calendar-simple-source.mustache revision 9751290f8e32338e603815036a715b854bef057d
<!-- Add an additional blue button style -->
.yui3-button {
margin:10px 0px 10px 0px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #3476b7;
<div id="demo" class="yui3-skin-sam yui3-g">
<div id="leftcolumn" class="yui3-u">
<!-- Container for the calendar -->
<div id="mycalendar"></div>
<div id="rightcolumn" class="yui3-u">
<div id="links" style="padding-left:20px;">
<!-- The buttons are created simply by assigning the correct CSS class -->
<button id="togglePrevMonth" class="yui3-button">Toggle Previous Month's Dates</button><br>
<button id="toggleNextMonth" class="yui3-button">Toggle Next Month's Dates</button><br>
Selected date: <span id="selecteddate"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
YUI().use('calendar', 'datatype-date', 'cssbutton', function(Y) {
// Create a new instance of calendar, placing it in
// #mycalendar container, setting its width to 340px,
// the flags for showing previous and next month's
// dates in available empty cells to true, and setting
// the date to today's date.
var calendar = new Y.Calendar({
contentBox: "#mycalendar",
showPrevMonth: true,
showNextMonth: true,
date: new Date()}).render();
// Get a reference to Y.DataType.Date
var dtdate = Y.DataType.Date;
// Listen to calendar's selectionChange event.
calendar.on("selectionChange", function (ev) {
// Get the date from the list of selected
// dates returned with the event (since only
// single selection is enabled by default,
// we expect there to be only one date)
var newDate = ev.newSelection[0];
// Format the date and output it to a DOM
// element."#selecteddate").setContent(dtdate.format(newDate));
// When the 'Show Previous Month' link is clicked,
// modify the showPrevMonth property to show or hide
// previous month's dates"#togglePrevMonth").on('click', function (ev) {
calendar.set('showPrevMonth', !(calendar.get("showPrevMonth")));
// When the 'Show Next Month' link is clicked,
// modify the showNextMonth property to show or hide
// next month's dates"#toggleNextMonth").on('click', function (ev) {
calendar.set('showNextMonth', !(calendar.get("showNextMonth")));