attribute-core.html revision fdaf522f78615dc3145b1771f6f8daba2df06bb6
<title>Attribute Core Tests</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/build/yui/yui.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
#console .yui3-console-entry {
#console .yui3-console-entry-fail .yui3-console-entry-cat {
#console .yui3-console-entry-pass .yui3-console-entry-cat {
#console .yui3-console-entry-perf .yui3-console-entry-cat {
#console {
html, body {
<script type="text/javascript">
filter: ([?&]filter=([^&]+)/) || [])[1] || 'min'
}).use("dump", "attribute-core", "console", "test", function(Y) {
function areObjectsReallyEqual(o1, o2) {
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual(o1, o2);
Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual(o2, o1);
function TestAugment(attrs, values) {}
Y.augment(TestAugment, Y.AttributeCore);
function TestAugmentWithATTRS(attrs, values) {}
TestAugmentWithATTRS.ATTRS = {
foo: {
Y.augment(TestAugmentWithATTRS, Y.AttributeCore);
function Test(cfg, lazy) {
this._initAttrHost(null, cfg, lazy);
Test.ATTRS = {
attr1: {
value: "Foo",
setter: function(n) {
return n;
attr2: {
value: "Bar",
setter: function(n) {
return n;
attr3: {
value: true
attr4: {
value: 3
attr5: {
value: 3
attr6: {
value: false,
setter: function(lock) {
return lock;
attr7: {
value: false
attr8: {
value: true
attr9: {
value: true
attr10: {
value: false
attr11: {
value: true
attr12: {
value: false
attr13: {
value: false
attr14: {
value: false,
setter: function(val) {
return val;
attr15: {
value: null,
setter: function(val) {
return false;
attr16: {
value: ['default'],
getter: function() {
return false;
setter: function(g) {
return g;
attr17: {
value: null,
setter: function(g) {
return g;
attr18: {
writeOnce: true,
value: null
attr19: {
writeOnce: true,
value: null
attr20: {
writeOnce: true,
value: null
// Straightup augment, no wrapper functions
Y.mix(Test, Y.AttributeCore, false, null, 1);
function AttrHost(cfg) {
this._initAttrHost(null, cfg, true);
AttrHost.ATTRS = {
A: {
validator: Y.Lang.isString,
B: {
validator: function(value) {
return (value === undefined || Y.Lang.isString(value) || Y.Lang.isNumber(value));
C: {
writeOnce: true
D: {
readOnly: true
E: {
writeOnce: true
DE: {
valueFn: function() {
return this.get("D") + this.get("E");
complex: {
value: {
X : {
A: 1
Y : {
A: 2
Z : {
A: 3
initOnly : {
// Straightup augment, no wrapper functions
Y.mix(AttrHost, Y.AttributeCore, false, null, 1);
var augmentTemplate = {
name: "Augment Tests",
testSetGetNoAttrs : function() {
var h = new TestAugment();
h.set("foo", "bar");
Y.Assert.areEqual("bar", h.get("foo"));
testSetGetWithAttrs : function() {
var h = new TestAugmentWithATTRS();
Y.Assert.areEqual("bar", h.get("foo"));
h.set("foo", "foobar");
Y.Assert.areEqual("foobar", h.get("foo"));
testCustomAugment : function() {
function FooBar(userVals) {, null, userVals);
FooBar.ATTRS = {
// Straightup augment, no wrapper functions
Y.mix(FooBar, Y.Attribute, false, null, 1);
var o1 = new FooBar();
Y.Assert.areEqual("bar", o1.get("foo"));
o1.set("foo", "foobar");
Y.Assert.areEqual("foobar", o1.get("foo"));
var o2 = new FooBar({foo:"barfoo"});
Y.Assert.areEqual("barfoo", o2.get("foo"));
testObjectAugment: function() {
var o = {
methodOne: function() {}
Y.augment(o, Y.Attribute);
o.set("foo", "bar");
Y.Assert.areEqual("bar", o.get("foo"));
var basicTemplate = {
name: "Core Base Class Tests",
createHost : function(cfg) {
return new AttrHost(cfg);
setUp : function() {},
tearDown : function() {},
testDefault : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
Y.Assert.areEqual("AVal", h.get("A"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(undefined, h.get("B"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(undefined, h.get("C"));
Y.Assert.areEqual("DVal", h.get("D")); // Readonly
Y.Assert.areEqual("EVal", h.get("E")); // Write once, but not twice
Y.Assert.areEqual("DValEVal", h.get("DE"));
testConstructor : function() {
var h = this.createHost({A:"MyAVal", B:"MyBVal", C:"MyCVal", D:"MyDVal", E:"MyEVal", DE:"MyDEVal"});
h.set("C", "MyNewCVal");
h.set("D", "MyNewDVal");
h.set("E", "MyNewEVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyAVal", h.get("A"));
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyBVal", h.get("B"));
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyCVal", h.get("C")); // Write Once, set in constructor
Y.Assert.areEqual("DVal", h.get("D")); // Read Only
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyEVal", h.get("E")); // Write Once, set in constructor
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyDEVal", h.get("DE"));
testSet : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
h.set("A", "MyNewAVal");
h.set("B", "MyNewBVal");
h.set("C", "MyNewCVal");
h.set("D", "MyNewDVal");
h.set("E", "MyNewEVal");
h.set("DE", "MyNewDEVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyNewAVal", h.get("A"));
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyNewBVal", h.get("B"));
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyNewCVal", h.get("C")); // Write once, set on first set.
Y.Assert.areEqual("DVal", h.get("D")); // Read Only
Y.Assert.areEqual("EVal", h.get("E")); // Write Once
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyNewDEVal", h.get("DE"));
testWriteOncePostInit : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
h.set("E", "MyNewEVal");
h.set("C", "MyNewCVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyNewCVal", h.get("C")); // Write Once, default value
Y.Assert.areEqual("EVal", h.get("E")); // Write Once, default value
testWriteOnce : function() {
var h = this.createHost({E:"MyEVal"});
h.set("E", "MyNewEVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyEVal", h.get("E")); // Write Once, on init
testWriteOnceInitOnly : function() {
var h = this.createHost({ initOnly: "initOnlyVal"});
h.set("initOnly", "NewInitOnlyVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual("initOnlyVal", h.get("initOnly"));
testWriteOnceInitOnlyNotProvided : function() {
var h1 = this.createHost();
h1.set("initOnly", "InitOnlyVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual(undefined, h1.get("initOnly"));
testAdHocGetSet : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
Y.Assert.areEqual(undefined, h.get("AdHoc"));
h.set("AdHoc", "TestAdHoc");
Y.Assert.areEqual("TestAdHoc", h.get("AdHoc"));
h.addAttr("AdHoc", {
setter: function(val) {
return val.toUpperCase();
h.set("AdHoc", "TestAdHocConfigured");
Y.Assert.areEqual("TESTADHOCCONFIGURED", h.get("AdHoc"));
testMassSetGet : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
"A" : "MyNewAVal",
"B": "MyNewBVal",
"C": "MyNewCVal",
"D": "MyNewDVal",
"E": "MyNewEVal",
"DE": "MyNewDEVal",
complex: "MyNewComplexVal"
var expectedVals = {
A: "MyNewAVal",
B: "MyNewBVal",
C: "MyNewCVal",
D: "DVal",
E: "EVal",
DE: "MyNewDEVal",
complex: "MyNewComplexVal"
Y.Assert.areEqual(expectedVals.A, h.get("A"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(expectedVals.B, h.get("B"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(expectedVals.C, h.get("C")); // Write once, set on first set.
Y.Assert.areEqual(expectedVals.D, h.get("D")); // Read Only
Y.Assert.areEqual(expectedVals.E, h.get("E")); // Write Once
Y.Assert.areEqual(expectedVals.DE, h.get("DE"));
areObjectsReallyEqual(expectedVals, h.getAttrs());
testModifiedAttrs : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
A: "MyNewAVal",
C: "MyNewCVal",
D: "MyNewDVal"
var expectedVals = {
A: "MyNewAVal"
areObjectsReallyEqual(expectedVals, h.getAttrs(true));
testValidation : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
h.set("A", "MyAVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyAVal", h.get("A"));
h.set("A", 100);
Y.Assert.areEqual("MyAVal", h.get("A")); // Validation should prevent the attribute from being set
h.set("B", "two");
Y.Assert.areEqual("two", h.get("B"));
h.set("B", 2);
Y.Assert.areEqual(2, h.get("B"));
h.set("B", false);
Y.Assert.areEqual(2, h.get("B")); // Validation should prevent the attribute from being set
testPrivateSet : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
h.set("D", "MyNewDVal");
h.set("E", "MyNewEVal");
Y.Assert.areEqual("DVal", h.get("D"));
Y.Assert.areEqual("EVal", h.get("E"));
h._set("D", "TryDAgain");
h._set("E", "TryEAgain");
Y.Assert.areEqual("TryDAgain", h.get("D"));
Y.Assert.areEqual("TryEAgain", h.get("E"));
testComplexDefault : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
var o = {
X : {
A: 1
Y : {
A: 2
Z : {
A: 3
Y.Assert.areEqual(1, h.get("complex.X.A"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(2, h.get("complex.Y.A"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(3, h.get("complex.Z.A"));
areObjectsReallyEqual({A:1}, h.get("complex.X"));
areObjectsReallyEqual({A:2}, h.get("complex.Y"));
areObjectsReallyEqual({A:3}, h.get("complex.Z"));
var val = h.get("complex");
Y.each(val, function(v, k) {
areObjectsReallyEqual(v, o[k]);
testComplexSet : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
h.set("complex.X.A", 111);
Y.Assert.areEqual(111, h.get("complex.X.A"));
h.set("complex.X.B", 112);
Y.Assert.areEqual(112, h.get("complex.X.B"));
areObjectsReallyEqual({A:111, B:112}, h.get("complex.X"));
h.set("complex.W.B", 113);
Y.Assert.areEqual(undefined, h.get("complex.W"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(undefined, h.get("complex.W.B"));
h.set("complex.Y", {B:222});
Y.Assert.areEqual(222, h.get("complex.Y.B"));
Y.Assert.areEqual(undefined, h.get("complex.Y.A"));
testInitialValidation: function() {
var h = this.createHost({A:5});
Y.Assert.areEqual("AVal", h.get("A")); // Numerical value validation failure should revert to default value
testProtect : function() {
var h = this.createHost();
var q = h._protectAttrs(AttrHost.ATTRS);
Y.Assert.areNotSame(AttrHost.ATTRS, q);
Y.Assert.areEqual(Y.dump(AttrHost.ATTRS), Y.dump(q));
q.A.newprop = "new prop value";
q.A.value = "modified value";
Y.Assert.areNotEqual(Y.dump(AttrHost.ATTRS), Y.dump(q));
var perfTemplate = {
name: "Performance Tests",
testTimeConstruction: function() {
var start, end, n = 20, t, i;
start = new Date().getTime();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = new Test(null, false);
t = null;
end = new Date().getTime();
Y.log("Construction Time Populated (upfront): " + ((end-start)/n), "perf");
start = new Date().getTime();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = new Test();
t = null;
end = new Date().getTime();
Y.log("Construction Time Populated (lazy): " + ((end-start)/n), "perf");
start = new Date().getTime();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = new Test(null, false);
t = null;
end = new Date().getTime();
Y.log("Construction Time (upfront): " + ((end-start)/n), "perf");
start = new Date().getTime();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = new Test();
t = null;
end = new Date().getTime();
var time = (end-start)/n;
var expectedTime = ( && <= 6) ? 15 : 10;
Y.log("Construction Time (lazy): " + time, "perf");
start = new Date().getTime();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
t = new Test(null, true, true);
t = null;
end = new Date().getTime();
Y.log("Construction Time (lazy and silent init): " + ((end-start)/n), "perf");
Y.Assert.isTrue((time < expectedTime));
testStateForPerfSwitches : function() {
// Lazy
t = new Test();
var x = t.getAttrs();
// Non Lazy (Upfront)
t = new Test(null, false);
var y = t.getAttrs();
// Lazy and Silent
t = new Test(null, true, true);
var z = t.getAttrs();
Y.Assert.areEqual(Y.dump(x), Y.dump(y), "Lazy vs. Upfront: attr state is not equal");
Y.Assert.areEqual(Y.dump(y), Y.dump(z), "Upfront vs. Lazy and Silent: attr state is not equal");
var suite = new Y.Test.Suite({name:"Attribute Core Unit Tests"});
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case(basicTemplate));
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case(augmentTemplate));
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case(basicTemplate));
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case(augmentTemplate)); // run twice, just to make sure static class state not modified
Y.Test.Runner.setName("Attribute Core Tests");
var console;"#btnRun").set("disabled", false).on("click", function() {
if (!console) {
//create the console
console = new Y.Console({
verbose : false,
printTimeout: 0,
newestOnTop : false,
entryTemplate: '<pre class="{entry_class} {cat_class} {src_class}">'+
'<span class="{entry_cat_class}">{label}</span>'+
'<span class="{entry_content_class}">{message}</span>'+
var perfSuite = new Y.Test.Suite({name:"Attribute Performance Tests"});
perfSuite.add(new Y.Test.Case(perfTemplate));
<body class="yui3-skin-sam">
<p><input type="button" value="Run Tests" id="btnRun" disabled=true></p>