tabview-debug.js revision 61367bf5ab01acac9484d7e81c657d8ac6b42240
_afterChildRemoved: function(e) { // update the selected tab when removed
var i = e.index,
if (!selection) { // select previous item if selection removed
if (selection) {
bindUI: function() {
// Use the Node Focus Manager to add keyboard support:
// Pressing the left and right arrow keys will move focus
// among each of the tabs.
circular: true
renderUI: function() {
_setDefSelection: function() {
// If no tab is selected, select the first tab.
_renderListBox: function(contentBox) {
_renderPanelBox: function(contentBox) {
}, {
LIST_TEMPLATE: '<ul></ul>',
PANEL_TEMPLATE: '<div></div>',
value: 'Tab'
// Override of Widget's default tabIndex attribute since we don't
// want the bounding box of each TabView instance in the default
// tab index. The focusable pieces of a TabView's UI will be
// each tab's anchor element.
tabIndex: {
value: null,
validator: '_validTabIndex'
BOUNDING_TEMPLATE : '<li></li>',
_uiSetSelectedPanel: function(selected) {
_afterTabSelectedChange: function(event) {
_afterParentChange: function(e) {
if (!e.newVal) {
} else {
syncUI: function() {
bindUI: function() {
renderUI: function() {
if (!this.get('panelNode')) {
if (!panel) {
_remove: function() {
initializer: function() {
this.publish('click', {
// Prevent the browser from navigating to the URL specified by the
// anchor's href attribute.
}, {
label: {
content: {
panelNode: {},
// Override of Widget's default tabIndex attribute since we don't
// want the bounding box (<li>) of each Tab instance in the default
// tab index. The focusable pieces of a TabView's UI will be
// each tab's anchor element.
tabIndex: {
value: null,
validator: '_validTabIndex'
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['substitute', 'tabview-base', 'widget', 'widget-parent', 'widget-child']});