* The attribute module provides an augmentable Attribute implementation, which
* adds configurable attributes and attribute change events to the class being
* augmented. It also provides a State class, which is used internally by Attribute,
* but can also be used independently to provide a name/property/value data structure to
* store state.
* @module attribute
* The attribute-core submodule provides the lightest level of attribute handling support
* without Attribute change events, or lesser used methods such as reset(), modifyAttrs(),
* and removeAttr().
* @module attribute
* @submodule attribute-core
var O = Y.Object,
Lang = Y.Lang,
DOT = ".",
// Externally configurable props
GETTER = "getter",
SETTER = "setter",
READ_ONLY = "readOnly",
WRITE_ONCE = "writeOnce",
INIT_ONLY = "initOnly",
VALIDATOR = "validator",
VALUE = "value",
VALUE_FN = "valueFn",
LAZY_ADD = "lazyAdd",
// Used for internal state management
ADDED = "added",
BYPASS_PROXY = "_bypassProxy",
INITIALIZING = "initializing",
INIT_VALUE = "initValue",
LAZY = "lazy",
IS_LAZY_ADD = "isLazyAdd",
* <p>
* AttributeCore provides the lightest level of configurable attribute support. It is designed to be
* augmented on to a host class, and provides the host with the ability to configure
* attributes to store and retrieve state, <strong>but without support for attribute change events</strong>.
* </p>
* <p>For example, attributes added to the host can be configured:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>As read only.</li>
* <li>As write once.</li>
* <li>With a setter function, which can be used to manipulate
* values passed to Attribute's <a href="#method_set">set</a> method, before they are stored.</li>
* <li>With a getter function, which can be used to manipulate stored values,
* before they are returned by Attribute's <a href="#method_get">get</a> method.</li>
* <li>With a validator function, to validate values before they are stored.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>See the <a href="#method_addAttr">addAttr</a> method, for the complete set of configuration
* options available for attributes.</p>
* <p>Object/Classes based on AttributeCore can augment <a href="AttributeEvents.html">AttributeEvents</a>
* (with true for overwrite) and <a href="AttributeExtras.html">AttributeExtras</a> to add attribute event and
* additional, less commonly used attribute methods, such as `modifyAttr`, `removeAttr` and `reset`.</p>
* @class AttributeCore
* @param attrs {Object} The attributes to add during construction (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>). These can also be defined on the constructor being augmented with Attribute by defining the ATTRS property on the constructor.
* @param values {Object} The initial attribute values to apply (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>). These are not merged/cloned. The caller is responsible for isolating user provided values if required.
* @param lazy {boolean} Whether or not to add attributes lazily (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>).
function AttributeCore(attrs, values, lazy) {
this._initAttrHost(attrs, values, lazy);
* <p>The value to return from an attribute setter in order to prevent the set from going through.</p>
* <p>You can return this value from your setter if you wish to combine validator and setter
* functionality into a single setter function, which either returns the massaged value to be stored or
* AttributeCore.INVALID_VALUE to prevent invalid values from being stored.</p>
* @property INVALID_VALUE
* @type Object
* @static
* @final
AttributeCore.INVALID_VALUE = {};
* The list of properties which can be configured for
* each attribute (e.g. setter, getter, writeOnce etc.).
* This property is used internally as a whitelist for faster
* Y.mix operations.
* @property _ATTR_CFG
* @type Array
* @static
* @protected
AttributeCore.prototype = {
* Constructor logic for attributes. Initializes the host state, and sets up the inital attributes passed to the
* constructor.
* @method _initAttrHost
* @param attrs {Object} The attributes to add during construction (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>). These can also be defined on the constructor being augmented with Attribute by defining the ATTRS property on the constructor.
* @param values {Object} The initial attribute values to apply (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>). These are not merged/cloned. The caller is responsible for isolating user provided values if required.
* @param lazy {boolean} Whether or not to add attributes lazily (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>).
* @private
_initAttrHost : function(attrs, values, lazy) {
this._state = new Y.State();
this._initAttrs(attrs, values, lazy);
* <p>
* Adds an attribute with the provided configuration to the host object.
* </p>
* <p>
* The config argument object supports the following properties:
* </p>
* <dl>
* <dt>value &#60;Any&#62;</dt>
* <dd>The initial value to set on the attribute</dd>
* <dt>valueFn &#60;Function | String&#62;</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>A function, which will return the initial value to set on the attribute. This is useful
* for cases where the attribute configuration is defined statically, but needs to
* reference the host instance ("this") to obtain an initial value. If both the value and valueFn properties are defined,
* the value returned by the valueFn has precedence over the value property, unless it returns undefined, in which
* case the value property is used.</p>
* <p>valueFn can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used to retrieve the value.</p>
* </dd>
* <dt>readOnly &#60;boolean&#62;</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not the attribute is read only. Attributes having readOnly set to true
* cannot be modified by invoking the set method.</dd>
* <dt>writeOnce &#60;boolean&#62; or &#60;string&#62;</dt>
* <dd>
* Whether or not the attribute is "write once". Attributes having writeOnce set to true,
* can only have their values set once, be it through the default configuration,
* constructor configuration arguments, or by invoking set.
* <p>The writeOnce attribute can also be set to the string "initOnly", in which case the attribute can only be set during initialization
* (when used with Base, this means it can only be set during construction)</p>
* </dd>
* <dt>setter &#60;Function | String&#62;</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>The setter function used to massage or normalize the value passed to the set method for the attribute.
* The value returned by the setter will be the final stored value. Returning
* <a href="#property_Attribute.INVALID_VALUE">Attribute.INVALID_VALUE</a>, from the setter will prevent
* the value from being stored.
* </p>
* <p>setter can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used as the setter function.</p>
* </dd>
* <dt>getter &#60;Function | String&#62;</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* The getter function used to massage or normalize the value returned by the get method for the attribute.
* The value returned by the getter function is the value which will be returned to the user when they
* invoke get.
* </p>
* <p>getter can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used as the getter function.</p>
* </dd>
* <dt>validator &#60;Function | String&#62;</dt>
* <dd>
* <p>
* The validator function invoked prior to setting the stored value. Returning
* false from the validator function will prevent the value from being stored.
* </p>
* <p>validator can also be set to a string, representing the name of the instance method to be used as the validator function.</p>
* </dd>
* <dt>lazyAdd &#60;boolean&#62;</dt>
* <dd>Whether or not to delay initialization of the attribute until the first call to get/set it.
* This flag can be used to over-ride lazy initialization on a per attribute basis, when adding multiple attributes through
* the <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a> method.</dd>
* </dl>
* <p>The setter, getter and validator are invoked with the value and name passed in as the first and second arguments, and with
* the context ("this") set to the host object.</p>
* <p>Configuration properties outside of the list mentioned above are considered private properties used internally by attribute,
* and are not intended for public use.</p>
* @method addAttr
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
* @param {Object} config An object with attribute configuration property/value pairs, specifying the configuration for the attribute.
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> The configuration object is modified when adding an attribute, so if you need
* to protect the original values, you will need to merge the object.
* </p>
* @param {boolean} lazy (optional) Whether or not to add this attribute lazily (on the first call to get/set).
* @return {Object} A reference to the host object.
* @chainable
addAttr: function(name, config, lazy) {
Y.log('Adding attribute: ' + name, 'info', 'attribute');
var host = this, // help compression
state = host._state,
config = config || {};
lazy = (LAZY_ADD in config) ? config[LAZY_ADD] : lazy;
if (lazy && !host.attrAdded(name)) {
state.addAll(name, {
lazy : config,
added : true
} else {
if (host.attrAdded(name) && !state.get(name, IS_LAZY_ADD)) { Y.log('Attribute: ' + name + ' already exists. Cannot add it again without removing it first', 'warn', 'attribute'); }
if (!host.attrAdded(name) || state.get(name, IS_LAZY_ADD)) {
hasValue = (VALUE in config);
if (config.readOnly && !hasValue) { Y.log('readOnly attribute: ' + name + ', added without an initial value. Value will be set on initial call to set', 'warn', 'attribute');}
if (hasValue) {
// We'll go through set, don't want to set value in config directly
value = config.value;
delete config.value;
config.added = true;
config.initializing = true;
state.addAll(name, config);
if (hasValue) {
// Go through set, so that raw values get normalized/validated
host.set(name, value);
state.remove(name, INITIALIZING);
return host;
* Checks if the given attribute has been added to the host
* @method attrAdded
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute to check.
* @return {boolean} true if an attribute with the given name has been added, false if it hasn't. This method will return true for lazily added attributes.
attrAdded: function(name) {
return !!this._state.get(name, ADDED);
* Returns the current value of the attribute. If the attribute
* has been configured with a 'getter' function, this method will delegate
* to the 'getter' to obtain the value of the attribute.
* @method get
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute. If the value of the attribute is an Object,
* dot notation can be used to obtain the value of a property of the object (e.g. <code>get("x.y.z")</code>)
* @return {Any} The value of the attribute
get : function(name) {
return this._getAttr(name);
* Checks whether or not the attribute is one which has been
* added lazily and still requires initialization.
* @method _isLazyAttr
* @private
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute
* @return {boolean} true if it's a lazily added attribute, false otherwise.
_isLazyAttr: function(name) {
return this._state.get(name, LAZY);
* Finishes initializing an attribute which has been lazily added.
* @method _addLazyAttr
* @private
* @param {Object} name The name of the attribute
_addLazyAttr: function(name, cfg) {
var state = this._state,
lazyCfg = state.get(name, LAZY);
state.add(name, IS_LAZY_ADD, true);
state.remove(name, LAZY);
this.addAttr(name, lazyCfg);
* Sets the value of an attribute.
* @method set
* @chainable
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute. If the
* current value of the attribute is an Object, dot notation can be used
* to set the value of a property within the object (e.g. <code>set("x.y.z", 5)</code>).
* @param {Any} value The value to set the attribute to.
* @return {Object} A reference to the host object.
set : function(name, val) {
return this._setAttr(name, val);
* Allows setting of readOnly/writeOnce attributes. See <a href="#method_set">set</a> for argument details.
* @method _set
* @protected
* @chainable
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
* @param {Any} val The value to set the attribute to.
* @return {Object} A reference to the host object.
_set : function(name, val) {
return this._setAttr(name, val, null, true);
* Provides the common implementation for the public set and protected _set methods.
* See <a href="#method_set">set</a> for argument details.
* @method _setAttr
* @protected
* @chainable
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
* @param {Any} value The value to set the attribute to.
* @param {Object} opts (Optional) Optional event data to be mixed into
* the event facade passed to subscribers of the attribute's change event.
* This is currently a hack. There's no real need for the AttributeCore implementation
* to support this parameter, but breaking it out into AttributeEvents, results in
* additional function hops for the critical path. May change in 3.5.0 PR3.
* @param {boolean} force If true, allows the caller to set values for
* readOnly or writeOnce attributes which have already been set.
* @return {Object} A reference to the host object.
_setAttr : function(name, val, opts, force) {
// HACK - no real reason core needs to know about opts, but
// it adds fn hops if we want to break it out.
// Not sure it's worth it for this critical path
var allowSet = true,
state = this._state,
stateProxy = this._stateProxy,
if (name.indexOf(DOT) !== -1) {
strPath = name;
path = name.split(DOT);
name = path.shift();
if (this._isLazyAttr(name)) {
cfg = state.getAll(name, true) || {};
initialSet = (!(VALUE in cfg));
if (stateProxy && name in stateProxy && !cfg._bypassProxy) {
// TODO: Value is always set for proxy. Can we do any better? Maybe take a snapshot as the initial value for the first call to set?
initialSet = false;
writeOnce = cfg.writeOnce;
initializing = cfg.initializing;
if (!initialSet && !force) {
if (writeOnce) {
Y.log('Set attribute:' + name + ', aborted; Attribute is writeOnce', 'warn', 'attribute');
allowSet = false;
if (cfg.readOnly) {
Y.log('Set attribute:' + name + ', aborted; Attribute is readOnly', 'warn', 'attribute');
allowSet = false;
if (!initializing && !force && writeOnce === INIT_ONLY) {
Y.log('Set attribute:' + name + ', aborted; Attribute is writeOnce: "initOnly"', 'warn', 'attribute');
allowSet = false;
if (allowSet) {
// Don't need currVal if initialSet (might fail in custom getter if it always expects a non-undefined/non-null value)
if (!initialSet) {
currVal = this.get(name);
if (path) {
val = O.setValue(Y.clone(currVal), path, val);
if (val === undefined) {
Y.log('Set attribute path:' + strPath + ', aborted; Path is invalid', 'warn', 'attribute');
allowSet = false;
if (allowSet) {
if (!this._fireAttrChange || initializing) {
this._setAttrVal(name, strPath, currVal, val);
} else {
// HACK - no real reason core needs to know about _fireAttrChange, but
// it adds fn hops if we want to break it out. Not sure it's worth it for this critical path
this._fireAttrChange(name, strPath, currVal, val, opts);
return this;
* Provides the common implementation for the public get method,
* allowing Attribute hosts to over-ride either method.
* See <a href="#method_get">get</a> for argument details.
* @method _getAttr
* @protected
* @chainable
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
* @return {Any} The value of the attribute.
_getAttr : function(name) {
var host = this, // help compression
fullName = name,
state = host._state,
if (name.indexOf(DOT) !== -1) {
path = name.split(DOT);
name = path.shift();
// On Demand - Should be rare - handles out of order valueFn references
if (host._tCfgs && host._tCfgs[name]) {
cfg = {};
cfg[name] = host._tCfgs[name];
delete host._tCfgs[name];
host._addAttrs(cfg, host._tVals);
// Lazy Init
if (host._isLazyAttr(name)) {
val = host._getStateVal(name);
getter = state.get(name, GETTER);
if (getter && !getter.call) {
getter = this[getter];
val = (getter) ? getter.call(host, val, fullName) : val;
val = (path) ? O.getValue(val, path) : val;
return val;
* Gets the stored value for the attribute, from either the
* internal state object, or the state proxy if it exits
* @method _getStateVal
* @private
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute
* @return {Any} The stored value of the attribute
_getStateVal : function(name) {
var stateProxy = this._stateProxy;
return stateProxy && (name in stateProxy) && !this._state.get(name, BYPASS_PROXY) ? stateProxy[name] : this._state.get(name, VALUE);
* Sets the stored value for the attribute, in either the
* internal state object, or the state proxy if it exits
* @method _setStateVal
* @private
* @param {String} name The name of the attribute
* @param {Any} value The value of the attribute
_setStateVal : function(name, value) {
var stateProxy = this._stateProxy;
if (stateProxy && (name in stateProxy) && !this._state.get(name, BYPASS_PROXY)) {
stateProxy[name] = value;
} else {
this._state.add(name, VALUE, value);
* Updates the stored value of the attribute in the privately held State object,
* if validation and setter passes.
* @method _setAttrVal
* @private
* @param {String} attrName The attribute name.
* @param {String} subAttrName The sub-attribute name, if setting a sub-attribute property ("x.y.z").
* @param {Any} prevVal The currently stored value of the attribute.
* @param {Any} newVal The value which is going to be stored.
* @return {booolean} true if the new attribute value was stored, false if not.
_setAttrVal : function(attrName, subAttrName, prevVal, newVal) {
var host = this,
allowSet = true,
cfg = this._state.getAll(attrName, true) || {},
validator = cfg.validator,
setter = cfg.setter,
initializing = cfg.initializing,
prevRawVal = this._getStateVal(attrName),
name = subAttrName || attrName,
if (validator) {
if (!validator.call) {
// Assume string - trying to keep critical path tight, so avoiding Lang check
validator = this[validator];
if (validator) {
valid = validator.call(host, newVal, name);
if (!valid && initializing) {
newVal = cfg.defaultValue;
valid = true; // Assume it's valid, for perf.
if (!validator || valid) {
if (setter) {
if (!setter.call) {
// Assume string - trying to keep critical path tight, so avoiding Lang check
setter = this[setter];
if (setter) {
retVal = setter.call(host, newVal, name);
if (retVal === INVALID_VALUE) {
Y.log('Attribute: ' + attrName + ', setter returned Attribute.INVALID_VALUE for value:' + newVal, 'warn', 'attribute');
allowSet = false;
} else if (retVal !== undefined){
Y.log('Attribute: ' + attrName + ', raw value: ' + newVal + ' modified by setter to:' + retVal, 'info', 'attribute');
newVal = retVal;
if (allowSet) {
if(!subAttrName && (newVal === prevRawVal) && !Lang.isObject(newVal)) {
Y.log('Attribute: ' + attrName + ', value unchanged:' + newVal, 'warn', 'attribute');
allowSet = false;
} else {
// Store value
if (!(INIT_VALUE in cfg)) {
cfg.initValue = newVal;
host._setStateVal(attrName, newVal);
} else {
Y.log('Attribute:' + attrName + ', Validation failed for value:' + newVal, 'warn', 'attribute');
allowSet = false;
return allowSet;
* Sets multiple attribute values.
* @method setAttrs
* @param {Object} attrs An object with attributes name/value pairs.
* @return {Object} A reference to the host object.
* @chainable
setAttrs : function(attrs) {
return this._setAttrs(attrs);
* Implementation behind the public setAttrs method, to set multiple attribute values.
* @method _setAttrs
* @protected
* @param {Object} attrs An object with attributes name/value pairs.
* @return {Object} A reference to the host object.
* @chainable
_setAttrs : function(attrs) {
for (var attr in attrs) {
if ( attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr) ) {
this.set(attr, attrs[attr]);
return this;
* Gets multiple attribute values.
* @method getAttrs
* @param {Array | boolean} attrs Optional. An array of attribute names. If omitted, all attribute values are
* returned. If set to true, all attributes modified from their initial values are returned.
* @return {Object} An object with attribute name/value pairs.
getAttrs : function(attrs) {
return this._getAttrs(attrs);
* Implementation behind the public getAttrs method, to get multiple attribute values.
* @method _getAttrs
* @protected
* @param {Array | boolean} attrs Optional. An array of attribute names. If omitted, all attribute values are
* returned. If set to true, all attributes modified from their initial values are returned.
* @return {Object} An object with attribute name/value pairs.
_getAttrs : function(attrs) {
var host = this,
o = {},
i, l, attr, val,
modifiedOnly = (attrs === true);
// TODO - figure out how to get all "added"
attrs = (attrs && !modifiedOnly) ? attrs : O.keys(host._state.data);
for (i = 0, l = attrs.length; i < l; i++) {
// Go through get, to honor cloning/normalization
attr = attrs[i];
val = host.get(attr);
if (!modifiedOnly || host._getStateVal(attr) != host._state.get(attr, INIT_VALUE)) {
o[attr] = host.get(attr);
return o;
* Configures a group of attributes, and sets initial values.
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> This method does not isolate the configuration object by merging/cloning.
* The caller is responsible for merging/cloning the configuration object if required.
* </p>
* @method addAttrs
* @chainable
* @param {Object} cfgs An object with attribute name/configuration pairs.
* @param {Object} values An object with attribute name/value pairs, defining the initial values to apply.
* Values defined in the cfgs argument will be over-written by values in this argument unless defined as read only.
* @param {boolean} lazy Whether or not to delay the intialization of these attributes until the first call to get/set.
* Individual attributes can over-ride this behavior by defining a lazyAdd configuration property in their configuration.
* See <a href="#method_addAttr">addAttr</a>.
* @return {Object} A reference to the host object.
addAttrs : function(cfgs, values, lazy) {
var host = this; // help compression
if (cfgs) {
host._tCfgs = cfgs;
host._tVals = host._normAttrVals(values);
host._addAttrs(cfgs, host._tVals, lazy);
host._tCfgs = host._tVals = null;
return host;
* Implementation behind the public addAttrs method.
* This method is invoked directly by get if it encounters a scenario
* in which an attribute's valueFn attempts to obtain the
* value an attribute in the same group of attributes, which has not yet
* been added (on demand initialization).
* @method _addAttrs
* @private
* @param {Object} cfgs An object with attribute name/configuration pairs.
* @param {Object} values An object with attribute name/value pairs, defining the initial values to apply.
* Values defined in the cfgs argument will be over-written by values in this argument unless defined as read only.
* @param {boolean} lazy Whether or not to delay the intialization of these attributes until the first call to get/set.
* Individual attributes can over-ride this behavior by defining a lazyAdd configuration property in their configuration.
* See <a href="#method_addAttr">addAttr</a>.
_addAttrs : function(cfgs, values, lazy) {
var host = this, // help compression
for (attr in cfgs) {
if (cfgs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
// Not Merging. Caller is responsible for isolating configs
attrCfg = cfgs[attr];
attrCfg.defaultValue = attrCfg.value;
// Handle simple, complex and user values, accounting for read-only
value = host._getAttrInitVal(attr, attrCfg, host._tVals);
if (value !== undefined) {
attrCfg.value = value;
if (host._tCfgs[attr]) {
delete host._tCfgs[attr];
host.addAttr(attr, attrCfg, lazy);
* Utility method to protect an attribute configuration
* hash, by merging the entire object and the individual
* attr config objects.
* @method _protectAttrs
* @protected
* @param {Object} attrs A hash of attribute to configuration object pairs.
* @return {Object} A protected version of the attrs argument.
_protectAttrs : function(attrs) {
if (attrs) {
attrs = Y.merge(attrs);
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
attrs[attr] = Y.merge(attrs[attr]);
return attrs;
* Utility method to normalize attribute values. The base implementation
* simply merges the hash to protect the original.
* @method _normAttrVals
* @param {Object} valueHash An object with attribute name/value pairs
* @return {Object}
* @private
_normAttrVals : function(valueHash) {
return (valueHash) ? Y.merge(valueHash) : null;
* Returns the initial value of the given attribute from
* either the default configuration provided, or the
* over-ridden value if it exists in the set of initValues
* provided and the attribute is not read-only.
* @param {String} attr The name of the attribute
* @param {Object} cfg The attribute configuration object
* @param {Object} initValues The object with simple and complex attribute name/value pairs returned from _normAttrVals
* @return {Any} The initial value of the attribute.
* @method _getAttrInitVal
* @private
_getAttrInitVal : function(attr, cfg, initValues) {
var val, valFn;
// init value is provided by the user if it exists, else, provided by the config
if (!cfg.readOnly && initValues && initValues.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
val = initValues[attr];
} else {
val = cfg.value;
valFn = cfg.valueFn;
if (valFn) {
if (!valFn.call) {
valFn = this[valFn];
if (valFn) {
val = valFn.call(this, attr);
Y.log('initValue for ' + attr + ':' + val, 'info', 'attribute');
return val;
* Utility method to set up initial attributes defined during construction, either through the constructor.ATTRS property, or explicitly passed in.
* @method _initAttrs
* @protected
* @param attrs {Object} The attributes to add during construction (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>). These can also be defined on the constructor being augmented with Attribute by defining the ATTRS property on the constructor.
* @param values {Object} The initial attribute values to apply (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>). These are not merged/cloned. The caller is responsible for isolating user provided values if required.
* @param lazy {boolean} Whether or not to add attributes lazily (passed through to <a href="#method_addAttrs">addAttrs</a>).
_initAttrs : function(attrs, values, lazy) {
// ATTRS support for Node, which is not Base based
attrs = attrs || this.constructor.ATTRS;
var Base = Y.Base,
BaseCore = Y.BaseCore,
baseInst = (Base && Y.instanceOf(this, Base)),
baseCoreInst = (!baseInst && BaseCore && Y.instanceOf(this, BaseCore));
if ( attrs && !baseInst && !baseCoreInst) {
this.addAttrs(this._protectAttrs(attrs), values, lazy);
Y.AttributeCore = AttributeCore;