intl-load-debug.js revision 628b3b052ecff4d1843c7e919951413fbc03e79f
YUI.add('intl-load', function(Y) {
/* Loader/MetaData Touch Points
a) _explodeLang()
1) Explode static meta-data "lang" property into first class modules
var langModuleName = loader._formatLang(lang, module);
b) _useLang(lang)
Support for Y.use("lang:fr-CA"); or Y.use("lang:fr-CA;module");
1) Y.Intl.lookupBestLang(module, lang)
2) loader._formatLang(module, lang)
3) loader.insert(module_lang)
4) Y._attach(module_lang)
c) getAvailableLangs(module)
1) Loop through meta-data for the module, to get available langs
getAvailableLangs() support feasible?
Loop through meta-data for all "loaded" modules, to get the common
subset (could be presented as an app level dropdown for example).
d) Register custom langs
1). Same as any module?
* The Intl utility provides a central location for managing language specific sets of strings and formatting patterns.
* @module intl
* The intl-load sub-module provides utilities for loader language support
* @module intl
* @submodule intl-load
* The Intl utility provides a central location for managing language specific sets of strings and formatting patterns.
* @class Intl
* @static
var SPLIT_REGEX = /[, ]/;
Y.mix(Y.namespace("Intl"), {
* Finds the best language match, from the list of available languages based on BCP 47 lookup.
* @method lookupBestLang
* @param {String} lang The BCP 47 language tag to find the best match for
* @param {Array} supportedLangs An array of supported langauge codes
* @return {String} The BCP 47 language tag
lookupBestLang : function (preferredLanguages, availableLanguages) {
var i, language, result, index;
// check whether the list of available languages contains language; if so return it
function scan(language) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < availableLanguages.length; i += 1) {
if (language.toLowerCase() === availableLanguages[i].toLowerCase()) {
return availableLanguages[i];
if (Y.Lang.isString(preferredLanguages)) {
preferredLanguages = preferredLanguages.split(SPLIT_REGEX);
for (i = 0; i < preferredLanguages.length; i += 1) {
language = preferredLanguages[i];
if (!language || language === "*") {
// check the fallback sequence for one language
while (language.length > 0) {
result = scan(language);
if (result) {
return result;
} else {
index = language.lastIndexOf("-");
if (index >= 0) {
language = language.substring(0, index);
// one-character subtags get cut along with the following subtag
if (index >= 2 && language.charAt(index - 2) === "-") {
language = language.substring(0, index - 2);
} else {
// nothing available for this language
return "";
_explodeLang : function() {
_useLang : function(module, lang) {
getAvailableLangs : function(module) {
}, '@VERSION@' );