autocomplete-base.js revision ae06978b65b0c4be55a873306e2d0606a1f1df63
* Provides automatic input completion or suggestions for text input fields and
* textareas.
* @module autocomplete
* @since 3.3.0
* <code>Y.Base</code> extension that provides core autocomplete logic (but no
* UI implementation) for a text input field or textarea. Must be mixed into a
* <code>Y.Base</code>-derived class to be useful.
* @module autocomplete
* @submodule autocomplete-base
* <p>
* Extension that provides core autocomplete logic (but no UI implementation)
* for a text input field or textarea.
* </p>
* <p>
* The <code>AutoCompleteBase</code> class provides events and attributes that
* abstract away core autocomplete logic and configuration, but does not provide
* a widget implementation or suggestion UI. For a prepackaged autocomplete
* widget, see <code>AutoCompleteList</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* This extension cannot be instantiated directly, since it doesn't provide an
* actual implementation. It's intended to be mixed into a
* <code>Y.Base</code>-based class or widget.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>Y.Widget</code>-based example:
* </p>
* <pre>
* YUI().use('autocomplete-base', 'widget', function (Y) {
* &nbsp;&nbsp;var MyAC = Y.Base.create('myAC', Y.Widget, [Y.AutoCompleteBase], {
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// Custom prototype methods and properties.
* &nbsp;&nbsp;}, {
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// Custom static methods and properties.
* &nbsp;&nbsp;});
* &nbsp;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;// Custom implementation code.
* });
* </pre>
* <p>
* <code>Y.Base</code>-based example:
* </p>
* <pre>
* YUI().use('autocomplete-base', function (Y) {
* &nbsp;&nbsp;var MyAC = Y.Base.create('myAC', Y.Base, [Y.AutoCompleteBase], {
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;initializer: function () {
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;this._bindUIACBase();
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;this._syncUIACBase();
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;},
* &nbsp;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// Custom prototype methods and properties.
* &nbsp;&nbsp;}, {
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// Custom static methods and properties.
* &nbsp;&nbsp;});
* &nbsp;
* &nbsp;&nbsp;// Custom implementation code.
* });
* </pre>
* @class AutoCompleteBase
var Escape = Y.Escape,
Lang = Y.Lang,
YArray = Y.Array,
YObject = Y.Object,
isFunction = Lang.isFunction,
isString = Lang.isString,
trim = Lang.trim,
_FUNCTION_VALIDATOR = '_functionValidator',
_SOURCE_SUCCESS = '_sourceSuccess',
ALLOW_BROWSER_AC = 'allowBrowserAutocomplete',
INPUT_NODE = 'inputNode',
QUERY = 'query',
QUERY_DELIMITER = 'queryDelimiter',
REQUEST_TEMPLATE = 'requestTemplate',
RESULTS = 'results',
RESULT_LIST_LOCATOR = 'resultListLocator',
VALUE = 'value',
VALUE_CHANGE = 'valueChange',
EVT_CLEAR = 'clear',
function AutoCompleteBase() {
// AOP bindings.
Y.before(this._bindUIACBase, this, 'bindUI');
Y.before(this._destructorACBase, this, 'destructor');
Y.before(this._syncUIACBase, this, 'syncUI');
// -- Public Events --------------------------------------------------------
* Fires after the query has been completely cleared or no longer meets the
* minimum query length requirement.
* @event clear
* @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional
* properties:
* <dl>
* <dt>prevVal (String)</dt>
* <dd>
* Value of the query before it was cleared.
* </dd>
* </dl>
* @preventable _defClearFn
this.publish(EVT_CLEAR, {
defaultFn: this._defClearFn
* Fires when the contents of the input field have changed and the input
* value meets the criteria necessary to generate an autocomplete query.
* @event query
* @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional
* properties:
* <dl>
* <dt>inputValue (String)</dt>
* <dd>
* Full contents of the text input field or textarea that generated
* the query.
* </dd>
* <dt>query (String)</dt>
* <dd>
* Autocomplete query. This is the string that will be used to
* request completion results. It may or may not be the same as
* <code>inputValue</code>.
* </dd>
* </dl>
* @preventable _defQueryFn
this.publish(EVT_QUERY, {
defaultFn: this._defQueryFn
* Fires after query results are received from the <code>source</code>. If
* no source has been set, this event will not fire.
* @event results
* @param {EventFacade} e Event facade with the following additional
* properties:
* <dl>
* <dt>data (Array|Object)</dt>
* <dd>
* Raw, unfiltered result data (if available).
* </dd>
* <dt>query (String)</dt>
* <dd>
* Query that generated these results.
* </dd>
* <dt>results (Array)</dt>
* <dd>
* Array of filtered, formatted, and highlighted results. Each item in
* the array is an object with the following properties:
* <dl>
* <dt>display (Node|HTMLElement|String)</dt>
* <dd>
* Formatted result HTML suitable for display to the user. If no
* custom formatter is set, this will be an HTML-escaped version of
* the string in the <code>text</code> property.
* </dd>
* <dt>highlighted (String)</dt>
* <dd>
* Highlighted (but not formatted) result text. This property will
* only be set if a highlighter is in use.
* </dd>
* <dt>raw (mixed)</dt>
* <dd>
* Raw, unformatted result in whatever form it was provided by the
* <code>source</code>.
* </dd>
* <dt>text (String)</dt>
* <dd>
* Plain text version of the result, suitable for being inserted
* into the value of a text input field or textarea when the result
* is selected by a user. This value is not HTML-escaped and should
* not be inserted into the page using innerHTML.
* </dd>
* </dl>
* </dd>
* </dl>
* @preventable _defResultsFn
this.publish(EVT_RESULTS, {
defaultFn: this._defResultsFn
// -- Public Static Properties -------------------------------------------------
AutoCompleteBase.ATTRS = {
* Whether or not to enable the browser's built-in autocomplete
* functionality for input fields.
* @attribute allowBrowserAutocomplete
* @type Boolean
* @default false
allowBrowserAutocomplete: {
value: false
* When a <code>queryDelimiter</code> is set, trailing delimiters will
* automatically be stripped from the input value by default when the
* input node loses focus. Set this to <code>true</code> to allow trailing
* delimiters.
* @attribute allowTrailingDelimiter
* @type Boolean
* @default false
allowTrailingDelimiter: {
value: false
* Node to monitor for changes, which will generate <code>query</code>
* events when appropriate. May be either an input field or a textarea.
* @attribute inputNode
* @type Node|HTMLElement|String
* @writeonce
inputNode: {
writeOnce: 'initOnly'
* Maximum number of results to return. A value of <code>0</code> or less
* will allow an unlimited number of results.
* @attribute maxResults
* @type Number
* @default 0
maxResults: {
value: 0
* Minimum number of characters that must be entered before a
* <code>query</code> event will be fired. A value of <code>0</code>
* allows empty queries; a negative value will effectively disable all
* <code>query</code> events.
* @attribute minQueryLength
* @type Number
* @default 1
minQueryLength: {
value: 1
* <p>
* Current query, or <code>null</code> if there is no current query.
* </p>
* <p>
* The query might not be the same as the current value of the input
* node, both for timing reasons (due to <code>queryDelay</code>) and
* because when one or more <code>queryDelimiter</code> separators are
* in use, only the last portion of the delimited input string will be
* used as the query value.
* </p>
* @attribute query
* @type String|null
* @default null
* @readonly
query: {
readOnly: true,
value: null
* <p>
* Number of milliseconds to delay after input before triggering a
* <code>query</code> event. If new input occurs before this delay is
* over, the previous input event will be ignored and a new delay will
* begin.
* </p>
* <p>
* This can be useful both to throttle queries to a remote data source
* and to avoid distracting the user by showing them less relevant
* results before they've paused their typing.
* </p>
* @attribute queryDelay
* @type Number
* @default 100
queryDelay: {
value: 100
* Query delimiter string. When a delimiter is configured, the input value
* will be split on the delimiter, and only the last portion will be used in
* autocomplete queries and updated when the <code>query</code> attribute is
* modified.
* @attribute queryDelimiter
* @type String|null
* @default null
queryDelimiter: {
value: null
* <p>
* Source request template. This can be a function that accepts a query as a
* parameter and returns a request string, or it can be a string containing
* the placeholder "{query}", which will be replaced with the actual
* URI-encoded query. In either case, the resulting string will be appended
* to the request URL when the <code>source</code> attribute is set to a
* remote DataSource, JSONP URL, or XHR URL (it will not be appended to YQL
* URLs).
* </p>
* <p>
* While <code>requestTemplate</code> may be set to either a function or
* a string, it will always be returned as a function that accepts a
* query argument and returns a string.
* </p>
* @attribute requestTemplate
* @type Function|String|null
* @default null
requestTemplate: {
setter: '_setRequestTemplate',
value: null
* <p>
* Array of local result filter functions. If provided, each filter
* will be called with two arguments when results are received: the query
* and an array of result objects. See the documentation for the
* <code>results</code> event for a list of the properties available on each
* result object.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each filter is expected to return a filtered or modified version of the
* results array, which will then be passed on to subsequent filters, then
* the <code>resultHighlighter</code> function (if set), then the
* <code>resultFormatter</code> function (if set), and finally to
* subscribers to the <code>results</code> event.
* </p>
* <p>
* If no <code>source</code> is set, result filters will not be called.
* </p>
* <p>
* Prepackaged result filters provided by the autocomplete-filters and
* autocomplete-filters-accentfold modules can be used by specifying the
* filter name as a string, such as <code>'phraseMatch'</code> (assuming
* the necessary filters module is loaded).
* </p>
* @attribute resultFilters
* @type Array
* @default []
resultFilters: {
setter: '_setResultFilters',
value: []
* <p>
* Function which will be used to format results. If provided, this function
* will be called with two arguments after results have been received and
* filtered: the query and an array of result objects. The formatter is
* expected to return an array of HTML strings or Node instances containing
* the desired HTML for each result.
* </p>
* <p>
* See the documentation for the <code>results</code> event for a list of
* the properties available on each result object.
* </p>
* <p>
* If no <code>source</code> is set, the formatter will not be called.
* </p>
* @attribute resultFormatter
* @type Function|null
resultFormatter: {
* <p>
* Function which will be used to highlight results. If provided, this
* function will be called with two arguments after results have been
* received and filtered: the query and an array of filtered result objects.
* The highlighter is expected to return an array of highlighted result
* text in the form of HTML strings.
* </p>
* <p>
* See the documentation for the <code>results</code> event for a list of
* the properties available on each result object.
* </p>
* <p>
* If no <code>source</code> is set, the highlighter will not be called.
* </p>
* @attribute resultHighlighter
* @type Function|null
resultHighlighter: {
setter: '_setResultHighlighter'
* <p>
* Locator that should be used to extract an array of results from a
* non-array response.
* </p>
* <p>
* By default, no locator is applied, and all responses are assumed to be
* arrays by default. If all responses are already arrays, you don't need to
* define a locator.
* </p>
* <p>
* The locator may be either a function (which will receive the raw response
* as an argument and must return an array) or a string representing an
* object path, such as "" (which would return the value of
* <code></code> if the response is an object).
* </p>
* <p>
* While <code>resultListLocator</code> may be set to either a function or a
* string, it will always be returned as a function that accepts a response
* argument and returns an array.
* </p>
* @attribute resultListLocator
* @type Function|String|null
resultListLocator: {
setter: '_setLocator'
* Current results, or an empty array if there are no results.
* @attribute results
* @type Array
* @default []
* @readonly
results: {
readOnly: true,
value: []
* <p>
* Locator that should be used to extract a plain text string from a
* non-string result item. The resulting text value will typically be the
* value that ends up being inserted into an input field or textarea when
* the user of an autocomplete implementation selects a result.
* </p>
* <p>
* By default, no locator is applied, and all results are assumed to be
* plain text strings. If all results are already plain text strings, you
* don't need to define a locator.
* </p>
* <p>
* The locator may be either a function (which will receive the raw result
* as an argument and must return a string) or a string representing an
* object path, such as "" (which would return the value of
* <code></code> if the result is an object).
* </p>
* <p>
* While <code>resultTextLocator</code> may be set to either a function or a
* string, it will always be returned as a function that accepts a result
* argument and returns a string.
* </p>
* @attribute resultTextLocator
* @type Function|String|null
resultTextLocator: {
setter: '_setLocator'
* <p>
* Source for autocomplete results. The following source types are
* supported:
* </p>
* <dl>
* <dt>Array</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* <i>Example:</i> <code>['first result', 'second result', 'etc']</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* The full array will be provided to any configured filters for each
* query. This is an easy way to create a fully client-side autocomplete
* implementation.
* </p>
* </dd>
* <dt>DataSource</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* A <code>DataSource</code> instance or other object that provides a
* DataSource-like <code>sendRequest</code> method. See the
* <code>DataSource</code> documentation for details.
* </p>
* </dd>
* <dt>Function</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* <i>Example:</i> <code>function (query) { return ['foo', 'bar']; }</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* A function source will be called with the current query as a
* parameter, and should return an array of results.
* </p>
* </dd>
* <dt>Object</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* <i>Example:</i> <code>{foo: ['foo result 1', 'foo result 2'], bar: ['bar result']}</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* An object will be treated as a query hashmap. If a property on the
* object matches the current query, the value of that property will be
* used as the response.
* </p>
* <p>
* The response is assumed to be an array of results by default. If the
* response is not an array, provide a <code>resultListLocator</code> to
* process the response and return an array.
* </p>
* </dd>
* </dl>
* <p>
* If the optional <code>autocomplete-sources</code> module is loaded, then
* the following additional source types will be supported as well:
* </p>
* <dl>
* <dt>String (JSONP URL)</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* <i>Example:</i> <code>'{query}&callback={callback}'</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* If a URL with a <code>{callback}</code> placeholder is provided, it
* will be used to make a JSONP request. The <code>{query}</code>
* placeholder will be replaced with the current query, and the
* <code>{callback}</code> placeholder will be replaced with an
* internally-generated JSONP callback name. Both placeholders must
* appear in the URL, or the request will fail. An optional
* <code>{maxResults}</code> placeholder may also be provided, and will
* be replaced with the value of the maxResults attribute (or 1000 if
* the maxResults attribute is 0 or less).
* </p>
* <p>
* The response is assumed to be an array of results by default. If the
* response is not an array, provide a <code>resultListLocator</code> to
* process the response and return an array.
* </p>
* <p>
* <strong>The <code>jsonp</code> module must be loaded in order for
* JSONP URL sources to work.</strong> If the <code>jsonp</code> module
* is not already loaded, it will be loaded on demand if possible.
* </p>
* </dd>
* <dt>String (XHR URL)</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* <i>Example:</i> <code>'{query}'</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* If a URL without a <code>{callback}</code> placeholder is provided,
* it will be used to make a same-origin XHR request. The
* <code>{query}</code> placeholder will be replaced with the current
* query. An optional <code>{maxResults}</code> placeholder may also be
* provided, and will be replaced with the value of the maxResults
* attribute (or 1000 if the maxResults attribute is 0 or less).
* </p>
* <p>
* The response is assumed to be a JSON array of results by default. If
* the response is a JSON object and not an array, provide a
* <code>resultListLocator</code> to process the response and return an
* array. If the response is in some form other than JSON, you will
* need to use a custom DataSource instance as the source.
* </p>
* <p>
* <strong>The <code>io-base</code> and <code>json-parse</code> modules
* must be loaded in order for XHR URL sources to work.</strong> If
* these modules are not already loaded, they will be loaded on demand
* if possible.
* </p>
* </dd>
* <dt>String (YQL query)</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* <i>Example:</i> <code>'select * from search.suggest where query="{query}"'</code>
* </p>
* <p>
* If a YQL query is provided, it will be used to make a YQL request.
* The <code>{query}</code> placeholder will be replaced with the
* current autocomplete query. This placeholder must appear in the YQL
* query, or the request will fail. An optional
* <code>{maxResults}</code> placeholder may also be provided, and will
* be replaced with the value of the maxResults attribute (or 1000 if
* the maxResults attribute is 0 or less).
* </p>
* <p>
* <strong>The <code>yql</code> module must be loaded in order for YQL
* sources to work.</strong> If the <code>yql</code> module is not
* already loaded, it will be loaded on demand if possible.
* </p>
* </dd>
* </dl>
* <p>
* As an alternative to providing a source, you could simply listen for
* <code>query</code> events and handle them any way you see fit. Providing
* a source is optional, but will usually be simpler.
* </p>
* @attribute source
* @type Array|DataSource|Function|Object|String|null
source: {
setter: '_setSource'
* If the <code>inputNode</code> specified at instantiation time has a
* <code>node-tokeninput</code> plugin attached to it, this attribute will
* be a reference to the <code>Y.Plugin.TokenInput</code> instance.
* @attribute tokenInput
* @type Plugin.TokenInput
* @readonly
tokenInput: {
readOnly: true
* Current value of the input node.
* @attribute value
* @type String
* @default ''
value: {
// Why duplicate this._inputNode.get('value')? Because we need a
// reliable way to track the source of value changes. We want to perform
// completion when the user changes the value, but not when we change
// the value.
value: ''
AutoCompleteBase.CSS_PREFIX = 'ac';
AutoCompleteBase.UI_SRC = (Y.Widget && Y.Widget.UI_SRC) || 'ui';
AutoCompleteBase.prototype = {
// -- Public Prototype Methods ---------------------------------------------
* <p>
* Sends a request to the configured source. If no source is configured,
* this method won't do anything.
* </p>
* <p>
* Usually there's no reason to call this method manually; it will be
* called automatically when user input causes a <code>query</code> event to
* be fired. The only time you'll need to call this method manually is if
* you want to force a request to be sent when no user input has occurred.
* </p>
* @method sendRequest
* @param {String} query (optional) Query to send. If specified, the
* <code>query</code> attribute will be set to this query. If not
* specified, the current value of the <code>query</code> attribute will
* be used.
* @param {Function} requestTemplate (optional) Request template function.
* If not specified, the current value of the <code>requestTemplate</code>
* attribute will be used.
* @chainable
sendRequest: function (query, requestTemplate) {
var request,
source = this.get('source');
if (query || query === '') {
this._set(QUERY, query);
} else {
query = this.get(QUERY);
if (source) {
if (!requestTemplate) {
requestTemplate = this.get(REQUEST_TEMPLATE);
request = requestTemplate ? requestTemplate(query) : query;
Y.log('sendRequest: ' + request, 'info', 'autocomplete-base');
request: request,
callback: {
success: Y.bind(this._onResponse, this, query)
return this;
// -- Protected Lifecycle Methods ------------------------------------------
* Attaches event listeners and behaviors.
* @method _bindUIACBase
* @protected
_bindUIACBase: function () {
var inputNode = this.get(INPUT_NODE),
tokenInput = inputNode && inputNode.tokenInput;
// If the inputNode has a node-tokeninput plugin attached, bind to the
// plugin's inputNode instead.
if (tokenInput) {
inputNode = tokenInput.get(INPUT_NODE);
this._set('tokenInput', tokenInput);
if (!inputNode) {
Y.error('No inputNode specified.');
this._inputNode = inputNode;
this._acBaseEvents = [
// This is the valueChange event on the inputNode, provided by the
// event-valuechange module, not our own valueChange.
inputNode.on(VALUE_CHANGE, this._onInputValueChange, this),
inputNode.on('blur', this._onInputBlur, this),
this.after(ALLOW_BROWSER_AC + 'Change', this._syncBrowserAutocomplete),
this.after(VALUE_CHANGE, this._afterValueChange)
* Detaches AutoCompleteBase event listeners.
* @method _destructorACBase
* @protected
_destructorACBase: function () {
var events = this._acBaseEvents;
while (events && events.length) {
* Synchronizes the UI state of the <code>inputNode</code>.
* @method _syncUIACBase
* @protected
_syncUIACBase: function () {
this.set(VALUE, this.get(INPUT_NODE).get(VALUE));
// -- Protected Prototype Methods ------------------------------------------
* Creates a DataSource-like object that simply returns the specified array
* as a response. See the <code>source</code> attribute for more details.
* @method _createArraySource
* @param {Array} source
* @return {Object} DataSource-like object.
* @protected
_createArraySource: function (source) {
var that = this;
return {sendRequest: function (request) {
that[_SOURCE_SUCCESS](source.concat(), request);
* Creates a DataSource-like object that passes the query to a
* custom-defined function, which is expected to return an array as a
* response. See the <code>source</code> attribute for more details.
* @method _createFunctionSource
* @param {Function} source Function that accepts a query parameter and
* returns an array of results.
* @return {Object} DataSource-like object.
* @protected
_createFunctionSource: function (source) {
var that = this;
return {sendRequest: function (request) {
that[_SOURCE_SUCCESS](source(request.request) || [], request);
* Creates a DataSource-like object that looks up queries as properties on
* the specified object, and returns the found value (if any) as a response.
* See the <code>source</code> attribute for more details.
* @method _createObjectSource
* @param {Object} source
* @return {Object} DataSource-like object.
* @protected
_createObjectSource: function (source) {
var that = this;
return {sendRequest: function (request) {
var query = request.request;
YObject.owns(source, query) ? source[query] : [],
* Returns <code>true</code> if <i>value</i> is either a function or
* <code>null</code>.
* @method _functionValidator
* @param {Function|null} value Value to validate.
* @protected
_functionValidator: function (value) {
return value === null || isFunction(value);
* Faster and safer alternative to Y.Object.getValue(). Doesn't bother
* casting the path to an array (since we already know it's an array) and
* doesn't throw an error if a value in the middle of the object hierarchy
* is neither <code>undefined</code> nor an object.
* @method _getObjectValue
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Array} path
* @return {mixed} Located value, or <code>undefined</code> if the value was
* not found at the specified path.
* @protected
_getObjectValue: function (obj, path) {
if (!obj) {
for (var i = 0, len = path.length; obj && i < len; i++) {
obj = obj[path[i]];
return obj;
* Parses result responses, performs filtering and highlighting, and fires
* the <code>results</code> event.
* @method _parseResponse
* @param {String} query Query that generated these results.
* @param {Object} response Response containing results.
* @param {Object} data Raw response data.
* @protected
_parseResponse: function (query, response, data) {
var facade = {
data : data,
query : query,
results: []
listLocator = this.get(RESULT_LIST_LOCATOR),
results = [],
unfiltered = response && response.results,
if (unfiltered && listLocator) {
unfiltered = listLocator(unfiltered);
if (unfiltered && unfiltered.length) {
filters = this.get('resultFilters');
textLocator = this.get('resultTextLocator');
// Create a lightweight result object for each result to make them
// easier to work with. The various properties on the object
// represent different formats of the result, and will be populated
// as we go.
for (i = 0, len = unfiltered.length; i < len; ++i) {
result = unfiltered[i];
text = textLocator ? textLocator(result) : result.toString();
display: Escape.html(text),
raw : result,
text : text
// Run the results through all configured result filters. Each
// filter returns an array of (potentially fewer) result objects,
// which is then passed to the next filter, and so on.
for (i = 0, len = filters.length; i < len; ++i) {
results = filters[i](query, results.concat());
if (!results) {
Y.log("Filter didn't return anything.", 'warn', 'autocomplete-base');
if (!results.length) {
if (results.length) {
formatter = this.get('resultFormatter');
highlighter = this.get('resultHighlighter');
maxResults = this.get('maxResults');
// If maxResults is set and greater than 0, limit the number of
// results.
if (maxResults && maxResults > 0 &&
results.length > maxResults) {
results.length = maxResults;
// Run the results through the configured highlighter (if any).
// The highlighter returns an array of highlighted strings (not
// an array of result objects), and these strings are then added
// to each result object.
if (highlighter) {
highlighted = highlighter(query, results.concat());
if (!highlighted) {
Y.log("Highlighter didn't return anything.", 'warn', 'autocomplete-base');
for (i = 0, len = highlighted.length; i < len; ++i) {
result = results[i];
result.highlighted = highlighted[i];
result.display = result.highlighted;
// Run the results through the configured formatter (if any) to
// produce the final formatted results. The formatter returns an
// array of strings or Node instances (not an array of result
// objects), and these strings/Nodes are then added to each
// result object.
if (formatter) {
formatted = formatter(query, results.concat());
if (!formatted) {
Y.log("Formatter didn't return anything.", 'warn', 'autocomplete-base');
for (i = 0, len = formatted.length; i < len; ++i) {
results[i].display = formatted[i];
facade.results = results;, facade);
* <p>
* Returns the query portion of the specified input value, or
* <code>null</code> if there is no suitable query within the input value.
* </p>
* <p>
* If a query delimiter is defined, the query will be the last delimited
* part of of the string.
* </p>
* @method _parseValue
* @param {String} value Input value from which to extract the query.
* @return {String|null} query
* @protected
_parseValue: function (value) {
var delim = this.get(QUERY_DELIMITER);
if (delim) {
value = value.split(delim);
value = value[value.length - 1];
return Lang.trimLeft(value);
* Setter for locator attributes.
* @method _setLocator
* @param {Function|String|null} locator
* @return {Function|null}
* @protected
_setLocator: function (locator) {
if (this[_FUNCTION_VALIDATOR](locator)) {
return locator;
var that = this;
locator = locator.toString().split('.');
return function (result) {
return result && that._getObjectValue(result, locator);
* Setter for the <code>requestTemplate</code> attribute.
* @method _setRequestTemplate
* @param {Function|String|null} template
* @return {Function|null}
* @protected
_setRequestTemplate: function (template) {
if (this[_FUNCTION_VALIDATOR](template)) {
return template;
template = template.toString();
return function (query) {
return Lang.sub(template, {query: encodeURIComponent(query)});
* Setter for the <code>resultFilters</code> attribute.
* @method _setResultFilters
* @param {Array|Function|String|null} filters <code>null</code>, a filter
* function, an array of filter functions, or a string or array of strings
* representing the names of methods on
* <code>Y.AutoCompleteFilters</code>.
* @return {Array} Array of filter functions (empty if <i>filters</i> is
* <code>null</code>).
* @protected
_setResultFilters: function (filters) {
var acFilters, getFilterFunction;
if (filters === null) {
return [];
acFilters = Y.AutoCompleteFilters;
getFilterFunction = function (filter) {
if (isFunction(filter)) {
return filter;
if (isString(filter) && acFilters &&
isFunction(acFilters[filter])) {
return acFilters[filter];
return false;
if (Lang.isArray(filters)) {
filters =, getFilterFunction);
return YArray.every(filters, function (f) { return !!f; }) ?
filters : INVALID_VALUE;
} else {
filters = getFilterFunction(filters);
return filters ? [filters] : INVALID_VALUE;
* Setter for the <code>resultHighlighter</code> attribute.
* @method _setResultHighlighter
* @param {Function|String|null} highlighter <code>null</code>, a
* highlighter function, or a string representing the name of a method on
* <code>Y.AutoCompleteHighlighters</code>.
* @return {Function|null}
* @protected
_setResultHighlighter: function (highlighter) {
var acHighlighters;
if (this._functionValidator(highlighter)) {
return highlighter;
acHighlighters = Y.AutoCompleteHighlighters;
if (isString(highlighter) && acHighlighters &&
isFunction(acHighlighters[highlighter])) {
return acHighlighters[highlighter];
* Setter for the <code>source</code> attribute. Returns a DataSource or
* a DataSource-like object depending on the type of <i>source</i>.
* @method _setSource
* @param {Array|DataSource|Object|String} source AutoComplete source. See
* the <code>source</code> attribute for details.
* @return {DataSource|Object}
* @protected
_setSource: function (source) {
var sourcesNotLoaded = 'autocomplete-sources module not loaded';
if ((source && isFunction(source.sendRequest)) || source === null) {
// Quacks like a DataSource instance (or null). Make it so!
return source;
switch (Lang.type(source)) {
case 'string':
if (this._createStringSource) {
return this._createStringSource(source);
case 'array':
// Wrap the array in a teensy tiny fake DataSource that just returns
// the array itself for each request. Filters will do the rest.
return this._createArraySource(source);
case 'function':
return this._createFunctionSource(source);
case 'object':
// If the object is a JSONPRequest instance, use it as a JSONP
// source.
if (Y.JSONPRequest && source instanceof Y.JSONPRequest) {
if (this._createJSONPSource) {
return this._createJSONPSource(source);
// Not a JSONPRequest instance. Wrap the object in a teensy tiny
// fake DataSource that looks for the request as a property on the
// object and returns it if it exists, or an empty array otherwise.
return this._createObjectSource(source);
* Shared success callback for non-DataSource sources.
* @method _sourceSuccess
* @param {mixed} data Response data.
* @param {Object} request Request object.
* @protected
_sourceSuccess: function (data, request) {
data: data,
response: {results: data}
* Synchronizes the UI state of the <code>allowBrowserAutocomplete</code>
* attribute.
* @method _syncBrowserAutocomplete
* @protected
_syncBrowserAutocomplete: function () {
var inputNode = this.get(INPUT_NODE);
if (inputNode.get('nodeName').toLowerCase() === 'input') {
this.get(ALLOW_BROWSER_AC) ? 'on' : 'off');
* <p>
* Updates the query portion of the <code>value</code> attribute.
* </p>
* <p>
* If a query delimiter is defined, the last delimited portion of the input
* value will be replaced with the specified <i>value</i>.
* </p>
* @method _updateValue
* @param {String} newVal New value.
* @protected
_updateValue: function (newVal) {
var delim = this.get(QUERY_DELIMITER),
newVal = Lang.trimLeft(newVal);
if (delim) {
insertDelim = trim(delim); // so we don't double up on spaces
prevVal =, trim);
len = prevVal.length;
if (len > 1) {
prevVal[len - 1] = newVal;
newVal = prevVal.join(insertDelim + ' ');
newVal = newVal + insertDelim + ' ';
this.set(VALUE, newVal);
// -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
* Handles change events for the <code>value</code> attribute.
* @method _afterValueChange
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @protected
_afterValueChange: function (e) {
var delay,
newVal = e.newVal,
// Don't query on value changes that didn't come from the user.
if (e.src !== AutoCompleteBase.UI_SRC) {
this._inputNode.set(VALUE, newVal);
Y.log('valueChange: new: "' + newVal + '"; old: "' + e.prevVal + '"', 'info', 'autocomplete-base');
minQueryLength = this.get('minQueryLength');
query = this._parseValue(newVal) || '';
if (minQueryLength >= 0 && query.length >= minQueryLength) {
delay = this.get('queryDelay');
that = this;
fire = function () {, {
inputValue: newVal,
query : query
if (delay) {
this._delay = setTimeout(fire, delay);
} else {
} else {
clearTimeout(this._delay);, {
prevVal: e.prevVal ? this._parseValue(e.prevVal) : null
* Handles <code>blur</code> events on the input node.
* @method _onInputBlur
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @protected
_onInputBlur: function (e) {
var delim = this.get(QUERY_DELIMITER),
// If a query delimiter is set and the input's value contains one or
// more trailing delimiters, strip them.
if (delim && !this.get('allowTrailingDelimiter')) {
delim = Lang.trimRight(delim);
value = newVal = this._inputNode.get(VALUE);
if (delim) {
while ((newVal = Lang.trimRight(newVal)) &&
(delimPos = newVal.length - delim.length) &&
newVal.lastIndexOf(delim) === delimPos) {
newVal = newVal.substring(0, delimPos);
} else {
// Delimiter is one or more space characters, so just trim the
// value.
newVal = Lang.trimRight(newVal);
if (newVal !== value) {
this.set(VALUE, newVal);
* Handles <code>valueChange</code> events on the input node and fires a
* <code>query</code> event when the input value meets the configured
* criteria.
* @method _onInputValueChange
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @protected
_onInputValueChange: function (e) {
var newVal = e.newVal;
// Don't query if the internal value is the same as the new value
// reported by valueChange.
if (newVal === this.get(VALUE)) {
this.set(VALUE, newVal, {src: AutoCompleteBase.UI_SRC});
* Handles source responses and fires the <code>results</code> event.
* @method _onResponse
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @protected
_onResponse: function (query, e) {
// Ignore stale responses that aren't for the current query.
if (query === this.get(QUERY)) {
this._parseResponse(query, e.response,;
// -- Protected Default Event Handlers -------------------------------------
* Default <code>clear</code> event handler. Sets the <code>results</code>
* property to an empty array and <code>query</code> to null.
* @method _defClearFn
* @protected
_defClearFn: function () {
this._set(QUERY, null);
this._set(RESULTS, []);
* Default <code>query</code> event handler. Sets the <code>query</code>
* property and sends a request to the source if one is configured.
* @method _defQueryFn
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @protected
_defQueryFn: function (e) {
var query = e.query;
Y.log('query: "' + query + '"; inputValue: "' + e.inputValue + '"', 'info', 'autocomplete-base');
this.sendRequest(query); // sendRequest will set the 'query' attribute
* Default <code>results</code> event handler. Sets the <code>results</code>
* property to the latest results.
* @method _defResultsFn
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @protected
_defResultsFn: function (e) {
Y.log('results: ' + Y.dump(e.results), 'info', 'autocomplete-base');
this._set(RESULTS, e[RESULTS]);
Y.AutoCompleteBase = AutoCompleteBase;