recordset.js revision 81574965e119d3fcb1d9dc53af64f47069eac9a3
YUI.add('recordset-base', function(Y) {
function Record(config) {
Record.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "record"
Record.NAME = "record";
// Record Attributes
Record.ATTRS = {
id: {
valueFn: "_setId",
writeOnce: true
data : {
/* Record extends Base */
Y.extend(Record, Y.Base, {
_setId: function() {
return Y.guid();
initializer: function(data) {
destructor: function() {
getValue: function(field) {
if (field === undefined) {
return this.get("data");
else {
return this.get("data")[field];
return null;
Y.Record = Record;
function Recordset(config) {
Recordset.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
* TODO: Implement methods: hasRecord(), reverseRecords(), sortRecords(), toString(), getLength()
* Class name.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @value "recordset"
Recordset.NAME = "recordset";
// Recordset Attributes
Recordset.ATTRS = {
records: {
value: null,
setter: "_setRecords"
/* Recordset extends Base */
Y.extend(Recordset, Y.Base, {
_setRecords: function(allData) {
var records = [];
function initRecord(oneData){
//This part can probably get condensed a bit - very verbose.
if (!(oneData instanceof Y.Record)) {
records.push(new Y.Record({data:oneData}));
else {
Y.Array.each(allData, initRecord);
return records;
initializer: function() {
//set up event listener to fire events when recordset is modified in anyway
destructor: function() {
* Helper method called upon by add() - it is used to create a new record(s) in the recordset
* @method _add
* @param aRecord {Y.Record} A Y.Record instance
* @param index {Number} (optional) Index at which to add the record(s)
* @return {Y.Record} A Record instance.
* @private
_add: function(aRecord, index) {
index = (Y.Lang.isNumber(index) && (index > -1)) ? index : this.get('records').length;
return aRecord;
* Helper method called upon by update() - it updates the recordset when an array is passed in
* @method _updateGivenArray
* @param arr {Array} An array of object literals or Y.Record instances
* @param index {Number} The index at which to update the records.
* @param overwriteFlag {boolean} (optional) A boolean to represent whether or not you wish to over-write the existing records with records from your recordset. Default is false. The first record is always overwritten.
* @private
_updateGivenArray: function(arr, index, overwriteFlag) {
var i = 0,
overwrittenRecords = [],
newRecords = [];
for (; i < arr.length; i++) {
//store everything being added into newRecords
newRecords[i] = this._changeToRecord(arr[i]);
//Arrays at the first index will always overwrite the one they are updating.
if (i===0) {
//splice returns an array with 1 object, so just get the object - otherwise this will become a nested array
overwrittenRecords[i] = this.get('records').splice(index, 1, newRecords[i])[0];
else {
overwrittenRecords[i] = this._updateGivenObject(newRecords[i], index+i, overwriteFlag).overwritten[0];
if (overwrittenRecords[i] === undefined) {
return ({updated:newRecords, overwritten:overwrittenRecords});
* Helper method called upon by update() and _updateGivenArray() - it updates the recordset when an array is passed in
* @method _updateGivenObject
* @param obj {Object || Y.Record} Any objet literal or Y.Record instance
* @param index {Number} The index at which to update the records.
* @param overwriteFlag {boolean} (optional) A boolean to represent whether or not you wish to over-write the existing records with records from your recordset. Default is false. The first record is always overwritten.
* @return {Y.Record || null} The overwritten Record instance, if it exists.
* @private
_updateGivenObject: function(obj, index, overwriteFlag) {
var oRecs = [],
overwrittenRecords = [];
oRecs[0] = this._changeToRecord(obj);
//If overwrite is set to true, splice and remove the record at current entry, otherwise just add it
if (overwriteFlag) {
overwrittenRecords[0] = this.get('records').splice(index,1,oRecs[0])[0];
else {
//Always returning the object in an array so it can be iterated through
return ({updated:oRecs, overwritten:overwrittenRecords});
* Helper method - it takes an object bag and converts it to a Y.Record
* @method _changeToRecord
* @param obj {Object || Y.Record} Any objet literal or Y.Record instance
* @return {Y.Record} A Record instance.
* @private
_changeToRecord: function(obj) {
var oRec;
if (obj instanceof Y.Record) {
oRec = obj;
else {
oRec = new Y.Record({data:obj});
return oRec;
// Events
* Event that is fired whenever the recordset is changed. Note that multiple simultaneous changes still fires this event once.
* (ie: Adding multiple records via an array will only fire this event once at the completion of all the additions)
* @method _recordSetUpdated
* @param idx {Number} Index at which the modifications to the recordset were made
* @private
_recordsetChanged: function() {
this.on(['recordsetUpdatedEvent', 'recordsetAddedEvent', 'recordsetRemovedEvent', 'recordsetEmptiedEvent'], function() {'recordsetChangedEvent', {});
* Event that is fired whenever the a record is added to the recordset. Multiple simultaneous changes still fires this event once.
* @method _recordAdded
* @param oRecord {Array} The record that was added, or an array of records added
* @param i {Number} Index at which the modifications to the recordset were made
* @private
_recordAdded: function(oRecord, i) {'recordsetAddedEvent', {data:oRecord, index: i});
* Event that is fired whenever the a record is removed from the recordset. Multiple simultaneous changes still fires this event once.
* @method _recordDeleted
* @param oRecord {Array} An array of Y.Records that were deleted
* @param idx {Number} Index at which the modifications to the recordset were made
* @private
_recordRemoved: function(oRecord, idx) {'recordsetRemovedEvent', {data:oRecord, index: idx});
* Event that is fired when the record set is emptied
* @method _recordsetEmptied
* @private
_recordsetEmptied: function() {
//TODO: What configuration object should be sent here?'recordsetEmptiedEvent', {});
_recordsetUpdated: function(newRecords, delRecords, index) {
var e = {
updated: newRecords,
overwritten: delRecords
index: index
};'recordsetUpdatedEvent', e);
// Public Methods
* Returns the record at a particular index
* @method getRecord
* @param index {Number} Index at which the required record resides
* @return {Y.Record} An Y.Record instance
* @public
getRecord: function(index) {
return this.get("records")[index];
* Returns a range of records beginning at particular index
* @method getRecord
* @param index {Number} Index at which the required record resides
* @param range {Number} (Optional) Number of records to retrieve. The default is 1
* @return {Array} An array of Y.Record instances
* @public
getRecords: function(index, range) {
var i=0, returnedRecords = [];
//Range cannot take on negative values
range = (Y.Lang.isNumber(range) && (range > 0)) ? range : 1;
for(; i<range; i++) {
return returnedRecords;
getLength: function() {
return this.get('records').length;
* Returns a string of values for a specified key in the recordset
* @method getRecord
* @param index {Number} (optional) Index at which the required record resides
* @return {Y.Record} An Y.Record instance
* @public
getValuesByKey: function(key) {
var i = 0, len = this.get('records').length, retVals = [];
for( ; i < len; i++) {
return retVals;
* Filters the recordset according to the boolean validator function
* @method filter
* @param k {Function || String} A boolean function representing the conditional logic to filter by, or the key to filter by.
* @param v {Value} (optional) If 'k' was passed as a key, this represents the value the key should have.
* @return {Y.Recordset} A recordset of filtered records
* @public
filter: function(k,v) {
var oRecs = [], i=0, rec, len;
len = this.get('records').length;
for (; i<len;i++) {
rec = this.getRecord(i);
if ((Y.Lang.isFunction(k) && v===undefined && k(rec)) || //if only k is supplied, and k is the custom function
(Y.Lang.isString(k) && Y.Lang.isValue(v) && rec.getValue(k) === v)) { //if key/value pair is provided, and neither are null/undefined/NaN
return new this.constructor({records:oRecs});
* Adds one or more Records to the RecordSet at the given index. If index is null,
* then adds the Records to the end of the RecordSet.
* @method add
* @param oData {Y.Record, Object Literal, Array} A Y.Record instance, An object literal of data or an array of object literals
* @param index {Number} (optional) Index at which to add the record(s)
* @return {object} An object literal with two properties: "data" which contains array of Y.Record(s) and "index" which contains the index where the Y.Record(s) were added
* @public
add: function(oData, index) {
var oRecord, newRecords=[], idx, i;
//Passing in array of object literals for oData
if (Y.Lang.isArray(oData)) {
newRecords = [];
idx = (Y.Lang.isNumber(index) && (index > -1)) ? index : this.get('records').length;
for(i=0; i < oData.length; i++) {
oRecord = new Y.Record({data:oData[i]});
newRecords[i] = this._add(oRecord, idx);
//If it is an object literal of data
else if (Y.Lang.isObject(oData) && !(oData instanceof Y.Record)) {
oRecord = new Y.Record({data:oData});
newRecords[0] = this._add(oRecord, index);
//it is an instance of Y.Record - checking explicitly here so nothing weird gets through
else if (oData instanceof Y.Record){
newRecords[0] = this._add(oRecord, index);
this._recordAdded(newRecords, index);
//return an object literal, containing array of new Y.Record instances
return ({data: newRecords, index:index});
* Removes one or more Records to the RecordSet at the given index. If index is null,
* then removes a single Record from the end of the RecordSet.
* @method remove
* @param index {Number} (optional) Index at which to remove the record(s) from
* @param range {Number} (optional) Number of records to remove (including the one at the index)
* @return {object} An object literal with two properties: "data" which contains the removed set {Y.Record or Y.Recordset} and "index" which contains the index where the Y.Record(s) were removed from
* @public
remove: function(index, range) {
var remRecords=[];
//Default is to only remove the last record - the length is always 1 greater than the last index
index = (Y.Lang.isNumber(index) && (index > -1)) ? index : this.get('records').length-1;
range = (Y.Lang.isNumber(range) && (range > 0)) ? range : 1;
//Remove records and store them in remRecords
remRecords = this.get('records').splice(index,range);
//Fire event
this._recordRemoved(remRecords, index);
return ({data: remRecords, index:index});
* Empties the recordset
* @method empty
* @public
empty: function() {
this.set('records').value = [];
return null;
* Updates one or more records in the recordset with new records. New records can overwrite existing records or be appended at an index.
* @method update
* @param oData {Object || Array || Y.Record} This represents the data you want to update the record with. Can be an object literal, an array of object literals, a Y.Record instance or an array of Y.Record instances.
* @param index {Number} The index at which to update the records.
* @param overwriteFlag {boolean} (optional) Represents whether or not you wish to over-write the existing records with records from your recordset. Default is false. The first record is always overwritten.
* @public
update: function(oData, index, overwriteFlag) {
var data;
if (Y.Lang.isArray(oData)) {
data = this._updateGivenArray(oData, index, overwriteFlag);
else if (Y.Lang.isObject(oData)) {
//If its just an object, it will overwrite the existing one, so passing in true
data = this._updateGivenObject(oData, index, true);
//fire event
this._recordsetUpdated(data.updated, data.overwritten, index);
return null;
Y.Recordset = Recordset;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['base','record']});
YUI.add('recordset-sort', function(Y) {
var COMPARE =;
function RecordsetSort(field, desc, sorter) {
RecordsetSort.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.mix(RecordsetSort, {
NS: "sort",
NAME: "recordsetSort",
dt: {
defaultSorter: {
// value: function(recA, recB, field, desc) {
// var sorted = COMPARE(recA.getValue(field), recB.getValue(field), desc);
// if(sorted === 0) {
// return COMPARE(recA.get("id"), recB.get("id"), desc);
// }
// else {
// return sorted;
// }
// }
Y.extend(RecordsetSort, Y.Plugin.Base, {
initializer: function(config) {
//this.publish("sort", {defaultFn: Y.bind("_defSortFn", this)});
destructor: function(config) {
_defSortFn: function(e) {
//this.get("host").get("records").sort(function(a, b) {return (e.sorter)(a, b, e.field, e.desc);});
sort: function(field, desc, sorter) {
//"sort", {field:field, desc: desc, sorter: sorter|| this.get("defaultSorter")});
custom: function() {
alert("sort custom");
// force asc
asc: function() {
alert("sort asc");
// force desc
desc: function() {
alert("sort desc");
// force reverse
reverse: function() {
alert("sort reverse");
Y.namespace("Plugin").RecordsetSort = RecordsetSort;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['recordset-base','arraysort','plugin']});
YUI.add('recordset', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{use:['recordset-base','recordset-sort']});