widget-modality.js revision 5770dec23508300b0e77edf1fd63b699b89e4615
YUI.add('widget-modality', function(Y) {
* Provides modality support for Widgets, though an extension
* @module widget-modality
var WIDGET = 'widget',
RENDER_UI = 'renderUI',
BIND_UI = 'bindUI',
SYNC_UI = 'syncUI',
BOUNDING_BOX = 'boundingBox',
CONTENT_BOX = 'contentBox',
VISIBLE = 'visible',
Z_INDEX = 'zIndex',
CHANGE = 'Change',
isBoolean = Y.Lang.isBoolean,
getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
MaskShow = "maskShow",
MaskHide = "maskHide",
ClickOutside = "clickoutside",
FocusOutside = "focusoutside";
supportsPosFixed = (function(){
/*! IS_POSITION_FIXED_SUPPORTED - Juriy Zaytsev (kangax) - http://yura.thinkweb2.com/cft/ */
var isSupported = null,
el, root;
if (document.createElement) {
el = document.createElement('div');
if (el && el.style) {
el.style.position = 'fixed';
el.style.top = '10px';
root = document.body;
if (root && root.appendChild && root.removeChild) {
isSupported = (el.offsetTop === 10);
return isSupported;
* Widget extension, which can be used to add modality support to the base Widget class,
* through the Base.create method.
* @class WidgetModality
* @param {Object} config User configuration object
function WidgetModal(config) {
if (config.modal) {
Y.after(this._renderUIModal, this, RENDER_UI);
Y.after(this._syncUIModal, this, SYNC_UI);
Y.after(this._bindUIModal, this, BIND_UI);
if (this.get('rendered')) {
var MODAL = 'modal',
MASK = 'mask',
modal : getCN(WIDGET, MODAL),
mask : getCN(WIDGET, MASK)
* Static property used to define the default attribute
* configuration introduced by WidgetModality.
* @property WidgetModality.ATTRS
* @static
* @type Object
WidgetModal.ATTRS = {
* @attribute maskNode
* @type Y.Node
* @description Returns a Y.Node instance of the node being used as the mask.
maskNode : {
getter : '_getMaskNode',
readOnly : true
* @attribute modal
* @type boolean
* @description Whether the widget should be modal or not.
modal: {
validator: isBoolean
* @attribute focusOn
* @type array
* @description An array of objects corresponding to the nodes and events that will trigger a re-focus back on the widget.
* The implementer can supply an array of objects, with each object having the following properties:
* <p>eventName: (string, required): The eventName to listen to.</p>
* <p>node: (Y.Node, optional): The Y.Node that will fire the event (defaults to the boundingBox of the widget)</p>
* <p>By default, this attribute consists of two objects which will cause the widget to re-focus if anything
* outside the widget is clicked on or focussed upon.</p>
focusOn: {
valueFn: function() {
return [
// node: this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
eventName: ClickOutside
//node: this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
eventName: FocusOutside
validator: Y.Lang.isArray
* Returns the mask if it exists on the page - otherwise creates a mask. There's only
* one mask on a page at a given time.
* <p>
* This method in invoked internally by the getter of the maskNode ATTR.
* </p>
* @method _GET_MASK
* @static
WidgetModal._GET_MASK = function() {
var mask = Y.one(".yui3-widget-mask") || null;
if (mask) {
return mask;
else {
mask = Y.Node.create('<div></div>');
position : supportsPosFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute',
width : '100%',
height : '100%',
top : '0',
left : '0',
display : 'block'
return mask;
* A stack of Y.Widget objects representing the current hierarchy of modal widgets presently displayed on the screen
* @property STACK
WidgetModal.STACK = [];
WidgetModal.prototype = {
// *** Instance Members *** //
_maskNode : WidgetModal._GET_MASK(),
_uiHandlesModal : null,
* Adds modal class to the bounding box of the widget
* <p>
* This method in invoked after renderUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _renderUIModal
* @protected
_renderUIModal : function () {
var bb = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX);
//cb = this.get(CONTENT_BOX);
//this makes the content box content appear over the mask
// cb.setStyles({
// position: ""
// });
* Hooks up methods to be executed when the widget's visibility or z-index changes
* <p>
* This method in invoked after bindUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _bindUIModal
* @protected
_bindUIModal : function () {
this.after(VISIBLE+CHANGE, this._afterHostVisibleChangeModal);
this.after(Z_INDEX+CHANGE, this._afterHostZIndexChangeModal);
this.after("focusOnChange", this._afterFocusOnChange);
* Syncs the mask with the widget's current state, namely the visibility and z-index of the widget
* <p>
* This method in invoked after syncUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _syncUIModal
* @protected
_syncUIModal : function () {
//var host = this.get(HOST);
* Provides mouse and tab focus to the widget's bounding box.
* @method _focus
_focus : function (e) {
var bb = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
oldTI = bb.get('tabIndex');
bb.set('tabIndex', oldTI >= 0 ? oldTI : 0);
* Blurs the widget.
* @method _blur
_blur : function () {
* Returns the Y.Node instance of the maskNode
* @method _getMaskNode
* @return {Node} The Y.Node instance of the mask, as returned from WidgetModal._GET_MASK
_getMaskNode : function () {
return WidgetModal._GET_MASK();
* Performs events attaching/detaching, stack shifting and mask repositioning based on the visibility of the widget
* @method _uiSetHostVisibleModal
* @param {boolean} Whether the widget is visible or not
_uiSetHostVisibleModal : function (visible) {
var stack = WidgetModal.STACK,
maskNode = this.get('maskNode'),
isModal = this.get('modal');
if (visible) {
Y.Array.each(stack, function(modal){
// push on top of stack
if (isModal) {
Y.later(1, this, '_attachUIHandlesModal');
} else {
stack.splice(Y.Array.indexOf(stack, this), 1);
if (stack.length) {
topModal = stack[0];
if (topModal.get('modal')) {
Y.later(1, topModal, '_attachUIHandlesModal');
} else {
if (maskNode.getStyle('display') === 'block') {
* Sets the z-index of the mask node.
* @method _uiSetHostZIndexModal
* @param {Number} Z-Index of the widget
_uiSetHostZIndexModal : function (zIndex) {
if (this.get('modal')) {
this.get('maskNode').setStyle(Z_INDEX, zIndex || 0);
* Attaches UI Listeners for "clickoutside" and "focusoutside" on the widget. When these events occur, and the widget is modal, focus is shifted back onto the widget.
* @method _attachUIHandlesModal
_attachUIHandlesModal : function () {
if (this._uiHandlesModal) { return; }
var bb = this.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
maskNode = this.get('maskNode'),
focusOn = this.get('focusOn'),
focus = Y.bind(this._focus, this),
uiHandles = [],
i = 0,
o = {node: undefined, ev: undefined, keyCode: undefined};
for (; i < focusOn.length; i++) {
o.node = focusOn[i].node;
o.ev = focusOn[i].eventName;
o.keyCode = focusOn[i].keyCode;
//no keycode or node defined
if (!o.node && !o.keyCode && o.ev) {
uiHandles.push(bb.on(o.ev, focus));
//node defined, no keycode (not a keypress)
else if (o.node && !o.keyCode && o.ev) {
uiHandles.push(o.node.on(o.ev, focus));
//node defined, keycode defined, event defined (its a key press)
else if (o.node && o.keyCode && o.ev) {
uiHandles.push(o.node.on(o.ev, focus, o.keyCode));
else {
Y.Log('focusOn ATTR Error: The event with name "'+o.ev+'" could not be attached.');
if ( ! supportsPosFixed) {
uiHandles.push(Y.one('win').on('scroll', Y.bind(function(e){
maskNode.setStyle('top', maskNode.get('docScrollY'));
}, this)));
this._uiHandlesModal = uiHandles;
* Detaches all UI Listeners that were set in _attachUIHandlesModal from the widget.
* @method _detachUIHandlesModal
_detachUIHandlesModal : function () {
Y.each(this._uiHandlesModal, function(h){
this._uiHandlesModal = null;
* Default function that is called when visibility is changed on the widget.
* @method _afterHostVisibleChangeModal
* @param {EventFacade} e The event facade of the change
_afterHostVisibleChangeModal : function (e) {
* Default function that is called when z-index is changed on the widget.
* @method _afterHostZIndexChangeModal
* @param {EventFacade} e The event facade of the change
_afterHostZIndexChangeModal : function (e) {
* Returns a boolean representing whether the current widget is in a "nested modality" state.
* This is done by checking the number of widgets currently on the stack.
* @method isNested
* @public
isNested: function() {
var length = WidgetModal.STACK.length,
retval = (length > 1) ? true : false;
return retval;
* Repositions the mask in the DOM for nested modality cases.
* @method _repositionMask
* @param {Widget} nextElem The Y.Widget instance that will be visible in the stack once the current widget is closed.
_repositionMask: function(nextElem) {
var currentModal = this.get('modal'),
nextModal = nextElem.get('modal'),
maskNode = this.get('maskNode'),
//if this is modal and host is not modal
if (currentModal && !nextModal) {
//leave the mask where it is, since the host is not modal.
//if the main widget is not modal but the host is modal, or both of them are modal
else if ((!currentModal && nextModal) || (currentModal && nextModal)) {
//then remove the mask off DOM, reposition it, and reinsert it into the DOM
bb = nextElem.get(BOUNDING_BOX),
bbParent = bb.get('parentNode') || Y.one('body');
bbParent.insert(maskNode, bbParent.get('firstChild'));
* Default function called when focusOn Attribute is changed. Remove existing listeners and create new listeners.
* @method _afterFocusOnChange
_afterFocusOnChange : function(e) {
if (this.get(VISIBLE)) {
Y.WidgetModality = WidgetModal;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['widget','event-outside','base-build']});