datasource-offlinecache.mustache revision 819e90d415ed17d59af3a247b2ad9d6feb0c21b5
<style scoped>
#demo .output {
border:1px solid #D9D9D9;
#demo .output pre {
font-size: 11px;
#demo .output strong {
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<div class="intro">
<p>The DataSourceCache plugin enables caching on any DataSource to reduce high-latency calls to remote sources and to reduce server load. The plugin can point to `Y.OfflineCache` to allow cached data to persist across browser sessions in browsers that support <a href="" title="Web Storage">HTML5 localStorage</a>.</p>
<div class="example yui3-skin-sam">
<p>Use the `plug()` method to initialize the DataSourceCache plugin
and point the configuration value `cache` to Y.CacheOffline to enable
offline caching. The configuration value `expires` can be set to
change how soon the data expires.</p>
YUI().use("datasource", "dataschema", "cache", function(Y) {
var callback = {
success: function (e) { /* output to screen */ },
failure: function (e) { /* output to screen */ }
myDataSource = new Y.DataSource.Get({
source: "",
// this is only needed because the query appends the url
// rather than the url's query params
generateRequestCallback: function (guid) {
return '/repos?callback=YUI.Env.DataSource.callbacks.' + guid;
myDataSource.plug(Y.Plugin.DataSourceJSONSchema, {
schema: {
resultListLocator: "data",
resultFields: ["name"]
// Enable offline data caching by pointing to Y.CacheOffline.
// For demonstration purposes, data is set to expire after 10 seconds
myDataSource.plug(Y.Plugin.DataSourceCache, {
cache: Y.CacheOffline,
expires: 10000,
max: 5
// Retrieves from server. Adds to cache
request : "lsmith",
callback: callback
// Retrieves from server. Adds to cache
request : "davglass",
callback: callback
// Retrieves from cache if requested within 5 seconds
request : "lsmith",
callback: callback
// ... wait 10 seconds ...
// Cached data has expired. Retrieves from server. Adds to cache.
request : "davglass",
callback: callback
<h3 id="fullsource">Full Example Source Listing</h3>