charts-customizedtooltip.mustache revision 9cd4693ce0f719a022c641a0032163bb2c2acbb5
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#mychart {
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<div class="intro">
<p>This example shows how to customize the default tooltip of a `Chart`.</p>
<div class="example">
<h3>This example shows how to customize the tooltip for a `Chart`.</h3>
<p>A `Chart` instance comes with a simple default tooltip. This tooltip is represented by the `tooltip` attribute. Through the tooltip attribute you can do the following:
<li>Style the tooltip background, border and text.</li>
<li>Customize and format the tooltip message.</li>
<li>Change the show and hide events.</li>
<li>Disable the tooltip.</li>
<p>The `tooltip` attribute contains the following properties:
<dt>node</dt><dd>Reference to the actual dom node</dd>
<dt>showEvent</dt><dd>Event that should trigger the tooltip</dd>
<dt>hideEvent</dt><dd>Event that should trigger the removal of a tooltip (can be an event or an array of events)</dd>
<dt>styles</dt><dd>A hash of style properties that will be applied to the tooltip node</dd>
<dt>show</dt><dd>Indicates whether or not to show the tooltip</dd>
<dt>markerEventHandler</dt><dd>Displays and hides tooltip based on marker events</dd>
<dt>planarEventHandler</dt><dd>Displays and hides tooltip based on planar events</dd>
<dt>markerLabelFunction</dt><dd>Reference to the function used to format a marker event triggered tooltip's text. The method contains
the following arguments:
<dt>categoryItem</dt><dd>An object containing the following:
<dt>axis</dt><dd>The axis to which the category is bound.</dd>
<dt>displayName</dt><dd>The display name set to the category (defaults to key if not provided).</dd>
<dt>key</dt><dd>The key of the category.</dd>
<dt>value</dt><dd>The value of the category.</dd>
<dt>valueItem</dt><dd>An object containing the following:
<dt>axis</dt><dd>The axis to which the item's series is bound.</dd>
<dt>displayName</dt><dd>The display name of the series. (defaults to key if not provided)</dd>
<dt>key</dt><dd>The key for the series.</dd>
<dt>value</dt><dd>The value for the series item.</dd>
<dt>itemIndex</dt><dd>The index of the item within the series.</dd>
<dt>series</dt><dd> The `CartesianSeries` instance of the item.</dd>
<dt>seriesIndex</dt><dd>The index of the series in the `seriesCollection`.</dd>
The method returns an `HTMLElement` which is written into the DOM using `appendChild`. If you override this method and choose to return an html string, you
will also need to override the tooltip's `setTextFunction` method to accept an html string.
<dt>planarLabelFunction</dt><dd>Reference to the function used to format a planar event triggered tooltip's text
<dt>categoryAxis</dt><dd> `CategoryAxis` Reference to the categoryAxis of the chart.
<dt>valueItems</dt><dd>Array of objects for each series that has a data point in the coordinate plane of the event. Each object contains the following data:
<dt>axis</dt><dd>The value axis of the series.</dd>
<dt>key</dt><dd>The key for the series.</dd>
<dt>value</dt><dd>The value for the series item.</dd>
<dt>displayName</dt><dd>The display name of the series. (defaults to key if not provided)</dd>
<dt>index</dt><dd>The index of the item within its series.</dd>
<dt>seriesArray</dt><dd>Array of series instances for each value item.</dd>
<dt>seriesIndex</dt><dd>The index of the series in the `seriesCollection`.</dd>
The method returns an `HTMLElement` which is written into the DOM using `appendChild`. If you override this method and choose to return an html string, you
will also need to override the tooltip's `setTextFunction` method to accept an html string.
<dt>setTextFunction</dt><dd>Method that writes content returned from `planarLabelFunction` or `markerLabelFunction` into the the tooltip node.
has the following signature:
<dt>label</dt><dd>The `HTMLElement` that the content is to be added.</dd>
<dt>val</dt><dd>The content to be rendered into tooltip. This can be a `String` or `HTMLElement`. If an HTML string is used, it will be rendered as a
<p>In this example, we have changed the styles and set a custom `markerLabelFunction` to format the text.</p>
var myDataValues = [
{category:"5/1/2010", Miscellaneous:2000, Expenses:3700, Revenue:2200},
{category:"5/2/2010", Miscellaneous:50, Expenses:9100, Revenue:100},
{category:"5/3/2010", Miscellaneous:400, Expenses:1100, Revenue:1500},
{category:"5/4/2010", Miscellaneous:200, Expenses:1900, Revenue:2800},
{category:"5/5/2010", Miscellaneous:5000, Expenses:5000, Revenue:2650}
var myTooltip = {
styles: {
backgroundColor: "#333",
color: "#eee",
borderColor: "#fff",
textAlign: "center"
markerLabelFunction: function(categoryItem, valueItem, itemIndex, series, seriesIndex)
var msg = document.createElement("div"),
underlinedTextBlock = document.createElement("span"),
boldTextBlock = document.createElement("div"); = "underline"; = "5px"; = "bold";
underlinedTextBlock.appendChild(document.createTextNode(valueItem.displayName + " for " +
categoryItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [categoryItem.value, categoryItem.axis.get("labelFormat")])));
boldTextBlock.appendChild(document.createTextNode(valueItem.axis.get("labelFunction").apply(this, [valueItem.value, {prefix:"$", decimalPlaces:2}])));
return msg;
var mychart = new Y.Chart({
tooltip: myTooltip