node-debug.js revision b92e4372c5a34f48e457b60dfa9b136cf19c8498
* The Node Utility provides a DOM-like interface for interacting with DOM nodes.
* @module node
* @submodule node-base
* The Node class provides a wrapper for manipulating DOM Nodes.
* Use Y.get() to retrieve Node instances.
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> Node properties are accessed using
* the <code>set</code> and <code>get</code> methods.
* @class Node
* @constructor
* @param {DOMNode} node the DOM node to be mapped to the Node instance.
* @for Node
// "globals"
var DOT = '.',
NODE_NAME = 'nodeName',
NODE_TYPE = 'nodeType',
OWNER_DOCUMENT = 'ownerDocument',
TAG_NAME = 'tagName',
UID = '_yuid',
if (!uid) { // stamp failed; likely IE non-HTMLElement
* The underlying DOM node bound to the Y.Node instance
* @property _node
* @private
if (this._initPlugins) { // when augmented with Plugin.Host
var ret = null;
if (fn) {
function(n) {
} :
function(n) {
return ret;
// end "globals"
* The name of the component
* @static
* @property NAME
* The pattern used to identify ARIA attributes
* List of events that route to DOM events
* @static
* @property DOM_EVENTS
abort: 1,
beforeunload: 1,
blur: 1,
change: 1,
click: 1,
close: 1,
command: 1,
contextmenu: 1,
dblclick: 1,
DOMMouseScroll: 1,
drag: 1,
dragstart: 1,
dragenter: 1,
dragover: 1,
dragleave: 1,
dragend: 1,
drop: 1,
error: 1,
focus: 1,
key: 1,
keydown: 1,
keypress: 1,
keyup: 1,
load: 1,
message: 1,
mousedown: 1,
mouseenter: 1,
mouseleave: 1,
mousemove: 1,
mousemultiwheel: 1,
mouseout: 1,
mouseover: 1,
mouseup: 1,
mousewheel: 1,
reset: 1,
resize: 1,
select: 1,
selectstart: 1,
submit: 1,
scroll: 1,
textInput: 1,
unload: 1
// Add custom event adaptors to this list. This will make it so
// that delegate, key, available, contentready, etc all will
// be available through Node.on
* A list of Node instances that have been created
* @private
* @property _instances
* @static
Y_Node._instances = {};
* Retrieves the DOM node bound to a Node instance
* @method getDOMNode
* @static
* @param {Y.Node || HTMLNode} node The Node instance or an HTMLNode
* @return {HTMLNode} The DOM node bound to the Node instance. If a DOM node is passed
* as the node argument, it is simply returned.
if (node) {
return null;
* Checks Node return values and wraps DOM Nodes as Y.Node instances
* and DOM Collections / Arrays as Y.NodeList instances.
* Other return values just pass thru. If undefined is returned (e.g. no return)
* then the Node instance is returned for chainability.
* @method scrubVal
* @static
* @param {any} node The Node instance or an HTMLNode
* @return {Y.Node | Y.NodeList | any} Depends on what is returned from the DOM node.
if (val) { // only truthy values are risky
} else if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
} else if (val === null) {
val = null; // IE: DOM null not the same as null
return val;
* Adds methods to the Y.Node prototype, routing through scrubVal.
* @method addMethod
* @static
* @param {String} name The name of the method to add
* @param {Function} fn The function that becomes the method
* @param {Object} context An optional context to call the method with
* (defaults to the Node instance)
* @return {any} Depends on what is returned from the DOM node.
node = this,
if (ret) { // scrub truthy
return ret;
} else {
* Imports utility methods to be added as Y.Node methods.
* @method importMethod
* @static
* @param {Object} host The object that contains the method to import.
* @param {String} name The name of the method to import
* @param {String} altName An optional name to use in place of the host name
* @param {Object} context An optional context to call the method with
if (typeof name == 'string') {
} else {
* Returns a single Node instance bound to the node or the
* first element matching the given selector. Returns null if no match found.
* <strong>Note:</strong> For chaining purposes you may want to
* use <code>Y.all</code>, which returns a NodeList when no match is found.
* @method
* @static
* @param {String | HTMLElement} node a node or Selector
* @return {Y.Node | null} a Node instance or null if no match found.
var instance = null,
if (node) {
if (typeof node == 'string') {
} else {
if (!node) {
return null;
return node; // NOTE: return
return instance;
* Creates a new dom node using the provided markup string.
* @method create
* @static
* @param {String} html The markup used to create the element
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc An optional document context
* @return {Node} A Node instance bound to a DOM node or fragment
* Static collection of configuration attributes for special handling
* @property ATTRS
* @static
* @type object
* Allows for getting and setting the text of an element.
* Formatting is preserved and special characters are treated literally.
* @config text
* @type String
text: {
getter: function() {
return content;
'options': {
getter: function() {
* Returns a NodeList instance of all HTMLElement children.
* @readOnly
* @config children
* @type NodeList
'children': {
getter: function() {
childNodes, i, len;
if (!children) {
children = [];
if (childNodes[i][TAG_NAME]) {
value: {
getter: function() {
return val;
* The default setter for DOM properties
* Called with instance context (this === the Node instance)
* @static
* @param {any} val The value to be set
* @return {any} The value
var node = this._stateProxy,
// only allow when defined on node
return val;
* The default getter for DOM properties
* Called with instance context (this === the Node instance)
* @static
* @return {any} The current value
var node = this._stateProxy,
return val;
// Basic prototype augment - no lazy constructor invocation.
* The method called when outputting Node instances as strings
* @method toString
* @return {String} A string representation of the Node instance
toString: function() {
if (node) {
if (id) {
if (className) {
// TODO: add yuid?
return str;
* Returns an attribute value on the Node instance.
* Unless pre-configured (via Node.ATTRS), get hands
* off to the underlying DOM node. Only valid
* attributes/properties for the node will be set.
* @method get
* @param {String} attr The attribute
* @return {any} The current value of the attribute
var val;
if (this._getAttr) { // use Attribute imple
} else {
if (val) {
} else if (val === null) {
val = null; // IE: DOM null is not true null (even though they ===)
return val;
* Helper method for get.
* @method _get
* @private
* @param {String} attr The attribute
* @return {any} The current value of the attribute
} else {
return val;
* Sets an attribute on the Node instance.
* Unless pre-configured (via Node.ATTRS), set hands
* off to the underlying DOM node. Only valid
* attributes/properties for the node will be set.
* To set custom attributes use setAttribute.
* @method set
* @param {String} attr The attribute to be set.
* @param {any} val The value to set the attribute to.
* @chainable
if (this._setAttr) { // use Attribute imple
} else { // use setters inline
} else {
return this;
* Sets multiple attributes.
* @method setAttrs
* @chainable
if (this._setAttrs) { // use Attribute imple
} else { // use setters inline
this.set(n, v);
}, this);
return this;
* Returns an object containing the values for the requested attributes.
* @method getAttrs
* @param {Array} attrs an array of attributes to get values
var ret = {};
if (this._getAttrs) { // use Attribute imple
} else { // use setters inline
}, this);
return ret;
* Creates a new Node using the provided markup string.
* @method create
* @param {String} html The markup used to create the element
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc An optional document context
* @return {Node} A Node instance bound to a DOM node or fragment
* Compares nodes to determine if they match.
* @method compareTo
* @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode The reference node to compare to the node.
* @return {Boolean} True if the nodes match, false if they do not.
* Determines whether the node is appended to the document.
* @method inDoc
* @param {Node|HTMLElement} doc optional An optional document to check against.
* Defaults to current document.
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not this node is appended to the document.
if (doc.documentElement) {
} else {
ret = null;
return ret;
* Returns the nearest ancestor that passes the test applied by supplied boolean method.
* @method ancestor
* @param {String | Function} fn A selector string or boolean method for testing elements.
* @param {Boolean} testSelf optional Whether or not to include the element in the scan
* If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
* @return {Node} The matching Node instance or null if not found
* Returns the ancestors that pass the test applied by supplied boolean method.
* @method ancestors
* @param {String | Function} fn A selector string or boolean method for testing elements.
* @param {Boolean} testSelf optional Whether or not to include the element in the scan
* If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
* @return {NodeList} A NodeList instance containing the matching elements
* Returns the previous matching sibling.
* Returns the nearest element node sibling if no method provided.
* @method previous
* @param {String | Function} fn A selector or boolean method for testing elements.
* If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
* @return {Node} Node instance or null if not found
* Returns the next matching sibling.
* Returns the nearest element node sibling if no method provided.
* @method next
* @param {String | Function} fn A selector or boolean method for testing elements.
* If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
* @return {Node} Node instance or null if not found
* Returns all matching siblings.
* Returns all siblings if no method provided.
* @method siblings
* @param {String | Function} fn A selector or boolean method for testing elements.
* If a function is used, it receives the current node being tested as the only argument.
* @return {NodeList} NodeList instance bound to found siblings
* Retrieves a Node instance of nodes based on the given CSS selector.
* @method one
* @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
* @return {Node} A Node instance for the matching HTMLElement.
* Retrieves a nodeList based on the given CSS selector.
* @method all
* @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
* @return {NodeList} A NodeList instance for the matching HTMLCollection/Array.
return nodelist;
// TODO: allow fn test
* Test if the supplied node matches the supplied selector.
* @method test
* @param {string} selector The CSS selector to test against.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the node matches the selector.
* Removes the node from its parent.
* Shortcut for myNode.get('parentNode').removeChild(myNode);
* @method remove
* @chainable
if (parentNode) {
if (destroy) {
return this;
* Replace the node with the other node. This is a DOM update only
* and does not change the node bound to the Node instance.
* Shortcut for myNode.get('parentNode').replaceChild(newNode, myNode);
* @method replace
* @param {Y.Node || HTMLNode} newNode Node to be inserted
* @chainable
if (typeof newNode == 'string') {
return this;
* @method replaceChild
* @for Node
* @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} node Node to be inserted
* @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode Node to be replaced
* @return {Node} The replaced node
if (typeof node == 'string') {
* @method appendChild
* @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} node Node to be appended
* @return {Node} The appended node
appendChild: function(node) {
* @method insertBefore
* @param {String | HTMLElement | Node} newNode Node to be appended
* @param {HTMLElement | Node} refNode Node to be inserted before
* @return {Node} The inserted node
* Removes event listeners from the node and (optionally) its subtree
* @method purge
* @param {Boolean} recurse (optional) Whether or not to remove listeners from the
* node's subtree
* @param {String} type (optional) Only remove listeners of the specified type
* @chainable
return this;
* Nulls internal node references, removes any plugins and event listeners
* @method destroy
* @param {Boolean} recursivePurge (optional) Whether or not to remove listeners from the
* node's subtree (default is false)
destroy: function(recursivePurge) {
if (this.unplug) { // may not be a PluginHost
this._node = null;
this._stateProxy = null;
* Invokes a method on the Node instance
* @method invoke
* @param {String} method The name of the method to invoke
* @param {Any} a, b, c, etc. Arguments to invoke the method with.
* @return Whatever the underly method returns.
* DOM Nodes and Collections return values
if (a && Y.instanceOf(a, Y_Node)) {
a = a._node;
if (b && Y.instanceOf(b, Y_Node)) {
b = b._node;
* Inserts the content before the reference node.
* @method insert
* @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement | Y.NodeList | HTMLCollection} content The content to insert
* @param {Int | Y.Node | HTMLElement | String} where The position to insert at.
* Possible "where" arguments
* <dl>
* <dt>Y.Node</dt>
* <dd>The Node to insert before</dd>
* <dt>HTMLElement</dt>
* <dd>The element to insert before</dd>
* <dt>Int</dt>
* <dd>The index of the child element to insert before</dd>
* <dt>"replace"</dt>
* <dd>Replaces the existing HTML</dd>
* <dt>"before"</dt>
* <dd>Inserts before the existing HTML</dd>
* <dt>"before"</dt>
* <dd>Inserts content before the node</dd>
* <dt>"after"</dt>
* <dd>Inserts content after the node</dd>
* </dl>
* @chainable
return this;
ret = null;
return ret;
* Inserts the content as the firstChild of the node.
* @method prepend
* @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement} content The content to insert
* @chainable
* Inserts the content as the lastChild of the node.
* @method append
* @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement} content The content to insert
* @chainable
* Appends the node to the given node.
* @method appendTo
* @param {Y.Node | HTMLElement} node The node to append to
* @chainable
* Replaces the node's current content with the content.
* @method setContent
* @param {String | Y.Node | HTMLElement | Y.NodeList | HTMLCollection} content The content to insert
* @chainable
setContent: function(content) {
return this;
* Returns the node's current content (e.g. innerHTML)
* @method getContent
* @return {String} The current content
getContent: function(content) {
return this.get('innerHTML');
* @method swap
* @description Swap DOM locations with the given node.
* This does not change which DOM node each Node instance refers to.
* @param {Node} otherNode The node to swap with
* @chainable
function(otherNode) {
} :
function(otherNode) {
if (nextSibling === node) {
} else {
return this;
* @method getData
* @description Retrieves arbitrary data stored on a Node instance.
* This is not stored with the DOM node.
* @param {string} name Optional name of the data field to retrieve.
* If no name is given, all data is returned.
* @return {any | Object} Whatever is stored at the given field,
* or an object hash of all fields.
var ret;
} else {
return ret;
* @method setData
* @description Stores arbitrary data on a Node instance.
* This is not stored with the DOM node.
* @param {string} name The name of the field to set. If no name
* is given, name is treated as the data and overrides any existing data.
* @param {any} val The value to be assigned to the field.
* @chainable
} else {
return this;
* @method clearData
* @description Clears stored data.
* @param {string} name The name of the field to clear. If no name
* is given, all data is cleared.
* @chainable
if ('_data' in this) {
if (name) {
} else {
delete this._data;
return this;
* Makes the node visible.
* If the "transition" module is loaded, show optionally
* animates the showing of the node using either the default
* transition effect ('fadeIn'), or the given named effect.
* @method show
* @param {String} name A named Transition effect to use as the show effect.
* @param {Object} config Options to use with the transition.
* @param {Function} callback An optional function to run after the transition completes.
* @chainable
return this;
* The implementation for showing nodes.
* Default is to toggle the style.display property.
* @protected
* @chainable
_show: function() {
* Hides the node.
* If the "transition" module is loaded, hide optionally
* animates the hiding of the node using either the default
* transition effect ('fadeOut'), or the given named effect.
* @method hide
* @param {String} name A named Transition effect to use as the show effect.
* @param {Object} config Options to use with the transition.
* @param {Function} callback An optional function to run after the transition completes.
* @chainable
return this;
* The implementation for hiding nodes.
* Default is to toggle the style.display property.
* @protected
* @chainable
_hide: function() {
isFragment: function() {
* Removes all of the child nodes from the node.
* @param {Boolean} destroy Whether the nodes should also be destroyed.
* @chainable
return this;
}, true);
* The NodeList module provides support for managing collections of Nodes.
* @module node
* @submodule nodelist
* The NodeList class provides a wrapper for manipulating DOM NodeLists.
* Use Y.all() to retrieve NodeList instances.
* @class NodeList
* @constructor
var tmp = [];
* The underlying array of DOM nodes bound to the Y.NodeList instance
* @property _nodes
* @private
* Retrieves the DOM nodes bound to a NodeList instance
* @method NodeList.getDOMNodes
* @static
* @param {Y.NodeList} nodelist The NodeList instance
* @return {Array} The array of DOM nodes bound to the NodeList
} else {
var ret = [],
if (!instance) {
// TODO: remove tmp pointer
} else {
if (typeof name === 'string') {
} else {
if (!tmp) {
return tmp;
* Retrieves the Node instance at the given index.
* @method item
* @param {Number} index The index of the target Node.
* @return {Node} The Node instance at the given index.
* Applies the given function to each Node in the NodeList.
* @method each
* @param {Function} fn The function to apply. It receives 3 arguments:
* the current node instance, the node's index, and the NodeList instance
* @param {Object} context optional An optional context to apply the function with
* Default context is the current Node instance
* @chainable
var instance = this;
return instance;
var nodelist = this;
if (!instance) {
return nodelist;
* Executes the function once for each node until a true value is returned.
* @method some
* @param {Function} fn The function to apply. It receives 3 arguments:
* the current node instance, the node's index, and the NodeList instance
* @param {Object} context optional An optional context to execute the function from.
* Default context is the current Node instance
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the function returned true for any node.
var instance = this;
* Creates a documenFragment from the nodes bound to the NodeList instance
* @method toFrag
* @return Node a Node instance bound to the documentFragment
toFrag: function() {
* Returns the index of the node in the NodeList instance
* or -1 if the node isn't found.
* @method indexOf
* @param {Y.Node || DOMNode} node the node to search for
* @return {Int} the index of the node value or -1 if not found
* Filters the NodeList instance down to only nodes matching the given selector.
* @method filter
* @param {String} selector The selector to filter against
* @return {NodeList} NodeList containing the updated collection
* @see Selector
* Creates a new NodeList containing all nodes at every n indices, where
* remainder n % index equals r.
* (zero-based index).
* @method modulus
* @param {Int} n The offset to use (return every nth node)
* @param {Int} r An optional remainder to use with the modulus operation (defaults to zero)
* @return {NodeList} NodeList containing the updated collection
modulus: function(n, r) {
r = r || 0;
var nodes = [];
if (i % n === r) {
* Creates a new NodeList containing all nodes at odd indices
* (zero-based index).
* @method odd
* @return {NodeList} NodeList containing the updated collection
odd: function() {
* Creates a new NodeList containing all nodes at even indices
* (zero-based index), including zero.
* @method even
* @return {NodeList} NodeList containing the updated collection
even: function() {
return this.modulus(2);
destructor: function() {
* Reruns the initial query, when created using a selector query
* @method refresh
* @chainable
refresh: function() {
var doc,
root = this._queryRoot;
if (query) {
if (!root) {
return this;
} else {
return args;
* Applies an event listener to each Node bound to the NodeList.
* @method on
* @param {String} type The event being listened for
* @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
* @param {Object} context The context to call the handler with.
* Default is the NodeList instance.
* @return {Object} Returns an event handle that can later be use to detach().
* @see Event.on
* Applies an one-time event listener to each Node bound to the NodeList.
* @method once
* @param {String} type The event being listened for
* @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
* @param {Object} context The context to call the handler with.
* Default is the NodeList instance.
* @return {Object} Returns an event handle that can later be use to detach().
* @see Event.on
* Applies an event listener to each Node bound to the NodeList.
* The handler is called only after all on() handlers are called
* and the event is not prevented.
* @method after
* @param {String} type The event being listened for
* @param {Function} fn The handler to call when the event fires
* @param {Object} context The context to call the handler with.
* Default is the NodeList instance.
* @return {Object} Returns an event handle that can later be use to detach().
* @see Event.on
* Returns the current number of items in the NodeList.
* @method size
* @return {Int} The number of items in the NodeList.
size: function() {
* Determines if the instance is bound to any nodes
* @method isEmpty
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the NodeList is bound to any nodes
isEmpty: function() {
toString: function() {
var str = '',
}, true);
* Called on each Node instance
* @for NodeList
* @method append
* @see Node.append
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method destroy
* @see Node.destroy
* Called on each Node instance
* @method detach
* @see Node.detach
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method detachAll
* @see Node.detachAll
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method empty
* @see Node.empty
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method insert
* @see Node.insert
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method prepend
* @see Node.prepend
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method remove
* @see Node.remove
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method set
* @see Node.set
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method setContent
* @see Node.setContent
// one-off implementation to convert array of Nodes to NodeList
// e.g. Y.all('input').get('parentNode');
/** Called on each Node instance
* @method get
* @see Node
var ret = [],
isNodeList = false,
if (nodes[0]) {
isNodeList = true;
if (!instance) {
if (!isNodeList) { // convert array of Nodes to NodeList
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @for Node
* @method removeChild
* @param {HTMLElement | Node} node Node to be removed
* @return {Node} The removed node
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method hasChildNodes
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the node has any childNodes
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method cloneNode
* @param {Boolean} deep Whether or not to perform a deep clone, which includes
* subtree and attributes
* @return {Node} The clone
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method hasAttribute
* @param {String} attribute The attribute to test for
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not the attribute is present
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method removeAttribute
* @param {String} attribute The attribute to be removed
* @chainable
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method scrollIntoView
* @chainable
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method getElementsByTagName
* @param {String} tagName The tagName to collect
* @return {NodeList} A NodeList representing the HTMLCollection
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method focus
* @chainable
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method blur
* @chainable
* Passes through to DOM method.
* Only valid on FORM elements
* @method submit
* @chainable
* Passes through to DOM method.
* Only valid on FORM elements
* @method reset
* @chainable
* Passes through to DOM method.
* @method select
* @chainable
* Passes through to DOM method.
* Only valid on TABLE elements
* @method createCaption
* @chainable
], function(method) {
return ret;
* Determines whether the node is an ancestor of another HTML element in the DOM hierarchy.
* @method contains
* @param {Node | HTMLElement} needle The possible node or descendent
* @return {Boolean} Whether or not this node is the needle its ancestor
* Allows setting attributes on DOM nodes, normalizing in some cases.
* This passes through to the DOM node, allowing for custom attributes.
* @method setAttribute
* @for Node
* @for NodeList
* @chainable
* @param {string} name The attribute name
* @param {string} value The value to set
* Allows getting attributes on DOM nodes, normalizing in some cases.
* This passes through to the DOM node, allowing for custom attributes.
* @method getAttribute
* @for Node
* @for NodeList
* @param {string} name The attribute name
* @return {string} The attribute value
* Wraps the given HTML around the node.
* @method wrap
* @param {String} html The markup to wrap around the node.
* @chainable
* Removes the node's parent node.
* @method unwrap
* @chainable
* Allows getting attributes on DOM nodes, normalizing in some cases.
* This passes through to the DOM node, allowing for custom attributes.
* @method getAttribute
* @see Node
* @for NodeList
* @param {string} name The attribute name
* @return {string} The attribute value
* Allows setting attributes on DOM nodes, normalizing in some cases.
* This passes through to the DOM node, allowing for custom attributes.
* @method setAttribute
* @see Node
* @for NodeList
* @chainable
* @param {string} name The attribute name
* @param {string} value The value to set
* Allows for removing attributes on DOM nodes.
* This passes through to the DOM node, allowing for custom attributes.
* @method removeAttribute
* @see Node
* @for NodeList
* @param {string} name The attribute to remove
* Removes the parent node from node in the list.
* @method unwrap
* @chainable
* Wraps the given HTML around each node.
* @method wrap
* @param {String} html The markup to wrap around the node.
* @chainable
(function(Y) {
var methods = [
* Determines whether each node has the given className.
* @method hasClass
* @for Node
* @param {String} className the class name to search for
* @return {Array} An array of booleans for each node bound to the NodeList.
* Adds a class name to each node.
* @method addClass
* @param {String} className the class name to add to the node's class attribute
* @chainable
* Removes a class name from each node.
* @method removeClass
* @param {String} className the class name to remove from the node's class attribute
* @chainable
* Replace a class with another class for each node.
* If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
* @method replaceClass
* @param {String} oldClassName the class name to be replaced
* @param {String} newClassName the class name that will be replacing the old class name
* @chainable
* If the className exists on the node it is removed, if it doesn't exist it is added.
* @method toggleClass
* @param {String} className the class name to be toggled
* @chainable
* Determines whether each node has the given className.
* @method hasClass
* @see Node.hasClass
* @for NodeList
* @param {String} className the class name to search for
* @return {Array} An array of booleans for each node bound to the NodeList.
* Adds a class name to each node.
* @method addClass
* @see Node.addClass
* @param {String} className the class name to add to the node's class attribute
* @chainable
* Removes a class name from each node.
* @method removeClass
* @see Node.removeClass
* @param {String} className the class name to remove from the node's class attribute
* @chainable
* Replace a class with another class for each node.
* If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
* @method replaceClass
* @see Node.replaceClass
* @param {String} oldClassName the class name to be replaced
* @param {String} newClassName the class name that will be replacing the old class name
* @chainable
* If the className exists on the node it is removed, if it doesn't exist it is added.
* @method toggleClass
* @see Node.toggleClass
* @param {String} className the class name to be toggled
* @chainable
if (attr === 'value') {
return true;
// IE throws an error when calling focus() on an element that's invisible, not
// displayed, or disabled.
try {
} catch (e) {
// IE throws error when setting input.type = 'hidden',
// input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden') and input.attributes.type.value = 'hidden'
if (val === 'hidden') {
try {
} catch(e) {
this._inputType = 'hidden';
} else {
try { // IE errors when changing the type from "hidden'
} catch (e) {
return val;
getter: function() {
_bypassProxy: true // don't update DOM when using with Attribute
// IE: elements collection is also FORM node which trips up scrubVal.
getter: function() {
return this.all('input, textarea, button, select');
offsetHeight: {
setter: function(h) {
return h;
getter: function() {
return this._node.offsetHeight;
offsetWidth: {
setter: function(w) {
return w;
getter: function() {
return this._node.offsetWidth;
sizeTo: function(w, h) {
var node;
offsetWidth: w,
offsetHeight: h
var Y_NodeList = Y.NodeList,
ArrayProto = Array.prototype,
ArrayMethods = [
/** Returns a new NodeList combining the given NodeList(s)
* @for NodeList
* @method concat
* concatenate to the resulting NodeList
* @return {NodeList} A new NodeList comprised of this NodeList joined with the input.
/** Removes the first last from the NodeList and returns it.
* @for NodeList
* @method pop
* @return {Node} The last item in the NodeList.
/** Adds the given Node(s) to the end of the NodeList.
* @for NodeList
* @method push
* @param {Node | DOMNode} nodeN One or more nodes to add to the end of the NodeList.
/** Removes the first item from the NodeList and returns it.
* @for NodeList
* @method shift
* @return {Node} The first item in the NodeList.
/** Returns a new NodeList comprising the Nodes in the given range.
* @for NodeList
* @method slice
* @param {Number} begin Zero-based index at which to begin extraction.
As a negative index, start indicates an offset from the end of the sequence. slice(-2) extracts the second-to-last element and the last element in the sequence.
* @param {Number} end Zero-based index at which to end extraction. slice extracts up to but not including end.
slice(1,4) extracts the second element through the fourth element (elements indexed 1, 2, and 3).
As a negative index, end indicates an offset from the end of the sequence. slice(2,-1) extracts the third element through the second-to-last element in the sequence.
If end is omitted, slice extracts to the end of the sequence.
* @return {NodeList} A new NodeList comprised of this NodeList joined with the input.
/** Changes the content of the NodeList, adding new elements while removing old elements.
* @for NodeList
* @method splice
* @param {Number} index Index at which to start changing the array. If negative, will begin that many elements from the end.
* @param {Number} howMany An integer indicating the number of old array elements to remove. If howMany is 0, no elements are removed. In this case, you should specify at least one new element. If no howMany parameter is specified (second syntax above, which is a SpiderMonkey extension), all elements after index are removed.
* {Node | DOMNode| element1, ..., elementN
The elements to add to the array. If you don't specify any elements, splice simply removes elements from the array.
* @return {NodeList} The element(s) removed.
/** Adds the given Node(s) to the beginning of the NodeList.
* @for NodeList
* @method push
* @param {Node | DOMNode} nodeN One or more nodes to add to the NodeList.
var args = [],
i = 0,
(function(Y) {
* Extended Node interface for managing node styles.
* @module node
* @submodule node-style
var methods = [
* Returns the style's current value.
* @method getStyle
* @for Node
* @param {String} attr The style attribute to retrieve.
* @return {String} The current value of the style property for the element.
* Returns the computed value for the given style property.
* @method getComputedStyle
* @param {String} attr The style attribute to retrieve.
* @return {String} The computed value of the style property for the element.
* Sets a style property of the node.
* @method setStyle
* @param {String} attr The style attribute to set.
* @param {String|Number} val The value.
* @chainable
* Sets multiple style properties on the node.
* @method setStyles
* @param {Object} hash An object literal of property:value pairs.
* @chainable
* Returns an array of values for each node.
* @method getStyle
* @for NodeList
* @see Node.getStyle
* @param {String} attr The style attribute to retrieve.
* @return {Array} The current values of the style property for the element.
* Returns an array of the computed value for each node.
* @method getComputedStyle
* @see Node.getComputedStyle
* @param {String} attr The style attribute to retrieve.
* @return {Array} The computed values for each node.
* Sets a style property on each node.
* @method setStyle
* @see Node.setStyle
* @param {String} attr The style attribute to set.
* @param {String|Number} val The value.
* @chainable
* Sets multiple style properties on each node.
* @method setStyles
* @see Node.setStyles
* @param {Object} hash An object literal of property:value pairs.
* @chainable
* Extended Node interface for managing regions and screen positioning.
* Adds support for positioning elements and normalizes window size and scroll detection.
* @module node
* @submodule node-screen
// these are all "safe" returns, no wrapping required
* Returns the inner width of the viewport (exludes scrollbar).
* @config winWidth
* @for Node
* @type {Int}
* Returns the inner height of the viewport (exludes scrollbar).
* @config winHeight
* @type {Int}
* Document width
* @config winHeight
* @type {Int}
* Document height
* @config docHeight
* @type {Int}
* Amount page has been scroll vertically
* @config docScrollX
* @type {Int}
* Amount page has been scroll horizontally
* @config docScrollY
* @type {Int}
function(name) {
getter: function() {
getter: function() {
if (node) {
if ('scrollLeft' in node) {
} else {
getter: function() {
if (node) {
if ('scrollTop' in node) {
} else {
* Gets the current position of the node in page coordinates.
* @method getXY
* @for Node
* @return {Array} The XY position of the node
* Set the position of the node in page coordinates, regardless of how the node is positioned.
* @method setXY
* @param {Array} xy Contains X & Y values for new position (coordinates are page-based)
* @chainable
* Gets the current position of the node in page coordinates.
* @method getX
* @return {Int} The X position of the node
* Set the position of the node in page coordinates, regardless of how the node is positioned.
* @method setX
* @param {Int} x X value for new position (coordinates are page-based)
* @chainable
* Gets the current position of the node in page coordinates.
* @method getY
* @return {Int} The Y position of the node
* Set the position of the node in page coordinates, regardless of how the node is positioned.
* @method setY
* @param {Int} y Y value for new position (coordinates are page-based)
* @chainable
* Swaps the XY position of this node with another node.
* @method swapXY
* @param {Y.Node || HTMLElement} otherNode The node to swap with.
* @chainable
* Returns a region object for the node
* @config region
* @for Node
* @type Node
getter: function() {
} else {
return region;
* Returns a region object for the node's viewport
* @config viewportRegion
* @type Node
getter: function() {
// these need special treatment to extract 2nd node arg
* Compares the intersection of the node with another node or region
* @method intersect
* @for Node
* @param {Node|Object} node2 The node or region to compare with.
* @param {Object} altRegion An alternate region to use (rather than this node's).
* @return {Object} An object representing the intersection of the regions.
* Determines whether or not the node is within the giving region.
* @method inRegion
* @param {Node|Object} node2 The node or region to compare with.
* @param {Boolean} all Whether or not all of the node must be in the region.
* @param {Object} altRegion An alternate region to use (rather than this node's).
* @return {Object} An object representing the intersection of the regions.
* Registers plugins to be instantiated at the class level (plugins
* which should be plugged into every instance of Node by default).
* @method Node.plug
* @static
* @param {Function | Array} plugin Either the plugin class, an array of plugin classes or an array of objects (with fn and cfg properties defined)
* @param {Object} config (Optional) If plugin is the plugin class, the configuration for the plugin
return Y.Node;
* Unregisters any class level plugins which have been registered by the Node
* @method Node.unplug
* @static
* @param {Function | Array} plugin The plugin class, or an array of plugin classes
return Y.Node;
// doesn't use NodeList.importMethod because we need real Nodes (not tmpNode)
* Functionality to make the node a delegated event container
* @module node
* @submodule node-event-delegate
* <p>Sets up a delegation listener for an event occurring inside the Node.
* The delegated event will be verified against a supplied selector or
* filtering function to test if the event references at least one node that
* should trigger the subscription callback.</p>
* <p>Selector string filters will trigger the callback if the event originated
* from a node that matches it or is contained in a node that matches it.
* Function filters are called for each Node up the parent axis to the
* subscribing container node, and receive at each level the Node and the event
* object. The function should return true (or a truthy value) if that Node
* should trigger the subscription callback. Note, it is possible for filters
* to match multiple Nodes for a single event. In this case, the delegate
* callback will be executed for each matching Node.</p>
* <p>For each matching Node, the callback will be executed with its 'this'
* object set to the Node matched by the filter (unless a specific context was
* provided during subscription), and the provided event's
* <code>currentTarget</code> will also be set to the matching Node. The
* containing Node from which the subscription was originally made can be
* referenced as <code>e.container</code>.
* @method delegate
* @param type {String} the event type to delegate
* @param fn {Function} the callback function to execute. This function
* will be provided the event object for the delegated event.
* @param spec {String|Function} a selector that must match the target of the
* event or a function to test target and its parents for a match
* @param context {Object} optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to.
* @param args* {any} 0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback function.
* These arguments will be added after the event object.
* @return {EventHandle} the detach handle
* @for Node
YUI.add('node', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['dom', 'event-base', 'event-delegate', 'pluginhost'], use:['node-base', 'node-style', 'node-screen', 'node-pluginhost', 'node-event-delegate'], skinnable:false});