history-debug.js revision 7171ee92f007bcaf39a1944e715d2514dd446c10
YUI.add('history-base', function(Y) {
* Provides browser history management functionality using a simple
* add/replace/get paradigm.
* <p>
* The history-base module uses a simple object to store state. To integrate
* state management with browser history and allow the back/forward buttons to
* navigate between states, use history-hash.
* </p>
* @module history
* @submodule history-base
* The HistoryBase class provides basic state management functionality backed by
* an object. History state is shared globally among all instances and
* subclass instances of HistoryBase.
* <p>
* If provided, the optional <em>initialState</em> object will be merged with
* the current global state.
* </p>
* @class HistoryBase
* @uses EventTarget
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config (optional) configuration object, which may contain
* zero or more of the following properties:
* <dl>
* <dt>initialState (Object)</dt>
* <dd>
* Initial state to set, as an object hash of key/value pairs.
* </dd>
* </dl>
var Lang = Y.Lang,
Obj = Y.Object,
GlobalEnv = YUI.namespace('Env.History'),
EVT_CHANGE = 'change',
NAME = 'historyBase',
HistoryBase = function (config) {
this._init.apply(this, arguments);
Y.augment(HistoryBase, Y.Event.Target, null, null, {
emitFacade : true,
prefix : 'history',
preventable: false,
queueable : true
if (!GlobalEnv._state) {
GlobalEnv._state = {};
// -- Public Static Properties -------------------------------------------------
* Name of this component.
* @property NAME
* @type String
* @static
HistoryBase.NAME = NAME;
Y.mix(HistoryBase.prototype, {
// -- Initialization -------------------------------------------------------
* Initializes this HistoryBase instance. This method is called by the
* constructor.
* @method _init
* @param {Object} config configuration object
* @protected
_init: function (config) {
var initialState = config && config.initialState;
* Fired when the state changes. To be notified of all state changes
* regardless of the History or YUI instance that generated them,
* subscribe to this event on Y.Global. If you would rather be notified
* only about changes generated by this specific History instance,
* subscribe to this event on the instance.
* @event history:change
* @param {EventFacade} Event facade with the following additional
* properties:
* <dl>
* <dt>changed</dt>
* <dd>
* Object hash of state items that have been added or changed. The
* key is the item key, and the value is an object containing
* <code>newVal</code> and <code>prevVal</code> properties
* representing the values of the item both before and after the
* change. If the item was newly added, <code>prevVal</code> will be
* <code>undefined</code>.
* </dd>
* <dt>newVal</dt>
* <dd>
* Object hash of key/value pairs of all state items after the
* change.
* </dd>
* <dt>prevVal</dt>
* <dd>
* Object hash of key/value pairs of all state items before the
* change.
* </dd>
* <dt>removed</dt>
* <dd>
* Object hash of key/value pairs of state items that have been
* removed. Values are the old values prior to removal.
* </dd>
* </dl>
this.publish(EVT_CHANGE, {
broadcast: 2,
defaultFn: Y.bind(this._defChangeFn, this)
// If initialState was provided and is a simple object, merge it into
// the current state.
if (Lang.isObject(initialState) && !Lang.isFunction(initialState) &&
!Lang.isArray(initialState)) {
this.add(Y.merge(GlobalEnv._state, initialState));
// -- Public Methods -------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a state entry with new values for the specified key or keys. Any key
* with a <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code> value will be removed
* from the state; all others will be merged into it.
* @method add
* @param {Object|String} state object hash of key/value string pairs, or
* the name of a single key
* @param {String|null} value (optional) if <em>state</em> is the name of a
* single key, <em>value</em> will become its new value
* @chainable
add: function (state, value) {
var key;
if (Lang.isString(state)) {
key = state;
state = {};
state[key] = value;
this._resolveChanges(Y.merge(GlobalEnv._state, state));
return this;
* Returns the current value of the state parameter specified by
* <em>key</em>, or an object hash of key/value pairs for all current state
* parameters if no key is specified.
* @method get
* @param {String} key (optional) state parameter key
* @return {Object|mixed} value of the specified state parameter, or an
* object hash of key/value pairs for all current state parameters
get: function (key) {
var state = GlobalEnv._state;
if (key) {
return Obj.owns(state, key) ? state[key] : undefined;
} else {
return Y.mix({}, state, true);
* Replaces the current state entry with new values for the specified
* parameters, just as with <code>add()</code>, except that no change events
* are generated.
* @method replace
* @param {Object|String} state object hash of key/value string pairs, or
* the name of a single key
* @param {String|null} value (optional) if <em>state</em> is the name of a
* single key, <em>value</em> will become its new value
* @chainable
replace: function (state, value) {
var key;
if (Lang.isString(state)) {
key = state;
state = {};
state[key] = value;
this._resolveChanges(Y.merge(GlobalEnv._state, state), true);
return this;
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
* Fires a dynamic "[key]Change" event.
* @method _fireChangeEvent
* @param {Object} value object hash containing <em>newVal</em> and
* <em>prevVal</em> properties for the changed item
* @param {String} key key of the item that was changed
* @protected
_fireChangeEvent: function (value, key) {
// TODO: how to document this?
this.fire(key + 'Change', {
newVal : value.newVal,
prevVal: value.prevVal
* Fires a dynamic "[key]Remove" event.
* @method _fireRemoveEvent
* @param {mixed} value value of the item prior to its removal
* @param {String} key key of the item that was removed
* @protected
_fireRemoveEvent: function (value, key) {
// TODO: how to document this?
this.fire(key + 'Remove', {prevVal: value});
* Called by _resolveChanges() when the state has changed. This method takes
* care of actually firing the history:change event if <em>silent</em> is
* <code>false</code>, or storing the new state if <em>silent</em> is
* <code>true</code>.
* @method _handleChanges
* @param {Object} changes resolved changes
* @param {Boolean} silent (optional) if <em>true</em>, no change events
* will be fired
* @protected
_handleChanges: function (changes, silent) {
if (silent) {
this._storeState(changes.newState, true);
} else {
// Fire the global change event.
this.fire(EVT_CHANGE, {
changed: changes.changed,
newVal : changes.newState,
prevVal: changes.prevState,
removed: changes.removed
// Fire change/remove events for individual items.
Obj.each(changes.changed, this._fireChangeEvent, this);
Obj.each(changes.removed, this._fireRemoveEvent, this);
* Resolves the changes (if any) between <em>newState</em> and the current
* state and fires appropriate events if things have changed.
* @method _resolveChanges
* @param {Object} newState object hash of key/value pairs representing the
* new state
* @param {Boolean} silent (optional) if <code>true</code>, no change events
* will be fired
* @protected
_resolveChanges: function (newState, silent) {
var changed = {},
prevState = GlobalEnv._state,
removed = {};
newState = newState || {};
// Figure out what was added or changed.
Obj.each(newState, function (newVal, key) {
var prevVal = prevState[key];
if (newVal !== prevVal) {
changed[key] = {
newVal : newVal,
prevVal: prevVal
isChanged = true;
}, this);
// Figure out what was removed.
// TODO: Could possibly improve performance slightly by not checking
// keys that have been added/changed, since they obviously haven't been
// removed. Need to profile to see if it's actually worth it.
Obj.each(prevState, function (prevVal, key) {
if (!Obj.owns(newState, key) || newState[key] === null) {
delete newState[key];
removed[key] = prevVal;
isChanged = true;
}, this);
if (isChanged) {
changed : changed,
newState : newState,
prevState: prevState,
removed : removed
}, silent);
* Stores the specified state. Don't call this method directly; go through
* _resolveChanges() to ensure that changes are resolved and all events are
* fired properly.
* @method _storeState
* @param {Object} newState new state to store
* @param {Boolean} silent (optional) if <em>true</em>, the state change
* should be silent
* @protected
_storeState: function (newState, silent) {
GlobalEnv._state = newState || {};
// -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
* Default change event handler.
* @method _defChangeFn
* @param {EventFacade} e state change event facade
* @protected
_defChangeFn: function (e) {
}, true);
Y.HistoryBase = HistoryBase;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['event-custom-complex']});
YUI.add('history-hash', function(Y) {
* The history-hash module adds the History class, which provides browser
* history management functionality backed by <code>window.location.hash</code>.
* This allows the browser's back and forward buttons to be used to navigate
* between states.
* @module history
* @submodule history-hash
* The History class provides browser history management backed by
* <code>window.location.hash</code>, as well as convenience methods for working
* with the location hash and a synthetic <code>hashchange</code> event that
* normalizes differences across browsers.
* @class History
* @extends HistoryBase
* @constructor
var Lang = Y.Lang,
Obj = Y.Object,
GlobalEnv = YUI.namespace('Env.History'),
config = Y.config,
doc = config.doc,
docMode = doc.documentMode,
win = config.win,
location = win.location,
// IE8 supports the hashchange event, but only in IE8 Standards
// Mode. However, IE8 in IE7 compatibility mode still defines the
// event but never fires it, so we can't just sniff for the event. We also
// can't just sniff for IE8, since other browsers have begun to support this
// event as well.
nativeHashChange = !Lang.isUndefined(win.onhashchange) &&
(Lang.isUndefined(docMode) || docMode > 7),
History = function (config) {
History.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Y.extend(History, Y.HistoryBase, {
// -- Initialization -------------------------------------------------------
_init: function (config) {
// Use the bookmarked state as the initialState if no initialState was
// specified.
config = config || {};
config.initialState = config.initialState ||
// Subscribe to the synthetic hashchange event (defined below) to handle
// changes.
Y.after('hashchange', Y.bind(this._afterHashChange, this), win);
this.constructor.superclass._init.call(this, config);
// -- Protected Methods ----------------------------------------------------
_storeState: function (newState, silent) {
var constructor = this.constructor;
constructor.superclass._storeState.apply(this, arguments);
// Update the location hash with the changes, but only if the new hash
// actually differs from the current hash (this avoids creating multiple
// history entries for a single state).
if (constructor.getHash() !== constructor.createHash(newState)) {
constructor[silent ? 'replaceHash' : 'setHash'](
// -- Protected Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------
* Handler for hashchange events.
* @method _afterHashChange
* @protected
_afterHashChange: function (e) {
}, {
// -- Public Static Properties ---------------------------------------------
NAME: 'history',
* Whether or not this browser supports the window.onhashchange event
* natively. Note that even if this is <code>true</code>, you may still want
* to use History's synthetic hashchange event since it normalizes
* implementation differences and fixes spec violations across various
* browsers.
* @property nativeHashChange
* @type Boolean
* @default false
* @static
nativeHashChange: nativeHashChange,
// -- Protected Static Properties ------------------------------------------
* Regular expression used to parse location hash/query strings.
* @property _REGEX_HASH
* @type RegExp
* @protected
* @static
_REGEX_HASH: /([^\?#&]+)=([^&]+)/g,
// -- Public Static Methods ------------------------------------------------
* Creates a location hash string from the specified object of key/value
* pairs.
* @method createHash
* @param {Object} params object of key/value parameter pairs
* @return {String} location hash string
* @static
createHash: function (params) {
var encode = History.encode,
hash = [];
Obj.each(params, function (value, key) {
if (Lang.isValue(value)) {
hash.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(value));
return hash.join('&');
* Wrapper around <code>decodeURIComponent()</code> that also converts +
* chars into spaces.
* @method _decode
* @param {String} string string to decode
* @return {String} decoded string
* @static
decode: function (string) {
return decodeURIComponent(string.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
* Wrapper around <code>encodeURIComponent()</code> that converts spaces to
* + chars.
* @method encode
* @param {String} string string to encode
* @return {String} encoded string
* @static
encode: function (string) {
return encodeURIComponent(string).replace(/%20/g, '+');
* Gets the current location hash, minus the preceding '#' character.
* @method getHash
* @return {String} current location hash
* @static
getHash: (Y.UA.gecko ? function () {
// Gecko's window.location.hash returns a decoded string and we want all
// encoding untouched, so we need to get the hash value from
// window.location.href instead.
var matches = /#(.*)$/.exec(location.href);
return matches && matches[1] ? matches[1] : '';
} : function () {
return location.hash.substr(1);
* Gets the current bookmarkable URL.
* @method getUrl
* @return {String} current bookmarkable URL
* @static
getUrl: function () {
return location.href;
* Parses a location hash string into an object of key/value parameter
* pairs. If <em>hash</em> is not specified, the current location hash will
* be used.
* @method parseHash
* @param {String} hash (optional) location hash string
* @return {Object} object of parsed key/value parameter pairs
* @static
parseHash: function (hash) {
hash = hash || History.getHash();
var decode = History.decode,
matches = hash.match(History._REGEX_HASH) || [],
len = matches.length,
params = {};
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
param = matches[i].split('=');
params[decode(param[0])] = decode(param[1]);
return params;
* Replaces the browser's current location hash with the specified hash
* and removes all forward navigation states, without creating a new browser
* history entry.
* @method replaceHash
* @param {String} hash new location hash
* @static
replaceHash: function (hash) {
Y.log('replaceHash: ' + hash, 'info', 'history');
location.replace(hash.indexOf('#') === 0 ? hash : '#' + hash);
* Sets the browser's location hash to the specified string.
* @method setHash
* @param {String} hash new location hash
* @static
setHash: function (hash) {
Y.log('setHash: ' + hash, 'info', 'history');
location.hash = hash;
// -- Synthetic hashchange Event -----------------------------------------------
hashNotifiers = YUI.namespace('Env.History._hashNotifiers');
// Synthetic hashchange event to normalize hashchange differences across
// browsers, and to provide hashchange for browsers that don't natively support
// it.
// TODO: how to document this?
Y.Event.define('hashchange', {
on: function (node, subscriber, notifier) {
// Ignore this subscriber if the node is anything other than the
// window or document body, since those are the only elements that
// should support the hashchange event. Note that the body could also be
// a frameset, but that's okay since framesets support hashchange too.
if ((node.compareTo(win) || node.compareTo(doc.body)) &&
!Obj.owns(hashNotifiers, notifier.key)) {
hashNotifiers[notifier.key] = notifier;
detach: function (node, subscriber, notifier) {
// TODO: Is it safe to use hasSubs()? It's not marked private/protected,
// but also not documented. Also, subscriber counts don't seem to be
// updated after detach().
if (!notifier.hasSubs()) {
delete hashNotifiers[notifier.key];
oldHash = History.getHash();
oldUrl = History.getUrl();
if (nativeHashChange) {
// Wrap the browser's native hashchange event.
Y.Event.attach('hashchange', function (e) {
var newHash = History.getHash(),
newUrl = History.getUrl();
Obj.each(hashNotifiers, function (notifier) {
// TODO: would there be any benefit to making this an overridable
// protected method?
oldHash: oldHash,
oldUrl : oldUrl,
newHash: newHash,
newUrl : newUrl
oldHash = newHash;
oldUrl = newUrl;
}, win);
} else {
// Begin polling for location hash changes if there's not already a global
// poll running.
if (!GlobalEnv._hashPoll) {
if (Y.UA.webkit && !Y.UA.chrome) {
// Attach a noop unload handler to disable Safari's back/forward
// cache. This works around a nasty Safari bug when the back button
// is used to return from a page on another domain, but results in
// slightly worse performance. This bug is not present in Chrome.
// Current as of Safari 4.0.5 (6531.22.7).
// See: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34679
Y.on('unload', function () {}, win);
GlobalEnv._hashPoll = Y.later(config.pollInterval || 50, null, function () {
var newHash = History.getHash(),
if (oldHash !== newHash) {
newUrl = History.getUrl();
Obj.each(hashNotifiers, function (notifier) {
oldHash: oldHash,
oldUrl : oldUrl,
newHash: newHash,
newUrl : newUrl
oldHash = newHash;
oldUrl = newUrl;
}, null, true);
Y.History = History;
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['event-synthetic', 'history-base', 'yui-later']});
YUI.add('history-hash-ie', function(Y) {
* The history-hash-ie module improves IE6/7 support in history-hash by using a
* hidden iframe to create entries in IE's browser history. This module is only
* needed if IE6/7 support is necessary; it's not needed for any other browser.
* @module history
* @submodule history-hash-ie
var Do = Y.Do,
GlobalEnv = YUI.namespace('Env.History'),
History = Y.History,
iframe = GlobalEnv._iframe,
win = Y.config.win,
location = win.location;
if (Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie < 8) {
History.getHash = function () {
return iframe ? iframe.contentWindow.location.hash.substr(1) : '';
History.getUrl = function () {
var hash = History.getHash();
if (hash && hash !== location.hash.substr(1)) {
return location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '') + '#' + hash;
} else {
return location.href;
* Updates the history iframe with the specified hash.
* @method _updateIframe
* @param {String} hash location hash
* @param {Boolean} replace (optional) if <code>true</code>, the current
* history state will be replaced without adding a new history entry
* @protected
* @static
* @for History
History._updateIframe = function (hash, replace) {
var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document,
iframeLocation = iframeDoc.location;
Y.log('updating history iframe: ' + hash, 'info', 'history');
if (replace) {
iframeLocation.replace(hash.charAt(0) === '#' ? hash : '#' + hash);
} else {
iframeLocation.hash = hash;
Do.after(History._updateIframe, History, 'replaceHash', History, true);
Do.after(History._updateIframe, History, 'setHash');
if (!iframe) {
// Create an iframe to store history state.
Y.log('creating dynamic history iframe', 'info', 'history');
iframe = GlobalEnv._iframe = Y.Node.getDOMNode(Y.Node.create(
'<iframe src="javascript:0" style="display:none"/>'
// Don't add the iframe to the DOM until the DOM is ready, lest we
// frighten IE.
Y.on('domready', function () {
// The iframe is appended to the documentElement rather than the
// body. Keeping it outside the body prevents scrolling on the
// initial page load (hat tip to Ben Alman and jQuery BBQ for this
// technique).
// Update the iframe with the initial location hash, if any. This
// will create an initial history entry that the user can return to
// after the state has changed.
// Listen for hashchange events and keep the parent window's location
// hash in sync with the hash stored in the iframe.
Y.on('hashchange', function (e) {
if (location.hash.substr(1) !== e.newHash) {
Y.log('updating parent location hash to match iframe location hash', 'info', 'history');
location.hash = e.newHash;
}, win);
}, '@VERSION@' ,{requires:['history-base', 'history-hash', 'node-base']});
YUI.add('history', function(Y){}, '@VERSION@' ,{use:['history-base', 'history-hash', 'history-hash-ie']});