LeftAxisLayout.js revision cc21b565833307c2b0b06deb4e3ab22c2a94be3e
* Algorithmic strategy for rendering a left axis.
* @class LeftAxisLayout
* @extends Base
* @param {Object} config
* @constructor
function LeftAxisLayout(config)
LeftAxisLayout.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
LeftAxisLayout.ATTRS = {
* Reference to the <code>Axis</code> using the strategy.
* @attribute axisRenderer
* @type Axis
* @protected
axisRenderer: {
value: null
* @private
maxLabelSize: {
value: 0
Y.extend(LeftAxisLayout, Y.Base, {
* Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line.
* @method setTickOffset
* @protected
setTickOffsets: function()
var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"),
majorTicks = ar.get("styles").majorTicks,
tickLength = majorTicks.length,
halfTick = tickLength * 0.5,
display = majorTicks.display;
ar.set("topTickOffset", 0);
ar.set("bottomTickOffset", 0);
case "inside" :
ar.set("rightTickOffset", tickLength);
ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0);
case "outside" :
ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0);
ar.set("leftTickOffset", tickLength);
case "cross":
ar.set("rightTickOffset", halfTick);
ar.set("leftTickOffset", halfTick);
ar.set("rightTickOffset", 0);
ar.set("leftTickOffset", 0);
* Draws a tick
* @method drawTick
* @param {Object} pt Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect.
* @param {Object) tickStyle Hash of properties to apply to the tick.
* @protected
drawTick: function(pt, tickStyles)
var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"),
style = ar.get("styles"),
padding = style.padding,
tickLength = tickStyles.length,
start = {x:padding.left, y:pt.y},
end = {x:tickLength + padding.left, y:pt.y};
ar.drawLine(start, end, tickStyles);
* Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis.
* @method getLineStart
* @return {Object}
* @protected
getLineStart: function()
var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"),
style = ar.get("styles"),
padding = style.padding,
majorTicks = style.majorTicks,
tickLength = majorTicks.length,
display = majorTicks.display,
pt = {x:padding.left, y:0};
if(display === "outside")
pt.x += tickLength;
else if(display === "cross")
pt.x += tickLength/2;
return pt;
* Calculates the point for a label.
* @method getLabelPoint
* @param {Object} point Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect.
* @return {Object}
* @protected
getLabelPoint: function(point)
var ar = this.get("axisRenderer");
return {x:point.x - ar.get("leftTickOffset"), y:point.y};
* Updates the value for the <code>maxLabelSize</code> for use in calculating total size.
* @method updateMaxLabelSize
* @param {HTMLElement} label to measure
* @protected
updateMaxLabelSize: function(label)
var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"),
style = ar.get("styles").label,
rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)),
absRot = Math.abs(rot),
radCon = Math.PI/180,
sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)),
cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)),
m11 = cosRadians,
m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians,
m21 = -m12,
m22 = m11,
label.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")';
this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), label.offsetWidth));
label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)";
if(rot === 0)
max = label.offsetWidth;
else if(absRot === 90)
max = label.offsetHeight;
max = (cosRadians * label.offsetWidth) + (sinRadians * label.offsetHeight);
this.set("maxLabelSize", Math.max(this.get("maxLabelSize"), max));
* Rotate and position labels.
* @method positionLabel
* @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position
* @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned
* against.
* @protected
positionLabel: function(label, pt)
var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"),
tickOffset = ar.get("leftTickOffset"),
style = ar.get("styles").label,
labelAlpha = style.alpha,
margin = 0,
leftOffset = pt.x,
topOffset = pt.y,
rot = Math.min(90, Math.max(-90, style.rotation)),
absRot = Math.abs(rot),
radCon = Math.PI/180,
sinRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.sin(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)),
cosRadians = parseFloat(parseFloat(Math.cos(absRot * radCon)).toFixed(8)),
m11 = cosRadians,
m12 = rot > 0 ? -sinRadians : sinRadians,
m21 = -m12,
m22 = m11,
maxLabelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"),
labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth),
labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight);
if(style.margin && style.margin.right)
margin = style.margin.right;
label.style.filter = null;
labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth);
labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight);
if(rot === 0)
leftOffset = labelWidth;
topOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5;
else if(absRot === 90)
leftOffset = labelHeight;
topOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5;
else if(rot > 0)
leftOffset = (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (labelHeight * rot/90);
topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5));
leftOffset = (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (absRot/90 * labelHeight);
topOffset -= cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.5);
leftOffset += tickOffset;
label.style.left = ((pt.x + maxLabelSize) - leftOffset) + "px";
label.style.top = topOffset + "px";
filterString += " ";
if(Y.Lang.isNumber(labelAlpha) && labelAlpha < 1 && labelAlpha > -1 && !isNaN(labelAlpha))
filterString = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=" + Math.round(labelAlpha * 100) + ")";
if(rot !== 0)
filterString += " ";
filterString = "";
filterString += 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' + m11 + ' M12=' + m12 + ' M21=' + m21 + ' M22=' + m22 + ' sizingMethod="auto expand")';
label.style.filter = filterString;
label.style.msTransform = "rotate(0deg)";
labelWidth = Math.round(label.offsetWidth);
labelHeight = Math.round(label.offsetHeight);
if(rot === 0)
leftOffset -= labelWidth;
topOffset -= labelHeight * 0.5;
else if(rot === 90)
topOffset -= labelWidth * 0.5;
else if(rot === -90)
leftOffset -= labelHeight;
topOffset += labelWidth * 0.5;
if(rot < 0)
leftOffset -= (cosRadians * labelWidth) + (sinRadians * labelHeight);
topOffset += (sinRadians * labelWidth) - (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6));
leftOffset -= (cosRadians * labelWidth);
topOffset -= (sinRadians * labelWidth) + (cosRadians * (labelHeight * 0.6));
leftOffset -= tickOffset;
label.style.left = (this.get("maxLabelSize") + leftOffset) + "px";
label.style.top = topOffset + "px";
label.style.MozTransformOrigin = "0 0";
label.style.MozTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)";
label.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "0 0";
label.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)";
label.style.msTransformOrigin = "0 0";
label.style.msTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)";
label.style.OTransformOrigin = "0 0";
label.style.OTransform = "rotate(" + rot + "deg)";
* @protected
* Calculates the size and positions the content elements.
* @method setSizeAndPosition
* @protected
setSizeAndPosition: function()
var labelSize = this.get("maxLabelSize"),
ar = this.get("axisRenderer"),
style = ar.get("styles"),
leftTickOffset = ar.get("leftTickOffset"),
sz = labelSize + leftTickOffset,
path = ar.get("graphic"),
margin = style.label.margin;
if(margin && margin.right)
sz += margin.right;
sz = Math.round(sz);
ar.set("width", sz);
ar.get("contentBox").setStyle("width", sz);
path.set("x", labelSize + margin.right);
* Adjust the position of the Axis widget's content box for internal axes.
* @method offsetNodeForTick
* @param {Node} cb Content box of the Axis.
* @protected
offsetNodeForTick: function(cb)
* Sets the width of the axis based on its contents.
* @method setCalculatedSize
* @protected
setCalculatedSize: function()
var ar = this.get("axisRenderer"),
style = ar.get("styles"),
label = style.label,
tickOffset = ar.get("leftTickOffset"),
max = this.get("maxLabelSize"),
ttl = Math.round(tickOffset + max + label.margin.right);
ar.get("contentBox").setStyle("width", ttl);
ar.set("width", ttl);
Y.LeftAxisLayout = LeftAxisLayout;