontal scrolling only. Requires the `width` attribute is
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson also set.
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson * 'y' - Activate vertical scrolling only. Requires the `height` attribute is
59563a18b7d83c3de5bb4b57f41fb4c0f9162cd0Andreas Gustafsson also set.
455ab32690beba1fb7791b9dbb2499c10b240926Andreas Gustafsson
ca5f363de560056f1878871e8731ae5fc1c8b459Bob Halley @module @datatable-scroll
4f1b59f0b9c81f88105a7bb3fcdb9d01eb20d99dMark Andrews @class DataTable.Scrollable
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson @for DataTable
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson**/
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafssonvar YLang = Y.Lang,
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson isString = YLang.isString,
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson isNumber = YLang.isNumber,
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson isArray = YLang.isArray,
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson
60084a1a5a9e570842b8147ff4c34b68ce4de7f8Andreas Gustafsson Scrollable;
60084a1a5a9e570842b8147ff4c34b68ce4de7f8Andreas Gustafsson
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas GustafssonY.DataTable.Scrollable = Scrollable = function () {};
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson
60084a1a5a9e570842b8147ff4c34b68ce4de7f8Andreas GustafssonScrollable.ATTRS = {
dfcd28cce9e445749acfd4cad31761d19f55d48cAndreas Gustafsson /**
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson Activates or deactivates scrolling in the table. Acceptable values are:
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson * `false` - (default) Scrolling is disabled.
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson * `true` or 'xy' - If `height` is set, vertical scrolling will be activated, if
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson `width` is set, horizontal scrolling will be activated.
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson * 'x' - Activate horizontal scrolling only. Requires the `width` attribute is
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson also set.
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson * 'y' - Activate vertical scrolling only. Requires the `height` attribute is
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson also set.
60084a1a5a9e570842b8147ff4c34b68ce4de7f8Andreas Gustafsson
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson @attribute scrollable
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson @type {String|Boolean}
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson @value false
60084a1a5a9e570842b8147ff4c34b68ce4de7f8Andreas Gustafsson **/
b8cfb6c6c8d24b79d6063b358bdf9a33a4b4f3d6Andreas Gustafsson scrollable: {
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson value: false,
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson setter: '_setScrollable'
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson }
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson};
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas GustafssonY.mix(Scrollable.prototype, {
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson /**
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson Template for the `<div>` that is used to contain the rows when the table is
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson vertically scrolling.
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson
f9f9c47053364ba915d3ef0dbb4f55bd202487daAndreas Gustafsson @property SCROLLING_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE
9ae5c33fe47b307db08ff0c437dc6a0deed7b46aAndreas Gustafsson @type {HTML}
@value '<div class="{classes}"><table></table></div>'
SCROLLING_CONTAINER_TEMPLATE: '<div class="{classes}"><table></table></div>',
Scrolls a given row or cell into view if the table is scrolling. Pass the
`clientId` of a Model from the DataTable's `data` ModelList or its row
index to scroll to a row or a [row index, column index] array to scroll to
a cell. Alternately, to scroll to any element contained within the table's
scrolling areas, pass its ID, or the Node itself (though you could just as
well call `node.scrollIntoView()` yourself, but hey, whatever).
@method scrollTo
@param {String|Number|Number[]|Node} id A row clientId, row index, cell
coordinate array, id string, or Node
scrollTo: function (id) {
var target;
if (id && this._tbodyNode && (this._yScrollNode || this._xScrollNode)) {
if (isArray(id)) {
target = this.getCell(id);
} else if (isNumber(id)) {
target = this.getRow(id);
} else if (isString(id)) {
target ='#' + id);
} else if (id instanceof Y.Node &&
// TODO: ancestor(yScrollNode, xScrollNode)
id.ancestor('.yui3-datatable') === this.get('boundingBox')) {
target = id;
target && target.scrollIntoView();
// Protected properties and methods
Relays changes in the table structure or content to trigger a reflow of the
scrolling setup.
@method _afterContentChange
@param {EventFacade} e The relevant change event (ignored)
_afterContentChange: function (e) {
Reacts to changes in the `scrollable` attribute by updating the `\_xScroll`
and `\_yScroll` properties and syncing the scrolling structure accordingly.
@method _afterScrollableChange
@param {EventFacade} e The relevant change event (ignored)
_afterScrollableChange: function (e) {
Syncs the scrolling structure if the table is configured to scroll vertically.
@method _afterScrollHeightChange
@param {EventFacade} e The relevant change event (ignored)
_afterScrollHeightChange: function (e) {
this._yScroll && this._syncScrollUI();
Attaches internal subscriptions to keep the scrolling structure up to date
with changes in the table's `data`, `columns`, `caption`, or `height`. The
`width` is taken care of already.
This executes after the table's native `bindUI` method.
@method _bindScrollUI
_bindScrollUI: function () {
Y.bind('_afterContentChange', this));[
'add', 'remove', 'reset', '*:change'],
Y.bind('_afterContentChange', this));
Calculates the height of the div containing the vertically scrolling rows.
The height is produced by subtracting the `offsetHeight` of the scrolling
`<div>` from the `clientHeight` of the `contentBox`.
@method _calcScrollHeight
_calcScrollHeight: function () {
var scrollNode = this._yScrollNode;
return this.get('contentBox').get('clientHeight') -
scrollNode.get('offsetTop') -
// To account for padding and borders of the scroll div
scrollNode.get('offsetHeight') +
Populates the `\_yScrollNode` property by creating the `<div>` Node described
@method _createYScrollNode
_createYScrollNode: function () {
if (!this._yScrollNode) {
this._yScrollNode = Y.Node.create(
classes: this.getClassName('data','container')
Assigns style widths to all columns based on their current `offsetWidth`s.
This faciliates creating a clone of the `<colgroup>` so column widths are
the same after the table is split in to header and data tables.
@method _fixColumnWidths
_fixColumnWidths: function () {
var tbody = this._tbodyNode,
table = tbody.get('parentNode'),
firstRow ='tr'),
cells = firstRow && firstRow.all('td'),
scrollbar = Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth(),
widths = [], i, len, cell;
if (cells) {
// The thead and tbody need to be in the same table to accurately
// calculate column widths.
i = cells.size() - 1;
cell = cells.item(i);
// FIXME? This may be fragile if the table has a fixed width and
// increasing the size of the last column would push the overall
// width beyond the configured width.
// bump up the width of the last column to account for the scrollbar.
(cell.get('offsetWidth') + scrollbar) + 'px');
// Avoid assignment without scrollbar adjustment
// Two passes so assigned widths don't cause subsequent width changes
// which would cost reflows.
widths = cells.get('offsetWidth');
for (i = 0, len = widths.length; i < len; ++i) {
this._setColumnWidth(i, widths[i] + 'px');
Sets up event handlers and AOP advice methods to bind the DataTable's natural
behaviors with the scrolling APIs and state.
@method initializer
@param {Object} config The config object passed to the constructor (ignored)
initializer: function () {
this.after(['scrollableChange', 'heightChange', 'widthChange'],
Y.Do.after(this._bindScrollUI, this, 'bindUI');
Y.Do.after(this._syncScrollUI, this, 'syncUI');
Merges the header and data tables back into one table if they are split.
@method _mergeYScrollContent
_mergeYScrollContent: function () {
if (this._yScrollNode) {
this._yScrollNode = null;
Removes the additional padding added to the last cells in each header row to
allow the scrollbar to fit below.
@method _removeHeaderScrollPadding
_removeHeaderScrollPadding: function () {
var rows = this._theadNode.all('> tr').getDOMNodes(),
cell, i, len;
// The last cell in all rows of the table headers
for (i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i += (cell.rowSpan || 1)) {
cell =[i].cells[rows[i].cells.length - 1])
.setStyle('paddingRight', '');
Moves the ARIA "grid" role from the table to the `contentBox` and adds the
"presentation" role to both header and data tables to support the two
tables reporting as one table for screen readers.
@method _setARIARoles
_setARIARoles: function () {
var contentBox = this.get('contentBox');
if (this._yScrollNode) {
this._tableNode.setAttribute('role', 'presentation');'> table').setAttribute('role', 'presentation');
contentBox.setAttribute('role', 'grid');
} else {
this._tableNode.setAttribute('role', 'grid');
Adds additional padding to the current amount of right padding on each row's
last cell to account for the width of the scrollbar below.
@method _setHeaderScrollPadding
_setHeaderScrollPadding: function () {
var rows = this._theadNode.all('> tr').getDOMNodes(),
padding, cell, i, len;
cell =[0].cells[rows[0].cells.length - 1]);
padding = (Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth() +
parseInt(cell.getComputedStyle('paddingRight'), 10)) + 'px';
// The last cell in all rows of the table headers
for (i = 0, len = rows.length; i < len; i += (cell.rowSpan || 1)) {
cell =[i].cells[rows[i].cells.length - 1])
.setStyle('paddingRight', padding);
Accepts (case insensitive) values "x", "y", "xy", `true`, and `false`.
`true` is translated to "xy" and upper case values are converted to lower
case. All other values are invalid.
@method _setScrollable
@param {String|Boolea} val Incoming value for the `scrollable` attribute
@return {String}
_setScrollable: function (val) {
if (val === true) {
val = 'xy';
if (isString(val)) {
val = val.toLowerCase();
return (val === false || val === 'y' || val === 'x' || val === 'xy') ?
val :
Assigns the `\_xScroll` and `\_yScroll` properties to true if an
appropriate value is set in the `scrollable` attribute and the `height`
and/or `width` is set.
@method _setScrollProperties
_setScrollProperties: function () {
var scrollable = this.get('scrollable') || '',
width = this.get('width'),
height = this.get('height');
this._xScroll = width && scrollable.indexOf('x') > -1;
this._yScroll = height && scrollable.indexOf('y') > -1;
Clones the fixed (see `\_fixColumnWidths` method) `<colgroup>` for use by the
table in the vertical scrolling container. The last column's width is reduced
by the width of the scrollbar (which is offset by additional padding on the
last header cell(s) in the header table - see `\_setHeaderScrollPadding`).
@method _setYScrollColWidths
_setYScrollColWidths: function () {
var scrollNode = this._yScrollNode,
table = scrollNode &&'> table'),
// hack to account for right border
colgroup, lastCol;
if (table) {
colgroup = this._colgroupNode.cloneNode(true);
colgroup.set('id', Y.stamp(colgroup));
// Browsers with proper support for column widths need the
// scrollbar width subtracted from the last column.
if (!Y.Features.test('table', 'badColWidth')) {
lastCol = colgroup.all('col').pop();
// Subtract the scrollbar width added to the last col
(parseInt(lastCol.getStyle('width'), 10) - 1 -
Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth()) + 'px');
table.insertBefore(colgroup,'> thead, > tfoot, > tbody'));
Splits the unified table with headers and data into two tables, the latter
contained within a vertically scrollable container `<div>`.
@method _splitYScrollContent
_splitYScrollContent: function () {
var table = this._tableNode,
scrollNode = this._yScrollTable,
scrollbar = Y.DOM.getScrollbarWidth(),
scrollTable, width;
if (!scrollNode) {
// I don't want to take into account the added paddingRight done in
// _setHeaderScrollPadding for the data cells that will be
// scrolling below
// lock the header table width in case the removal of the tbody would
// allow the table to shrink (such as when the tbody data causes a
// browser horizontal scrollbar).
width = parseInt(table.getComputedStyle('width'), 10);
table.setStyle('width', width + 'px');
scrollNode = this._yScrollNode;
scrollTable ='table');
table.insert(scrollNode, 'after');
height: this._calcScrollHeight() + 'px',
// FIXME: Lazy hack to account for scroll node borders
width : (width - 2) + 'px'
scrollTable.setStyle('width', (width - scrollbar - 1) + 'px');
Calls `\_mergeYScrollContent` or `\_splitYScrollContent` depending on the
current widget state, accounting for current state. That is, if the table
needs to be split, but is already, nothing happens.
@method _syncScrollUI
_syncScrollUI: function () {
var scrollable = this._xScroll || this._yScroll,
cBox = this.get('contentBox'),
node = this._yScrollNode || cBox,
table ='table'),
overflowing = this._yScroll &&
(table.get('scrollHeight') > node.get('clientHeight'));
if (scrollable) {
// Only split the table if the content is longer than the height
if (overflowing) {
} else {
} else {
// TODO: fix X scroll. I'll need to split tables here as well for the
// caption if there is one present, so the horizontal scroll happens
// under the stationary caption.
// Also, similarly, only activate the x scrolling if the table is wider
// than the configured width.
Overrides the default Widget `\_uiSetWidth` to assign the width to either
the table or the `contentBox` (for horizontal scrolling) in addition to the
native behavior of setting the width of the `boundingBox`.
@method _uiSetWidth
@param {String|Number} width CSS width value or number of pixels
_uiSetWidth: function (width) {
var scrollable = parseInt(width, 10) &&
(this.get('scrollable')||'').indexOf('x') > -1;
if (isNumber(width)) {
width += this.DEF_UNIT;
this._uiSetDim('width', width);
this._tableNode.setStyle('width', scrollable ? '' : width);
// FIXME: this allows the caption to scroll out of view
this.get('contentBox').setStyle('width', scrollable ? width : '');
if (this._yScrollNode) {
Assigns the appropriate class to the `boundingBox` to identify the DataTable
as horizontally scrolling, vertically scrolling, or both (adds both classes).
Classes added are "yui3-datatable-scrollable-x" or "...-y"
@method _uiSetScrollable
_uiSetScrollable: function () {
// Initially add classes. These may be purged by _syncScrollUI.
.toggleClass(this.getClassName('scrollable','x'), this._xScroll)
.toggleClass(this.getClassName('scrollable','y'), this._yScroll);
Indicates horizontal table scrolling is enabled.
@property _xScroll
@type {Boolean}
@default undefined (not initially set)
Indicates vertical table scrolling is enabled.
@property _yScroll
@type {Boolean}
@default undefined (not initially set)
Overflow Node used to contain the data rows in a vertically scrolling table.
@property _yScrollNode
@type {Node}
@default undefined (not initially set)
// TODO: Add _xScrollNode
}, true);
Y.Base.mix(Y.DataTable, [Scrollable]);