HISTORY.md revision 1c99bd1672dfadc9e981726419cc465d406c474b
Attribute Change History
* Broke Y.Attribute up into:
To support core Attribute usage, without Events, but still allow upgrade
path to add Events, if required.
Y.AttributeCore is likely to form the basis for BaseCore and WidgetCore
(ala Node Plugins, where low-level state change events are not required).
Y.Attribute's public and protected API reimain unchanged, and loader will
pull in the new dependencies.
However if you're manually pulling in attribute-base, you'll need to
manually pull in attribute-core, attribute-events and attribute-extras
before it.
**IMPORTANT** AttributeCore, AttributeEvents and AttributeExtras are
considered beta, and may be subject to change over the course
of the 3.5.0PRS.
Y.Attribute will remain unchanged however.
Y.Attribute - Common Attribute Functionality (100% backwards compat)
Y.AttributeCore - Lightest Attribute support, without CustomEvents
Y.AttributeEvents - Augmentable Attribute Events support
Y.AttributeExtras - Augmentable 20% usage for Attribute (modifyAttr, removeAttr, reset ...)
Y.AttributeComplex - Augmentable support for constructor complex attribute parsing ({"x.y":foo})
* Changed State's internal data structure, to store pairs by
[name][property], instead of [property][name] to improve performance
(most Attribute operations are name centric, not property centric).
If you're working directly with Attribute's private _state.data, you
may need to update your code to account for the change in structure.
* No changes.
* Added params to constructor, to support call to addAttrs on construction
with user values, when augmenting and invoking constructor manually.
Also broke out addAttrs logic on construction (introduced for Node),
into it's own _initAttrs method to facilitate customization.
* Changed instanceof to Y.instanceOf, to prevent leaks in IE7
* Added protected helper method (_getAttrCfg) to return the configuration
for a given attribute.
* Fixed ticket #2528753 : Sub attribute value crashed after setting another
sub attribute.
* writeOnce can be set to "initOnly", which can be used
to prevent the user from setting the value outside of the initial
configuration when using the addAttrs.
When used with Base, this means that the user can only define a
value for the Attribute during construction.
* Attribute change events are now published with the defaultTargetOnly
property set to true.
* newVal property of event object passed to change event listeners will
now be the value returned from the Attribute's getter (if defined)
* setter, getter, validator and valueFn can now be specified as
strings, referring to the method names to be invoked on the Attribute
* set/get can now be called for ad-hoc attributes (attributes which
have not been added/configured).
* Fixed issue where custom getters were being called with undefined values,
for the initial set.
* Limited the case for which an attribute will not notify after listeners,
if the value is unchanged after a set, to primitive values (values for
which Lang.isObject(newVal) returns false).
This allows after listeners to be invoked, when resetting the value to
the same object reference, which has properties updated, or arrays with
elements modified.
* Attribute broken up into attribute-base and attribute-complex submodules.
attribute-complex adds support for complex attributes ({x.y.z : 5}) to
3.0.0 beta 1
* Removed Attribute.CLONE support in the interests of simplicity.
Was not being used. Can re-evaluate support if real world demand
for it exists.
* Changed "set" and "get" configuration properties for setter and
getter methods to "setter" and "getter" respectively.
* Added support for setter to return Attribute.INVALID_VALUE
to prevent attribute state from being changed.
This allows developers to combine setter and validator
functionality into one method if performance optimization
is required.
* "validator" is now invoked before "setter".
* Renamed xxxAtt and xxxAtts methods to xxxAttr, xxxAttrs for
* "after" listeners are only notified if attribute value really
changes (preVal !== newVal).
* Extending classes can now overwrite ATTRS configuration properties
from super classes, including writeOnce and readOnly attributes.
The ATTRS configurations are merged across the class hierarchy,
before they are used to initialize the attributes.
* addAttr now prevents re-adding attributes which are already
configured in order to maintain consistent state.
* Event prefix wrapper functions (on, after etc.) removed -
Event.Target now accepts an event prefix configuration value
* Added additional log messages to assist with debugging.
* Attribute change events are no longer fired for initial set.
remove/removeAll to avoid having to create object literals for
critical path [ add/get single key values ].
* Attribute getter, setter, validator now also receive attribute name
as the 2nd arg (val, name).
* If Attributes initialized through addAttrs have a user provided value
which is not valid, the initial attribute value will revert to the
default value in the attribute configuration, if it exists.
* reset() no longer resets readOnly or writeOnce attributes. Only
publically settable values are reset.
* Added modifyAttr method, to allow component developer to modify
configuration of an attribute which has already been added. The set of
attribute configuration properties which can be modified after it
has been added are limited to getter, readOnly, writeOnce and broadcast.
* Added support for lazy attribute configuration. Base uses this feature
to lazily intialize all Attributes on the first call to get/set, for
performance optimization.
lazyAdd:true/false can be used to over-ride this behavior for a
particular attribute.
* Added valueFn support, to allowing static
attribute values configuration to set instance
based values.
* Added reset method.
* Added private setter for use by class implementation
code to set readOnly, writeOnce values.
3.0.0PR1 - Initial release