IAxisLayout.as revision f15db56f74c632307d2cd8210cb4e883ac99d308
package com.yahoo.infographics.axes
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
* Interface for calculating coordinates for contents of an axis.
public interface IAxisLayout extends IEventDispatcher
* Returns the greatest width of a label on the axis.
function get maxLabelWidth():Number
* Returns the greatest height of a label on the axis.
function get maxLabelHeight():Number
* Returns the position of all content in relation to the Axis.
function get contentPosition():Point
* The total width of axis content
function get contentWidth():Number
* The total height of axis content
function get contentHeight():Number
* Indicates how to include tick lenght in the size calculation of an
* axis. If set to true, the length of the tick is used to calculate
* this size. If false, the offset of tick will be used.
function get calculateSizeByTickLength():Boolean
* @private (setter)
function set calculateSizeByTickLength(value:Boolean):void
* Indicates the start point of the axis line
function get lineStart():Point
* Indicate the end point of the axis line
function get lineEnd():Point
* Returns the distance between the first and last data points.
function get length():Number
* Calculates the coordinates for the first point on an axis.
function getFirstPoint():Point
* Returns the next majorUnit point.
function getNextPoint(point:Point, majorUnitDistance:Number):Point
* Calculates the coordinates for the last point on an axis.
function getLastPoint():Point
* Calculates the start and end point coordinates for a tick.
function getTickCoords(point:Point):Object
* Calculates the point for a label.
function getLabelPoint(point:Point):Point
* Calculates the position of a point on the axis.
function getPosition(point:Point):Number
* Calculates <code>contentPosition</code> based on layout type.
function updateContentPosition(width:Number, height:Number):void
* Event listener for label resize
function handleLabelResize(event:RendererEvent):void
* Resets <code>maxLabelWidth</code> and <code>maxLabelHeight</code> to zero.
function reset(ticks:Object, dimensions:Object):void