datatable-base.js revision beae2c1bcdd24bf81c3ce3774966c9928b4a4637
* The DataTable widget provides a progressively enhanced DHTML control for
* displaying tabular data across A-grade browsers.
* @module datatable
* Provides the base DataTable implementation, which can be extended to add
* additional functionality, such as sorting or scrolling.
* @module datatable
* @submodule datatable-base
* Base class for the DataTable widget.
* @class DataSource.Base
* @extends Widget
* @constructor
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "dataTable"
NAME: "dataTable",
* @attribute columnset
* @description Pointer to Columnset instance.
* @type Array | Y.Columnset
columnset: {
setter: "_setColumnset"
* @attribute recordset
* @description Pointer to Recordset instance.
* @type Array | Y.Recordset
recordset: {
setter: "_setRecordset"
* @attribute state
* @description Internal state.
* @readonly
* @type
/*state: {
value: new Y.State(),
readOnly: true
* @attribute strings
* @description The collection of localizable strings used to label
* elements of the UI.
* @type Object
strings: {
valueFn: function() {
* @attribute thValueTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TH value.
* @type String
* @default '{value}'
* @attribute tdValueTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TD value.
* @type String
* @default '{value}'
* @attribute trTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TR node creation.
* @type String
* @default '<tr id="{id}"></tr>'
trTemplate: {
/*caption: function (srcNode) {
* @property thTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TH node creation.
* @type String
* @default '<th id="{id}" rowspan="{rowspan}" colspan="{colspan}"><div class="'+CLASS_LINER+'">{value}</div></th>'
* @property tdTemplate
* @description Tokenized markup template for TD node creation.
* @type String
* @default '<td headers="{headers}"><div class="'+CLASS_LINER+'">{value}</div></td>'
* @property _theadNode
* @description Pointer to THEAD node.
* @type Y.Node
* @private
_theadNode: null,
* @property _tbodyNode
* @description Pointer to TBODY node.
* @type Y.Node
* @private
_tbodyNode: null,
* @property _msgNode
* @description Pointer to message display node.
* @type Y.Node
* @private
_msgNode: null,
* @method _setColumnset
* @description Converts Array to Y.Columnset.
* @param columns {Array | Y.Columnset}
* @returns Y.Columnset
* @private
_setColumnset: function(columns) {
* @method _setRecordset
* @description Converts Array to Y.Recordset.
* @param records {Array | Y.Recordset}
* @returns Y.Recordset
* @private
_setRecordset: function(rs) {
return rs;
* Updates the UI if changes are made to Columnset.
* @method _afterColumnsetChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @private
_afterColumnsetChange: function (e) {
* @method _afterRecordsetChange
* @description Adds bubble target.
* @param records {Array | Y.Recordset}
* @returns Y.Recordset
* @private
_afterRecordsetChange: function (e) {
* Updates the UI if changes are made to any of the strings in the strings
* attribute.
* @method _afterStringsChange
* @param e {Event} Custom event for the attribute change.
* @protected
_afterStringsChange: function (e) {
* Initializer.
* @method initializer
* @param config {Object} Config object.
* @private
initializer: function(config) {
* Destructor.
* @method destructor
* @private
destructor: function() {
* Renders UI.
* @method renderUI
* @private
renderUI: function() {
this._addColgroupNode(this._tableNode) &&
this._addTheadNode(this._tableNode) &&
// Primary TBODY
this._addTbodyNode(this._tableNode) &&
// Message TBODY
this._addMessageNode(this._tableNode) &&
* Creates and attaches TABLE element to given container.
* @method _addTableNode
* @param containerNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_addTableNode: function(containerNode) {
if (!this._tableNode) {
return this._tableNode;
* Creates and attaches COLGROUP element to given TABLE.
* @method _addColgroupNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_addColgroupNode: function(tableNode) {
i = 0,
allCols = ["<colgroup>"];
for(; i<len; ++i) {
// Create COLGROUP
this._colgroupNode = tableNode.insertBefore(Ycreate(allCols.join("")), tableNode.get("firstChild"));
return this._colgroupNode;
* Creates and attaches THEAD element to given container.
* @method _addTheadNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_addTheadNode: function(tableNode) {
if(tableNode) {
return this._theadNode;
* Creates and attaches TBODY element to given container.
* @method _addTbodyNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_addTbodyNode: function(tableNode) {
return this._tbodyNode;
* Creates and attaches message display element to given container.
* @method _addMessageNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_addMessageNode: function(tableNode) {
return this._msgNode;
* Creates and attaches CAPTION element to given container.
* @method _addCaptionNode
* @param tableNode {Y.Node} Parent node.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_addCaptionNode: function(tableNode) {
//TODO: node.createCaption
return this._captionNode;
* Binds events.
* @method bindUI
* @private
bindUI: function() {
var tableNode = this._tableNode,
// Define custom events that wrap DOM events. Simply pass through DOM
// event facades.
//TODO: do we need queuable=true?
//TODO: All the other events.
* Fired when a TH element has a click.
* @event theadCellClick
this.publish("theadCellClick", {defaultFn: this._defTheadCellClickFn, emitFacade:false, queuable:true});
* Fired when a THEAD>TR element has a click.
* @event theadRowClick
this.publish("theadRowClick", {defaultFn: this._defTheadRowClickFn, emitFacade:false, queuable:true});
* Fired when the THEAD element has a click.
* @event theadClick
* Fired when a TH element has a mouseenter.
* @event theadCellMouseenter
this.publish("theadCellMouseenter", {defaultFn: this._defTheadCellMouseenterFn, emitFacade:false, queuable:true});
* Fired when a THEAD>TR element has a mouseenter.
* @event theadRowMouseenter
this.publish("theadRowMouseenter", {defaultFn: this._defTheadRowMouseenterFn, emitFacade:false, queuable:true});
* Fired when the THEAD element has a mouseenter.
* @event theadMouseenter
this.publish("theadMouseenter", {defaultFn: this._defTheadMouseenterFn, emitFacade:false, queuable:true});
* Fired when a TD element has a click.
* @event tbodyCellClick
this.publish("tbodyCellClick", {defaultFn: this._defTbodyCellClickFn, emitFacade:false, queuable:true});
* Fired when a TBODY>TR element has a click.
* @event tbodyRowClick
this.publish("tbodyRowClick", {defaultFn: this._defTbodyRowClickFn, emitFacade:false, queuable:true});
* Fired when the TBODY element has a click.
* @event tbodyClick
// Bind to THEAD DOM events
// Since we can't listen for click and dblclick on the same element...
// Bind to TBODY DOM events
// Since we can't listen for click and dblclick on the same element...
// Bind to message TBODY DOM events
// Since we can't listen for click and dblclick on the same element...
* On DOM event, fires corresponding custom event.
* @method _onDomEvent
* @param e {DOMEvent} The original DOM event facade.
* @param type {String} Corresponding custom event to fire.
* @private
_onDomEvent: function(e, type) {
//TODO: abstract this out
_defTheadCellClickFn: function(e) {"theadRowClick", e);
_defTheadRowClickFn: function(e) {"theadClick", e);
_defTheadClickFn: function(e) {
* Syncs UI to intial state.
* @method syncUI
* @private
syncUI: function() {
* Updates all strings.
* @method _uiSetStrings
* @param strings {Object} Collection of new strings.
* @protected
_uiSetStrings: function (strings) {
* Updates summary.
* @method _uiSetSummary
* @param val {String} New summary.
* @protected
_uiSetSummary: function(val) {
* Updates caption.
* @method _uiSetCaption
* @param val {String} New caption.
* @protected
_uiSetCaption: function(val) {
* Updates THEAD.
* @method _uiSetColumnset
* @param cs {Y.Columnset} New Columnset.
* @protected
_uiSetColumnset: function(cs) {
thead = this._theadNode,
i = 0,
// Move THEAD off DOM
// Iterate tree of columns to add THEAD rows
for(; i<len; ++i) {
// Column helpers needs _theadNode to exist
// Re-attach THEAD to DOM
* Creates and attaches header row element.
* @method _addTheadTrNode
* @param o {Object} {thead, columns}.
* @param isFirst {Boolean} Is first row.
* @param isFirst {Boolean} Is last row.
* @protected
* Creates header row element.
* @method _createTheadTrNode
* @param o {Object} {thead, columns}.
* @param isFirst {Boolean} Is first row.
* @param isLast {Boolean} Is last row.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
//TODO: custom classnames
i = 0,
if(isFirst) {
if(isLast) {
for(; i<len; ++i) {
return tr;
* Attaches header row element.
* @method _attachTheadTrNode
* @param o {Object} {thead, columns, tr}.
* @protected
_attachTheadTrNode: function(o) {
* Creates and attaches header cell element.
* @method _addTheadThNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
_addTheadThNode: function(o) { = this._createTheadThNode(o);
* Creates header cell element.
* @method _createTheadThNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_createTheadThNode: function(o) {
// Populate template object
//TODO o.abbr = column.get("abbr");
// Clear minWidth on hidden Columns
if(column.get("hidden")) {
* Attaches header cell element.
* @method _attachTheadTrNode
* @param o {Object} {value, column, tr}.
* @protected
_attachTheadThNode: function(o) {
* Updates TBODY.
* @method _uiSetRecordset
* @param rs {Y.Recordset} New Recordset.
* @protected
_uiSetRecordset: function(rs) {
var i = 0,//TODOthis.get("state.offsetIndex")
tbody = this._tbodyNode,
// Move TBODY off DOM
// Iterate Recordset to use existing TR when possible or add new TR
for(; i<len; ++i) {
o.rowindex = i;
this._addTbodyTrNode(o); //TODO: sometimes rowindex != recordindex
// Re-attach TBODY to DOM
* Creates and attaches data row element.
* @method _addTbodyTrNode
* @param o {Object} {tbody, record}
* @protected
_addTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
* Creates data row element.
* @method _createTbodyTrNode
* @param o {Object} {tbody, record}
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_createTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
i = 0,
for(; i<len; ++i) {
return tr;
* Attaches data row element.
* @method _attachTbodyTrNode
* @param o {Object} {tbody, record, tr}.
* @protected
_attachTbodyTrNode: function(o) {
if(isEven) {
else {
* Creates and attaches data cell element.
* @method _addTbodyTdNode
* @param o {Object} {record, column, tr}.
* @protected
_addTbodyTdNode: function(o) { = this._createTbodyTdNode(o);
* Creates data cell element.
* @method _createTbodyTdNode
* @param o {Object} {record, column, tr}.
* @protected
* @returns Y.Node
_createTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
//TODO: attributes? or methods?
o.value = this.formatDataCell(o);
* Attaches data cell element.
* @method _attachTbodyTdNode
* @param o {Object} {record, column, tr, headers, classnames, value}.
* @protected
_attachTbodyTdNode: function(o) {
* Returns markup to insert into data cell element.
* @method formatDataCell
* @param @param o {Object} {record, column, tr, headers, classnames}.
formatDataCell: function(o) {