model-list-test.js revision fa454af0c525b509b00d4f4935a18492556bdb99
YUI.add('model-list-test', function (Y) {
var ArrayAssert = Y.ArrayAssert,
Assert = Y.Assert,
ObjectAssert = Y.ObjectAssert,
// -- Global Suite -------------------------------------------------------------
suite = Y.AppTestSuite || (Y.AppTestSuite = new Y.Test.Suite('App Framework'));
// -- ModelList Suite ----------------------------------------------------------
modelListSuite = new Y.Test.Suite('ModelList');
// -- ModelList: Lifecycle -----------------------------------------------------
modelListSuite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Lifecycle',
setUp: function () {
this.list = new Y.ModelList({model: Y.Model});
tearDown: function () {
delete this.list;
'ModelLists should have a `model` property': function () {
Assert.isNull(new Y.ModelList().model);
'destructor should detach all models from the list': function () {
var model = new Y.Model();
Assert.areSame(this.list, model.lists[0]);
// -- ModelList: Methods -------------------------------------------------------
modelListSuite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Methods',
setUp: function () {
this.TestModel = Y.Base.create('testModel', Y.Model, [], {}, {
foo: {value: ''},
bar: {value: ''}
this.TestList = Y.Base.create('testList', Y.ModelList, []);
this.createList = function (modelClass) {
return new this.TestList({model: modelClass || this.TestModel});
this.createModel = function (config) {
return new this.TestModel(config);
tearDown: function () {
delete this.createList;
delete this.createModel;
delete this.TestList;
delete this.TestModel;
'add() should add a model to the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
model = this.createModel(),
Assert.areSame(model, list.add(model));
Assert.areSame(1, list.size());
added = list.add({foo: 'foo'});
Assert.isInstanceOf(this.TestModel, added);
Assert.areSame(2, list.size());
Assert.areSame('foo', added.get('foo'));
'add() should add an array of models to the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
models = [this.createModel(), this.createModel()],
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(models, list.add(models));
Assert.areSame(2, list.size());
added = list.add([{foo: 'foo'}, {bar: 'bar'}]);
Assert.isInstanceOf(this.TestModel, added[0]);
Assert.isInstanceOf(this.TestModel, added[1]);
Assert.areSame(4, list.size());
Assert.areSame('foo', added[0].get('foo'));
Assert.areSame('bar', added[1].get('bar'));
'comparator() should be undefined by default': function () {
'models should be added in the proper position based on the comparator': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.comparator = function (model) {
return model.get('foo');
list.add([{foo: 'z'}, {foo: 'a'}, {foo: 'x'}, {foo: 'y'}]);
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['a', 'x', 'y', 'z'], list.get('foo'));
'create() should create or update a model, then add it to the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
model = this.createModel();
Assert.areSame(model, list.create(model));
Assert.areSame(1, list.size());
Assert.isInstanceOf(this.TestModel, list.create({foo: 'foo'}));
Assert.areSame(2, list.size());
'create() should call the callback if one is provided': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList();
list.create({}, {}, function (err) {
calls += 1;
list.create({}, function () { calls += 1; });
Assert.areSame(2, calls);
'create() should pass an error to the callback if one occurs': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
model = this.createModel();
model.sync = function (action, options, callback) {
callback('Oh noes!');
list.create(model, function (err) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame('Oh noes!', err);
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
'filter() should filter the list and return an array': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
list.add([{foo: 'a'}, {foo: 'b'}, {foo: 'c'}, {foo: 'd'}]);
Assert.areSame(4, list.size());
filtered = list.filter(function (model, i, myList) {
var foo = model.get('foo');
Assert.areSame(model, list.item(i));
Assert.areSame(list, myList);
Assert.areSame(list, this);
return foo === 'a' || foo === 'd';
Assert.areSame(2, filtered.length);
Assert.areSame('a', filtered[0].get('foo'));
Assert.areSame('d', filtered[1].get('foo'));
'filter() should accept a custom `this` object': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
obj = {};
list.add({foo: 'a'});
list.filter(function () {
Assert.areSame(obj, this);
}, obj);
'filter() should return an empty array if the callback never returns a truthy value': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.add({foo: 'a'});
Assert.areSame(0, list.filter(function () {}).length);
'get() should return an array of attribute values from all models in the list': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.add([{foo: 'one'}, {foo: 'two'}]);
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['one', 'two'], list.get('foo'));
'get() should return a list attribute if there is one': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.addAttr('foo', {value: '<listfoo>'});
list.add([{foo: 'modelfoo-one'}, {foo: 'modelfoo-two'}]);
Assert.areSame('<listfoo>', list.get('foo'));
'getAsHTML() should return an array of HTML-escaped attribute values': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.add([{foo: '<foo>'}, {foo: '<bar>'}]);
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['&lt;foo&gt;', '&lt;bar&gt;'], list.getAsHTML('foo'));
'getAsHTML() should return a list attribute if there is one': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.addAttr('foo', {value: '<listfoo>'});
list.add([{foo: 'modelfoo-one'}, {foo: 'modelfoo-two'}]);
Assert.areSame('&lt;listfoo&gt;', list.getAsHTML('foo'));
'getAsURL() should return an array of URL-encoded attribute values': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.add([{foo: 'a b'}, {foo: 'c d'}]);
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['a%20b', 'c%20d'], list.getAsURL('foo'));
'getAsURL() should return a list attribute if there is one': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.addAttr('foo', {value: 'list foo'});
list.add([{foo: 'modelfoo-one'}, {foo: 'modelfoo-two'}]);
Assert.areSame('list%20foo', list.getAsURL('foo'));
'getByClientId() should look up a model by its clientId': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
model = list.add({});
Assert.areSame(model, list.getByClientId(model.get('clientId')));
'getById() should look up a model by its id': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
model = list.add({id: 'foo'});
Assert.areSame(model, list.getById(model.get('id')));
'getById() should work with numeric ids': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
model = list.add({id: 0});
Assert.areSame(model, list.getById(0));
'getById() should work with custom ids': function () {
var CustomModel = Y.Base.create('customModel', Y.Model, [], {
idAttribute: 'customId'
}, {
customId: {value: ''}
list = this.createList(CustomModel),
model = list.add({customId: 'foo'});
Assert.areSame(model, list.getById(model.get('customId')));
'invoke() should call the named method on every model in the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
list.add([{}, {}]);
results = list.invoke('set', 'foo', 'foo');
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(list.toArray(), results, 'invoke should return an array of return values');
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['foo', 'foo'], list.get('foo'));
'item() should return the model at the specified index': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.add([{foo: 'zero'}, {foo: 'one'}]);
Assert.areSame('zero', list.item(0).get('foo'));
Assert.areSame('one', list.item(1).get('foo'));
'load() should delegate to sync()': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
opts = {};
list.sync = function (action, options, callback) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame('read', action);
Assert.areSame(opts, options);
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
'load() should be chainable and should call the callback if one was provided': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList();
Assert.areSame(list, list.load());
Assert.areSame(list, list.load({}));
Assert.areSame(list, list.load(function (err) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(list, list.load({}, function () {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(2, calls);
'map() should execute a function on every model in the list and return an array of return values': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
obj = {},
list.add([{foo: 'zero'}, {foo: 'one'}]);
results = (model) {
Assert.areSame(obj, this);
return model.get('foo');
}, obj);
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['zero', 'one'], results);
'parse() should parse a JSON string and return an object': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
response = list.parse('[{"foo": "bar"}]');
Assert.areSame('bar', response[0].foo);
'parse() should not try to parse non-strings': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
array = ['foo', 'bar'],
object = {foo: 'bar'};
Assert.areSame(array, list.parse(array));
Assert.areSame(object, list.parse(object));
'reset() should replace all models in the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
models = list.add([{foo: 'zero'}, {foo: 'one'}]);
Assert.areSame(list, list.reset([{foo: 'two'}, {foo: 'three'}]));
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['two', 'three'], list.get('foo'));
// Removed models should be cleanly detached.
// And we should be able to re-add them.
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['zero', 'one'], list.get('foo'));
'reset() should sort the new models in the list': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.comparator = function (model) {
return model.get('bar');
{foo: 'item 1', bar: 1},
{foo: 'item 4', bar: 4},
{foo: 'item 3', bar: 3},
{foo: 'item 5', bar: 5},
{foo: 'item 2', bar: 2}
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], list.get('bar'));
'reset() with no args should clear the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
models = list.add([{foo: 'zero'}, {foo: 'one'}]);
Assert.areSame(2, list.size());
Assert.areSame(0, list.size());
'remove() should remove a single model from the list': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.add([{foo: 'zero'}, {foo: 'one'}]);
Assert.areSame('zero', list.remove(list.item(0)).get('foo'));
Assert.areSame(1, list.size());
'remove() should remove an array of models from the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
list.add([{foo: 'zero'}, {foo: 'one'}]);
removed = list.remove([list.item(0), list.item(1)]);
Assert.areSame('zero', removed[0].get('foo'));
Assert.areSame('one', removed[1].get('foo'));
Assert.areSame(0, list.size());
// 'set() should set a single attribute value on all models in the list': function () {
// },
// 'setAttrs() should set multiple attribute values on all models in the list': function () {
// },
'sort() should re-sort the list': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.add([{foo: 'z'}, {foo: 'a'}, {foo: 'x'}, {foo: 'y'}]);
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['z', 'a', 'x', 'y'], list.get('foo'));
list.comparator = function (model) {
return model.get('foo');
Assert.areSame(list, list.sort(), 'sort() should be chainable');
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(['a', 'x', 'y', 'z'], list.get('foo'));
'sync() should just call the supplied callback by default': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList();
list.sync(function (err) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
'toArray() should return an array containing all the models in the list': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
models = list.add([{}, {}]);
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(models, list.toArray());
'toJSON() should return an array of model hashes': function () {
var list = this.createList(),
models = list.add([{foo: 'zero'}, {foo: 'one'}]),
json = list.toJSON();
ObjectAssert.areEqual(models[0].toJSON(), json[0]);
ObjectAssert.areEqual(models[1].toJSON(), json[1]);
// -- ModelList: Events --------------------------------------------------------
modelListSuite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: 'Events',
setUp: function () {
this.TestModel = Y.Base.create('testModel', Y.Model, [], {}, {
foo: {value: ''},
bar: {value: ''}
this.TestList = Y.Base.create('testList', Y.ModelList, []);
this.createList = function (modelClass) {
return new this.TestList({model: modelClass || this.TestModel});
this.createModel = function (config) {
return new this.TestModel(config);
tearDown: function () {
delete this.createList;
delete this.createModel;
delete this.TestList;
delete this.TestModel;
'`add` event should fire when a model is added': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
model = this.createModel();
list.once('add', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(model, e.model);
Assert.areSame(0, e.index);
Assert.areSame('test', e.src);
list.add(model, {src: 'test'});
list.after('add', function (e) {
calls += 1;
list.add([{}, {}]);
Assert.areSame(3, calls);
'`add` event should be preventable': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList();
list.on('add', function (e) {
calls += 1;
list.after('add', function () {'add event should be prevented');
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
Assert.areSame(0, list.size());
'`add` event should not fire when a model is added silently': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.on('add', function () {'add event should not fire');
list.add({}, {silent: true});
list.add([{}, {}], {silent: true});
Assert.areSame(3, list.size());
'`change` event should bubble up from models': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
model = list.add({});
list.on('*:change', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(list, e.currentTarget);
model.set('foo', 'foo').set('bar', 'bar');
Assert.areSame(2, calls);
'`error` event should bubble up from models': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
model = list.add({});
model.validate = function (hash, callback) {
if ( === 'invalid') {
list.on('*:error', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(list, e.currentTarget);
model.set('foo', 'invalid');;
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
'`error` event should fire when a duplicate model is added': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
model = this.createModel();
list.on('error', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(model, e.model);
Assert.areSame('add', e.src);
list.add(model, {src: 'test'});
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
"`error` event should fire when a model that isn't in the list is removed": function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
model = this.createModel();
list.on('error', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(model, e.model);
Assert.areSame('remove', e.src);
list.remove(model, {src: 'test'});
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
"`error` event should fire when a sync layer response can't be parsed": function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
response = 'foo bar baz';
list.once('error', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(response, e.response);
Assert.areSame('parse', e.src);
list.parse('{"foo": "bar"}');
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
'`reset` event should fire when the list is reset or sorted': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
models = [this.createModel(), this.createModel()];
list.once('reset', function (e) {
calls += 1;
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame(models, e.models);
Assert.areSame('reset', e.src);
Assert.areSame('test', e.test);
list.reset(models, {test: 'test'});
list.after('reset', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame('sort', e.src);
Assert.areSame('test', e.test);
list.comparator = function (model) {
return model.get('clientId');
list.sort({test: 'test'});
Assert.areSame(2, calls);
'`reset` event facade should contain sorted models': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList();
list.comparator = function (model) {
return model.get('bar');
list.once('reset', function (e) {
var values = [];
calls += 1;
Y.Array.each(e.models, function (model) {
ArrayAssert.itemsAreSame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], values);
{foo: 'item 1', bar: 1},
{foo: 'item 4', bar: 4},
{foo: 'item 3', bar: 3},
{foo: 'item 5', bar: 5},
{foo: 'item 2', bar: 2}
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
'`reset` event should be preventable': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList();
list.on('reset', function (e) {
calls += 1;
list.after('reset', function () {'reset event should be prevented');
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
Assert.areSame(0, list.size());
'`reset` event should not fire when the list is reset silently': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.on('reset', function () {'reset event should not fire');
list.reset([{}], {silent: true});
Assert.areSame(1, list.size());
'`remove` event should fire when a model is removed': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList(),
model = list.add({});
list.once('remove', function (e) {
calls += 1;
Assert.areSame(model, e.model);
Assert.areSame(0, e.index);
Assert.areSame('test', e.src);
list.remove(model, {src: 'test'});
list.after('remove', function (e) {
calls += 1;
list.remove(list.add([{}, {}]));
Assert.areSame(3, calls);
'`remove` event should be preventable': function () {
var calls = 0,
list = this.createList();
list.on('remove', function (e) {
calls += 1;
list.after('remove', function () {'remove event should be prevented');
Assert.areSame(1, calls);
Assert.areSame(1, list.size());
'`remove` event should not fire when a model is removed silently': function () {
var list = this.createList();
list.on('remove', function () {'remove event should not fire');
list.remove(list.add({}), {silent: true});
list.remove(list.add([{}, {}]), {silent: true});
Assert.areSame(0, list.size());
}, '@VERSION@', {
requires: ['model-list', 'test']