model.js revision 96b3e98e94174f40c588dff3508b107d832babc8
customize it to meet your needs. In particular, the `sync()` and `validate()` methods are meant to be overridden by custom implementations. You may also want to override the `parse()` method to parse non-generic server responses. Fired when one or more attributes on this model are changed. @param {Object} changed Hash of change information for each attribute that changed. Each item in the hash has the following properties: @param {Any} changed.newVal New value of the attribute. @param {Any} changed.prevVal Previous value of the attribute. @param {String|null} changed.src Source of the change event, if any. Fired when an error occurs, such as when the model doesn't validate or when a sync layer response can't be parsed. @param {Any} error Error message, object, or exception generated by the error. Calling `toString()` on this should result in a meaningful error @param {String} src Source of the error. May be one of the following (or any custom error source defined by a Model subclass): * `load`: An error loading the model from a sync layer. The sync layer's response (if any) will be provided as the `response` property on the * `parse`: An error parsing a JSON response. The response in question will be provided as the `response` property on the event facade. * `save`: An error saving the model to a sync layer. The sync layer's response (if any) will be provided as the `response` property on the * `validate`: The model failed to validate. The attributes being validated will be provided as the `attributes` property on the event facade. Fired after model attributes are loaded from a sync layer. @param {Object} parsed The parsed version of the sync layer's response to @param {any} response The sync layer's raw, unparsed response to the load Fired after model attributes are saved to a sync layer. @param {Object} [parsed] The parsed version of the sync layer's response to the save request, if there was a response. @param {any} [response] The sync layer's raw, unparsed response to the save request, if there was one. // -- Public Properties ---------------------------------------------------- Hash of attributes that have changed since the last time this model was Name of the attribute to use as the unique id (or primary key) for this The default is `id`, but if your persistence layer uses a different name for the primary key (such as `_id` or `uid`), you can specify that here. The built-in `id` attribute will always be an alias for whatever attribute name you specify here, so getting and setting `id` will always behave the same as getting and setting your custom id attribute. Hash of attributes that were changed in the last `change` event. Each item in this hash is an object with the following properties: * `newVal`: The new value of the attribute after it changed. * `prevVal`: The old value of the attribute before it changed. * `src`: The source of the change, or `null` if no source was specified. Array of `ModelList` instances that contain this model. When a model is in one or more lists, the model's events will bubble up to those lists. You can subscribe to a model event on a list to be notified when any model in the list fires that event. This property is updated automatically when this model is added to or removed from a `ModelList` instance. You shouldn't alter it manually. When working with models in a list, you should always add and remove models using the list's `add()` and `remove()` methods. @example Subscribing to model events on a list: // Assuming `list` is an existing Y.ModelList instance. list.on('*:change', function (e) { // This function will be called whenever any model in the list // fires a `change` event. // `` will refer to the model instance that fired the // -- Protected Properties ------------------------------------------------- This tells `Y.Base` that it should create ad-hoc attributes for config properties passed to Model's constructor. This makes it possible to instantiate a model and set a bunch of attributes without having to subclass `Y.Model` and declare all those attributes first. @property _allowAdHocAttrs Total hack to allow us to identify Model instances without using `instanceof`, which won't work when the instance was created in another // -- Lifecycle Methods ---------------------------------------------------- // -- Public Methods ------------------------------------------------------- Destroys this model instance and removes it from its containing lists, if The _callback_, if one is provided, will be called after the model is If `options.remove` is `true`, then this method delegates to the `sync()` method to delete the model from the persistence layer, which is an asynchronous action. In this case, the _callback_ (if provided) will be called after the sync layer indicates success or failure of the delete @param {Object} [options] Sync options. It's up to the custom sync implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if @param {Boolean} [options.remove=false] If `true`, the model will be deleted via the sync layer in addition to the instance being destroyed. @param {callback} [callback] Called after the model has been destroyed (and deleted via the sync layer if `options.remove` is `true`). @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will contain the error. Otherwise _err_ will be `null`. // Allow callback as only arg. if (
typeof options ===
'function') {
Returns a clientId string that's unique among all models on the current page (even models in other YUI instances). Uniqueness across pageviews is @return {String} Unique clientId. Returns the value of the specified attribute. If the attribute's value is an object, _name_ may use dot notation to specify the path to a specific property within the object, and the value of that property will be returned. // Set the 'foo' attribute to an object. // Get the value of 'foo'. // => {bar: {baz: 'quux'}} // Get the value of ''. myModel.get(''); @param {String} name Attribute name or object property path. @return {Any} Attribute value, or `undefined` if the attribute doesn't // get() is defined by Y.Attribute. Returns an HTML-escaped version of the value of the specified string @param {String} name Attribute name or object property path. @return {String} HTML-escaped attribute value. Returns a URL-encoded version of the value of the specified string attribute. The value is encoded using the native `encodeURIComponent()` @param {String} name Attribute name or object property path. @return {String} URL-encoded attribute value. Returns `true` if any attribute of this model has been changed since the New models (models for which `isNew()` returns `true`) are implicitly considered to be "modified" until the first time they're saved. @return {Boolean} `true` if this model has changed since it was last saved, Returns `true` if this model is "new", meaning it hasn't been saved since it Newness is determined by checking whether the model's `id` attribute has been set. An empty id is assumed to indicate a new model, whereas a non-empty id indicates a model that was either loaded or has been saved @return {Boolean} `true` if this model is new, `false` otherwise. Loads this model from the server. This method delegates to the `sync()` method to perform the actual load operation, which is an asynchronous action. Specify a _callback_ function to be notified of success or failure. A successful load operation will fire a `load` event, while an unsuccessful load operation will fire an `error` event with the `src` value "load". If the load operation succeeds and one or more of the loaded attributes differ from this model's current attributes, a `change` event will be fired. @param {Object} [options] Options to be passed to `sync()` and to `set()` when setting the loaded attributes. It's up to the custom sync implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if any. @param {callback} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes. @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and return an attribute hash. // Allow callback as only arg. if (
typeof options ===
'function') {
Called to parse the _response_ when the model is loaded from the server. This method receives a server _response_ and is expected to return an The default implementation assumes that _response_ is either an attribute hash or a JSON string that can be parsed into an attribute hash. If _response_ is a JSON string and either `Y.JSON` or the native `JSON` object are available, it will be parsed automatically. If a parse error occurs, an `error` event will be fired and the model will not be updated. You may override this method to implement custom parsing logic if necessary. @param {Any} response Server response. @return {Object} Attribute hash. Saves this model to the server. This method delegates to the `sync()` method to perform the actual save operation, which is an asynchronous action. Specify a _callback_ function to be notified of success or failure. A successful save operation will fire a `save` event, while an unsuccessful save operation will fire an `error` event with the `src` value "save". If the save operation succeeds and one or more of the attributes returned in the server's response differ from this model's current attributes, a `change` event will be fired. @param {Object} [options] Options to be passed to `sync()` and to `set()` when setting synced attributes. It's up to the custom sync implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if any. @param {Function} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes. @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred or validation failed, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be `null`. @param {Any} callback.response The server's response. This value will be passed to the `parse()` method, which is expected to parse it and return an attribute hash. // Allow callback as only arg. if (
typeof options ===
'function') {
Sets the value of a single attribute. If model validation fails, the attribute will not be set and an `error` event will be fired. Use `setAttrs()` to set multiple attributes at once. @param {String} name Attribute name or object property path. @param {any} value Value to set. @param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the `change` event(s) for these attributes. @param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `change` event will Sets the values of multiple attributes at once. If model validation fails, the attributes will not be set and an `error` event will be fired. @param {Object} attributes Hash of attribute names and values to set. @param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the `change` event(s) for these attributes. @param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `change` event will // When a custom id attribute is in use, always keep the default `id` // So we don't modify someone else's object. // Lazy publish for the change event. Override this method to provide a custom persistence implementation for this model. The default just calls the callback without actually doing anything. This method is called internally by `load()`, `save()`, and `destroy()`. @param {String} action Sync action to perform. May be one of the following: * `create`: Store a newly-created model for the first time. * `delete`: Delete an existing model. * `read` : Load an existing model. * `update`: Update an existing model. @param {Object} [options] Sync options. It's up to the custom sync implementation to determine what options it supports or requires, if any. @param {Function} [callback] Called when the sync operation finishes. @param {Error|null} callback.err If an error occurred, this parameter will contain the error. If the sync operation succeeded, _err_ will be @param {Any} [callback.response] The server's response. sync:
function (
/* action, options, callback */) {
Returns a copy of this model's attributes that can be passed to `Y.JSON.stringify()` or used for other nefarious purposes. The `clientId` attribute is not included in the returned object. If you've specified a custom attribute name in the `idAttribute` property, the default `id` attribute will not be included in the returned object. Note: The ECMAScript 5 specification states that objects may implement a `toJSON` method to provide an alternate object representation to serialize when passed to `JSON.stringify(obj)`. This allows class instances to be serialized as if they were plain objects. This is why Model's `toJSON` returns an object, not a JSON string. @return {Object} Copy of this model's attributes. Reverts the last change to the model. If an _attrNames_ array is provided, then only the named attributes will be reverted (and only if they were modified in the previous change). If no _attrNames_ array is provided, then all changed attributes will be reverted to their previous values. Note that only one level of undo is available: from the current state to the previous state. If `undo()` is called when no previous state is available, it will simply do nothing. @param {Array} [attrNames] Array of specific attribute names to revert. If not specified, all attributes modified in the last change will be @param {Object} [options] Data to be mixed into the event facade of the change event(s) for these attributes. @param {Boolean} [options.silent=false] If `true`, no `change` event will // Don't generate a double change for custom id attributes. Override this method to provide custom validation logic for this model. While attribute-specific validators can be used to validate individual attributes, this method gives you a hook to validate a hash of all attributes before the model is saved. This method is called automatically before `save()` takes any action. If validation fails, the `save()` call In your validation method, call the provided `callback` function with no arguments to indicate success. To indicate failure, pass a single argument, which may contain an error message, an array of error messages, or any other value. This value will be passed along to the `error` event. model.validate = function (attrs, callback) { if (attrs.pie !== true) { callback('Must provide pie.'); @param {Object} attrs Attribute hash containing all model attributes to @param {Function} callback Validation callback. Call this function when your validation logic finishes. To trigger a validation failure, pass any value as the first argument to the callback (ideally a meaningful validation error of some kind). @param {Any} [callback.err] Validation error. Don't provide this argument if validation succeeds. If validation fails, set this to an error message or some other meaningful value. It will be passed along to the resulting `error` event. // -- Protected Methods ---------------------------------------------------- Duckpunches the `addAttr` method provided by `Y.Attribute` to keep the `id` attribute’s value and a custom id attribute’s (if provided) value in sync when adding the attributes to the model instance object. Marked as protected to hide it from Model's public API docs, even though this is a public method in Attribute. @param {String} name The name of the attribute. @param {Object} config An object with attribute configuration property/value pairs, specifying the configuration for the attribute. @param {Boolean} lazy (optional) Whether or not to add this attribute lazily (on the first call to get/set). @return {Object} A reference to the host object. // Hunt for the id value. // No id value provided on construction, check defaults. // Make sure `id` is in sync. Calls the public, overridable `validate()` method and fires an `error` event @param {Object} attributes Attribute hash. @param {Function} callback Validation callback. @param {Any} [callback.err] Value on failure, non-value on success. // Validation failed. Fire an error. // Backcompat for 3.4.x-style synchronous validate() functions that // don't take a callback argument. Y.
'Synchronous validate() methods are deprecated since YUI 3.5.0.',
// -- Protected Event Handlers --------------------------------------------- Duckpunches the `_defAttrChangeFn()` provided by `Y.Attribute` so we can have a single global notification when a change event occurs. Y.
'State not updated and stopImmediatePropagation called for attribute: ' +
attrName +
' , value:' + e.
// Prevent "after" listeners from being invoked since nothing changed. A client-only identifier for this model. Like the `id` attribute, `clientId` may be used to retrieve model instances from lists. Unlike the `id` attribute, `clientId` is automatically generated, and is only intended to be used on the client during the current pageview. A unique identifier for this model. Among other things, this id may be used to retrieve model instances from lists, so it should be unique. If the id is empty, this model instance is assumed to represent a new item that hasn't yet been saved. If you would prefer to use a custom attribute as this model's id instead of using the `id` attribute (for example, maybe you'd rather use `_id` or `uid` as the primary id), you may set the `idAttribute` property to the name of your custom id attribute. The `id` attribute will then act as an alias for your custom attribute.