matrix-debug.js revision a481f20e9badfbcdb4e41f05d09044f048da85dc
var MatrixUtil = {
* Used as value for the _rounding method.
* @property _rounder
* @private
_rounder: 100000,
* Rounds values
* @method _round
* @private
return val;
* Converts a radian value to a degree.
* @method rad2deg
* @param {Number} rad Radian value to be converted.
* @return Number
return deg;
* Converts a degree value to a radian.
* @method deg2rad
* @param {Number} deg Degree value to be converted to radian.
* @return Number
return rad;
* Converts an angle to a radian
* @method angle2rad
* @param {Objecxt} val Value to be converted to radian.
* @return Number
} else { // default to deg
return val;
* Converts a transform object to an array of column vectors.
* / \
* | matrix[0][0] matrix[1][0] matrix[2][0] |
* | matrix[0][1] matrix[1][1] matrix[2][1] |
* | matrix[0][2] matrix[1][2] matrix[2][2] |
* \ /
* @method getnxn
* @return Array
convertTransformToArray: function(matrix)
var matrixArray = [
[0, 0, 1]
return matrixArray;
* Returns the determinant of a given matrix.
* / \
* | matrix[0][0] matrix[1][0] matrix[2][0] |
* | matrix[0][1] matrix[1][1] matrix[2][1] |
* | matrix[0][2] matrix[1][2] matrix[2][2] |
* | matrix[0][3] matrix[1][3] matrix[2][3] |
* \ /
* @method getDeterminant
* @param {Array} matrix An nxn matrix represented an array of vector (column) arrays. Each vector array has index for each row.
* @return Number
getDeterminant: function(matrix)
var determinant = 0,
i = 0,
if(len == 2)
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(i % 2 === 0 || i === 0)
return determinant;
* Returns the inverse of a matrix
* @method inverse
* @param Array matrix An array representing an nxn matrix
* @return Array
* / \
* | matrix[0][0] matrix[1][0] matrix[2][0] |
* | matrix[0][1] matrix[1][1] matrix[2][1] |
* | matrix[0][2] matrix[1][2] matrix[2][2] |
* | matrix[0][3] matrix[1][3] matrix[2][3] |
* \ /
var determinant = 0,
i = 0,
adjunct = [],
//vector representing 2x2 matrix
minor = [],
if(len === 2)
inverse = [
for(; i < len; ++i)
adjunct[i] = [];
for(j = 0; j < len; ++j)
if((i + j) % 2 !== 0 && (i + j) !== 0)
adjunct[i][j] *= -1;
return inverse;
* Multiplies a matrix by a numeric value.
* @method scalarMultiply
* @param {Array} matrix The matrix to be altered.
* @param {Number} multiplier The number to multiply against the matrix.
* @return Array
var i = 0,
for(; i < len; ++i)
for(j = 0; j < len; ++j)
return matrix;
* Returns the transpose for an nxn matrix.
* @method transpose
* @param matrix An nxn matrix represented by an array of vector arrays.
* @return Array
i = 0,
j = 0,
transpose = [];
for(; i < len; ++i)
transpose[i] = [];
for(j = 0; j < len; ++j)
return transpose;
* Returns a matrix of minors based on a matrix, column index and row index.
* @method getMinors
* @param {Array} matrix The matrix from which to extract the matrix of minors.
* @param {Number} columnIndex A zero-based index representing the specified column to exclude.
* @param {Number} rowIndex A zero-based index represeenting the specified row to exclude.
* @return Array
var minors = [],
i = 0,
for(; i < len; ++i)
if(i !== columnIndex)
column = [];
for(j = 0; j < len; ++j)
if(j !== rowIndex)
return minors;
* Returns the sign of value
* @method sign
* @param {Number} val value to be interpreted
* @return Number
* Multiplies a vector and a matrix
* @method vectorMatrixProduct
* @param {Array} vector Array representing a column vector
* @param {Array} matrix Array representing an nxn matrix
* @return Array
var i,
product = [],
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i)
rowProduct = 0;
for(j = 0; j < len; ++j)
product[i] = rowProduct;
return product;
* Breaks up a 2d transform matrix into a series of transform operations.
* @method decompose
* @param {Array} 3x3 matrix array
* @return Array
if((a * d - b * c) === 0)
return false;
//get length of vector(ab)
//normalize components of vector(ab)
a /= sx;
b /= sx;
c -= a * shear;
d -= b * shear;
//get length of vector(cd)
//normalize components of vector(cd)
c /= sy;
d /= sy;
if(a * b < c * d)
a = -a;
b = -b;
c = -c;
d = -d;
return [
["rotate", rotate],
["skewX", shear],
* Parses a transform string and returns an array of transform arrays.
* @method getTransformArray
* @param {String} val A transform string
* @return Array
getTransformArray: function(transform) {
transforms = [],
else if(m[1] == "matrix")
[0, 0, 1]
return transforms;
* Returns an array of transform arrays representing transform functions and arguments.
* @method getTransformFunctionArray
* @return Array
getTransformFunctionArray: function(transform) {
var list;
case "skew" :
case "scale" :
case "scaleX" :
case "scaleY" :
case "translate" :
default :
return list;
* Compares to arrays or transform functions to ensure both contain the same functions in the same
* order.
* @method compareTransformSequence
* @param {Array} list1 Array to compare
* @param {Array} list2 Array to compare
* @return Boolean
var i = 0,
for(; i < len; ++i)
isEqual = false;
return isEqual;
* Mapping of possible transform method names.
* @property transformMethods
* @type Object
rotate: "rotate",
skew: "skew",
skewX: "skewX",
skewY: "skewY",
translate: "translate",
translateX: "translateX",
translateY: "tranlsateY",
scale: "scale",
scaleX: "scaleX",
scaleY: "scaleY"
Y.MatrixUtil = MatrixUtil;
* Matrix is a class that allows for the manipulation of a transform matrix.
* This class is a work in progress.
* @class Matrix
* @constructor
* Used as value for the _rounding method.
* @property _rounder
* @private
_rounder: 100000,
* Updates the matrix.
* @method multiple
* @param {Number} a
* @param {Number} b
* @param {Number} c
* @param {Number} d
* @param {Number} dx
* @param {Number} dy
var matrix = this,
return this;
* Parses a string and updates the matrix.
* @method applyCSSText
* @param {String} val A css transform string
applyCSSText: function(val) {
if (typeof this[m[1]] === 'function') {
* Parses a string and returns an array of transform arrays.
* @method applyCSSText
* @param {String} val A css transform string
* @return Array
getTransformArray: function(val) {
transforms = [],
if (typeof this[m[1]] === 'function') {
return transforms;
* Default values for the matrix
* @property _defaults
* @private
_defaults: {
a: 1,
b: 0,
c: 0,
d: 1,
dx: 0,
dy: 0
* Rounds values
* @method _round
* @private
return val;
* Initializes a matrix.
* @method init
* @param {Object} config Specified key value pairs for matrix properties. If a property is not explicitly defined in the config argument,
* the default value will be used.
* Applies a scale transform
* @method scale
* @param {Number} val
scale: function(x, y) {
return this;
* Applies a skew transformation.
* @method skew
* @param {Number} x The value to skew on the x-axis.
* @param {Number} y The value to skew on the y-axis.
skew: function(x, y) {
x = x || 0;
y = y || 0;
if (x !== undefined) { // null or undef
if (y !== undefined) { // null or undef
return this;
* Applies a skew to the x-coordinate
* @method skewX
* @param {Number} x x-coordinate
skewX: function(x) {
return this;
* Applies a skew to the y-coordinate
* @method skewY
* @param {Number} y y-coordinate
skewY: function(y) {
this.skew(null, y);
return this;
* Returns a string of text that can be used to populate a the css transform property of an element.
* @method toCSSText
* @return String
toCSSText: function() {
var matrix = this,
text = 'matrix(';
dx += 'px';
dy += 'px';
matrix.b + ',' +
matrix.c + ',' +
matrix.d + ',' +
dx + ',' +
text += ')';
return text;
* Returns a string that can be used to populate the css filter property of an element.
* @method toFilterText
* @return String
toFilterText: function() {
var matrix = this,
text = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(';
'sizingMethod="auto expand")';
text += '';
return text;
* Converts a radian value to a degree.
* @method rad2deg
* @param {Number} rad Radian value to be converted.
* @return Number
return deg;
* Converts a degree value to a radian.
* @method deg2rad
* @param {Number} deg Degree value to be converted to radian.
* @return Number
return rad;
} else { // default to deg
return val;
* Applies a rotate transform.
* @method rotate
* @param {Number} deg The degree of the rotation.
var matrix = [],
return this;
* Applies translate transformation.
* @method translate
* @param {Number} x The value to transate on the x-axis.
* @param {Number} y The value to translate on the y-axis.
translate: function(x, y) {
x = parseFloat(x) || 0;
y = parseFloat(y) || 0;
return this;
* Returns an identity matrix.
* @method identity
* @return Object
identity: function() {
return this;
* Returns a 3x3 Matrix array
* / \
* | matrix[0][0] matrix[1][0] matrix[2][0] |
* | matrix[0][1] matrix[1][1] matrix[2][1] |
* | matrix[0][2] matrix[1][2] matrix[2][2] |
* \ /
* @method getMatrixArray
* @return Array
getMatrixArray: function()
var matrix = this,
matrixArray = [
[0, 0, 1]
return matrixArray;
* Returns the left, top, right and bottom coordinates for a transformed
* item.
* @method getContentRect
* @param {Number} width The width of the item.
* @param {Number} height The height of the item.
* @param {Number} x The x-coordinate of the item.
* @param {Number} y The y-coordinate of the item.
* @return Object
matrix = this,
a = matrix.a,
b = matrix.b,
c = matrix.c,
d = matrix.d,
//[x2, y2]
//[x3, y3]
//[x4, y4]
return {
* Returns the determinant of the matrix.
* @method getDeterminant
* @return Number
getDeterminant: function()
* Returns the inverse (in array form) of the matrix.
* @method inverse
* @return Array
inverse: function()
* Returns the transpose of the matrix
* @method transpose
* @return Array
transpose: function()
* Returns an array of transform commands that represent the matrix.
* @method decompose
* @return Array
decompose: function()