LeftAxisLayout.js revision 8209f3939e32e0e5bde64192267fdaf9db6f4fbc
0N/A * Algorithmic strategy for rendering a left axis. 0N/A * @class LeftAxisLayout 0N/A * Default margins for text fields. 0N/A * @method _getDefaultMargins 0N/A * Sets the length of the tick on either side of the axis line. 481N/A * @method setTickOffset * @param {Object} pt Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * @param {Object} tickStyle Hash of properties to apply to the tick. * Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis. * Calculates the point for a label. * @param {Object} point Point on the axis in which the tick will intersect. * Updates the value for the `maxLabelSize` for use in calculating total size. * @method updateMaxLabelSize * @param {HTMLElement} label to measure label.
filter =
'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=' +
m11 +
' M12=' +
m12 +
' M21=' +
m21 +
' M22=' +
m22 +
' sizingMethod="auto expand")';
* Rotate and position title. * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position y =
* Rotate and position labels. * @param {HTMLElement} label to rotate position * @param {Object} pt hash containing the x and y coordinates in which the label will be positioned * Calculates the size and positions the content elements. * @method setSizeAndPosition * Adjust the position of the Axis widget's content box for internal axes. * @method offsetNodeForTick * @param {Node} cb Content box of the Axis. * Sets the width of the axis based on its contents. * @method setCalculatedSize