swf.js revision 6112193fac23ce4238217a69d1d15a7db45eb0a1
YUI.add('swf', function(Y) {
* Embed a Flash applications in a standard manner and communicate with it
* via External Interface.
* @module swf
var Event = Y.Event,
SWFDetect = Y.SWFDetect,
Lang = Y.Lang,
uA = Y.UA,
Node = Y.Node,
// private
FLASH_CID = "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000",
FLASH_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash",
FLASH_VER = "10.0.22",
EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL = "http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/update/current/swf/autoUpdater.swf?" + Math.random(),
possibleAttributes = {align:"", allowFullScreen:"", allowNetworking:"", allowScriptAccess:"", base:"", bgcolor:"", menu:"", name:"", quality:"", salign:"", scale:"", tabindex:"", wmode:""};
* The SWF utility is a tool for embedding Flash applications in HTMl pages.
* @module swf
* @title SWF Utility
* @requires yahoo, dom, event
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* Creates the SWF instance and keeps the configuration data
* @class SWF
* @augments Y.Event.Target
* @constructor
* @param {String|HTMLElement} id The id of the element, or the element itself that the SWF will be inserted into.
* The width and height of the SWF will be set to the width and height of this container element.
* @param {String} swfURL The URL of the SWF to be embedded into the page.
* @param {Object} p_oAttributes (optional) Configuration parameters for the Flash application and values for Flashvars
* to be passed to the SWF.
function SWF (p_oElement /*:String*/, swfURL /*:String*/, p_oAttributes /*:Object*/, p_oApp) {
this._id = Y.guid("yuiswf");
var _id = this._id;
var oElement = Node.one(p_oElement);
var flashVersion = p_oAttributes["version"] || FLASH_VER;
var flashVersionSplit = (flashVersion + '').split(".");
var isFlashVersionRight = SWFDetect.isFlashVersionAtLeast(parseInt(flashVersionSplit[0]), parseInt(flashVersionSplit[1]), parseInt(flashVersionSplit[2]));
var canExpressInstall = (SWFDetect.isFlashVersionAtLeast(8,0,0));
var shouldExpressInstall = canExpressInstall && !isFlashVersionRight && p_oAttributes["useExpressInstall"];
var flashURL = (shouldExpressInstall)?EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL:swfURL;
var objstring = '<object ';
var w, h;
var flashvarstring = "yId=" + Y.id + "&YUISwfId=" + _id;
Y.SWF._instances[_id] = this;
Y.SWF._instances[p_oApp.get("id")] = p_oApp;
if (oElement && (isFlashVersionRight || shouldExpressInstall) && flashURL) {
objstring += 'id="' + _id + '" ';
if (uA.ie) {
objstring += 'classid="' + FLASH_CID + '" ';
else {
objstring += 'type="' + FLASH_TYPE + '" data="' + flashURL + '" ';
w = "100%";
h = "100%";
objstring += 'width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '">';
if (uA.ie) {
objstring += '<param name="movie" value="' + flashURL + '"/>';
for (var attribute in p_oAttributes.fixedAttributes) {
if (possibleAttributes.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) {
objstring += '<param name="' + attribute + '" value="' + p_oAttributes.fixedAttributes[attribute] + '"/>';
for (var flashvar in p_oAttributes.flashVars) {
var fvar = p_oAttributes.flashVars[flashvar];
if (Lang.isString(fvar)) {
flashvarstring += "&" + flashvar + "=" + encodeURIComponent(fvar);
if (flashvarstring) {
objstring += '<param name="flashVars" value="' + flashvarstring + '"/>';
objstring += "</object>";
this._swf = Node.one("#" + _id);
* The static collection of all instances of the SWFs on the page.
* @property _instances
* @private
* @type Object
SWF._instances = SWF._instances || {};
* Handles an event coming from within the SWF and delegate it
* to a specific instance of SWF.
* @method eventHandler
* @param swfid {String} the id of the SWF dispatching the event
* @param event {Object} the event being transmitted.
* @private
SWF.eventHandler = function (swfid, event) {
SWF.prototype =
* @private
* Propagates a specific event from Flash to JS.
* @method _eventHandler
* @param event {Object} The event to be propagated from Flash.
_eventHandler: function(event)
this.fire(event.type, event);
* Public accessor to the unique name of the SWF instance.
* @method toString
* @return {String} Unique name of the SWF instance.
toString: function()
return "SWF " + this._id;
Y.augment(SWF, Y.EventTarget);
}, '@VERSION@' );