widget-buttons.js revision e2bba5831aa9cbf731d5c6bcac5b973be9a108e1
YUI.add('widget-buttons', function(Y) {
* Provides header/footer button support for Widgets that implement the WidgetStdMod extension
* @module widget-buttons
* @author tilomitra
var BOUNDING_BOX = "boundingBox",
VISIBLE = "visible",
CLICK = "click",
RENDER_UI = "renderUI",
BIND_UI = "bindUI",
SYNC_UI = "syncUI",
BTN = "button",
BUTTON_CHANGE = "buttonsChange",
getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
CREATE = Y.Node.create;
* Widget extension, which can be used to add header/footer buttons support to a widget that implements the WidgetStdMod extension,
* @class WidgetButtons
* @param {Object} config User configuration object
function WidgetButtons(config) {
Y.after(this._renderUIButtons, this, RENDER_UI);
Y.after(this._bindUIButtons, this, BIND_UI);
Y.after(this._syncUIButtons, this, SYNC_UI);
* Static hash of default class names used for the inner <span> ("content"),
* the <a> ("button"), and the outer span ("wrapper").
* @static
* @type object
WidgetButtons.BUTTON_CLASS_NAMES = {
buttons : Y.Widget.getClassName('buttons'),
wrapper : Y.Widget.getClassName(BTN, 'wrapper'),
button : getCN(BTN),
content : getCN(BTN, 'content'),
icon : getCN(BTN, 'icon'),
iconClose: getCN(BTN, 'icon', 'close')
* Static property used to define the default attribute
* configuration introduced by WidgetButtons.
* @property ATTRS
* @type Object
* @static
WidgetButtons.ATTRS = {
* @attribute buttons
* @type {Array}
* @default [
type: "close"
* @description <p>An array of objects, with each object corresponding to a button that you want to be added to the widget. Each button can have upto 4 properties:</p>
* <p>type: {string} Use one of the default buttons provided by the WidgetButtons class. Set this to "close" if you want the
* [x] at the top-right corner of the window. If this key has a value, then values for the remaining properties below don't need to be provided.</p>
* <p>value: {string} HTML string or text that should be shown on the button</p>
* <p>action: {function} The callback function that should be executed when the button is clicked.</p>
* <p>href: {string} (optional) The link to redirect to if the button is clicked> If not supplied, defaults to "#"</p>
* <p>section: {string || object} Whether the button should be placed in the header or footer. Represented as "header" or "footer"</p>
buttons: {
value: [
type: "close"
validator: Y.Lang.isArray
* Static hash of buttons that have all their properties defined, so that they can be used by supplying a value to the "type" property in the button attribute.
* The "close" button is currently defined in this object (sets the [x] in the top-right of the header).
* @static
* @type object
WidgetButtons.DEFAULT_BUTTONS = {
"close": {
value : '<span class="' +
WidgetButtons.BUTTON_CLASS_NAMES.icon + ' ' +
WidgetButtons.BUTTON_CLASS_NAMES.iconClose + '" />',
action : function(e) {
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.HEADER
* <p>Object used to specify the HTML template for the buttons. Consists of the following properties</p>
* <p>defaultTemplate: Specifies the HTML markup for each button</p>
* <p>wrapper: Specifies the HTML markup for the wrapper, which is a DOM Element that wraps around all the buttons</p>
* @property TEMPLATES
* @static
* @type object
WidgetButtons.TEMPLATES = {
defaultTemplate: '<a href={href} class="' + WidgetButtons.BUTTON_CLASS_NAMES.button + '">' +
'<span class="' + WidgetButtons.BUTTON_CLASS_NAMES.content + '">{value}</span></a>',
wrapper : '<span class="' + WidgetButtons.BUTTON_CLASS_NAMES.wrapper + '"></span>',
clearfix : '<div style="clear:both;"></div>'
WidgetButtons.prototype = {
// *** Instance Members *** //
_hdBtnNode : null,
_ftBtnNode : null,
_buttonsArray : null,
_uiHandlesButtons : null,
* Creates the button nodes based on whether they are defined as being in the header or footer
* <p>
* This method is invoked after renderUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _renderUIButtons
* @protected
_renderUIButtons : function () {
this._buttonsArray = [];
this._hdBtnNode = CREATE(WidgetButtons.TEMPLATES.wrapper);
this._ftBtnNode = CREATE(WidgetButtons.TEMPLATES.wrapper);
* Binds event listeners to listen for events on the buttons.
* <p>
* This method is invoked after bindUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _bindUIButtons
* @protected
_bindUIButtons : function () {
var self = this;
this._uiHandlesButtons = [];
Y.each(this._buttonsArray, function(o) {
this.after(BUTTON_CHANGE, this._afterButtonsChange);
* Binds event listeners to listen for events on the buttons
* <p>
* This method is invoked after bindUI is invoked for the Widget class
* using YUI's aop infrastructure.
* </p>
* @method _bindUIButtons
* @protected
_syncUIButtons : function () {
if (this._hdBtnNode.hasChildNodes()) {
this.setStdModContent(Y.WidgetStdMod.HEADER, this._hdBtnNode, Y.WidgetStdMod.AFTER);
if (this._ftBtnNode.hasChildNodes()) {
this.setStdModContent(Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER, this._ftBtnNode, Y.WidgetStdMod.AFTER);
* Add a button to the existing set of buttons
* @method _bindUIButtons
* @param button {object} The object literal consisting of the button's properties and callback function
* @public
addButton: function (button) {
var btns = this.get('buttons');
this.set('buttons', btns);
* Iterate through the buttons attribute, create Y.Node instances of each button and append them to either the _hdBtnNode or _ftBtnNode nodes.
* @method _createButtons
* @protected
_createButtons : function () {
var btns = this.get('buttons'),
template = '',
html = '',
self = this,
Y.each(btns, function(o) {
//Check to see if the type property is defined, and if a button corresponds to that type.
if (o.type && WidgetButtons.DEFAULT_BUTTONS[o.type]) {
o = WidgetButtons.DEFAULT_BUTTONS[o.type];
template = Y.Lang.sub(WidgetButtons.TEMPLATES.defaultTemplate, {
href: o.href || '#',
value: o.value
//create Y.Node instance of button
node = CREATE(template);
//push the node onto an array of all the buttons
self._buttonsArray.push({node: node, cb: o.action});
//append it to the wrapper node
if (o.section === Y.WidgetStdMod.HEADER) {
else if (o.section === Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER) {
else {
return true;
_appendClearFix: function () {
//if (!this.get("headerContent")) {
this.setStdModContent(Y.WidgetStdMod.HEADER, CREATE(WidgetButtons.TEMPLATES.clearfix), Y.WidgetStdMod.AFTER);
* Attaches the event listeners to execute the callback function after button click.
* @method _attachEventsToButton
* @protected
_attachEventsToButton : function (o) {
this._uiHandlesButtons.push(o.node.after(CLICK, o.cb, this));
* Attaches the event listeners to execute the callback function after button click.
* @method _attachEventsToButton
* @protected
_afterButtonsChange : function (e) {
* Removes the header and footer button wrappers from the DOM if they exist
* @method _removeButtonNode
* @param fromHd {bool} Whether to remove the header button wrapper
* @param fromFt {bool} Whether to remove the footer button wrapper
* @protected
_removeButtonNode : function(fromHd, fromFt) {
if (fromHd && this._hdBtnNode && this._hdBtnNode.hasChildNodes()) {
this._hdBtnNode = null;
if (fromFt && this._ftBtnNode && this._ftBtnNode.hasChildNodes()) {
this._ftBtnNode = null;
* Detaches all event listeners from the buttons
* @method _detachEventsFromButtons
* @protected
_detachEventsFromButtons : function () {
Y.each(this._uiHandlesButtons, function(h){
this._uiHandlesButtons = [];
Y.WidgetButtons = WidgetButtons;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['base-build', 'widget', 'widget-stdmod']});