app-transitions.js revision bdd67624a862020c9c29e2a395ee5011b7bcf69e
Provides view transitions for `Y.App`.
@submodule app-transitions
@since 3.5.0
YObject = Y.Object;
Provides view transitions for `Y.App`.
When this module is used, it will automatically mix itself on to `Y.App` adding
transitions to `activeView` changes.
@class App.Transitions
@since 3.5.0
function AppTransitions() {}
// -- Public Properties ----------------------------------------------------
Transitions to use when the `activeView` changes.
Transition configurations contain a two properties: `viewIn` and `viewOut`;
there exists three configurations that represent the different scenarios of
the `activeView` changing:
* `navigate`: The default set of transitions to use when changing the
`activeView` of the application.
* `toChild`: The set of transitions to use when the `activeView` changes
to a named view who's `parent` property references the metadata of the
previously active view.
* `toParent`: The set of transitions to use when the `activeView` changes
to a named view who's metadata is referenced by the previously active
view's `parent` property.
With the current state of `Y.Transition`, it is best to used named
transitions that registered on `Y.Transition.fx`. If `transitions` are
passed at instantiation time, they will override any transitions set on
the prototype.
@property transitions
@type Object
navigate: {
viewIn : 'app:fadeIn',
viewOut: 'app:fadeOut'
toChild: {
viewIn : 'app:slideLeft',
viewOut: 'app:slideLeft'
toParent: {
viewIn : 'app:slideRight',
viewOut: 'app:slideRight'
transitions: {
navigate: {
viewIn : 'app:fadeIn',
viewOut: 'app:fadeOut'
toChild: {
viewIn : 'app:slideLeft',
viewOut: 'app:slideLeft'
toParent: {
viewIn : 'app:slideRight',
viewOut: 'app:slideRight'
// -- Lifecycle Methods ----------------------------------------------------
initializer: function (config) {
// Requires a truthy value to enable transitions support.
if (!config.transitions) {
this.transitions = false;
var transitions = {};
// Merges-in specified transition metadata into local `transitions`
// object.
// First, each transition in the `transitions` prototype object gets its
// metadata merged-in, providing the defaults.
// Then, each transition in the specified `config.transitions` object
// gets its metadata merged-in.
// The resulting hodgepodge of metadata is then stored as the instance's
// `transitions` object, and no one's objects were harmed in the making.
this.transitions = transitions;
// -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
app's `activeView` attribute to the specified `view`.
When a string-name is provided for a view which has been registered on this
app's `views` object, the referenced metadata will be used and the
`activeView` will be set to either a preserved view instance, or a new
instance of the registered view will be created using the specified `config`
object passed-into this method.
A callback function can be specified as either the third or fourth argument,
and this function will be called after the new `view` becomes the
`activeView`, is rendered to the `viewContainer`, and is ready to use.
var app = new Y.App({
views: {
users: {
// Imagine that `Y.UsersView` has been defined.
type: Y.UsersView
app.route('/users/', function () {
app.navigate('/uses/'); // => Creates a new `Y.UsersView` and shows it.
@method showView
@param {String|View} view The name of a view defined in the `views` object,
or a view instance.
@param {Object} [config] Optional configuration to use when creating a new
view instance.
@param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
@param {Boolean} [options.prepend] Whether the new view should be
prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
@param {Object} [options.transitions] An object that contains transition
configuration overrides for the following properties:
@param {Object} [options.transitions.viewIn] Transition overrides for
the view being transitioned-in.
@param {Object} [options.transitions.viewOut] Transition overrides for
the view being transitioned-out.
@param {Function} [callback] Optional callback Function to call after the
new `activeView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
@param {View} callback.view A reference to the new `activeView`.
// Does not override `showView()` but does use additional `options`.
Transitions a view.
@method transitionView
@param {View} view The view to transition.
@param {String} fx The named transition effect to use which should have be
registered on the `Y.Transition.fx` object.
@param {Object} [fxConfig] Optional transition overrides to apply.
@param {Function} [callback] Optional callback function to call when the
transition has completed.
var self = this;
fxConfig = null;
function done() {
if (view) {
} else {
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
Returns a transition object containing a named fx for both `viewIn` and
`viewOut` based on the relationship between the specified `newView` and
@method _getTransition
@param {View} newView The View being transitioned-in.
@param {View} oldView The View being transitioned-out.
@return {Object} The transition object containing a named fx for both
`viewIn` and `viewOut`.
var transitions = this.transitions;
if (!transitions) {
return null;
return transitions.toChild;
return transitions.toParent;
return transitions.navigate;
// -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
Performs the actual change of the app's `activeView` by attaching the
`newView` to this app, and detaching the `oldView` from this app using any
specified `options`.
The `newView` is attached to the app by rendering it to the `viewContainer`,
and making this app a bubble target of its events.
The `oldView` is detached from the app by removing it from the
`viewContainer`, and removing this app as a bubble target for its events.
The `oldView` will either be preserved or properly destroyed.
The `activeView` attribute is read-only and can be changed by calling the
`showView()` method.
TODO: Update docs to talk about transitions.
@method _uiSetActiveView
@param {View} newView The View which is now this app's `activeView`.
@param {View} [oldView] The View which was this app's `activeView`.
@param {Object} [options] Optional object containing any of the following
@param {Boolean} [options.prepend] Whether the new view should be
prepended instead of appended to the `viewContainer`.
@param {Function} [callback] Optional callback Function to call after the
`newView` is ready to use, the function will be passed:
@param {View} options.callback.view A reference to the `newView`.
// Prevent detaching (thus removing) the view we want to show.
// Also hard to animate out and in, the same view.
// Attach the new active view, and insert into the DOM so it can be
// transitioned in.
// Setup a new stack to run the view transitions in parallel.
// If `transitions` have been enabled for this app, they are added to
// the stack of callbacks to wait to be called before continuing.
if (transition) {
// Called when view transitions completed, if none were added this will
// run right away.
// -- Transitions --------------------------------------------------------------
'app:fadeIn': {
opacity : 1,
duration: 0.35,
on: {
start: function () {
// TODO: Cross-fade transition that doesn't require a change in
// position?
// var position = this.getStyle('position');
// if (position !== 'absolute') {
// this._transitionPosition = position;
// this.setStyle('position', 'absolute');
// }
end: function () {
// if (this._transitionPosition) {
// this.setStyle('position', this._transitionPosition);
// delete this._transitionPosition;
// }
'app:fadeOut': {
opacity : 0,
duration: 0.35,
on: {
start: function () {
// TODO: Cross-fade transition that doesn't require a change in
// position?
// var position = this.getStyle('position');
// if (position !== 'absolute') {
// this._transitionPosition = position;
// this.setStyle('position', 'absolute');
// }
end: function () {
// if (this._transitionPosition) {
// this.setStyle('position', this._transitionPosition);
// delete this._transitionPosition;
// }
'app:slideLeft': {
duration : 0.35,
transform: 'translateX(-100%)',
on: {
end: function () {
'app:slideRight': {
duration : 0.35,
transform: 'translateX(0)',
on: {
start: function () {
end: function () {
// -- Namespace ----------------------------------------------------------------