attribute-rw-source.mustache revision e808b8824ca1091c8efb5669db9129e68e5e1c14
<div id="writeInitial">
<p>Construct o1, setting initial values for both foo and bar in the constructor: </p>
<label>foo: <input type="text" value="Initial Foo" class="fooVal"></label>
<label>bar: <input type="text" value="Initial Bar" class="barVal"></label>
<button type="button" class="do">Initial Values</button>
<div class="example-out"></div>
<div id="writeAgain">
<p>Try setting values again, after they've been set once: </p>
<label>foo: <input type="text" value="Set Foo Again" class="fooVal"></label>
<label>bar: <input type="text" value="Set Bar Again" class="barVal"></label>
<button type="button" class="do">Set Again</button>
<div class="example-out"></div>
<div id="writeInternally">
<p>Call a MyClass method, which sets foo internally (using _set): </p>
<label>foo: <input type="text" value="Set Foo Internally" class="fooVal"></label>
<button type="button" class="do">Set Internal</button>
<div class="example-out"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
YUI().use("node", "attribute", "escape", function(Y) {
// Setup a custom class with attribute support
function MyClass(cfg) {
var attrs = {
"foo" : {
value: "Default Foo",
readOnly: true
"bar" : {
value: "Default Bar",
writeOnce: true
this.addAttrs(attrs, cfg);
MyClass.prototype.doSomething = function(val) {
// ... Do something which requires
// MyClass to change the value
// of foo ...
// Host code can reset value of
// readOnly attributes interally,
// by working with the private _set
// property
this._set("foo", val);
Y.augment(MyClass, Y.Attribute);
function displayValues(o, title, node) {
var str =
'<div class="myclass"><div class="myclass-title">'
+ title +
'</div><ul class="myclass-attrs"><li>foo (readOnly): '
+ Y.Escape.html(o.get("foo"))
+ '</li><li>bar (writeOnce): '
+ Y.Escape.html(o.get("bar"))
+ '</li></ul></div>';"innerHTML", str);
var o1;
Y.on("click", function() {
var fooVal ="#writeInitial .fooVal").get("value");
var barVal ="#writeInitial .barVal").get("value");
o1 = new MyClass({
foo: fooVal,
bar: barVal
displayValues(o1, "Attempt to set initial values in constructor", "#writeInitial .example-out");
}, "#writeInitial .do");
Y.on("click", function() {
if (o1) {
var fooVal ="#writeAgain .fooVal").get("value");
var barVal ="#writeAgain .barVal").get("value");
// Attempt to reset values:
o1.set("foo", fooVal);
o1.set("bar", barVal);
displayValues(o1, "Attempt to set values again, using set", "#writeAgain .example-out");
}, "#writeAgain .do");
Y.on("click", function() {
if (o1) {
var val ="#writeInternally .fooVal").get("value");
// Call method, which sets foo internally...
displayValues(o1, "Set the value of foo (readOnly) internally", "#writeInternally .example-out");
}, "#writeInternally .do");