ComboSplineSeries.js revision cc21b565833307c2b0b06deb4e3ab22c2a94be3e
6466N/A * The ComboSplineSeries class renders a combination of splines, plots and areaspline fills in a single series. Each
6466N/A * series type has a corresponding boolean attribute indicating if it is rendered. By default, splines and plots
6466N/A * are rendered and areaspline is not.
6466N/A *
6466N/A * @class ComboSplineSeries
6466N/A * @extends ComboSeries
6466N/A * @extends CurveUtil
6466N/A * @constructor
6466N/A */
6466N/AY.ComboSplineSeries = Y.Base.create("comboSplineSeries", Y.ComboSeries, [Y.CurveUtil], {
6466N/A /**
6466N/A * @protected
6466N/A *
6466N/A * Draws the series.
6466N/A *
6466N/A * @method drawSeries
6466N/A */
6466N/A drawSeries: function()
6466N/A {
6466N/A if(this.get("showAreaFill"))
6466N/A {
6466N/A this.drawAreaSpline();
6466N/A }
6466N/A if(this.get("showLines"))
6466N/A {
6466N/A this.drawSpline();
6466N/A }
6466N/A if(this.get("showMarkers"))
6466N/A {
6466N/A this.drawPlots();
6466N/A }
6466N/A }
6466N/A}, {
6466N/A ATTRS: {
6466N/A /**
6466N/A * Read-only attribute indicating the type of series.
6466N/A *
6466N/A * @attribute type
6466N/A * @type String
6466N/A * @default comboSpline
6466N/A */
6466N/A type: {
6466N/A value : "comboSpline"
6466N/A }
6466N/A }