calendar-multipane-source.mustache revision 9751290f8e32338e603815036a715b854bef057d
1127N/A.yui3-skin-sam .redtext {
1127N/A color:#ff0000;
1127N/A<div id="demo" class="yui3-skin-sam">
1127N/A <div id="mycalendar"></div>
1127N/A<script type="text/javascript">
1127N/AYUI().use('calendar', 'datatype-date', 'datatype-date-math', function(Y) {
1127N/A // Switch the calendar main template to the included two pane template
1127N/A // Create a new instance of calendar, setting the showing of previous
1127N/A // and next month's dates to true, and the selection mode to multiple
1127N/A // selected dates. Additionally, set the disabledDatesRule to a name of
1127N/A // the rule which, when matched, will force the date to be excluded
1127N/A // from being selected. Also configure the initial date on the calendar
1127N/A // to be July of 2011.
1127N/A var calendar = new Y.Calendar({
1127N/A contentBox: "#mycalendar",
1127N/A width: "700px",
1220N/A showPrevMonth: true,
1214N/A showNextMonth: true,
1127N/A selectionMode: 'multiple',
1416N/A disabledDatesRule: "tuesdays_and_fridays",
1127N/A date: new Date(2011, 6, 1)
1127N/A }).render();
1127N/A// Create a set of rules to match specific dates. In this case,
1127N/A// the "tuesdays_and_fridays" rule will match any Tuesday or Friday,
1127N/A// whereas the "all_weekends" rule will match any Saturday or Sunday.
1127N/A var rules = {
1127N/A "all": {
1127N/A "all": {
1127N/A "all": {
1416N/A "2,5": "tuesdays_and_fridays",
1127N/A "0,6": "all_weekends"
1127N/A }
1127N/A }
1127N/A }
1127N/A };
1127N/A// Set the calendar customRenderer, provides the rules defined above,
1127N/A// as well as a filter function. The filter function receives a reference
1127N/A// to the node corresponding to the DOM element of the date that matched
1127N/A// one or more rule, along with the list of rules. Check if one of the
1127N/A// rules is "all_weekends", and if so, apply a custom CSS class to the
1127N/A// node.
1127N/A calendar.set("customRenderer", {
1127N/A rules: rules,
1127N/A filterFunction: function (date, node, rules) {
1127N/A if (Y.Array.indexOf(rules, 'all_weekends') >= 0) {
1127N/A node.addClass("redtext");
1127N/A }
1127N/A }
1127N/A });
1127N/A// Set a custom header renderer with a callback function,
1127N/A// which receives the current date and outputs a string.
1127N/A// use the Y.Datatype.Date format to format the date, and
1127N/A// the Datatype.Date math to add one month to the current
1127N/A// date, so both months can appear in the header (since
1127N/A// this is a two-pane calendar).
1127N/A calendar.set("headerRenderer", function (curDate) {
1127N/A var ydate = Y.DataType.Date,
1127N/A output = ydate.format(curDate, {
1127N/A format: "%B %Y"
1127N/A }) + " &mdash; " + ydate.format(ydate.addMonths(curDate, 1), {
1127N/A format: "%B %Y"
1127N/A });
1127N/A return output;
1127N/A });
1127N/A// When selection changes, output the fired event to the
1127N/A// console. the newSelection attribute in the event facade
1127N/A// will contain the list of currently selected dates (or be
1127N/A// empty if all dates have been deselected).
1127N/A calendar.on("selectionChange", function (ev) {
1127N/A Y.log(ev);
1127N/A });
1127N/A });