datasource-base.js revision 9eb0c723ed90ba9c691cd35c025115b361da3eb4
* The DataSource utility provides a common configurable interface for widgets to
* access a variety of data, from JavaScript arrays to online database servers.
* @module datasource
* @requires base
* @title DataSource Utility
var DS = Y.DataSource;
// DataSource static properties
Y.mix(DS, {
* Global transaction counter.
* @property DataSource._tId
* @type Number
* @static
* @private
* @default 0
_tId: 0,
* Indicates null data response.
* @property DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
* @default 0
* Indicates invalid data response.
* @property DataSource.ERROR_DATAINVALID
* @type Number
* @static
* @final
* @default 1
var LANG = Y.Lang,
* Base class for the YUI DataSource utility.
* @class DataSource.Base
* @extends Base
* @constructor
Base = function() {
Base.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// Base static properties
Y.mix(Base, {
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "DataSource.Base"
NAME: "DataSource.Base",
// Base Attributes
* @attribute source
* @description Pointer to live data.
* @type MIXED
* @default null
source: {
value: null
* @description Error message for invalid data responses.
* @type String
* @default "Invalid data"
value: "Invalid data"
* @attribute ERROR_DATANULL
* @description Error message for null data responses.
* @type String
* @default "Null data"
value: "Null data"
* Executes a given callback. For object literal callbacks, the third
* param determines whether to execute the success handler or failure handler.
* @method issueCallback
* @param callback {Function|Object} the callback to execute
* @param params {Array} params to be passed to the callback method
* @param error {Boolean} whether an error occurred
* @static
issueCallback: function (callback, params, error) {
if(callback) {
var scope = callback.scope || window,
callbackFunc = (error && callback.failure) || callback.success;
if (callbackFunc) {
callbackFunc.apply(scope, params.concat([callback.argument]));
Y.extend(Base, Y.Base, {
* @property _queue
* @description Object literal to manage asynchronous request/response
* cycles enabled if queue needs to be managed (asyncMode/xhrConnMode):
<dt>interval {Number}</dt>
<dd>Interval ID of in-progress queue.</dd>
<dd>In-progress connection identifier (if applicable).</dd>
<dt>requests {Object[]}</dt>
<dd>Array of queued request objects: {request:oRequest, callback:_xhrCallback}.</dd>
* @type Object
* @default {interval:null, conn:null, requests:[]}
* @private
_queue: null,
* @method initializer
* @description Internal init() handler.
* @private
initializer: function() {
this._queue = {interval:null, conn:null, requests:[]};
* @method destructor
* @description Internal destroy() handler.
* @private
destructor: function() {
* @method _createEvents
* @description This method creates all the events for this Event
* Target and publishes them so we get Event Bubbling.
* @private
_initEvents: function() {
* Fired when an error is encountered.
* @event errorEvent
* @param args {Object} Object literal data payload.
* @param args.request {MIXED} The request.
* @param args.response {Object} The response object.
* @param args.callback {Object} The callback object.
* Fired when a request is sent to the live data source.
* @event requestEvent
* @param e {Event.Facade} Event Facade.
* @param e.tId {Number} Unique transaction ID.
* @param e.request {MIXED} The request.
* @param e.callback {Object} The callback object.
this.publish("requestEvent", {
//emitFacade: false,
defaultFn: this._makeConnection
* Fired when a response is received from the live data source.
* @event responseEvent
* @param e {Event.Facade} Event Facade.
* @param e.tId {Number} Unique transaction ID.
* @param e.request {MIXED} The request.
* @param e.callback {Object} The callback object.
* @param e.response {Object} The raw response data.
this.publish("responseEvent", {
//emitFacade: false,
defaultFn: this._handleResponse
* Overridable default requestEvent handler manages request/response
* transaction. Must fire responseEvent when response is received. This
* method should be implemented by subclasses to achieve more complex
* behavior such as accessing remote data.
* @method _makeConnection
* @protected
* @param e {Event.Facade} Custom Event Facade for requestEvent.
* @param e.tId {Number} Transaction ID.
* @param e.request {MIXED} Request.
* @param e.callback {Object} Callback object.
_makeConnection: function(e) {"responseEvent", Y.mix(e.details[0], {response:this.get("source")}));
Y.log("Transaction " + e.tId + " complete. Request: " +
Y.dump(e.request) + " . Response: " + Y.dump(e.response), "info", this.toString());
* Overridable default responseEvent handler receives raw data response and
* by default, passes it as-is to returnData.
* @method _handleResponse
* @protected
* @param args.tId {Number} Transaction ID.
* @param args.request {MIXED} Request.
* @param args.callback {Object} Callback object.
* @param args.response {MIXED} Raw data response.
_handleResponse: function(args) {
this.returnData(args.tId, args.request, args.callback, {results: args.response});
* Generates a unique transaction ID and fires requestEvent.
* @method sendRequest
* @param request {MIXED} Request.
* @param callback {Object} An object literal with the following properties:
* <dl>
* <dt><code>success</code></dt>
* <dd>The function to call when the data is ready.</dd>
* <dt><code>failure</code></dt>
* <dd>The function to call upon a response failure condition.</dd>
* <dt><code>scope</code></dt>
* <dd>The object to serve as the scope for the success and failure handlers.</dd>
* <dt><code>argument</code></dt>
* <dd>Arbitrary data payload that will be passed back to the success and failure handlers.</dd>
* </dl>
* @return {Number} Transaction ID.
sendRequest: function(request, callback) {
var tId = DS._tId++;"requestEvent", {tId:tId, request:request,callback:callback});
Y.log("Transaction " + tId + " sent request: " + Y.dump(request), "info", this.toString());
return tId;
* Overridable method returns data to callback.
* @method returnData
* @param tId {Number} Transaction ID.
* @param request {MIXED} Request.
* @param callback {Object} Callback object.
* @param response {MIXED} Raw data response.
returnData: function(tId, request, callback, response) {
// Problemic response
if(!response) {
response = {error:true};
// Handle any error
if(response.error) {"errorEvent", {tId:tId, request:request, callback:callback, response:response});
Y.log("Error in response", "error", this.toString());
// Normalize
response.tId = tId;
if(!response.results) {
response.results = [];
if(!response.meta) {
response.meta = {};
// Send the response back to the callback
Base.issueCallback(callback, [request, response, (callback && callback.argument)], response.error);
DS.Base = Base;