ac-plugin.js revision 3b34281c9145399e7c243e64c6851665a19c9574
* <p>Node plugin that attaches autocomplete-related events and functionality
* to a form element, most commonly an input element.</p>
* <p>Usage: <code>myNode.plug(Y.Plugin.ACPlugin, config);</code></p>
* <p>The optional config object can specify values for any of the public
* ATTRs below.</p>
var PRIVATE = {},
// the zakas gambit. In this case, it does appear to save gzipped bytes.
HANDLE = "handle";
* <p>Attach a new textchange event handler if necessary, possibly removing the old one
* if the delay value is changing.</p>
* @private
* @param who {Object} The plugin object.
* @param host {Object} The node that we're plugged into.
* @param id {String} The stamp on the plugin
* @param delay {Number} The keyDelay value to use with the textchange event.
function attachTCHandler (who, host, id, delay) {
// If we're changing something, remove the pre-existing listener, and create a new one.
// Note that the problems with textchange's detach stuff come back to bite me here,
// so I have to be careful to only ever use handle.detach() and Y.on to attach it,
// Not Node.on or Node.detach!
if (
(HANDLE in PRIVATE[id]) &&
) {
// if there's already a handle, and the keyDelay is the same,
// then there's nothing to do. Just leave it as-is.
if (delay === who.get("keyDelay")) {
// the keyDelay is changing, which means that we need to delete this handler,
// and assign a new one.
// store a private reference to the event handle.
{ delay : delay }
* <p>The function that gets called when the textchange event fires.</p>
* @private
function tcHandler () {
// see if we got enough to make a query.
var val = this.get("queryValue");
if ( val.length < this.get("minQueryLength") ) return;"ac:query", val);
* <p>The default behavior for the "ac:query" event. If there is a "ds" object,
* then it calls ds.sendRequest with the appropriate query.</p>
* @private
function handleQuery (e, val) {
var ds = this.get("dataSource");
// if we have a datasource, then make the request.
if (ds) ds.sendRequest(
// replace "{query}" with the actual query, but not "\{query}", in case you have that in your
// query template for some strange reason.
.replace(/(^|[^\\])\{query\}/, '$1'+encodeURIComponent(query))
.replace(/\\(\{query\})/, '$1'),
success : this.handleQueryResponse,
failure : this.handleQueryResponse
* <p>The function that is called in the event of either success or failure
* at the hands of the datasource sendRequest function.</p>
* <p>It assumes that the datasource has either provided an object with an
* array of results at e.response.results, or that the argument "e" is what
* the renderer is expecting.</p>
* <p>Basically, you can send it anything, but if it's something unusual,
* then your renderer widget ought to know what to do with it.</p>
* <p>Fires the "ac:render" event.</p>
* @private
* @param e {Object} Response object from a DataSource, or something that the renderer
* widget knows what to do with.
function handleQueryResponse (e) {
var data = (e && e.response && e.response.results) ? e.response.results : e;"ac:render", {results : data});
* <p>The default behavior for the ac:render event. If there is a "widget" member,
* then call it's render() method, passing in the data object.</p>
* @private
* @param e {Object} Response object from the event that was fired. Should
* have the result data on the "results" member.
function showResults (e) {
var widget = this.get("widget");
if (widget) widget.render(e.results);
* <p>Make sure that the browser's built-in autocomplete doesn't compete with our
* widget creating an ugly situation.</p>
* <p>However, disabling it completely also disables the "auto-fill on return" feature,
* which is ever so nice.</p>
* <p>To disable browser autocomplete altogether, just put autocomplete="off" in the markup,
* or set it to "off" with a setAttribute() call prior to plugging in ACPlugin. (Markup is best,
* because then it'll also be disabled if javascript is not around.)</p>
* <p>@TODO Make this configurable. There may be cases where you actually *want* the browser
* autocomplete to function, for instance if you're using the plugin with some other kind
* of widget/visualization/etc.</p>
* @private
* @param host {Object} The node which into it is plugged.
function manageBrowserAC (host) {
// turn off the browser's autocomplete, but take note of it to turn
// it back on later.
var domnode = Y.Node.getDOMNode(host),
bac = domnode.getAttribute("autocomplete");
// turn the autocomplete back on so back button works, but only
// if the user hasn't disabled it in the first place.
if ((bac && bac !== "off") || bac === null || bac === undefined) {
var browserACFixer = function () {
if (domnode) domnode.setAttribute("autocomplete", "on");
domnode = null;
// hook onto both. Small concession to browser craziness.
Y.on("beforeunload", browserACFixer, window);
Y.on("unload", browserACFixer, window);
// turn off the browser's autocomplete feature, since that'll interfere.
domnode.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
function ACPlugin () {
ACPlugin.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
ACPlugin.ATTRS = {
* <p>The value that is in the Node, which will be used in queries.</p>
* <p>In the delimited case, setting/getting the value does not reflect the
* host's full value, but rather:</p>
* <ul><li>If focused, then the delimited section under the cursor</li>
* <li>If not focused, then the contents after the last delimiter</li></ol>
* @type String
queryValue : {
// @TODO: Support delimiters here.
// Split, get the cursor position, and return just the one that's active.
// Same goes for setting.
getter : function () {
return this.get("host").get("value");
setter : function (q) {
this.get("host").set("value", q);
return q;
* <p>The time in ms to wait after a key event before triggering a query.</p>
* <p>If the value is changed, then set up a new textchange handler.</p>
* @type Number
keyDelay : {
value : 50,
setter : function (t) {
t = +t;
if (isNaN(t)) return this.get("keyDelay");
attachTCHandler(this, this.get("host"), Y.stamp(this), t);
return t;
* <p>Either a datasource utility, or something else that ducks the sendRequest method.</p>
* <p>Without this, the default behavior of ac:query is a no-op.</p>
* @type Object
dataSource : { value : null },
* <p>Set to trigger "delimited" mode.</p>
* @TODO: Implement this.
* @type String
delimiter : { value : null },
* <p>The minimum number of characters to require before triggering an ac:query event.</p>
* @type Number
minQueryLength : { value : 3 },
* <p>A template string that is used to tell the datasource how to find the data we'll need.
* This is important in cases where your query is not a simple matter of appending the value
* of the input field to the URL string. For instance YQL's sqlish syntax puts the query
* value in the middle of the statement for many queries.</p>
* <p>The string "{query}" should appear in the string somewhere, and will be replaced with
* the querystring-encoded value of the node. (This is not a requirement. You could of course
* have an autocomplete plugin that always sends the same query, but that's a bit silly.)</p>
* @type String
queryTemplate : { value : "{query}" },
* <p>The widget that responds to the render(data) call when results return from the
* data source. It could be an ACWidget object, but anything that ducks the render() call
* will work just fine.</p>
* @type Object
widget : { value : null }
Y.extend(ACPlugin, Y.Plugin.Base, {
initializer : function () {
var host = this.get("host"),
id = Y.stamp(this);
// stash the private textchange handle, so we can remove it later.
// @FIXME: there are some issues with removing textchange. That may
// need to be reworked, but as long as there's no unplugging, it's ok
// for now.
if (!(id in PRIVATE)) {
PRIVATE[id] = {};
// attach the textchange handler, if it isn't already.
attachTCHandler(this, host, id, this.get("keyDelay"));
// in addition to the textchange event, pressing down or enter will force it to trigger a query
// right away, even if the timeout has not happened yet, or the value hasn't changed.
// Note that enter usually will submit the form, but if it doesn't, then it'll do this, instead.
Y.on("key", Y.bind(tcHandler, this), host, "down:13,10,40");
// manage the browser's autocomplete, since that'll interefere,
// but we need to make sure that we don't prevent pre-filling
// when the user navs back to the page, unless the developer has
// specifically disabled that feature in the markup.
// @TODO - If the field loses focus, then pause the ac:query event.
// There should be a handler here that takes care of that.
// publish the events
this.publish("ac:query", {
broadcast : true,
defaultFn : handleQuery,
prefix : "ac"
this.publish("ac:render", {
broadcase : true,
defaultFn : showResults,
prefix : "ac"
// bind the query response handler to this.
this.handleQueryResponse = Y.bind(handleQueryResponse, this);
destroy : function () {
// remove the textchange handler.
var id = Y.stamp(this),
priv = PRIVATE[id];
delete PRIVATE[id];
// support events.
Y.augment(ACPlugin, Y.EventTarget);
ACPlugin.NAME = "ACPlugin";
ACPlugin.NS = "ac";
Y.namespace("Plugin").ACPlugin = ACPlugin;