node-menunav-debug.js revision 05d0664d1cf00f06b4a25a9bda45012e29efe7ef
* <p>The MenuNav Node Plugin makes it easy to transform existing list-based
* markup into traditional, drop down navigational menus that are both accessible
* and easy to customize, and only require a small set of dependencies.</p>
* <p>To use the MenuNav Node Plugin, simply pass a reference to the plugin to a
* Node instance's <code>plug</code> method.</p>
* <p>
* <code>
* <script type="text/javascript"> <br>
* <br>
* // Call the "use" method, passing in "node-menunav". This will <br>
* // load the script and CSS for the MenuNav Node Plugin and all of <br>
* // the required dependencies. <br>
* <br>
* YUI().use("node-menunav", function(Y) { <br>
* <br>
* // Use the "contentready" event to initialize the menu when <br>
* // the subtree of element representing the root menu <br>
* // (<div id="menu-1">) is ready to be scripted. <br>
* <br>
* Y.on("contentready", function () { <br>
* <br>
* // The scope of the callback will be a Node instance <br>
* // representing the root menu (<div id="menu-1">). <br>
* // Therefore, since "this" represents a Node instance, it <br>
* // is possible to just call "this.plug" passing in a <br>
* // reference to the MenuNav Node Plugin. <br>
* <br>
* this.plug(Y.Plugin.NodeMenuNav); <br>
* <br>
* }, "#menu-1"); <br>
* <br>
* }); <br>
* <br>
* </script> <br>
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>The MenuNav Node Plugin has several configuration properties that can be
* set via an object literal that is passed as a second argument to a Node
* instance's <code>plug</code> method.
* </p>
* <p>
* <code>
* <script type="text/javascript"> <br>
* <br>
* // Call the "use" method, passing in "node-menunav". This will <br>
* // load the script and CSS for the MenuNav Node Plugin and all of <br>
* // the required dependencies. <br>
* <br>
* YUI().use("node-menunav", function(Y) { <br>
* <br>
* // Use the "contentready" event to initialize the menu when <br>
* // the subtree of element representing the root menu <br>
* // (<div id="menu-1">) is ready to be scripted. <br>
* <br>
* Y.on("contentready", function () { <br>
* <br>
* // The scope of the callback will be a Node instance <br>
* // representing the root menu (<div id="menu-1">). <br>
* // Therefore, since "this" represents a Node instance, it <br>
* // is possible to just call "this.plug" passing in a <br>
* // reference to the MenuNav Node Plugin. <br>
* <br>
* this.plug(Y.Plugin.NodeMenuNav, { mouseOutHideDelay: 1000 });
* <br><br>
* }, "#menu-1"); <br>
* <br>
* }); <br>
* <br>
* </script> <br>
* </code>
* </p>
* @module node-menunav
// Util shortcuts
// Frequently used strings
MENU = "menu",
MENUITEM = "menuitem",
HIDDEN = "hidden",
PARENT_NODE = "parentNode",
CHILDREN = "children",
OFFSET_HEIGHT = "offsetHeight",
OFFSET_WIDTH = "offsetWidth",
PX = "px",
ID = "id",
PERIOD = ".",
HANDLED_MOUSEOUT = "handledMouseOut",
HANDLED_MOUSEOVER = "handledMouseOver",
ACTIVE = "active",
LABEL = "label",
MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown",
KEYDOWN = "keydown",
CLICK = "click",
FIRST_OF_TYPE = "first-of-type",
ROLE = "role",
PRESENTATION = "presentation",
DESCENDANTS = "descendants",
UI = "UI",
ACTIVE_DESCENDANT = "activeDescendant",
ARIA_HIDDEN = "aria-hidden",
CONTENT = "content",
HOST = "host",
STANDARD_QUERY = ">.yui-menu-content>ul>li>a",
EXTENDED_QUERY = ">.yui-menu-content>ul>li>.yui-menu-label>a:first-child",
// Attribute keys
AUTO_SUBMENU_DISPLAY = "autoSubmenuDisplay",
MOUSEOUT_HIDE_DELAY = "mouseOutHideDelay",
// CSS class names
// CSS selectors
// Utility functions
var getPreviousSibling = function (node) {
if (!oPrevious) {
return oPrevious;
var getNextSibling = function (node) {
if (!oNext) {
return oNext;
var bReturnVal = false;
if (node) {
return bReturnVal;
var isMenuItem = function (node) {
var isMenuLabel = function (node) {
var isHorizontalMenu = function (menu) {
var hasVisibleSubmenu = function (menuLabel) {
var getItemAnchor = function (node) {
var oItem;
if (node) {
if (!oItem && searchAncestors) {
return oItem;
var getParentMenu = function (node) {
var oItem;
if (node) {
return oItem;
var oItem;
if (node) {
if (searchAncestors) {
else {
return oItem;
var oItem;
if (node) {
return oItem;
var getFirstItem = function (menu) {
var getActiveClass = function (node) {
* The NodeMenuNav class is a plugin for a Node instance. The class is used via
* the <a href="Node.html#method_plug"><code>plug</code></a> method of Node and
* should not be instantiated directly.
* @namespace plugin
* @class NodeMenuNav
var NodeMenuNav = function () {
* @property NodeMenuNav.SHIM_TEMPLATE_TITLE
* @description String representing the value for the <code>title</code>
* attribute for the shim used to prevent <code><select></code> elements
* from poking through menus in IE 6.
* @default "Menu Stacking Shim"
* @type String
* @property NodeMenuNav.SHIM_TEMPLATE
* @description String representing the HTML used to create the
* <code><iframe></code> shim used to prevent
* <code><select></code> elements from poking through menus in IE 6.
* @default "<iframe frameborder="0" tabindex="-1"
* class="yui-shim" title="Menu Stacking Shim"
* src="javascript:false;"></iframe>"
* @type String
// <iframe> shim notes:
// 1) Need to set the "frameBorder" property to 0 to suppress the default
// <iframe> border in IE. (Setting the CSS "border" property alone doesn't
// suppress it.)
// 2) The "src" attribute of the <iframe> is set to "javascript:false;" so
// warning in IE when using HTTPS.
// 3) Since the role of the <iframe> shim is completely presentational, its
// "tabindex" attribute is set to "-1" and its title attribute is set to
// "Menu Stacking Shim". Both strategies help users of screen readers to
// avoid mistakenly interacting with the <iframe> shim.
getClassName("shim") +
'" src="javascript:false;"></iframe>';
NodeMenuNav.ATTRS = {
* Boolean indicating if use of the WAI-ARIA Roles and States should be
* enabled for the menu.
* @attribute useARIA
* @readOnly
* @writeOnce
* @default true
* @type boolean
useARIA: {
value: true,
writeOnce: true,
lazyAdd: false,
if (value) {
oMenuLabel = node;
if (oMenuToggle) {
if (oSubmenu) {
if (oMenuToggle) {
* Boolean indicating if submenus are automatically made visible when the
* user mouses over the menu's items.
* @attribute autoSubmenuDisplay
* @readOnly
* @writeOnce
* @default true
* @type boolean
value: true,
writeOnce: true
* Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a
* submenu is made visible when the user mouses over the menu's label.
* @attribute submenuShowDelay
* @readOnly
* @writeOnce
* @default 250
* @type Number
value: 250,
writeOnce: true
* Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a
* submenu is hidden when the user mouses out of a menu label heading in the
* direction of a submenu.
* @attribute submenuHideDelay
* @readOnly
* @writeOnce
* @default 250
* @type Number
value: 250,
writeOnce: true
* Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should expire before a
* submenu is hidden when the user mouses out of it.
* @attribute mouseOutHideDelay
* @readOnly
* @writeOnce
* @default 750
* @type Number
value: 750,
writeOnce: true
// Protected properties
* @property _rootMenu
* @description Node instance representing the root menu in the menu.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Node
_rootMenu: null,
* @property _activeItem
* @description Node instance representing the menu's active descendent:
* the menuitem or menu label the user is currently interacting with.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Node
_activeItem: null,
* @property _activeMenu
* @description Node instance representing the menu that is the parent of
* the menu's active descendent.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Node
_activeMenu: null,
* @property _hasFocus
* @description Boolean indicating if the menu has focus.
* @default false
* @protected
* @type Boolean
_hasFocus: false,
// In gecko-based browsers a mouseover and mouseout event will fire even
// if a DOM element moves out from under the mouse without the user
// actually moving the mouse. This bug affects NodeMenuNav because the
// user can hit the Esc key to hide a menu, and if the mouse is over the
// menu when the user presses Esc, the _onMenuMouseOut handler will be
// called. To fix this bug the following flag (_blockMouseEvent) is used
// to block the code in the _onMenuMouseOut handler from executing.
* @property _blockMouseEvent
* @description Boolean indicating whether or not to handle the
* "mouseover" event.
* @default false
* @protected
* @type Boolean
_blockMouseEvent: false,
* @property _currentMouseX
* @description Number representing the current x coordinate of the mouse
* inside the menu.
* @default 0
* @protected
* @type Number
_currentMouseX: 0,
* @property _movingToSubmenu
* @description Boolean indicating if the mouse is moving from a menu
* label to its corresponding submenu.
* @default false
* @protected
* @type Boolean
_movingToSubmenu: false,
* @property _showSubmenuTimer
* @description Timer used to show a submenu.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Object
_showSubmenuTimer: null,
* @property _hideSubmenuTimer
* @description Timer used to hide a submenu.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Object
_hideSubmenuTimer: null,
* @property _hideAllSubmenusTimer
* @description Timer used to hide a all submenus.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Object
_hideAllSubmenusTimer: null,
* @property _firstItem
* @description Node instance representing the first item (menuitem or menu
* label) in the root menu of a menu.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Node
_firstItem: null,
// Public methods
initializer: function (config) {
var menuNav = this,
aHandlers = [],
if (oRootMenu) {
// Hide all visible submenus
// Wire up all event handlers
this._eventHandlers = aHandlers;
destructor: function () {
var aHandlers = this._eventHandlers;
if (aHandlers) {
this._eventHandlers = null;
// Protected methods
* @method _isRoot
* @description Returns a boolean indicating if the specified menu is the
* root menu in the menu.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menu Node instance representing a menu.
* @return {Boolean} Boolean indicating if the specified menu is the root
* menu in the menu.
* @method _getTopmostSubmenu
* @description Returns the topmost submenu of a submenu hierarchy.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menu Node instance representing a menu.
* @return {Node} Node instance representing a menu.
_getTopmostSubmenu: function (menu) {
var menuNav = this,
if (!oMenu) {
else {
return returnVal;
* @method _clearActiveItem
* @description Clears the menu's active descendent.
* @protected
_clearActiveItem: function () {
var menuNav = this,
if (oActiveItem) {
menuNav._activeItem = null;
* @method _setActiveItem
* @description Sets the specified menuitem or menu label as the menu's
* active descendent.
* @protected
* @param {Node} item Node instance representing a menuitem or menu label.
_setActiveItem: function (item) {
var menuNav = this;
if (item) {
* @method _focusItem
* @description Focuses the specified menuitem or menu label.
* @protected
* @param {Node} item Node instance representing a menuitem or menu label.
_focusItem: function (item) {
var menuNav = this,
* @method _showMenu
* @description Shows the specified menu.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menu Node instance representing a menu.
if (isHorizontalMenu(oParentMenu)) {
else {
menu.hasIFrameShim = true;
// Clear previous values for height and width
// Set the width and height of the menu's bounding box - this is
// necessary for IE 6 so that the CSS for the <iframe> shim can
// simply set the <iframe>'s width and height to 100% to ensure
// that dimensions of an <iframe> shim are always sync'd to the
// that of its parent menu. Specifying a width and height also
// helps when positioning decorator elements (for creating effects
// like rounded corners) inside a menu's bounding box in IE 7.
* @method _hideMenu
* @description Hides the specified menu.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menu Node instance representing a menu.
* @param {Boolean} activateAndFocusLabel Boolean indicating if the label
* for the specified
* menu should be focused and set as active.
var menuNav = this,
if (activateAndFocusLabel) {
if (oActiveItem) {
// Clear the values for top and left that were set by the call to
// "setXY" when the menu was shown so that the hidden position
// specified in the core CSS file will take affect.
* @method _hideAllSubmenus
* @description Hides all submenus of the specified menu.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menu Node instance representing a menu.
_hideAllSubmenus: function (menu) {
var menuNav = this;
}, menuNav));
* @method _cancelShowSubmenuTimer
* @description Cancels the timer used to show a submenu.
* @protected
_cancelShowSubmenuTimer: function () {
var menuNav = this,
if (oShowSubmenuTimer) {
menuNav._showSubmenuTimer = null;
* @method _cancelHideSubmenuTimer
* @description Cancels the timer used to hide a submenu.
* @protected
_cancelHideSubmenuTimer: function () {
var menuNav = this,
if (oHideSubmenuTimer) {
menuNav._hideSubmenuTimer = null;
* @method _initFocusManager
* @description Initializes and updates the Focus Manager so that is is
* always managing descendants of the active menu.
* @protected
_initFocusManager: function () {
var menuNav = this,
if (isHorizontalMenu(oMenu)) {
else {
if (!oFocusManager) {
circular: true
this._onActiveDescendantChange, oFocusManager, this);
this._afterActiveDescendantChange, oFocusManager, this);
else {
// Event handlers for discrete pieces of pieces of the menu
* @method _onActiveDescendantChange
* @description "activeDescendantChange" event handler for menu's
* Focus Manager.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the Attribute change event.
* @param {NodeMenuNav} menuNav Object representing the NodeMenuNav instance.
* @method _afterActiveDescendantChange
* @description "activeDescendantChange" event handler for menu's
* Focus Manager.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the Attribute change event.
* @param {NodeMenuNav} menuNav Object representing the NodeMenuNav instance.
var oItem;
* @method _onDocFocus
* @description "focus" event handler for the owner document of the MenuNav.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onDocFocus: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
// If the element that was focused is a descendant of the
// root menu, but is in a submenu not currently being
// managed by the Focus Manager, update the Focus Manager so
// that it is now managing the submenu that is the parent of
// the element that was focused.
else { // Initial focus
// First time the menu has been focused, need to setup focused
// state and established active active descendant
if (oActiveItem) {
else { // The menu has lost focus
* @method _onMenuMouseOver
* @description "mouseover" event handler for a menu.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menu Node instance representing a menu.
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
var menuNav = this,
if (oHideAllSubmenusTimer) {
menuNav._hideAllSubmenusTimer = null;
// Need to update the FocusManager in advance of focus a new
// Menu in order to avoid the FocusManager thinking that
// it has lost focus
menuNav._movingToSubmenu = false;
* @method _hideAndFocusLabel
* @description Hides all of the submenus of the root menu and focuses the
* label of the topmost submenu
* @protected
_hideAndFocusLabel: function () {
var menuNav = this,
if (oActiveMenu) {
// Focus the label element for the topmost submenu
* @method _onMenuMouseOut
* @description "mouseout" event handler for a menu.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menu Node instance representing a menu.
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
var menuNav = this,
else {
if (oActiveItem) {
* @method _onMenuLabelMouseOver
* @description "mouseover" event handler for a menu label.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menuLabel Node instance representing a menu label.
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
var menuNav = this,
if (!hasVisibleSubmenu(menuLabel)) {
if (oSubmenu) {
* @method _onMenuLabelMouseOut
* @description "mouseout" event handler for a menu label.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menuLabel Node instance representing a menu label.
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
var menuNav = this,
if (bUseAutoSubmenuDisplay) {
if (menuNav._movingToSubmenu &&
// If the mouse is moving diagonally toward the submenu and
// another submenu isn't in the process of being displayed
// (via a timer), then hide the submenu via a timer to give
// the user some time to reach the submenu.
// If the mouse is not moving toward the submenu, cancel any
// submenus that might be in the process of being displayed
// (via a timer) and hide this submenu immediately.
* @method _onMenuItemMouseOver
* @description "mouseover" event handler for a menuitem.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menuItem Node instance representing a menuitem.
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
var menuNav = this,
* @method _onMenuItemMouseOut
* @description "mouseout" event handler for a menuitem.
* @protected
* @param {Node} menuItem Node instance representing a menuitem.
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
* @method _onVerticalMenuKeyDown
* @description "keydown" event handler for vertical menus.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onVerticalMenuKeyDown: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
bPreventDefault = false,
switch (nKeyCode) {
case 37: // left arrow
if (oItem) {
if (oSubmenu) {
else {
else { // MenuItem
bPreventDefault = true;
case 39: // right arrow
if (isMenuLabel(oTarget)) {
if (oSubmenu) {
else if (isHorizontalMenu(oRootMenu)) {
if (oItem) {
if (oSubmenu) {
else {
else { // MenuItem
bPreventDefault = true;
if (bPreventDefault) {
// Prevent the browser from scrolling the window
* @method _onHorizontalMenuKeyDown
* @description "keydown" event handler for horizontal menus.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onHorizontalMenuKeyDown: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
bPreventDefault = false,
if (nKeyCode === 40) {
if (isMenuLabel(oFocusedItem)) {
if (oSubmenu) {
bPreventDefault = true;
if (bPreventDefault) {
// Prevent the browser from scrolling the window
// Generic DOM Event handlers
* @method _onMouseMove
* @description "mousemove" event handler for the menu.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onMouseMove: function (event) {
var menuNav = this;
// Using a timer to set the value of the "_currentMouseX" property
// helps improve the reliability of the calculation used to set the
// value of the "_movingToSubmenu" property - especially in Opera.
* @method _onMouseOver
* @description "mouseover" event handler for the menu.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onMouseOver: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
if (menuNav._blockMouseEvent) {
menuNav._blockMouseEvent = false;
else {
oMenu[HANDLED_MOUSEOUT] = false;
if (oParentMenu) {
oParentMenu[HANDLED_MOUSEOUT] = true;
oParentMenu[HANDLED_MOUSEOVER] = false;
oMenuLabel[HANDLED_MOUSEOVER] = true;
oMenuLabel[HANDLED_MOUSEOUT] = false;
oMenuItem[HANDLED_MOUSEOVER] = true;
oMenuItem[HANDLED_MOUSEOUT] = false;
* @method _onMouseOut
* @description "mouseout" event handler for the menu.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onMouseOut: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
bMovingToSubmenu = false,
oMenuLabel[HANDLED_MOUSEOUT] = true;
oMenuLabel[HANDLED_MOUSEOVER] = false;
oMenuItem[HANDLED_MOUSEOUT] = true;
oMenuItem[HANDLED_MOUSEOVER] = false;
if (oMenuLabel) {
if (oSubmenu &&
bMovingToSubmenu = true;
* @method _toggleSubmenuDisplay
* @description "mousedown," "keydown," and "click" event handler for the
* menu used to toggle the display of a submenu.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_toggleSubmenuDisplay: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
if (oMenuLabel) {
if (oAnchor) {
// Need to pass "2" as a second argument to "getAttribute" for
// IE otherwise IE will return a fully qualified URL for the
// value of the "href" attribute.
// Prevent the target from getting focused by
// default, since the element to be focused will
// be determined by weather or not the submenu
// is visible.
// For Webkit--By default FocusManager will try
// to focus one of its descendants onMouseDown
// since Webkit doesn't do that by default. Since
// we want to explicitly control where focus is
// going, we need to call
// "stopImmediatePropagation" to stop the
// FocusManager from doing its thing.
// The "_focusItem" method relies on the
// "_hasFocus" property being set to true. The
// "_hasFocus" property is normally set via a
// "focus" event listener, but since we've
// blocked focus from happening, we need to set
// this property manually.
if (hasVisibleSubmenu(oMenuLabel)) {
else {
// Prevent the browser from following the URL of
// the anchor element
* @method _onKeyPress
* @description "keypress" event handler for the menu.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onKeyPress: function (event) {
case 37: // left arrow
case 38: // up arrow
case 39: // right arrow
case 40: // down arrow
// Prevent the browser from scrolling the window
* @method _onKeyDown
* @description "keydown" event handler for the menu.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onKeyDown: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
if (oActiveMenu) {
if (isHorizontalMenu(oActiveMenu)) {
else {
else if (oActiveItem) {
if (isMenuLabel(oActiveItem) &&
if (oSubmenu) {
else {
// This is necessary for Webkit since blurring the
// active menuitem won't result in the document
// gaining focus, meaning the that _onDocFocus
// listener won't clear the active menuitem.
* @method _onDocMouseDown
* @description "mousedown" event handler for the owner document of
* the menu.
* @protected
* @param {Object} event Object representing the DOM event.
_onDocMouseDown: function (event) {
var menuNav = this,
// If the user mouses down on an element that is a descendant
// of the root menu, but is in a submenu not currently being
// managed by the Focus Manager, update the Focus Manager so
// that it is now managing the submenu that is the parent of the
// element that was the target of the mousedown event.
else {
// Document doesn't receive focus in Webkit when the user mouses
// down on it, so the "_hasFocus" property won't get set to the
// correct value. The following line corrects the problem.