history-hash-ie-debug.js revision 93b759b0868ace9713d90e7e64ba2f96e3aff780
YUI.add('history-hash-ie', function(Y) {
* Improves IE6/7 support in history-hash by using a hidden iframe to create
* entries in IE's browser history. This module is only needed if IE6/7 support
* is necessary; it's not needed for any other browser.
* @module history
* @submodule history-hash-ie
* @since 3.2.0
// Combination of a UA sniff to ensure this is IE (or a browser that wants us to
// treat it like IE) and feature detection for native hashchange support (false
// for IE < 8 or IE8/9 in IE7 mode).
if (Y.UA.ie && !Y.HistoryBase.nativeHashChange) {
var Do = Y.Do,
GlobalEnv = YUI.namespace('Env.HistoryHash'),
HistoryHash = Y.HistoryHash,
iframe = GlobalEnv._iframe,
win = Y.config.win,
location = win.location;
HistoryHash.getHash = function () {
// The iframe's hash always wins over the parent frame's. This results
// in the unfortunate edge case that changing the parent's hash without
// using the YUI History API will not result in a hashchange event, but
// this is a reasonable tradeoff. The only time the parent frame's hash
// will be returned is if the iframe hasn't been created yet (i.e.,
// before domready).
return iframe ? iframe.contentWindow.location.hash.substr(1) :
HistoryHash.getUrl = function () {
var hash = HistoryHash.getHash();
if (hash && hash !== location.hash.substr(1)) {
return location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '') + '#' + hash;
} else {
return location.href;
* Updates the history iframe with the specified hash.
* @method _updateIframe
* @param {String} hash location hash
* @param {Boolean} replace (optional) if <code>true</code>, the current
* history state will be replaced without adding a new history entry
* @protected
* @static
* @for HistoryHash
HistoryHash._updateIframe = function (hash, replace) {
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document,
iframeLocation = iframeDoc.location;
Y.log('updating history iframe: ' + hash, 'info', 'history');
if (replace) {
iframeLocation.replace(hash.charAt(0) === '#' ? hash : '#' + hash);
} else {
iframeLocation.hash = hash;
Do.after(HistoryHash._updateIframe, HistoryHash, 'replaceHash', HistoryHash, true);
Do.after(HistoryHash._updateIframe, HistoryHash, 'setHash');
if (!iframe) {
Y.on('domready', function () {
// Create a hidden iframe to store history state, following the
// iframe-hiding recommendations from
// http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/?p=604.
// This iframe will allow history navigation within the current page
// context. After navigating to another page, all but the most
// recent history state will be lost.
// Earlier versions of the YUI History Utility attempted to work
// around this limitation by having the iframe load a static
// resource. This workaround was extremely fragile and tended to
// break frequently (and silently) since it was entirely dependent
// on IE's inconsistent handling of iframe history.
// Since this workaround didn't work much of the time anyway and
// added significant complexity, it has been removed, and IE6 and 7
// now get slightly degraded history support.
Y.log('creating dynamic history iframe', 'info', 'history');
iframe = GlobalEnv._iframe = Y.Node.getDOMNode(Y.Node.create(
'<iframe src="javascript:0" style="display:none" height="0" width="0" tabindex="-1" title="empty"/>'
// Append the iframe to the documentElement rather than the body.
// Keeping it outside the body prevents scrolling on the initial
// page load (hat tip to Ben Alman and jQuery BBQ for this
// technique).
// Update the iframe with the initial location hash, if any. This
// will create an initial history entry that the user can return to
// after the state has changed.
// Listen for hashchange events and keep the parent window's location
// hash in sync with the hash stored in the iframe.
Y.on('hashchange', function (e) {
if (location.hash.substr(1) !== e.newHash) {
Y.log('updating parent location hash to match iframe location hash', 'info', 'history');
location.hash = e.newHash;
}, win);
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['history-base', 'history-hash', 'node-base']});