loader-debug.js revision a958fdd529761b111fb3d448b732519434c5d4af
YUI.add('loader-base', function(Y) {
* The YUI loader core
* @module loader
* @submodule loader-base
if (!YUI.Env[Y.version]) {
(function() {
var VERSION = Y.version,
BUILD = '/build/',
CDN_BASE = Y.Env.base,
GALLERY_VERSION = 'gallery-2011.06.08-20-04',
TNT = '2in3',
YUI2_VERSION = '2.9.0',
COMBO_BASE = CDN_BASE + 'combo?',
META = { version: VERSION,
root: ROOT,
base: Y.Env.base,
comboBase: COMBO_BASE,
skin: { defaultSkin: 'sam',
base: 'assets/skins/',
path: 'skin.css',
after: ['cssreset',
groups: {},
patterns: {} },
groups = META.groups,
yui2Update = function(tnt, yui2) {
var root = TNT + '.' +
(tnt || TNT_VERSION) + '/' +
(yui2 || YUI2_VERSION) + BUILD;
groups.yui2.base = CDN_BASE + root;
groups.yui2.root = root;
galleryUpdate = function(tag) {
var root = (tag || GALLERY_VERSION) + BUILD;
groups.gallery.base = CDN_BASE + root;
groups.gallery.root = root;
groups[VERSION] = {};
groups.gallery = {
ext: false,
combine: true,
comboBase: COMBO_BASE,
update: galleryUpdate,
patterns: { 'gallery-': { },
'lang/gallery-': {},
'gallerycss-': { type: 'css' } }
groups.yui2 = {
combine: true,
ext: false,
comboBase: COMBO_BASE,
update: yui2Update,
patterns: {
'yui2-': {
configFn: function(me) {
if (/-skin|reset|fonts|grids|base/.test(me.name)) {
me.type = 'css';
me.path = me.path.replace(/\.js/, '.css');
// this makes skins in builds earlier than
// 2.6.0 work as long as combine is false
me.path = me.path.replace(/\/yui2-skin/,
* Loader dynamically loads script and css files. It includes the dependency
* info for the version of the library in use, and will automatically pull in
* dependencies for the modules requested. It supports rollup files and will
* automatically use these when appropriate in order to minimize the number of
* http connections required to load all of the dependencies. It can load the
* files from the Yahoo! CDN, and it can utilize the combo service provided on
* this network to reduce the number of http connections required to download
* YUI files.
* @module loader
* @submodule loader-base
var NOT_FOUND = {},
MAX_URL_LENGTH = (Y.UA.ie) ? 2048 : 8192,
CSS = 'css',
JS = 'js',
INTL = 'intl',
VERSION = Y.version,
YObject = Y.Object,
oeach = YObject.each,
YArray = Y.Array,
_queue = GLOBAL_ENV._loaderQueue,
SKIN_PREFIX = 'skin-',
L = Y.Lang,
_path = function(dir, file, type, nomin) {
var path = dir + '/' + file;
if (!nomin) {
path += '-min';
path += '.' + (type || CSS);
return path;
* The component metadata is stored in Y.Env.meta.
* Part of the loader module.
* @property Env.meta
* @for YUI
Y.Env.meta = META;
* Loader dynamically loads script and css files. It includes the dependency
* info for the version of the library in use, and will automatically pull in
* dependencies for the modules requested. It supports rollup files and will
* automatically use these when appropriate in order to minimize the number of
* http connections required to load all of the dependencies. It can load the
* files from the Yahoo! CDN, and it can utilize the combo service provided on
* this network to reduce the number of http connections required to download
* YUI files.
* While the loader can be instantiated by the end user, it normally is not.
* @see YUI.use for the normal use case. The use function automatically will
* pull in missing dependencies.
* @constructor
* @class Loader
* @param {object} o an optional set of configuration options. Valid options:
* <ul>
* <li>base:
* The base dir</li>
* <li>comboBase:
* The YUI combo service base dir. Ex: http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?</li>
* <li>root:
* The root path to prepend to module names for the combo service.
* Ex: 2.5.2/build/</li>
* <li>filter:.
* A filter to apply to result urls. This filter will modify the default
* path for all modules. The default path for the YUI library is the
* minified version of the files (e.g., event-min.js). The filter property
* can be a predefined filter or a custom filter. The valid predefined
* filters are:
* <dl>
* <dt>DEBUG</dt>
* <dd>Selects the debug versions of the library (e.g., event-debug.js).
* This option will automatically include the Logger widget</dd>
* <dt>RAW</dt>
* <dd>Selects the non-minified version of the library (e.g., event.js).
* </dd>
* </dl>
* You can also define a custom filter, which must be an object literal
* containing a search expression and a replace string:
* <pre>
* myFilter: &#123;
* 'searchExp': "-min\\.js",
* 'replaceStr': "-debug.js"
* &#125;
* </pre>
* </li>
* <li>filters: per-component filter specification. If specified
* for a given component, this overrides the filter config</li>
* <li>combine:
* Use the YUI combo service to reduce the number of http connections
* required to load your dependencies</li>
* <li>ignore:
* A list of modules that should never be dynamically loaded</li>
* <li>force:
* A list of modules that should always be loaded when required, even if
* already present on the page</li>
* <li>insertBefore:
* Node or id for a node that should be used as the insertion point for
* new nodes</li>
* <li>charset:
* charset for dynamic nodes (deprecated, use jsAttributes or cssAttributes)
* </li>
* <li>jsAttributes: object literal containing attributes to add to script
* nodes</li>
* <li>cssAttributes: object literal containing attributes to add to link
* nodes</li>
* <li>timeout:
* The number of milliseconds before a timeout occurs when dynamically
* loading nodes. If not set, there is no timeout</li>
* <li>context:
* execution context for all callbacks</li>
* <li>onSuccess:
* callback for the 'success' event</li>
* <li>onFailure: callback for the 'failure' event</li>
* <li>onCSS: callback for the 'CSSComplete' event. When loading YUI
* components with CSS the CSS is loaded first, then the script. This
* provides a moment you can tie into to improve
* the presentation of the page while the script is loading.</li>
* <li>onTimeout:
* callback for the 'timeout' event</li>
* <li>onProgress:
* callback executed each time a script or css file is loaded</li>
* <li>modules:
* A list of module definitions. See Loader.addModule for the supported
* module metadata</li>
* <li>groups:
* A list of group definitions. Each group can contain specific definitions
* for base, comboBase, combine, and accepts a list of modules. See above
* for the description of these properties.</li>
* <li>2in3: the version of the YUI 2 in 3 wrapper to use. The intrinsic
* support for YUI 2 modules in YUI 3 relies on versions of the YUI 2
* components inside YUI 3 module wrappers. These wrappers
* change over time to accomodate the issues that arise from running YUI 2
* in a YUI 3 sandbox.</li>
* <li>yui2: when using the 2in3 project, you can select the version of
* YUI 2 to use. Valid values * are 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.4.1, 2.5.2, 2.6.0,
* 2.7.0, 2.8.0, and 2.8.1 [default] -- plus all versions of YUI 2
* going forward.</li>
* </ul>
Y.Loader = function(o) {
var defaults = META.modules,
self = this;
modulekey = META.md5;
* Internal callback to handle multiple internal insert() calls
* so that css is inserted prior to js
* @property _internalCallback
* @private
// self._internalCallback = null;
* Callback that will be executed when the loader is finished
* with an insert
* @method onSuccess
* @type function
// self.onSuccess = null;
* Callback that will be executed if there is a failure
* @method onFailure
* @type function
// self.onFailure = null;
* Callback for the 'CSSComplete' event. When loading YUI components
* with CSS the CSS is loaded first, then the script. This provides
* a moment you can tie into to improve the presentation of the page
* while the script is loading.
* @method onCSS
* @type function
// self.onCSS = null;
* Callback executed each time a script or css file is loaded
* @method onProgress
* @type function
// self.onProgress = null;
* Callback that will be executed if a timeout occurs
* @method onTimeout
* @type function
// self.onTimeout = null;
* The execution context for all callbacks
* @property context
* @default {YUI} the YUI instance
self.context = Y;
* Data that is passed to all callbacks
* @property data
// self.data = null;
* Node reference or id where new nodes should be inserted before
* @property insertBefore
* @type string|HTMLElement
// self.insertBefore = null;
* The charset attribute for inserted nodes
* @property charset
* @type string
* @deprecated , use cssAttributes or jsAttributes.
// self.charset = null;
* An object literal containing attributes to add to link nodes
* @property cssAttributes
* @type object
// self.cssAttributes = null;
* An object literal containing attributes to add to script nodes
* @property jsAttributes
* @type object
// self.jsAttributes = null;
* The base directory.
* @property base
* @type string
* @default http://yui.yahooapis.com/[YUI VERSION]/build/
self.base = Y.Env.meta.base;
* Base path for the combo service
* @property comboBase
* @type string
* @default http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?
self.comboBase = Y.Env.meta.comboBase;
* Base path for language packs.
// self.langBase = Y.Env.meta.langBase;
// self.lang = "";
* If configured, the loader will attempt to use the combo
* service for YUI resources and configured external resources.
* @property combine
* @type boolean
* @default true if a base dir isn't in the config
self.combine = o.base &&
(o.base.indexOf(self.comboBase.substr(0, 20)) > -1);
* Max url length for combo urls. The default is 2048 for
* internet explorer, and 8192 otherwise. This is the URL
* limit for the Yahoo! hosted combo servers. If consuming
* a different combo service that has a different URL limit
* it is possible to override this default by supplying
* the maxURLLength config option. The config option will
* only take effect if lower than the default.
* Browsers:
* IE: 2048
* Other A-Grade Browsers: Higher that what is typically supported
* 'capable' mobile browsers:
* Servers:
* Apache: 8192
* @property maxURLLength
* @type int
self.maxURLLength = MAX_URL_LENGTH;
* Ignore modules registered on the YUI global
* @property ignoreRegistered
* @default false
// self.ignoreRegistered = false;
* Root path to prepend to module path for the combo
* service
* @property root
* @type string
* @default [YUI VERSION]/build/
self.root = Y.Env.meta.root;
* Timeout value in milliseconds. If set, self value will be used by
* the get utility. the timeout event will fire if
* a timeout occurs.
* @property timeout
* @type int
self.timeout = 0;
* A list of modules that should not be loaded, even if
* they turn up in the dependency tree
* @property ignore
* @type string[]
// self.ignore = null;
* A list of modules that should always be loaded, even
* if they have already been inserted into the page.
* @property force
* @type string[]
// self.force = null;
self.forceMap = {};
* Should we allow rollups
* @property allowRollup
* @type boolean
* @default false
self.allowRollup = false;
* A filter to apply to result urls. This filter will modify the default
* path for all modules. The default path for the YUI library is the
* minified version of the files (e.g., event-min.js). The filter property
* can be a predefined filter or a custom filter. The valid predefined
* filters are:
* <dl>
* <dt>DEBUG</dt>
* <dd>Selects the debug versions of the library (e.g., event-debug.js).
* This option will automatically include the Logger widget</dd>
* <dt>RAW</dt>
* <dd>Selects the non-minified version of the library (e.g., event.js).
* </dd>
* </dl>
* You can also define a custom filter, which must be an object literal
* containing a search expression and a replace string:
* <pre>
* myFilter: &#123;
* 'searchExp': "-min\\.js",
* 'replaceStr': "-debug.js"
* &#125;
* </pre>
* @property filter
* @type string| {searchExp: string, replaceStr: string}
// self.filter = null;
* per-component filter specification. If specified for a given
* component, this overrides the filter config.
* @property filters
* @type object
self.filters = {};
* The list of requested modules
* @property required
* @type {string: boolean}
self.required = {};
* If a module name is predefined when requested, it is checked againsts
* the patterns provided in this property. If there is a match, the
* module is added with the default configuration.
* At the moment only supporting module prefixes, but anticipate
* supporting at least regular expressions.
* @property patterns
* @type Object
// self.patterns = Y.merge(Y.Env.meta.patterns);
self.patterns = {};
* The library metadata
* @property moduleInfo
// self.moduleInfo = Y.merge(Y.Env.meta.moduleInfo);
self.moduleInfo = {};
self.groups = Y.merge(Y.Env.meta.groups);
* Provides the information used to skin the skinnable components.
* The following skin definition would result in 'skin1' and 'skin2'
* being loaded for calendar (if calendar was requested), and
* 'sam' for all other skinnable components:
* <code>
* skin: {
* // The default skin, which is automatically applied if not
* // overriden by a component-specific skin definition.
* // Change this in to apply a different skin globally
* defaultSkin: 'sam',
* // This is combined with the loader base property to get
* // the default root directory for a skin. ex:
* // http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.3.0/build/assets/skins/sam/
* base: 'assets/skins/',
* // Any component-specific overrides can be specified here,
* // making it possible to load different skins for different
* // components. It is possible to load more than one skin
* // for a given component as well.
* overrides: {
* calendar: ['skin1', 'skin2']
* }
* }
* </code>
* @property skin
self.skin = Y.merge(Y.Env.meta.skin);
* Map of conditional modules
* @since 3.2.0
self.conditions = {};
// map of modules with a hash of modules that meet the requirement
// self.provides = {};
self.config = o;
self._internal = true;
cache = GLOBAL_ENV._renderedMods;
if (cache) {
oeach(cache, function modCache(v, k) {
//self.moduleInfo[k] = Y.merge(v);
self.moduleInfo[k] = v;
cache = GLOBAL_ENV._conditions;
oeach(cache, function condCache(v, k) {
//self.conditions[k] = Y.merge(v);
self.conditions[k] = v;
} else {
oeach(defaults, self.addModule, self);
if (!GLOBAL_ENV._renderedMods) {
//GLOBAL_ENV._renderedMods = Y.merge(self.moduleInfo);
//GLOBAL_ENV._conditions = Y.merge(self.conditions);
GLOBAL_ENV._renderedMods = self.moduleInfo;
GLOBAL_ENV._conditions = self.conditions;
self._internal = false;
self.testresults = null;
if (Y.config.tests) {
self.testresults = Y.config.tests;
* List of rollup files found in the library metadata
* @property rollups
// self.rollups = null;
* Whether or not to load optional dependencies for
* the requested modules
* @property loadOptional
* @type boolean
* @default false
// self.loadOptional = false;
* All of the derived dependencies in sorted order, which
* will be populated when either calculate() or insert()
* is called
* @property sorted
* @type string[]
self.sorted = [];
* Set when beginning to compute the dependency tree.
* Composed of what YUI reports to be loaded combined
* with what has been loaded by any instance on the page
* with the version number specified in the metadata.
* @property loaded
* @type {string: boolean}
* A list of modules to attach to the YUI instance when complete.
* If not supplied, the sorted list of dependencies are applied.
* @property attaching
// self.attaching = null;
* Flag to indicate the dependency tree needs to be recomputed
* if insert is called again.
* @property dirty
* @type boolean
* @default true
self.dirty = true;
* List of modules inserted by the utility
* @property inserted
* @type {string: boolean}
self.inserted = {};
* List of skipped modules during insert() because the module
* was not defined
* @property skipped
self.skipped = {};
// Y.on('yui:load', self.loadNext, self);
self.tested = {};
* Cached sorted calculate results
* @property results
* @since 3.2.0
//self.results = {};
Y.Loader.prototype = {
RAW: {
'searchExp': '-min\\.js',
'replaceStr': '.js'
'searchExp': '-min\\.js',
'replaceStr': '-debug.js'
_inspectPage: function() {
oeach(ON_PAGE, function(v, k) {
if (v.details) {
var m = this.moduleInfo[k],
req = v.details.requires,
mr = m && m.requires;
if (m) {
if (!m._inspected && req && mr.length != req.length) {
// console.log('deleting ' + m.name);
// m.requres = YObject.keys(Y.merge(YArray.hash(req), YArray.hash(mr)));
delete m.expanded;
// delete m.expanded_map;
} else {
m = this.addModule(v.details, k);
m._inspected = true;
}, this);
// returns true if b is not loaded, and is required
// directly or by means of modules it supersedes.
_requires: function(mod1, mod2) {
var i, rm, after_map, s,
info = this.moduleInfo,
m = info[mod1],
other = info[mod2];
if (!m || !other) {
return false;
rm = m.expanded_map;
after_map = m.after_map;
// check if this module should be sorted after the other
// do this first to short circut circular deps
if (after_map && (mod2 in after_map)) {
return true;
after_map = other.after_map;
// and vis-versa
if (after_map && (mod1 in after_map)) {
return false;
// check if this module requires one the other supersedes
s = info[mod2] && info[mod2].supersedes;
if (s) {
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (this._requires(mod1, s[i])) {
return true;
s = info[mod1] && info[mod1].supersedes;
if (s) {
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (this._requires(mod2, s[i])) {
return false;
// check if this module requires the other directly
// if (r && YArray.indexOf(r, mod2) > -1) {
if (rm && (mod2 in rm)) {
return true;
// external css files should be sorted below yui css
if (m.ext && m.type == CSS && !other.ext && other.type == CSS) {
return true;
return false;
_config: function(o) {
var i, j, val, f, group, groupName, self = this;
// apply config values
if (o) {
for (i in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
val = o[i];
if (i == 'require') {
} else if (i == 'skin') {
Y.mix(self.skin, o[i], true);
} else if (i == 'groups') {
for (j in val) {
if (val.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
// Y.log('group: ' + j);
groupName = j;
group = val[j];
self.addGroup(group, groupName);
} else if (i == 'modules') {
// add a hash of module definitions
oeach(val, self.addModule, self);
} else if (i == 'gallery') {
} else if (i == 'yui2' || i == '2in3') {
this.groups.yui2.update(o['2in3'], o.yui2);
} else if (i == 'maxURLLength') {
self[i] = Math.min(MAX_URL_LENGTH, val);
} else {
self[i] = val;
// fix filter
f = self.filter;
if (L.isString(f)) {
f = f.toUpperCase();
self.filterName = f;
self.filter = self.FILTER_DEFS[f];
if (f == 'DEBUG') {
self.require('yui-log', 'dump');
if (self.lang) {
self.require('intl-base', 'intl');
* Returns the skin module name for the specified skin name. If a
* module name is supplied, the returned skin module name is
* specific to the module passed in.
* @method formatSkin
* @param {string} skin the name of the skin.
* @param {string} mod optional: the name of a module to skin.
* @return {string} the full skin module name.
formatSkin: function(skin, mod) {
var s = SKIN_PREFIX + skin;
if (mod) {
s = s + '-' + mod;
return s;
* Adds the skin def to the module info
* @method _addSkin
* @param {string} skin the name of the skin.
* @param {string} mod the name of the module.
* @param {string} parent parent module if this is a skin of a
* submodule or plugin.
* @return {string} the module name for the skin.
* @private
_addSkin: function(skin, mod, parent) {
var mdef, pkg, name, nmod,
info = this.moduleInfo,
sinf = this.skin,
ext = info[mod] && info[mod].ext;
// Add a module definition for the module-specific skin css
if (mod) {
name = this.formatSkin(skin, mod);
if (!info[name]) {
mdef = info[mod];
pkg = mdef.pkg || mod;
nmod = {
name: name,
group: mdef.group,
type: 'css',
after: sinf.after,
path: (parent || pkg) + '/' + sinf.base + skin +
'/' + mod + '.css',
ext: ext
if (mdef.base) {
nmod.base = mdef.base;
if (mdef.configFn) {
nmod.configFn = mdef.configFn;
this.addModule(nmod, name);
Y.log('adding skin ' + name + ', ' + parent + ', ' + pkg + ', ' + info[name].path);
return name;
* Add a new module group
* <dl>
* <dt>name:</dt> <dd>required, the group name</dd>
* <dt>base:</dt> <dd>The base dir for this module group</dd>
* <dt>root:</dt> <dd>The root path to add to each combo
* resource path</dd>
* <dt>combine:</dt> <dd>combo handle</dd>
* <dt>comboBase:</dt> <dd>combo service base path</dd>
* <dt>modules:</dt> <dd>the group of modules</dd>
* </dl>
* @method addGroup
* @param {object} o An object containing the module data.
* @param {string} name the group name.
addGroup: function(o, name) {
var mods = o.modules,
self = this;
name = name || o.name;
o.name = name;
self.groups[name] = o;
if (o.patterns) {
oeach(o.patterns, function(v, k) {
v.group = name;
self.patterns[k] = v;
if (mods) {
oeach(mods, function(v, k) {
v.group = name;
self.addModule(v, k);
}, self);
* Add a new module to the component metadata.
* <dl>
* <dt>name:</dt> <dd>required, the component name</dd>
* <dt>type:</dt> <dd>required, the component type (js or css)
* </dd>
* <dt>path:</dt> <dd>required, the path to the script from
* "base"</dd>
* <dt>requires:</dt> <dd>array of modules required by this
* component</dd>
* <dt>optional:</dt> <dd>array of optional modules for this
* component</dd>
* <dt>supersedes:</dt> <dd>array of the modules this component
* replaces</dd>
* <dt>after:</dt> <dd>array of modules the components which, if
* present, should be sorted above this one</dd>
* <dt>after_map:</dt> <dd>faster alternative to 'after' -- supply
* a hash instead of an array</dd>
* <dt>rollup:</dt> <dd>the number of superseded modules required
* for automatic rollup</dd>
* <dt>fullpath:</dt> <dd>If fullpath is specified, this is used
* instead of the configured base + path</dd>
* <dt>skinnable:</dt> <dd>flag to determine if skin assets should
* automatically be pulled in</dd>
* <dt>submodules:</dt> <dd>a hash of submodules</dd>
* <dt>group:</dt> <dd>The group the module belongs to -- this
* is set automatically when it is added as part of a group
* configuration.</dd>
* <dt>lang:</dt>
* <dd>array of BCP 47 language tags of languages for which this
* module has localized resource bundles,
* e.g., ["en-GB","zh-Hans-CN"]</dd>
* <dt>condition:</dt>
* <dd>Specifies that the module should be loaded automatically if
* a condition is met. This is an object with up to three fields:
* [trigger] - the name of a module that can trigger the auto-load
* [test] - a function that returns true when the module is to be
* loaded.
* [when] - specifies the load order of the conditional module
* with regard to the position of the trigger module.
* This should be one of three values: 'before', 'after', or
* 'instead'. The default is 'after'.
* </dd>
* <dt>testresults:</dt><dd>a hash of test results from Y.Features.all()</dd>
* </dl>
* @method addModule
* @param {object} o An object containing the module data.
* @param {string} name the module name (optional), required if not
* in the module data.
* @return {object} the module definition or null if
* the object passed in did not provide all required attributes.
addModule: function(o, name) {
name = name || o.name;
if (this.moduleInfo[name]) {
//This catches temp modules loaded via a pattern
// The module will be added twice, once from the pattern and
// Once from the actual add call, this ensures that properties
// that were added to the module the first time around (group: gallery)
// are also added the second time around too.
o = Y.merge(this.moduleInfo[name], o);
o.name = name;
if (!o || !o.name) {
return null;
if (!o.type) {
o.type = JS;
if (!o.path && !o.fullpath) {
o.path = _path(name, name, o.type);
o.supersedes = o.supersedes || o.use;
o.ext = ('ext' in o) ? o.ext : (this._internal) ? false : true;
o.requires = this.filterRequires(o.requires) || [];
// Handle submodule logic
var subs = o.submodules, i, l, sup, s, smod, plugins, plug,
j, langs, packName, supName, flatSup, flatLang, lang, ret,
overrides, skinname, when,
conditions = this.conditions, trigger;
// , existing = this.moduleInfo[name], newr;
this.moduleInfo[name] = o;
if (!o.langPack && o.lang) {
langs = YArray(o.lang);
for (j = 0; j < langs.length; j++) {
lang = langs[j];
packName = this.getLangPackName(lang, name);
smod = this.moduleInfo[packName];
if (!smod) {
smod = this._addLangPack(lang, o, packName);
if (subs) {
sup = o.supersedes || [];
l = 0;
for (i in subs) {
if (subs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
s = subs[i];
s.path = s.path || _path(name, i, o.type);
s.pkg = name;
s.group = o.group;
if (s.supersedes) {
sup = sup.concat(s.supersedes);
smod = this.addModule(s, i);
if (smod.skinnable) {
o.skinnable = true;
overrides = this.skin.overrides;
if (overrides && overrides[i]) {
for (j = 0; j < overrides[i].length; j++) {
skinname = this._addSkin(overrides[i][j],
i, name);
skinname = this._addSkin(this.skin.defaultSkin,
i, name);
// looks like we are expected to work out the metadata
// for the parent module language packs from what is
// specified in the child modules.
if (s.lang && s.lang.length) {
langs = YArray(s.lang);
for (j = 0; j < langs.length; j++) {
lang = langs[j];
packName = this.getLangPackName(lang, name);
supName = this.getLangPackName(lang, i);
smod = this.moduleInfo[packName];
if (!smod) {
smod = this._addLangPack(lang, o, packName);
flatSup = flatSup || YArray.hash(smod.supersedes);
if (!(supName in flatSup)) {
o.lang = o.lang || [];
flatLang = flatLang || YArray.hash(o.lang);
if (!(lang in flatLang)) {
// Y.log('pack ' + packName + ' should supersede ' + supName);
// Add rollup file, need to add to supersedes list too
// default packages
packName = this.getLangPackName(ROOT_LANG, name);
supName = this.getLangPackName(ROOT_LANG, i);
smod = this.moduleInfo[packName];
if (!smod) {
smod = this._addLangPack(lang, o, packName);
if (!(supName in flatSup)) {
// Y.log('pack ' + packName + ' should supersede ' + supName);
// Add rollup file, need to add to supersedes list too
//o.supersedes = YObject.keys(YArray.hash(sup));
o.supersedes = YArray.dedupe(sup);
if (this.allowRollup) {
o.rollup = (l < 4) ? l : Math.min(l - 1, 4);
plugins = o.plugins;
if (plugins) {
for (i in plugins) {
if (plugins.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
plug = plugins[i];
plug.pkg = name;
plug.path = plug.path || _path(name, i, o.type);
plug.requires = plug.requires || [];
plug.group = o.group;
this.addModule(plug, i);
if (o.skinnable) {
this._addSkin(this.skin.defaultSkin, i, name);
if (o.condition) {
trigger = o.condition.trigger;
when = o.condition.when;
conditions[trigger] = conditions[trigger] || {};
conditions[trigger][name] = o.condition;
// the 'when' attribute can be 'before', 'after', or 'instead'
// the default is after.
if (when && when != 'after') {
if (when == 'instead') { // replace the trigger
o.supersedes = o.supersedes || [];
} else { // before the trigger
// the trigger requires the conditional mod,
// so it should appear before the conditional
// mod if we do not intersede.
} else { // after the trigger
o.after = o.after || [];
if (o.after) {
o.after_map = YArray.hash(o.after);
// this.dirty = true;
if (o.configFn) {
ret = o.configFn(o);
if (ret === false) {
delete this.moduleInfo[name];
o = null;
return o;
* Add a requirement for one or more module
* @method require
* @param {string[] | string*} what the modules to load.
require: function(what) {
var a = (typeof what === 'string') ? YArray(arguments) : what;
this.dirty = true;
this.required = Y.merge(this.required, YArray.hash(this.filterRequires(a)));
* Grab all the items that were asked for, check to see if the Loader
* meta-data contains a "use" array. If it doesm remove the asked item and replace it with
* the content of the "use".
* This will make asking for: "dd"
* Actually ask for: "dd-ddm-base,dd-ddm,dd-ddm-drop,dd-drag,dd-proxy,dd-constrain,dd-drop,dd-scroll,dd-drop-plugin"
* @private
* @method _explodeRollups
_explodeRollups: function() {
var self = this, m,
r = self.required;
if (!self.allowRollup) {
oeach(r, function(v, name) {
m = self.getModule(name);
if (m && m.use) {
//delete r[name];
YArray.each(m.use, function(v) {
m = self.getModule(v);
if (m && m.use) {
//delete r[v];
YArray.each(m.use, function(v) {
r[v] = true;
} else {
r[v] = true;
self.required = r;
filterRequires: function(r) {
if (r) {
if (!Y.Lang.isArray(r)) {
r = [r];
r = Y.Array(r);
var c = [];
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
var mod = this.getModule(r[i]);
if (mod && mod.use) {
for (var o = 0; o < mod.use.length; o++) {
} else {
r = c;
return r;
* Returns an object containing properties for all modules required
* in order to load the requested module
* @method getRequires
* @param {object} mod The module definition from moduleInfo.
* @return {array} the expanded requirement list.
getRequires: function(mod) {
if (!mod || mod._parsed) {
// Y.log('returning no reqs for ' + mod.name);
var i, m, j, add, packName, lang, testresults = this.testresults,
name = mod.name, cond, go,
adddef = ON_PAGE[name] && ON_PAGE[name].details,
d, k, m1,
r, old_mod,
o, skinmod, skindef,
intl = mod.lang || mod.intl,
info = this.moduleInfo,
ftests = Y.Features && Y.Features.tests.load,
// console.log(name);
// pattern match leaves module stub that needs to be filled out
if (mod.temp && adddef) {
old_mod = mod;
mod = this.addModule(adddef, name);
mod.group = old_mod.group;
mod.pkg = old_mod.pkg;
delete mod.expanded;
// console.log('cache: ' + mod.langCache + ' == ' + this.lang);
// if (mod.expanded && (!mod.langCache || mod.langCache == this.lang)) {
if (mod.expanded && (!this.lang || mod.langCache === this.lang)) {
//Y.log('Already expanded ' + name + ', ' + mod.expanded);
return mod.expanded;
d = [];
hash = {};
r = this.filterRequires(mod.requires);
if (mod.lang) {
//If a module has a lang attribute, auto add the intl requirement.
intl = true;
o = mod.optional;
// Y.log("getRequires: " + name + " (dirty:" + this.dirty +
// ", expanded:" + mod.expanded + ")");
mod._parsed = true;
mod.langCache = this.lang;
for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
//Y.log(name + ' requiring ' + r[i], 'info', 'loader');
if (!hash[r[i]]) {
hash[r[i]] = true;
m = this.getModule(r[i]);
if (m) {
add = this.getRequires(m);
intl = intl || (m.expanded_map &&
(INTL in m.expanded_map));
for (j = 0; j < add.length; j++) {
// get the requirements from superseded modules, if any
r = mod.supersedes;
if (r) {
for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
if (!hash[r[i]]) {
// if this module has submodules, the requirements list is
// expanded to include the submodules. This is so we can
// prevent dups when a submodule is already loaded and the
// parent is requested.
if (mod.submodules) {
hash[r[i]] = true;
m = this.getModule(r[i]);
if (m) {
add = this.getRequires(m);
intl = intl || (m.expanded_map &&
(INTL in m.expanded_map));
for (j = 0; j < add.length; j++) {
if (o && this.loadOptional) {
for (i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
if (!hash[o[i]]) {
hash[o[i]] = true;
m = info[o[i]];
if (m) {
add = this.getRequires(m);
intl = intl || (m.expanded_map &&
(INTL in m.expanded_map));
for (j = 0; j < add.length; j++) {
cond = this.conditions[name];
if (cond) {
if (testresults && ftests) {
oeach(testresults, function(result, id) {
var condmod = ftests[id].name;
if (!hash[condmod] && ftests[id].trigger == name) {
if (result && ftests[id]) {
hash[condmod] = true;
} else {
oeach(cond, function(def, condmod) {
if (!hash[condmod]) {
go = def && ((def.ua && Y.UA[def.ua]) ||
(def.test && def.test(Y, r)));
if (go) {
hash[condmod] = true;
m = this.getModule(condmod);
// Y.log('conditional', m);
if (m) {
add = this.getRequires(m);
for (j = 0; j < add.length; j++) {
}, this);
// Create skin modules
if (mod.skinnable) {
skindef = this.skin.overrides;
if (skindef && skindef[name]) {
for (i = 0; i < skindef[name].length; i++) {
skinmod = this._addSkin(skindef[name][i], name);
} else {
skinmod = this._addSkin(this.skin.defaultSkin, name);
mod._parsed = false;
if (intl) {
if (mod.lang && !mod.langPack && Y.Intl) {
lang = Y.Intl.lookupBestLang(this.lang || ROOT_LANG, mod.lang);
//Y.log('Best lang: ' + lang + ', this.lang: ' + this.lang + ', mod.lang: ' + mod.lang);
packName = this.getLangPackName(lang, name);
if (packName) {
mod.expanded_map = YArray.hash(d);
mod.expanded = YObject.keys(mod.expanded_map);
return mod.expanded;
* Returns a hash of module names the supplied module satisfies.
* @method getProvides
* @param {string} name The name of the module.
* @return {object} what this module provides.
getProvides: function(name) {
var m = this.getModule(name), o, s;
// supmap = this.provides;
if (!m) {
return NOT_FOUND;
if (m && !m.provides) {
o = {};
s = m.supersedes;
if (s) {
YArray.each(s, function(v) {
Y.mix(o, this.getProvides(v));
}, this);
o[name] = true;
m.provides = o;
return m.provides;
* Calculates the dependency tree, the result is stored in the sorted
* property.
* @method calculate
* @param {object} o optional options object.
* @param {string} type optional argument to prune modules.
calculate: function(o, type) {
if (o || type || this.dirty) {
if (o) {
if (!this._init) {
if (this.allowRollup) {
} else {
_addLangPack: function(lang, m, packName) {
var name = m.name,
existing = this.moduleInfo[packName];
if (!existing) {
packPath = _path((m.pkg || name), packName, JS, true);
this.addModule({ path: packPath,
intl: true,
langPack: true,
ext: m.ext,
group: m.group,
supersedes: [] }, packName);
if (lang) {
Y.Env.lang = Y.Env.lang || {};
Y.Env.lang[lang] = Y.Env.lang[lang] || {};
Y.Env.lang[lang][name] = true;
return this.moduleInfo[packName];
* Investigates the current YUI configuration on the page. By default,
* modules already detected will not be loaded again unless a force
* option is encountered. Called by calculate()
* @method _setup
* @private
_setup: function() {
var info = this.moduleInfo, name, i, j, m, l,
for (name in info) {
if (info.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
m = info[name];
if (m) {
// remove dups
//m.requires = YObject.keys(YArray.hash(m.requires));
m.requires = YArray.dedupe(m.requires);
// Create lang pack modules
if (m.lang && m.lang.length) {
// Setup root package if the module has lang defined,
// it needs to provide a root language pack
packName = this.getLangPackName(ROOT_LANG, name);
this._addLangPack(null, m, packName);
//l = Y.merge(this.inserted);
l = {};
// available modules
if (!this.ignoreRegistered) {
Y.mix(l, GLOBAL_ENV.mods);
// add the ignore list to the list of loaded packages
if (this.ignore) {
Y.mix(l, YArray.hash(this.ignore));
// expand the list to include superseded modules
for (j in l) {
if (l.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
Y.mix(l, this.getProvides(j));
// remove modules on the force list from the loaded list
if (this.force) {
for (i = 0; i < this.force.length; i++) {
if (this.force[i] in l) {
delete l[this.force[i]];
Y.mix(this.loaded, l);
this._init = true;
* Builds a module name for a language pack
* @method getLangPackName
* @param {string} lang the language code.
* @param {string} mname the module to build it for.
* @return {string} the language pack module name.
getLangPackName: function(lang, mname) {
return ('lang/' + mname + ((lang) ? '_' + lang : ''));
* Inspects the required modules list looking for additional
* dependencies. Expands the required list to include all
* required modules. Called by calculate()
* @method _explode
* @private
_explode: function() {
var r = this.required, m, reqs, done = {},
self = this;
// the setup phase is over, all modules have been created
self.dirty = false;
r = self.required;
oeach(r, function(v, name) {
if (!done[name]) {
done[name] = true;
m = self.getModule(name);
if (m) {
var expound = m.expound;
if (expound) {
r[expound] = self.getModule(expound);
reqs = self.getRequires(r[expound]);
Y.mix(r, YArray.hash(reqs));
reqs = self.getRequires(m);
Y.mix(r, YArray.hash(reqs));
// Y.log('After explode: ' + YObject.keys(r));
getModule: function(mname) {
//TODO: Remove name check - it's a quick hack to fix pattern WIP
if (!mname) {
return null;
var p, found, pname,
m = this.moduleInfo[mname],
patterns = this.patterns;
// check the patterns library to see if we should automatically add
// the module with defaults
if (!m) {
// Y.log('testing patterns ' + YObject.keys(patterns));
for (pname in patterns) {
if (patterns.hasOwnProperty(pname)) {
// Y.log('testing pattern ' + i);
p = patterns[pname];
// use the metadata supplied for the pattern
// as the module definition.
if (mname.indexOf(pname) > -1) {
found = p;
if (found) {
if (p.action) {
// Y.log('executing pattern action: ' + pname);
p.action.call(this, mname, pname);
} else {
Y.log('Undefined module: ' + mname + ', matched a pattern: ' +
pname, 'info', 'loader');
// ext true or false?
//m = this.addModule(Y.merge(found), mname);
m = this.addModule(found, mname);
m.temp = true;
return m;
// impl in rollup submodule
_rollup: function() { },
* Remove superceded modules and loaded modules. Called by
* calculate() after we have the mega list of all dependencies
* @method _reduce
* @return {object} the reduced dependency hash.
* @private
_reduce: function(r) {
r = r || this.required;
var i, j, s, m, type = this.loadType;
for (i in r) {
if (r.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
m = this.getModule(i);
// remove if already loaded
if (((this.loaded[i] || ON_PAGE[i]) &&
!this.forceMap[i] && !this.ignoreRegistered) ||
(type && m && m.type != type)) {
delete r[i];
// remove anything this module supersedes
s = m && m.supersedes;
if (s) {
for (j = 0; j < s.length; j++) {
if (s[j] in r) {
delete r[s[j]];
return r;
_finish: function(msg, success) {
Y.log('loader finishing: ' + msg + ', ' + Y.id + ', ' +
this.data, 'info', 'loader');
_queue.running = false;
var onEnd = this.onEnd;
if (onEnd) {
onEnd.call(this.context, {
msg: msg,
data: this.data,
success: success
_onSuccess: function() {
var self = this, skipped = Y.merge(self.skipped), fn,
failed = [], rreg = self.requireRegistration,
success, msg;
oeach(skipped, function(k) {
delete self.inserted[k];
self.skipped = {};
oeach(self.inserted, function(v, k) {
var mod = self.getModule(k);
if (mod && rreg && mod.type == JS && !(k in YUI.Env.mods)) {
} else {
Y.mix(self.loaded, self.getProvides(k));
fn = self.onSuccess;
msg = (failed.length) ? 'notregistered' : 'success';
success = !(failed.length);
if (fn) {
fn.call(self.context, {
msg: msg,
data: self.data,
success: success,
failed: failed,
skipped: skipped
self._finish(msg, success);
_onFailure: function(o) {
Y.log('load error: ' + o.msg + ', ' + Y.id, 'error', 'loader');
var f = this.onFailure, msg = 'failure: ' + o.msg;
if (f) {
f.call(this.context, {
msg: msg,
data: this.data,
success: false
this._finish(msg, false);
_onTimeout: function() {
Y.log('loader timeout: ' + Y.id, 'error', 'loader');
var f = this.onTimeout;
if (f) {
f.call(this.context, {
msg: 'timeout',
data: this.data,
success: false
this._finish('timeout', false);
* Sorts the dependency tree. The last step of calculate()
* @method _sort
* @private
_sort: function() {
// create an indexed list
var s = YObject.keys(this.required),
// loaded = this.loaded,
done = {},
p = 0, l, a, b, j, k, moved, doneKey;
// keep going until we make a pass without moving anything
for (;;) {
l = s.length;
moved = false;
// start the loop after items that are already sorted
for (j = p; j < l; j++) {
// check the next module on the list to see if its
// dependencies have been met
a = s[j];
// check everything below current item and move if we
// find a requirement for the current item
for (k = j + 1; k < l; k++) {
doneKey = a + s[k];
if (!done[doneKey] && this._requires(a, s[k])) {
// extract the dependency so we can move it up
b = s.splice(k, 1);
// insert the dependency above the item that
// requires it
s.splice(j, 0, b[0]);
// only swap two dependencies once to short circut
// circular dependencies
done[doneKey] = true;
// keep working
moved = true;
// jump out of loop if we moved something
if (moved) {
// this item is sorted, move our pointer and keep going
} else {
// when we make it here and moved is false, we are
// finished sorting
if (!moved) {
this.sorted = s;
partial: function(partial, o, type) {
this.sorted = partial;
this.insert(o, type, true);
_insert: function(source, o, type, skipcalc) {
// Y.log('private _insert() ' + (type || '') + ', ' + Y.id, "info", "loader");
// restore the state at the time of the request
if (source) {
// build the dependency list
// don't include type so we can process CSS and script in
// one pass when the type is not specified.
if (!skipcalc) {
this.loadType = type;
if (!type) {
var self = this;
// Y.log("trying to load css first");
this._internalCallback = function() {
var f = self.onCSS, n, p, sib;
// IE hack for style overrides that are not being applied
if (this.insertBefore && Y.UA.ie) {
n = Y.config.doc.getElementById(this.insertBefore);
p = n.parentNode;
sib = n.nextSibling;
if (sib) {
p.insertBefore(n, sib);
} else {
if (f) {
f.call(self.context, Y);
self._internalCallback = null;
self._insert(null, null, JS);
this._insert(null, null, CSS);
// set a flag to indicate the load has started
this._loading = true;
// flag to indicate we are done with the combo service
// and any additional files will need to be loaded
// individually
this._combineComplete = {};
// start the load
// Once a loader operation is completely finished, process
// any additional queued items.
_continue: function() {
if (!(_queue.running) && _queue.size() > 0) {
_queue.running = true;
* inserts the requested modules and their dependencies.
* <code>type</code> can be "js" or "css". Both script and
* css are inserted if type is not provided.
* @method insert
* @param {object} o optional options object.
* @param {string} type the type of dependency to insert.
insert: function(o, type, skipsort) {
// Y.log('public insert() ' + (type || '') + ', ' +
// Y.Object.keys(this.required), "info", "loader");
var self = this, copy = Y.merge(this);
delete copy.require;
delete copy.dirty;
_queue.add(function() {
self._insert(copy, o, type, skipsort);
* Executed every time a module is loaded, and if we are in a load
* cycle, we attempt to load the next script. Public so that it
* is possible to call this if using a method other than
* Y.register to determine when scripts are fully loaded
* @method loadNext
* @param {string} mname optional the name of the module that has
* been loaded (which is usually why it is time to load the next
* one).
loadNext: function(mname) {
// It is possible that this function is executed due to something
// else one the page loading a YUI module. Only react when we
// are actively loading something
if (!this._loading) {
var s, len, i, m, url, fn, msg, attr, group, groupName, j, frag,
comboSource, comboSources, mods, combining, urls, comboBase,
self = this,
type = self.loadType,
handleSuccess = function(o) {
handleCombo = function(o) {
self._combineComplete[type] = true;
var i, len = combining.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
self.inserted[combining[i]] = true;
if (self.combine && (!self._combineComplete[type])) {
combining = [];
self._combining = combining;
s = self.sorted;
len = s.length;
// the default combo base
comboBase = self.comboBase;
url = comboBase;
urls = [];
comboSources = {};
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
comboSource = comboBase;
m = self.getModule(s[i]);
groupName = m && m.group;
if (groupName) {
group = self.groups[groupName];
if (!group.combine) {
m.combine = false;
m.combine = true;
if (group.comboBase) {
comboSource = group.comboBase;
if ("root" in group && L.isValue(group.root)) {
m.root = group.root;
comboSources[comboSource] = comboSources[comboSource] || [];
for (j in comboSources) {
if (comboSources.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
url = j;
mods = comboSources[j];
len = mods.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// m = self.getModule(s[i]);
m = mods[i];
// Do not try to combine non-yui JS unless combo def
// is found
if (m && (m.type === type) && (m.combine || !m.ext)) {
frag = ((L.isValue(m.root)) ? m.root : self.root) + m.path;
if ((url !== j) && (i < (len - 1)) &&
((frag.length + url.length) > self.maxURLLength)) {
url = j;
url += frag;
if (i < (len - 1)) {
url += '&';
if (combining.length && (url != j)) {
if (combining.length) {
Y.log('Attempting to use combo: ' + combining, 'info', 'loader');
// if (m.type === CSS) {
if (type === CSS) {
fn = Y.Get.css;
attr = self.cssAttributes;
} else {
fn = Y.Get.script;
attr = self.jsAttributes;
fn(urls, {
data: self._loading,
onSuccess: handleCombo,
onFailure: self._onFailure,
onTimeout: self._onTimeout,
insertBefore: self.insertBefore,
charset: self.charset,
attributes: attr,
timeout: self.timeout,
autopurge: false,
context: self
} else {
self._combineComplete[type] = true;
if (mname) {
// if the module that was just loaded isn't what we were expecting,
// continue to wait
if (mname !== self._loading) {
// Y.log("loadNext executing, just loaded " + mname + ", " +
// Y.id, "info", "loader");
// The global handler that is called when each module is loaded
// will pass that module name to this function. Storing this
// data to avoid loading the same module multiple times
// centralize this in the callback
self.inserted[mname] = true;
// self.loaded[mname] = true;
// provided = self.getProvides(mname);
// Y.mix(self.loaded, provided);
// Y.mix(self.inserted, provided);
if (self.onProgress) {
self.onProgress.call(self.context, {
name: mname,
data: self.data
s = self.sorted;
len = s.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
// this.inserted keeps track of what the loader has loaded.
// move on if this item is done.
if (s[i] in self.inserted) {
// Because rollups will cause multiple load notifications
// from Y, loadNext may be called multiple times for
// the same module when loading a rollup. We can safely
// skip the subsequent requests
if (s[i] === self._loading) {
Y.log('still loading ' + s[i] + ', waiting', 'info', 'loader');
// log("inserting " + s[i]);
m = self.getModule(s[i]);
if (!m) {
if (!self.skipped[s[i]]) {
msg = 'Undefined module ' + s[i] + ' skipped';
Y.log(msg, 'warn', 'loader');
// self.inserted[s[i]] = true;
self.skipped[s[i]] = true;
group = (m.group && self.groups[m.group]) || NOT_FOUND;
// The load type is stored to offer the possibility to load
// the css separately from the script.
if (!type || type === m.type) {
self._loading = s[i];
Y.log('attempting to load ' + s[i] + ', ' + self.base, 'info', 'loader');
if (m.type === CSS) {
fn = Y.Get.css;
attr = self.cssAttributes;
} else {
fn = Y.Get.script;
attr = self.jsAttributes;
url = (m.fullpath) ? self._filter(m.fullpath, s[i]) :
self._url(m.path, s[i], group.base || m.base);
fn(url, {
data: s[i],
onSuccess: handleSuccess,
insertBefore: self.insertBefore,
charset: self.charset,
attributes: attr,
onFailure: self._onFailure,
onTimeout: self._onTimeout,
timeout: self.timeout,
autopurge: false,
context: self
// we are finished
self._loading = null;
fn = self._internalCallback;
// internal callback for loading css first
if (fn) {
// Y.log('loader internal');
self._internalCallback = null;
} else {
// Y.log('loader complete');
* Apply filter defined for this instance to a url/path
* method _filter
* @param {string} u the string to filter.
* @param {string} name the name of the module, if we are processing
* a single module as opposed to a combined url.
* @return {string} the filtered string.
* @private
_filter: function(u, name) {
var f = this.filter,
hasFilter = name && (name in this.filters),
modFilter = hasFilter && this.filters[name];
if (u) {
if (hasFilter) {
f = (L.isString(modFilter)) ?
this.FILTER_DEFS[modFilter.toUpperCase()] || null :
if (f) {
u = u.replace(new RegExp(f.searchExp, 'g'), f.replaceStr);
return u;
* Generates the full url for a module
* method _url
* @param {string} path the path fragment.
* @return {string} the full url.
* @private
_url: function(path, name, base) {
return this._filter((base || this.base || '') + path, name);
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['get']});
YUI.add('loader-rollup', function(Y) {
* Optional automatic rollup logic for reducing http connections
* when not using a combo service.
* @module loader
* @submodule rollup
* Look for rollup packages to determine if all of the modules a
* rollup supersedes are required. If so, include the rollup to
* help reduce the total number of connections required. Called
* by calculate(). This is an optional feature, and requires the
* appropriate submodule to function.
* @method _rollup
* @for Loader
* @private
Y.Loader.prototype._rollup = function() {
var i, j, m, s, r = this.required, roll,
info = this.moduleInfo, rolled, c, smod;
// find and cache rollup modules
if (this.dirty || !this.rollups) {
this.rollups = {};
for (i in info) {
if (info.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
m = this.getModule(i);
// if (m && m.rollup && m.supersedes) {
if (m && m.rollup) {
this.rollups[i] = m;
this.forceMap = (this.force) ? Y.Array.hash(this.force) : {};
// make as many passes as needed to pick up rollup rollups
for (;;) {
rolled = false;
// go through the rollup candidates
for (i in this.rollups) {
if (this.rollups.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// there can be only one, unless forced
if (!r[i] && ((!this.loaded[i]) || this.forceMap[i])) {
m = this.getModule(i);
s = m.supersedes || [];
roll = false;
// @TODO remove continue
if (!m.rollup) {
c = 0;
// check the threshold
for (j = 0; j < s.length; j++) {
smod = info[s[j]];
// if the superseded module is loaded, we can't
// load the rollup unless it has been forced.
if (this.loaded[s[j]] && !this.forceMap[s[j]]) {
roll = false;
// increment the counter if this module is required.
// if we are beyond the rollup threshold, we will
// use the rollup module
} else if (r[s[j]] && m.type == smod.type) {
// Y.log("adding to thresh: " + c + ", " + s[j]);
roll = (c >= m.rollup);
if (roll) {
// Y.log("over thresh " + c + ", " + s[j]);
if (roll) {
// Y.log("adding rollup: " + i);
// add the rollup
r[i] = true;
rolled = true;
// expand the rollup's dependencies
// if we made it here w/o rolling up something, we are done
if (!rolled) {
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['loader-base']});
YUI.add('loader-yui3', function(Y) {
/* This file is auto-generated by src/loader/meta_join.py */
* YUI 3 module metadata
* @module loader
* @submodule yui3
YUI.Env[Y.version].modules = YUI.Env[Y.version].modules || {
"align-plugin": {
"requires": [
"anim": {
"use": [
"anim-base": {
"requires": [
"anim-color": {
"requires": [
"anim-curve": {
"requires": [
"anim-easing": {
"requires": [
"anim-node-plugin": {
"requires": [
"anim-scroll": {
"requires": [
"anim-xy": {
"requires": [
"app": {
"use": [
"array-extras": {},
"array-invoke": {},
"arraylist": {},
"arraylist-add": {
"requires": [
"arraylist-filter": {
"requires": [
"arraysort": {
"requires": [
"async-queue": {
"requires": [
"attribute": {
"use": [
"attribute-base": {
"requires": [
"attribute-complex": {
"requires": [
"autocomplete": {
"use": [
"autocomplete-base": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"autocomplete-filters": {
"requires": [
"autocomplete-filters-accentfold": {
"requires": [
"autocomplete-highlighters": {
"requires": [
"autocomplete-highlighters-accentfold": {
"requires": [
"autocomplete-list": {
"after": [
"lang": [
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"autocomplete-list-keys": {
"condition": {
"name": "autocomplete-list-keys",
"test": function (Y) {
// Only add keyboard support to autocomplete-list if this doesn't appear to
// be an iOS or Android-based mobile device.
// There's currently no feasible way to actually detect whether a device has
// a hardware keyboard, so this sniff will have to do. It can easily be
// overridden by manually loading the autocomplete-list-keys module.
// Worth noting: even though iOS supports bluetooth keyboards, Mobile Safari
// doesn't fire the keyboard events used by AutoCompleteList, so there's
// no point loading the -keys module even when a bluetooth keyboard may be
// available.
return !(Y.UA.ios || Y.UA.android);
"trigger": "autocomplete-list"
"requires": [
"autocomplete-plugin": {
"requires": [
"autocomplete-sources": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"base": {
"use": [
"base-base": {
"after": [
"requires": [
"base-build": {
"requires": [
"base-pluginhost": {
"requires": [
"cache": {
"use": [
"cache-base": {
"requires": [
"cache-offline": {
"requires": [
"cache-plugin": {
"requires": [
"charts": {
"requires": [
"classnamemanager": {
"requires": [
"clickable-rail": {
"requires": [
"collection": {
"use": [
"compat": {
"requires": [
"console": {
"lang": [
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"console-filters": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"controller": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"cookie": {
"requires": [
"createlink-base": {
"requires": [
"cssbase": {
"after": [
"type": "css"
"cssbase-context": {
"after": [
"type": "css"
"cssfonts": {
"type": "css"
"cssfonts-context": {
"type": "css"
"cssgrids": {
"optional": [
"type": "css"
"cssgrids-context-deprecated": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"type": "css"
"cssgrids-deprecated": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"type": "css"
"cssreset": {
"type": "css"
"cssreset-context": {
"type": "css"
"dataschema": {
"use": [
"dataschema-array": {
"requires": [
"dataschema-base": {
"requires": [
"dataschema-json": {
"requires": [
"dataschema-text": {
"requires": [
"dataschema-xml": {
"requires": [
"datasource": {
"use": [
"datasource-arrayschema": {
"requires": [
"datasource-cache": {
"requires": [
"datasource-function": {
"requires": [
"datasource-get": {
"requires": [
"datasource-io": {
"requires": [
"datasource-jsonschema": {
"requires": [
"datasource-local": {
"requires": [
"datasource-polling": {
"requires": [
"datasource-textschema": {
"requires": [
"datasource-xmlschema": {
"requires": [
"datatable": {
"use": [
"datatable-base": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"datatable-datasource": {
"requires": [
"datatable-scroll": {
"requires": [
"datatable-sort": {
"lang": [
"requires": [
"datatype": {
"use": [
"datatype-date": {
"supersedes": [
"use": [
"datatype-date-format": {
"lang": [
"datatype-date-parse": {},
"datatype-number": {
"use": [
"datatype-number-format": {},
"datatype-number-parse": {},
"datatype-xml": {
"use": [
"datatype-xml-format": {},
"datatype-xml-parse": {},
"dd": {
"use": [
"dd-constrain": {
"requires": [
"dd-ddm": {
"requires": [
"dd-ddm-base": {
"requires": [
"dd-ddm-drop": {
"requires": [
"dd-delegate": {
"requires": [
"dd-drag": {
"requires": [
"dd-drop": {
"requires": [
"dd-drop-plugin": {
"requires": [
"dd-gestures": {
"condition": {
"name": "dd-gestures",
"test": function(Y) {
return (Y.config.win && ('ontouchstart' in Y.config.win && !Y.UA.chrome));
"trigger": "dd-drag"
"requires": [
"dd-plugin": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"dd-proxy": {
"requires": [
"dd-scroll": {
"requires": [
"dial": {
"lang": [
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"dom": {
"use": [
"dom-attrs": {
"requires": [
"dom-base": {
"requires": [
"dom-class": {
"requires": [
"dom-core": {
"requires": [
"dom-create": {
"requires": [
"dom-deprecated": {
"requires": [
"dom-screen": {
"requires": [
"dom-size": {
"requires": [
"dom-style": {
"requires": [
"dom-style-ie": {
"condition": {
"name": "dom-style-ie",
"test": function (Y) {
var testFeature = Y.Features.test,
addFeature = Y.Features.add,
WINDOW = Y.config.win,
DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 'documentElement',
ret = false;
addFeature('style', 'computedStyle', {
test: function() {
return WINDOW && 'getComputedStyle' in WINDOW;
addFeature('style', 'opacity', {
test: function() {
return DOCUMENT && 'opacity' in DOCUMENT[DOCUMENT_ELEMENT].style;
ret = (!testFeature('style', 'opacity') &&
!testFeature('style', 'computedStyle'));
return ret;
"trigger": "dom-style"
"requires": [
"dump": {},
"editor": {
"use": [
"editor-base": {
"requires": [
"editor-bidi": {
"requires": [
"editor-br": {
"requires": [
"editor-lists": {
"requires": [
"editor-para": {
"requires": [
"editor-tab": {
"requires": [
"escape": {},
"event": {
"after": [
"use": [
"event-base": {
"after": [
"requires": [
"event-base-ie": {
"after": [
"condition": {
"name": "event-base-ie",
"test": function(Y) {
var imp = Y.config.doc && Y.config.doc.implementation;
return (imp && (!imp.hasFeature('Events', '2.0')));
"trigger": "node-base"
"requires": [
"event-custom": {
"use": [
"event-custom-base": {
"requires": [
"event-custom-complex": {
"requires": [
"event-delegate": {
"requires": [
"event-flick": {
"requires": [
"event-focus": {
"requires": [
"event-gestures": {
"use": [
"event-hover": {
"requires": [
"event-key": {
"requires": [
"event-mouseenter": {
"requires": [
"event-mousewheel": {
"requires": [
"event-move": {
"requires": [
"event-outside": {
"requires": [
"event-resize": {
"requires": [
"event-simulate": {
"requires": [
"event-synthetic": {
"requires": [
"event-touch": {
"requires": [
"event-valuechange": {
"requires": [
"exec-command": {
"requires": [
"features": {
"requires": [
"frame": {
"requires": [
"get": {
"requires": [
"highlight": {
"use": [
"highlight-accentfold": {
"requires": [
"highlight-base": {
"requires": [
"history": {
"use": [
"history-base": {
"requires": [
"history-hash": {
"after": [
"requires": [
"history-hash-ie": {
"condition": {
"name": "history-hash-ie",
"test": function (Y) {
var docMode = Y.config.doc && Y.config.doc.documentMode;
return Y.UA.ie && (!('onhashchange' in Y.config.win) ||
!docMode || docMode < 8);
"trigger": "history-hash"
"requires": [
"history-html5": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"imageloader": {
"requires": [
"intl": {
"requires": [
"intl-base": {
"requires": [
"io": {
"use": [
"io-base": {
"requires": [
"io-form": {
"requires": [
"io-queue": {
"requires": [
"io-upload-iframe": {
"requires": [
"io-xdr": {
"requires": [
"json": {
"use": [
"json-parse": {},
"json-stringify": {},
"jsonp": {
"requires": [
"jsonp-url": {
"requires": [
"loader": {
"use": [
"loader-base": {
"requires": [
"loader-rollup": {
"requires": [
"loader-yui3": {
"requires": [
"model": {
"requires": [
"model-list": {
"requires": [
"node": {
"use": [
"node-base": {
"requires": [
"node-deprecated": {
"requires": [
"node-event-delegate": {
"requires": [
"node-event-simulate": {
"requires": [
"node-flick": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"node-focusmanager": {
"requires": [
"node-load": {
"requires": [
"node-menunav": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"node-pluginhost": {
"requires": [
"node-screen": {
"requires": [
"node-style": {
"requires": [
"oop": {
"requires": [
"overlay": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"plugin": {
"requires": [
"pluginattr": {
"requires": [
"pluginhost": {
"use": [
"pluginhost-base": {
"requires": [
"pluginhost-config": {
"requires": [
"profiler": {
"requires": [
"querystring": {
"use": [
"querystring-parse": {
"requires": [
"querystring-parse-simple": {
"requires": [
"querystring-stringify": {
"requires": [
"querystring-stringify-simple": {
"requires": [
"queue-promote": {
"requires": [
"range-slider": {
"requires": [
"recordset": {
"use": [
"recordset-base": {
"requires": [
"recordset-filter": {
"requires": [
"recordset-indexer": {
"requires": [
"recordset-sort": {
"requires": [
"resize": {
"use": [
"resize-base": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"resize-constrain": {
"requires": [
"resize-plugin": {
"optional": [
"requires": [
"resize-proxy": {
"requires": [
"rls": {
"requires": [
"scrollview": {
"requires": [
"scrollview-base": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"scrollview-base-ie": {
"condition": {
"name": "scrollview-base-ie",
"trigger": "scrollview-base",
"ua": "ie"
"requires": [
"scrollview-paginator": {
"requires": [
"scrollview-scrollbars": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"selection": {
"requires": [
"selector": {
"requires": [
"selector-css2": {
"condition": {
"name": "selector-css2",
"test": function (Y) {
var DOCUMENT = Y.config.doc,
ret = DOCUMENT && !('querySelectorAll' in DOCUMENT);
return ret;
"trigger": "selector"
"requires": [
"selector-css3": {
"requires": [
"selector-native": {
"requires": [
"shim-plugin": {
"requires": [
"slider": {
"use": [
"slider-base": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"slider-value-range": {
"requires": [
"sortable": {
"requires": [
"sortable-scroll": {
"requires": [
"stylesheet": {},
"substitute": {
"optional": [
"swf": {
"requires": [
"swfdetect": {},
"tabview": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"tabview-base": {
"requires": [
"tabview-plugin": {
"requires": [
"test": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"text": {
"use": [
"text-accentfold": {
"requires": [
"text-data-accentfold": {},
"text-data-wordbreak": {},
"text-wordbreak": {
"requires": [
"transition": {
"use": [
"transition-native": {
"requires": [
"transition-timer": {
"requires": [
"uploader": {
"requires": [
"view": {
"requires": [
"widget": {
"skinnable": true,
"use": [
"widget-anim": {
"requires": [
"widget-base": {
"requires": [
"widget-base-ie": {
"condition": {
"name": "widget-base-ie",
"trigger": "widget-base",
"ua": "ie"
"requires": [
"widget-child": {
"requires": [
"widget-htmlparser": {
"requires": [
"widget-locale": {
"requires": [
"widget-parent": {
"requires": [
"widget-position": {
"requires": [
"widget-position-align": {
"requires": [
"widget-position-constrain": {
"requires": [
"widget-skin": {
"requires": [
"widget-stack": {
"requires": [
"skinnable": true
"widget-stdmod": {
"requires": [
"widget-uievents": {
"requires": [
"yql": {
"requires": [
"yui": {
"use": [
"yui-base": {},
"yui-later": {
"requires": [
"yui-log": {
"requires": [
"yui-rls": {
"use": [
"yui-throttle": {
"requires": [
YUI.Env[Y.version].md5 = 'f8e141d0dd3e0a3773e5f609c93cf3b1';
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['loader-base']});
YUI.add('loader', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{use:['loader-base', 'loader-rollup', 'loader-yui3' ]});