node.js revision 10d67463820db9c4acc3bc438d9e11a9dc72c9c5
YUI.add('node', function(Y) {
* The NodeList Utility provides a DOM-like interface for interacting with DOM nodes.
* @module node
* @submodule node-list
* The NodeList class provides a wrapper for manipulating DOM NodeLists.
* NodeList properties can be accessed via the set/get methods.
* Use Y.get() to retrieve NodeList instances.
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> NodeList properties are accessed using
* the <code>set</code> and <code>get</code> methods.
* @class NodeList
* @constructor
Y.Array._diff = function(a, b) {
var removed = [],
present = false;
for (var i = 0, lenA = a.length; i < lenA; i++) {
present = false;
for (var j = 0, lenB = b.length; j < lenB; j++) {
if (a[i] === b[j]) {
present = true;
continue outer;
if (!present) {
removed[removed.length] = a[i];
return removed;
Y.Array.diff = function(a, b) {
return {
added: Y.Array._diff(b, a),
removed: Y.Array._diff(a, b)
// "globals"
var g_nodelists = [],
g_slice = Array.prototype.slice,
UID = '_yuid',
NodeList = function(config) {
var doc = config.doc || Y.config.doc,
nodes = config.nodes || [];
if (typeof nodes === 'string') {
this._query = nodes;
nodes = Y.Selector.query(nodes, doc);
NodeList._instances[this[UID]] = this;
g_nodelists[this[UID]] = nodes;
NodeList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
// end "globals"
NodeList.NAME = 'NodeList';
NodeList.ATTRS = {
style: {
value: {}
NodeList._instances = [];
NodeList.each = function(instance, fn, context) {
var nodes = g_nodelists[instance[UID]];
if (nodes && nodes.length) {
Y.Array.each(nodes, fn, context || instance);
} else {
// call with instance context
NodeList.DEFAULT_SETTER = function(attr, val) {
var tmp = NodeList._tmpNode =
NodeList._tmpNode || Y.Node.create('<div>');
NodeList.each(this, function(node) {
var instance = Y.Node._instances[node[UID]];
// TODO: use node.set if instance exists
if (!instance) {
g_nodes[tmp[UID]] = node;
instance = tmp;
instance.set(attr, val);
// call with instance context
NodeList.DEFAULT_GETTER = function(attr) {
var tmp = NodeList._tmpNode =
NodeList._tmpNode || Y.Node.create('<div>'),
ret = [];
// TODO: use node.get if instance exists
NodeList.each(this, function(node) {
var instance = Y.Node._instances[node[UID]];
if (!instance) { // reuse tmp instance
g_nodes[tmp[UID]] = node;
instance = tmp;
ret[ret.length] = instance.get(attr);
return ret;
Y.extend(NodeList, Y.Base);
Y.mix(NodeList.prototype, {
initializer: function(config) {
// TODO: move to Attribute
hasAttr: function(attr) {
return this._conf.get(attr);
get: function(attr) {
if (!this.hasAttr(attr)) {
return NodeList.superclass.constructor.prototype.get.apply(this, arguments);
set: function(attr, val) {
if (!this.hasAttr(attr)) {
NodeList.superclass.constructor.prototype.set.apply(this, arguments);
on: function(type, fn, context, arg) {
var args =, 0),
args.splice(2, 0, g_nodelists[this[UID]]);
if (Node.DOM_EVENTS[type]) {
Y.Event.attach.apply(Y.Event, args);
return NodeList.superclass.constructor.prototype.on.apply(this, arguments);
destructor: function() {
g_nodelists[this[UID]] = [];
delete NodeList._instances[this[UID]];
refresh: function() {
var doc,
oldList = g_nodelists[this[UID]];
if (this._query) {
if (g_nodelists[this[UID]] &&
g_nodelists[this[UID]][0] &&
g_nodelists[this[UID]][0].ownerDocument) {
doc = g_nodelists[this[UID]][0].ownerDocument;
g_nodelists[this[UID]] = Y.Selector.query(this._query, doc || Y.config.doc);
diff = Y.Array.diff(oldList, g_nodelists[this[UID]]);
diff.added = diff.added ? Y.all(diff.added) : null;
diff.removed = diff.removed ? Y.all(diff.removed) : null;'refresh', diff);
size: function() {
return g_nodelists[this[UID]].length;
toString: function() {
var str = '',
errorMsg = this[UID] + ': not bound to any nodes',
nodes = g_nodelists[this[UID]];
if (nodes && nodes[0]) {
var node = nodes[0];
str += node[NODE_NAME];
if ( {
str += '#' +;
if (node.className) {
str += '.' + node.className.replace(' ', '.');
if (nodes.length > 1) {
str += '...[' + nodes.length + ' items]';
return str || errorMsg;
_addAttr: function(attr) {
var nodes = g_nodelists[this[UID]] || [];
this.addAttr(attr, {
getter: function() {
return, attr);
setter: function(val) {, attr, val);
}, true);
Y.NodeList = NodeList;
Y.all = function(nodes, doc, restrict) {
var nodelist = new NodeList({
nodes: nodes,
doc: doc,
restrict: restrict
// zero-length result returns null
return nodelist.size() ? nodelist : null;
* The Node Utility provides a DOM-like interface for interacting with DOM nodes.
* @module node
* @submodule node-base
* The NodeList class provides a wrapper for manipulating DOM NodeLists.
* NodeList properties can be accessed via the set/get methods.
* Use Y.get() to retrieve NodeList instances.
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> NodeList properties are accessed using
* the <code>set</code> and <code>get</code> methods.
* @class NodeList
* @constructor
// "globals"
var g_nodes = [],
g_slice = Array.prototype.slice,
DOT = '.',
NODE_NAME = 'nodeName',
UID = '_yuid',
Node = function(config) {
this[UID] = Y.stamp(config.node);
g_nodes[this[UID]] = config.node;
Node._instances[this[UID]] = this;
SuperConstr.apply(this, arguments);
SuperConstr = Y.Base,
SuperConstrProto = Y.Base.prototype;
// end "globals"
Node.NAME = 'Node';
click: true
Node._instances = {};
Node.getDOMNode = function(instance) {
return g_nodes[instance[UID]];
Node.get = function(node, doc, restrict) {
var instance = null;
node = (typeof node === 'string') ? Y.Selector.query(node, doc, true) : node;
if (node) {
instance = Node._instances[node[UID]] || // reuse exising instances
new Node({
node: node,
restricted: restrict
return instance;
Node.create = function() {
return Y.get(Y.DOM.create.apply(Y.DOM, arguments));
Node.ATTRS = {
style: {
setter: function(val, e) {
var node = g_nodes[this[UID]],
name = e.attrName,
if (node) {
if (typeof val === 'string' && name.indexOf(DOT) > -1) {
path = name.split('.');
Y.DOM.setStyle(node, path[1], val);
} else { // assume multiple styles
Y.DOM.setStyles(node, val);
} else {
value: {}
text: {
getter: function() {
return Y.DOM.getText(g_nodes[this[UID]]);
readOnly: true
restricted: {
writeOnce: true,
value: false
// call with instance context
Node.DEFAULT_SETTER = function(name, val) {
var node = g_nodes[this[UID]],
strPath, path;
if (name.indexOf(DOT) !== -1) {
strPath = name;
path = name.split(DOT);
name = path.shift();
if (path) {
val = Y.Object.setValue(node[name], path, val);
if (val === undefined) {
allowSet = false;
} else {
node[name] = val;
return val;
// call with instance context
Node.DEFAULT_GETTER = function(attr) {
var node = g_nodes[this[UID]];
return node[attr];
Y.extend(Node, Y.Base);
Y.mix(Node.prototype, {
// TODO: move to Attribute
hasAttr: function(attr) {
return !!this._conf.get(attr);
toString: function() {
var str = '',
errorMsg = this[UID] + ': not bound to a node',
node = g_nodes[this[UID]];
if (node) {
str += node[NODE_NAME];
if ( {
str += '#' +;
if (node.className) {
str += '.' + node.className.replace(' ', '.');
// TODO: add yuid?
str += ' ' + this[UID];
return str || errorMsg;
_addDOMAttr: function(attr) {
var domNode = g_nodes[this[UID]],
topAttr = attr.split('.')[0]; // support
if (domNode && domNode[topAttr] !== undefined) {
this.addAttr(topAttr, {
getter: function() {
return, attr);
setter: function(val) {
return, attr, val);
} else {
addNode: function(content, where) {
return Y.DOM.insertNode(g_nodes[this[UID]], content, where);
on: function(type, fn, context, arg) {
var args =, 0);
args.splice(2, 0, g_nodes[this[UID]]);
if (Node.DOM_EVENTS[type]) {
Y.Event.attach.apply(Y.Event, args);
return SuperConstrProto.on.apply(this, arguments);
* Detaches a DOM event handler.
* @method detach
* @param {String} type The type of DOM Event
* @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
detach: function(type, fn) {
var args =, 0);
args.splice(2, 0, g_nodes[this[UID]]);
return Y.Event.detach.apply(Y.Event, args);
get: function(attr) {
if (!this.hasAttr(attr)) {
return SuperConstrProto.get.apply(this, arguments);
set: function(attr, val) {
if (!this.hasAttr(attr)) {
SuperConstrProto.set.apply(this, arguments);
destructor: function() {
g_nodes[this[UID]] = [];
delete Node._instances[this[UID]];
}, true);
Y.Node = Node;
Y.get = Y.Node.get;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['dom']});